[09:46] Morning peoples, critters and everything else [17:08] jedijf: is there a picture of the Ubuntu booth around somewhere? I didn't manage to get a picture of it, because apparently I had a very busy day and forgot [17:11] pleia2: why are you asking jedijf? [17:11] you should be asking me [17:11] I have 2 [17:11] rmg51: oh, wonderful! [17:11] one for each end of the table [17:11] rmg51: jedijf tweets things and takes pictures! [17:11] but I'm glad you have some, posted somewhere, or can you email? [17:12] not of anything important like Teddy or Stitch [17:12] haha [17:12] email [17:12] thanks, can lyz@ubuntu.com or whatever [17:13] no social media accounts [17:13] * pleia2 nods [17:18] pleia2: on the way [17:18] rmg51: got it, thanks :) these are great [17:18] woo teddy-dbear and stitch! [17:19] and Bob with minions [17:19] hehe, yeah [17:20] what's with the minions anyway? I forgot to ask [17:20] you don't like minions? [17:21] who else is going to do Teddy dirty work? [17:21] haha, works for me [17:21] someone has to keep me company now the Stitch is on the other side of the country [17:22] * pleia2 nods [17:23] the pictures came out good for a flip phone ;-) [17:27] yep [20:00] rmg51: http://princessleia.com/journal/2016/08/ubuntu-in-philadelphia/ [20:00] oh zee blog [20:01] s/oh/on [20:02] nice [20:02] I'll read the whole thing later [20:03] * pleia2 nods [23:59] pleia2: some things never change. I took *no* pictures. Events are always too crazy; some more than others.....