
Odd_Blokesmoser: I haven't looked at it, but my recollection of test_exception_fetching_fabric_data_doesnt_propagate is that data sources shouldn't raise exceptions.08:15
Odd_BlokeReading cloudinit.sources.find_source, that isn't true.08:22
Odd_BlokeBut I believe that was the motivation behind it.08:22
smoserprometheanfire, there is one question for you at https://code.launchpad.net/~prometheanfire/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/30333916:13
smoseri'd pull that, but would ike to know why we need that change16:15
smoserharlowja, around ?16:15
smoser  from unittest import mock16:15
smoserexcept ImportError:16:15
smoser import mock16:15
smoserwhy do we need that ?16:15
smoser(we have it lots of palc).16:15
naccsmoser: python3 and python2 compat?16:16
smosernacc, well, yes, but we do not do it in other places16:17
smoserand it works happily16:17
smoseror i'm oblivious to the failure :)16:17
smosermgagne_, i'm going to pull bond_name16:18
mgagne_smoser: cool, it fixes all known issues described in the bug report16:18
naccsmoser: heh could be -- it looks like maybe unittest.mock has been backported, unclear16:18
mgagne_smoser: I couldn't find the root cause of the race condition we talked about yesterday, rebooted 20x times and no luck16:18
smoserrharper, around ?16:53
smosergiven http://paste.ubuntu.com/23082413/16:53
smosershould enp0s1 have 'auto' on line 253 ?16:54
smoseri think it probably should16:55
rharpersmoser: here17:23
rharpersmoser: let me compare to the curtin vlan tests17:24
rharperI don't think so as the vlan config will raise the underlying iface17:25
rharpersmoser: so, if you put auto, and manual, networking-online check fails17:27
rharperifquery --list --allow-auto will show the iface17:27
rharperbut since it has a manual config, there's nothing to ifup17:27
rharperthis will break the wait on all ifaces to be online17:27
smoserrharper, ok. i actually didnt' see 'inet manual'17:40
smoserso you think that is ok ?17:40
rharperit's required17:40
rharpervlan hooks do an up on the raw interface17:41
rharperbefore applying the vlan config17:41
rharperwe don't want manual interfaces in the auto list or networking service fails to come up17:41
rharper(ie, nothing is going to "up" a manual interface)17:41
rharperhence the manual part17:41
rharperexplicitly,  we do not auto $IFACE on underlying devices unless they also have a network config (subnet)17:42
rharperthe hooks for bond, vlan and bridge handle bringing up the lower interface, if needed17:42
harlowjai don't think unittest.mock got backported17:55
smoserharlowja, so how does tests/unittests/test_datasource/test_configdrive.py work ?17:57
smoserit just does17:57
smoser from ..helpers import TestCase, ExitStack, mock17:57
smoserand 'mock' from helpers is just 'import mock'17:58
harlowjahmmm, whats in our requirements for that17:59
harlowjai think we can just do import mock18:00
harlowjait should be fine18:00
harlowjathats more or less what the openstack folks did18:00
harlowjabecause mock is maintained such that its equivalent to the py3.x one18:01
harlowjaequivalent or better18:01
harlowjabut overall yes smoser we should do some test cleanup18:01
harlowjait needs it :-P18:01
harlowja*its needed18:01
smoserharlowja, ok.18:05
smoserso can you18:05
smosera.) just rebase that thing oncurrent tip18:05
smoserand then push18:05
smoser(no more changes necessary)18:05
smoserthen i can merge and push and the MP will know it got pulled18:05
smoserb.) go ahead and fix those import mock things everywhere.18:05
harlowjahmmmm, k18:07
harlowjawhy rebase needed :-P18:07
harlowjajust wondering18:07
harlowjausually if there aren't conflicts then rebase shouldn't be needed?18:08
smoserharlowja, you either have to rebase and push or i have to merge and accept the 'merge commit'18:15
harlowjahmmm, intersting18:16
smoserits same as anywhere.18:16
smoserif you're full fast foward, then i can just pull and still use your commit hashes18:16
smoserand thus the merge proposal can just magically "know" that your merge got pulled18:16
harlowjaok, good to know18:16
smoserif do 'merge' and its not a FF then i get a "merge commit"18:17
smoser  Merge remote-tracking branch 'harlowja/space'18:17
smoserand i hate looking at those things :)18:17
harlowjafair nuff18:19
harlowjaanything to make the scott happy18:19
harlowjai'll get around to that soonish18:23
smoserharlowja, i'll take care of it.18:24
smoseryou do 'b' instead.18:25
harlowjabut i wanted to do a18:25
dccunhaI'm having some trouble to use vendor-data for setting up instances. There is any config at cloud-init that must be done for this to work?19:55
dccunhaI getting vendor-data from an OpenStack's datasource and it's been saved like this:19:55
dccunhacat /var/lib/cloud/instances/d1a0a861-e386-444c-aea8-196e2540cfc4/vendor-data.txt19:56
dccunhapackage_update: true19:56
dccunha - htop19:56
cn28hhow can I enable logging for cloud-init? smoser mentioned being interested to see the contents of /var/log/cloud-init.log if I am able to reproduce an error (and we do seem to be reproducing it) but the log file is always empty.20:41
cn28hhaven't been able to track down any docs saying how to set log levels or anything20:41
smosercn28h, change logging to only go to a file.20:41
smoser https://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/30172920:42

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