
momoe**A wild momoe appears!!**00:47
momoeQuestion time: I have a bunch of .zip files I'd like to rename to .cbz can anyone suggest an solution to this?00:48
momoein Kubuntu, I'm guessing it could be a Konsole command?00:49
Unit193`rename -v 's/.zip/.cbz/g' *.zip`00:49
momoety @Unit193, I'll give that a try00:49
Unit193You can use more anchoring if needed.00:50
momoeanchoring? Sry I'm a little novice at the term00:51
BadAtProgrammingIs it possible to take an hd of a laptop with kubuntu on it and pop it into another different laptop and expect it work?02:03
BadAtProgrammingor do I need a repair disk02:03
mrsidemudiaAre the computers of the same make ?02:30
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ryu0anyone know if kubuntu's kde5 packages have finally stabilized? it seems as if i get mysterious segmentation faults in some packages while i was trying it out recently.03:56
QuantosI want to know how to disable KUbuntu from looking for or trying to use my nonexistent swap file04:41
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valorieryu0: I'm running 16.10 and it has been extremely stable05:41
ryu0valorie: i said 16.04 though05:45
valoriemy travel laptop which runs 16.04 is also extremely stable, although I've not worked it as hard05:49
ryu0perhaps hardware specific glitches then...05:56
konradosMorning :)06:16
konradosWhen I came to work, I saw my PC is ON, I usually hibernate it, how can I check easily, whether I did it or not? Or remember there is some log file which can tell me this, but I can't recall its name.06:21
konrados*I remember there is some...06:21
hateballkonrados: "last"06:22
hateballthat shows session starts, not sure if you can tell from that06:22
konradoshateball, why isn't this chronological: https://gist.github.com/konrados/d677b26b26e3167bce9816ba7e9a5a25 ?06:24
konradosOK, nvm, it is :)06:25
konradosThanks hateball :)06:25
konradosNo, not nvm, where is today's day? I've just logged in...06:26
konradosAnd we have Tuesday today, right, hateball ? :)06:27
QuantosI want to know how to disable KUbuntu from looking for or trying to use my nonexistent swap file06:29
hateballkonrados: At least I have tuesday06:32
hateballQuantos: Do you have entries for swap in /etc/fstab ?06:32
konradosSo why is it missing, hateball? It starts from Monday.06:32
QuantosUmm, that I'm not sure about hateball06:32
QuantosWould I be better off just recreating a swap partition hateball?06:33
QuantosAnd using swappiness?06:33
Quantoshateball, I'm in the /etc/fstab what am I looking for?06:39
hateballkonrados: well you probably havent made any new sessions today? open a terminal and run bash, or switch to a tty and log in, that should make a new one06:48
hateballkonrados: and since you have sessions since thursday still logged in, that seems like the machine hasnt been shut down at least. but I also dont use suspend so I dunno how it adds itself06:48
hateballQuantos: well do you have any line related to swap? Feel free to pastebin the contents06:49
hateballQuantos: I personally dont use swap at all, but some think you should have at least a small swap space06:50
QuantosYeah, I'm just going to resize it down to 2GB and reset the swappiness06:51
QuantosThe pros and cons make that a safe bet at least06:51
konradosI ran the terminal, logged in as sudo, logged out, still nothing, hateball :) Isn't there any other way?06:51
hateballkonrados: well there is /var/log/auth.log06:53
hateballQuantos: you only really need it if you dont have much RAM, and it is needed if you intend to hibernate06:53
QuantosNah, I don't hibernate and RAM is cheap06:53
konradoshateball, is this normal: https://gist.github.com/konrados/b67f6b391002b94dd7ee72038f6ca238 logging in/out every n minutes. I didn't do that, really... something's wroing here imho...06:56
hateballkonrados: got any cron jobs running every minute?06:57
konradoshateball, no I have a cron running every morning (once).06:57
konradosUnless, someone in the office is making fun of me, and when I was not logged out they did something :) sec...06:58
konradoshateball, this is my cron.daily dir, I had no idea I have so many of them, is this normal: https://gist.github.com/konrados/4dc982af6fa0aac087af4ed438d6f01a ?07:09
hateballkonrados: sure, depends what services you have obviously :)07:15
konradoshateball, OK, although I only have apache/mysql/php I don't remember installing anything else, except for some "usual" soft for development.07:17
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adrenalinosLO everybody! :-)*  ... I'm 14.04, How (the Hell!) do I UpGrade to 16.04? (!!??! trying with software manager didn't hit!) .. ???08:29
ubottuThe automatic LTS upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 was scheduled when 16.04.1 LTS was released on July 21st, but due to last bug testings it has been opened on July 28th.08:29
hateballadrenalinos: If you are comfortable with the commandline, open a terminal and run "sudo do-release-upgrade" and follow the prompts08:29
adrenalinosoops! trying "sudo do-release-upgrade" I get a lot of "Err" ! ... -> ?08:32
hateball!paste | adrenalinos08:32
ubottuadrenalinos: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:32
adrenalinos.. ok .. it's going through ... .. will see... ;-)08:33
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jorgebuenohi all08:37
jorgebuenoI have problems detecting the second monitor. I have a Radeon HD 8570 and kubuntu 16.04 . Any idea?08:38
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soeejorgebueno: it doe snot work at all ?09:07
soeedo you have some propriety driver or open source ?09:08
adrenalinos"lightdm" or "sddm"? .. what the difference?09:11
adrenalinos( as X server)09:11
soeeadrenalinos: different login managers09:12
hateball_adrenalinos: use sddm with kubuntu09:12
adrenalinossddm, ok! thanks! :)09:12
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adrenalinosit's running.. .taking a while! :) ...09:23
jorgebuenosoee: Not working and not appear in the screens. I have open sourse driver. I was looking for propietary drivers in order to solve the problem but no driver for 16.04 yet.10:04
soeejorgebueno: how is th external screen connected ?10:05
adrenalinosOops!?.. I just upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04... well done! :) .. BUT I get fuzzy caracters in widows! .. how do I tune that?10:34
hateballadrenalinos: A screenshot would help10:35
adrenalinoshow do I paste a screenshot?10:37
hateball!screenshot | adrenalinos10:37
ubottuadrenalinos: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.10:37
adrenalinosseems that unactivating "animation" solve the problem!.. for now! :)10:44
jorgebuenosoee: DVI11:00
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BluesKaj'Morning folks11:49
BluesKajHey lauro12:06
lauroHey...what's up?12:08
BluesKajmorning coffee here, and you?12:09
lauroMorning coffee at the work already.12:10
hateballhmmm, I am trying out plasma-workspace-wayland on 16.04, seems to not care much for my usual keyboard configuration12:15
hateballas I am stuck with english layout instead of my desired swedish one12:15
hateballunder X there is setxkbmap, but I have no idea what to use under wayland12:15
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BluesKajhateball, just installed plasma-workspace-wayland on 16.10 ,but I don't see much difference. Haven't tried it on 16.04 yet tho.12:45
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discoveredhi guys13:30
BluesKajhey discovered13:31
discoveredI am trying to make package of Latest Oracle JDK using make-jpkg. But it does not work.13:32
discoveredThis is the error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23081609/13:32
BluesKajdiscovered, perhaps a java chat would be a better place to ask13:35
discoveredgoing there13:36
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discoveredAnyone using skype on L/Ubuntu13:55
soeediscovered: yes, sometimes14:38
CQhello, I just installed kubuntu, rebooted, and now all I get is the command prompt... any ideas??15:42
CQah... alt-f8 (or f7?) got me to the login...15:43
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chcknrubare u using nvidia card?16:00
CQno, just onboard video.16:00
CQ...and the machine spontaneously reboots16:01
mparilloI have used Skype on Kubuntu, following these directions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype But not with the newer beta from Microsoft. I have read that the newer version cannot connect with the older one.16:33
mgolden_CQ: can you tell us more about the machine?17:05
CQmgolden_: I figured it out. It's somewhere between horrible and funny ;)17:19
CQI have a Mobo with 6 SATA connections, and had cables on all of them. When I had my old HDD attached, the termination was apparently enough. When I just had the SSD attached, the reboots happened, so probably the termination wasn't enough. I unplugged all unused SATA cables, and voila, it boots.17:21
CQThat's almost worth a blog post... cost me an afternoon to figure that out.17:21
CQand yes, I have an electrical engineering degree ;)17:22
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Dr_CokeHow do I change my single click on desktop and in my file manager to double click17:32
mgolden_CQ: Wow.17:35
mgolden_Dr_Coke: Look in system settings, it's under Input Devices > Mouse17:37
mixxiti have a few questions as a new kubuntu user17:38
Dr_CokeYeah thanks17:38
Dr_CokeI found it17:38
mgolden_mixxit: shoot17:39
mixxitok first up is firefox when i drag a tab out it doesnt do anything17:39
mixxiti see the shadow appear as if its going to drag out but it doesnt17:40
mgolden_It creates a new window for me if I drop it out of th browser.17:40
mgolden_You on 16.04 or 14.04?17:41
mixxitim on xenial17:41
mixxitfirefox 48.017:41
mgolden_I don't have it in front of me.17:42
mgolden_I believe you can drag tabs around in 16.04.117:42
mixxitif i drag the tab out and drop it onto itself it will pop out17:43
mixxitbut when i drag to a blank area of the desktop it doenst17:43
mgolden_I can't check 16.04 right now.  At work I have 14.0417:45
mixxitok well i will look more into that one17:47
mixxitmy next problem is my laptops fn keys dont work17:47
mixxitmy audio ones do but my screen brightness dont17:48
mgolden_That depends on the particular machine17:49
mgolden_You can use the control in the system tray17:50
mixxitits a gp62 6qf msi17:50
mgolden_I suspect you could set it up if you figure out the codes being sent17:50
mgolden_I have never done it17:50
mixxitalso my windows key i expected to open the K menu17:51
mixxitbut it doesnt, any idea how i can get that doing that?17:51
mgolden_Look in system settings, shortcuts and gestures17:51
mparilloI think the official KDE answer under X-windows is you cannot; only as part of a key chord. But, if you do not mind losing upstream support, you can try ksuperkey17:52
mgolden_In 14.04 there's a setting for Global Keyboard Shortcuts, and there's an action for Activate Application Launcher Menu Widget17:55
mixxityeah im there now but when i select windows button it shows as the 'meta' hey but resets when i release the windows key17:56
mgolden_it's in Plasma Desktop Shell17:56
mgolden_You hit Windows (AKA Meta) then type a letter17:57
mgolden_Meta is a modifier17:57
mgolden_It looks like the right windows key isn't a meta17:58
mparilloI set mine to <alt>F1, which is pretty common in KDE land.17:58
mixxitoh cool18:01
mparilloBut be careful. Upstream does not like ksuperkey, so if you experience any strangeness, you are on your own.18:02
mixxitwho is upstream18:02
mparilloKDE Devel18:03
mixxitoh the next version18:03
mixxityep that fixed it18:03
mixxitok so apparently the firefox bug is fixed in the next version of plasma18:04
mixxitin 5.618:04
mixxitcan i get that on my current version of kubuntu?18:05
mixxitoh grabbing the backport now18:06
mixxiti messed with mouse sensitivity and nowit wont reset back18:11
mixxitgonna try a restart18:11
CQmgolden_: still here?18:17
mixxitok so that didnt fix firefox18:19
mixxitalso power setting screen brightness slider doesnt work18:20
Dr_CokeI installed the latest nvidia drivers and my desktop has massive fonts18:21
Dr_Cokehow do i fix that18:21
mrsidemudia_what os18:21
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mgolden_Coming and going18:24
mgolden_I had some problems with Firefox font sizes with the nVidia driver18:24
mgolden_There's a setting in FF that fixes it18:24
mgolden_You can fix the desktop fonts in system settings18:25
mgolden_but FF still had some issues.18:25
mgolden_If you google it you'll find the discussion18:25
mgolden_mixxit: You need to hit the apply button, it doesn't slide real time18:26
mixxiti did18:26
mixxiti dragged it too high and it wouldnt go back down after applying18:26
mixxiti hit default then apply and still the same18:26
mixxitso i rebooted and it was ok18:26
mixxitoh sorry mgolden_, i though you were referring to my issue with mouse slider18:29
mixxitapply does nothing with screen brightness18:29
CQmgolden_: the problem is actually not that, but worse... if I plug in one or two SSDs I get the failure. If I also plug in a HDD (just power, not data) then it works. So it's something with the power supply loading.18:31
mixxitthere is nothing in my /sys/class/backlight folder18:31
mgolden_I am currently on 14.04, so I can't check18:33
mgolden_It works for me IIRC on 16.04 too18:34
mixxitim going to try this grub boot flag of acpi_backlight=vebdor18:34
mgolden_But check that you're in the right power profile18:34
mixxitbrb gonnatry restart18:35
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alphazulucan someone please tell me how to disable search through my files when i search in the application launcher?  i only want to search through apps and systems settings items19:54
alphazului have seen the Plasma Search control module and disabled everything in there but it has no effect19:55
maurizioMa che chat è questa20:51
maurizioè la prima volta che entro20:51
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alphazulucan someone please tell me how to disable search through my files when i search in the application launcher?  i only want to search through apps and systems settings items21:01
alphazului have seen the Plasma Search control module and disabled everything in there but it has no effect21:01
DoyleHey. what is it that's causing wlan interfaces to be renamed wlxtd98d9d9s90sdjunk21:41
geniiDoyle: http://askubuntu.com/questions/689070/network-interface-name-changes-after-update-to-15-10-udev-changes21:42
Doylewlan0 wlan1 wlan2 etc wasn't predictable or stable enough?21:42
geniiDoyle: Not stable enough in the same way names like sda sdb and so on aren't, whereas UUID is21:43
Doylethanks genii21:45
Unit193Doyle: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2015-May/038761.html21:47
DoyleThat explains it. Thanks!21:51
Unit193tl;dr, read /usr/share/doc/udev/README.Debian.gz for the best results, I recommend the symlink or creating the file yourself (best option)21:53
DoyleI won't bother. It was just annoying me having to lookup the interface name on single interface machines rather than typing wlan021:58

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