
tsimonq2HAH \o/16:12
wxltsimonq2: did you/are you going to announce beta testing?17:26
tsimonq2wxl: oh shoot17:26
tsimonq2good idea17:27
tsimonq2thanks man17:27
wxlnp thx for doing it!17:27
tsimonq2wxl: so I attended the community team Q&A today, I got chatting with someone from LXLE17:28
wxloh interesting17:28
tsimonq2wxl: I somehow convinced him to talk to the LXLE team and fix our roadblock XD17:28
tsimonq2or at least help17:28
wxlwhich roadblock?17:28
tsimonq2we can't apply default settings with that there :/17:29
wxlah interesting17:29
tsimonq2so that's blocking all progress at this point in time17:29
tsimonq2wxl: you know what might be interesting? an lubuntu-announce list17:33
tsimonq2wxl: so you see that queuebot worked?17:45
wxlyeah i was pretty excited17:46
wxlbut neglected to ignore queuebot on ubuntu-quality so had to fix that17:47
tsimonq2oh ok17:47
tsimonq2me too :)17:47
tsimonq2wxl: idea: make a page similar to this on lubuntu.me: http://xubuntu.org/donations/18:02
tsimonq2wxl: after all, we do have stickers! \o/18:02
wxlwe do?18:03
tsimonq2wxl: only two but yeah: http://www.unixstickers.com/tag/lubuntu18:03
wxli'll have to talk to them about it18:03
tsimonq2wxl: I should make Rafael convince them to get Lenny stickers XD18:04
tsimonq2why is that bad?18:04
wxljust clarify how it works18:04
tsimonq2wxl: former or latter statement?18:04
wxlhow the thing with unix stickers works18:05
tsimonq2OMG THAT EXISTS?!?!18:05
tsimonq2!info qxkb18:06
ubot93Package qxkb does not exist in yakkety18:06
wxlheh liboobs18:06
tsimonq2!info qxkb experimental18:06
ubot93'experimental' is not a valid distribution: liquorix, partner, stable, testing, tor, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, vanir, videolan, virtualbox, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, yakkety-proposed18:06
tsimonq2!info qxkb unstable18:06
ubot93Package qxkb does not exist in unstable18:06
tsimonq2!info screengrab unstable18:06
ubot93screengrab (source: screengrab): Crossplatform tool for getting screenshots. In component main, is optional. Version 1.95+20160128-3 (unstable), package size 211 kB, installed size 818 kB18:06
tsimonq2wxl: ...so if I'm reading this correctly I can earn MONEY for doing tasks? :O gimme! :D18:08
tsimonq2wxl: hmm so I think by having donations we could possibly use this program and offer like trivial bounties?18:13
* wxl shrugs18:13
tsimonq2wxl: how's that coming btw?18:13
wxlnot at all so far18:13
tsimonq2valorie says the FSF is very very slow18:14
tsimonq2they used to use it for Kubuntu18:14
tsimonq2so they just gave up and appointed a treasurer18:14
tsimonq2wxl: is that an option for us? want to act as treasurer? XD18:15
wxltsimonq2: not sure but when it comes to legal/financial issues, i want to make sure ti's done right18:16
tsimonq2I agree18:16
tsimonq2wxl: although either way I really like how Ubuntu does it. sliders telling where the money should go18:16
tsimonq2we should bug Rafael :D18:17
wxlit's not really his realm18:17
tsimonq2ik I was kidding18:17
tsimonq2wxl: but I wasn't joking about the slider18:17
tsimonq2wxl: I'll get my school schedule tomorrow, so I'll know when my lunch hour is. If it's not too unreasonable, I'd like to see if the Lubuntu meeting time can be moved to my lunch hour (if it works for everyone) because there is a LOT that I want to discuss at the next meeting.18:24
wxlthat might work18:24
tsimonq2wxl: because obviously it can't be during your morning meeting, and it can't be too late18:24
ianorlynwxl you only know about that know I have known about liboobs for years18:27
ianorlynargh nio is having problems installing in sweedish19:21
tsimonq2I saw a similar bug a couple days ago but can't find it again19:22
ianorlynbug 1616183 is nios bug19:23
ubot93bug 1616183 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "the installer failed at 'installing a language pack'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161618319:23
tsimonq2I know but I think flocculant filed the one I saw a few days ago19:24
ianorlynI think I heard about that in ubuntu release19:25
ianorlynargh does npt seem to be a public bug19:27

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