
=== JanC is now known as Guest58470
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
rtgdannf, did you ever figure out the 4.6 boot issue on arm64 ?15:30
=== dgadomski_ is now known as dgadomski
dannfrtg: very close - but not there yet. boots fine on cavium 1s, but not xgene. config related, probably ~5 more bisect runs needed15:34
rtgdannf, ok, thanks15:34
bjfcyphermox, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23082650/ this is a recent regression. This is Trusty on ppc64el.18:03
cyphermoxbjf: ah?18:30
cyphermoxbjf: is that system using multipath?18:30
bjfcyphermox, yes18:35
=== ghostcube__ is now known as ghostcube
=== notmorgan is now known as morganfainberg
=== morganfainberg is now known as morgan
=== morgan is now known as notmorgan

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