
ouroumov_ali1234, thanks01:01
olehhi< evryone)04:54
ouroumov_hi oleh04:54
olehHow a u?04:54
ouroumov_I'm fine oleh. You?05:11
olehI am OK too.05:44
olehI have recently installed Ubuntu Mate and evrything looks strange for me now.05:45
ouroumov_oleh, you're coming from Windows?05:50
AmisHello! I've installed the Ubunut 16 MATE complete OS and every now and then when I close a program the focus goes "nowhere" meaning none of the global shortcuts work (like media keys or Win key) until I click on ANYTHING (including plain old desktop). How should I go about debugging this one? It really drives me crazy. I used plain old Ubuntu 12 before this with the same setup and did not have similiar problems.06:05
AmisWhen the problem occurs only the Alt+F1234567 keys work.06:06
ouroumov_hi Amis06:09
ouroumov_Amis, what window manager are you using? (Check in MATE Tweak -> Windows)06:10
ouroumov_Yeah, Compiz is buggy.06:11
AmisCompiz in MATE or compiz in general?06:11
ouroumov_You're welcome to ask about it on our forums, and to file a bug report on Launchpad, but I wouldn't count on a speedy resolution.06:11
ouroumov_Compiz in general06:11
AmisAny experience in "tracking" focus in Compiz? :)06:12
AmisMaybe a background script could just detect this behaviour and switch focus to something06:13
ouroumov_You can also search the forums for the "compiz" keyword: https://ubuntu-mate.community/c/support06:13
ouroumov_See also the current compiz bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate?field.searchtext=compiz06:15
alkisgDoes it happen if you login with metacity?06:15
alkisgDoes it happen with compiz and unity?06:15
alkisgIf it only happens with mate and compiz, then it's possible that it's a mate bug06:15
Amisalkisg, never actually tried because the problem occurs so randomly that I don't even know where to start in reproducing it and I just let it fade because I have other work to be done06:16
alkisgAmis, try enabling metacity and working with that for 1 week06:16
AmisHow can I do that?06:17
alkisgYou don't have to waste time on doing random things, just try things like that while you're working normally06:17
alkisgerr sorry I meant marco, the name that mate has for metacity06:17
alkisgYou can select it at the login screen (lightdm)06:17
alkisgIt has a button to select the session06:17
AmisDoes GPU acceleration matter in this case?06:18
alkisgIt shouldn't matter for the bug, only for speed06:18
alkisgThere's also a "compton" option, which is another window manager with gpu acceleration06:18
alkisgI think those options are additionally available in mate-tweak06:19
ouroumov_ali1234, I think you forgot to mark yourself as affected on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox/+bug/161536306:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1615363 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "(Virtualbox) Installing with no swap partition results in corrupted system, despite having high RAM" [Undecided,New]06:19
AmisWell yeah. Switching to it without relogging was a bad idea.06:22
AmisThe whole desktop gone nuts.06:22
ouroumov_hi chiloli06:34
chilolican i fix amd gpu temp and fan speed issue in ubuntu 16.04 with adding acpi_osi= windows 2012 to grub?06:34
ouroumov_No idea.06:35
=== haris is now known as Guest37332
olehYeah, i moved from Windows. I have Linux as second OS.08:39
olehBut before mate i had Ubuntu and it seemed easier for me.08:40
Na3iLoleh, welcome to the other place of the world, when you can not hear the window$ machines rebooting in the night08:43
olehi don't understand, where i can find something like Ubuntu store where i can download apps..08:54
alkisgoleh: sudo apt install gnome-software08:56
ouroumov_You can also install that from the Software Boutique08:57
ouroumov_Welcome app -> Software Button -> "More Software"08:58
* alkisg wishes that was preinstalled and the default08:58
ouroumov_alkisg, why? apt is already installed by default, everything else is eye candy08:59
alkisgouroumov_, for people that want to install applications and that don't want to use the terminal08:59
alkisgThere are millions of them :)09:00
olehi like using terminal, but i also want to have smthng like store)09:01
ouroumov_alkisg, if they don't want to use the terminal, then they are fine using a GUI right? If they use a computer they should know how to read, and what's the first thing the boutique says when you start it? "If you can't find what you're looking for, install one of the software centers"09:01
ouroumov_So I disagree that it should be installed by default.09:01
ouroumov_Most people only care about having a web browser anyway.09:02
alkisgYour argument is that not making it installed by default will make them able to read?!09:02
Qommand0rreading is quite essential in using an OS09:03
Qommand0rwithout reading ability, a user is almost completely lost, having to navigate on pictograms/icons alone09:03
Qommand0rthe icon sets don't offer that level of abstractly comprehensible meaning09:04
Qommand0rtherefore, it's necessary to perform some reading09:04
Qommand0rhence, we have to assume the average user is aware of the concept of language and able to employ it to some degree09:05
Qommand0rreading or not is a choice09:05
Qommand0rif someone errs by not reading something, then it's self-inflicted damage09:07
Qommand0ror well, this is my opinion on it09:07
* SuperEngineer reads definition of "brevity" ;-)09:07
olehI have a problem: i can't launch the Terminal through Ctrl+Alt+T.09:10
olehHow to bind it back?09:11
alkisgQommand0r: I don't think "users should be able to read" is an argument to support not having a GUI for installing all available packages09:11
alkisgPutting a warning "hey, we don't have an app that installs all packages, but you can find it there" is indeed useful information for the users, but it would be best if the warning was not needed in the first place09:13
AmisIs it normal that using Marco whenever I click an item on the bottom taskbar it just doesn't go there?09:58
AmisI have to manually search my workspaces for the window09:58
AmisI'm using a 2x3 setup09:58
AmisExample: I'm on workspace 6 doing work and Skype (that is on workspace 2) flashes and appears on the bottom taskbar. I click on it and absolutely nothin happens. In Compiz it takes me to the appropriate workspace10:00
ouroumov_Yeah in Compton too I think10:09
ouroumov_You should mention it on the forums.10:10
=== feuer is now known as linmob
r3pt1l3Hello guys. I'm trying to install ubuntu mate right now but I'm getting this error:12:40
r3pt1l3Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "overlay-scrollbar"12:40
r3pt1l3and the installation is pretty much stuck12:40
r3pt1l3any help would be greatly appreciated ! :D12:41
ouroumov__hi r3pt1l312:41
ouroumov__r3pt1l3, what iso are you using? 16.04.1?12:42
r3pt1l3Yes, 6412:42
r3pt1l3I logged in as root and purged overlay-scrollbar as suggested on a troubleshoot forum12:45
r3pt1l3was that a good idea? Nothing yet though12:45
r3pt1l3I guess it did not work: Package 'overlay-scrollbar' is not installed, so not removed12:46
ouroumov__are you going through the live session first or do you start in install mode?12:47
r3pt1l3Install mode.12:49
ouroumov__r3pt1l3, the machine has a dedicated GPU?12:51
r3pt1l3I've chosen to install the 3rd party software before installation if that helps12:52
r3pt1l3not updates though12:52
ouroumov__try adding the "nomodeset" parameter to the boot command line.12:52
r3pt1l3Do I have to go back to the beginning? or do I just type it in command line?12:55
r3pt1l3Be right back.12:57
evaldeI've been having quite a few problems with my Ubuntu MATE machine ever since I installed the OS two days ago. Could I run some questions by you guys?13:49
SuperEngineerwe hold breath & wait... & wait.... & wait13:52
evalde1. When I shut my laptop and let it go to sleep then log back in, my wifi stays connected but the logo in the top right goes to empty and nothing is listed when i click the logo. 2. When I shut my laptop to let it sleep then login again, the URL bar of chromium will totally glitch out flashing black making it unusable. 3. It is taking a long time to open up programs and even files like my "home" after double13:55
evaldeclicking on them. a few seconds at least.      Both problems 1 and 2 are reset/fixed on startup, 3 is constant.13:55
evaldeLast time chromium glitched out, I reinstalled it but there was no change.13:58
Akuli1. sleep or hibernate? 2. sleep or hibernate? 3. how much ram do you have?14:07
=== feuer is now known as linmob
evalde2 GB of ram with a 2GB partitioned dump14:11
Akuliyou mean swap?14:11
evaldeand i believe it is sleep because it makes me relog upon opening back up14:12
Akulithat doesn't make a difference at all14:12
Akuligo to your power settings and check which it is14:12
evaldewhere could i find that14:13
Akulitry to find it14:13
Akulisystem, preferences, power14:13
evaldepower is not showing up14:15
Akulii don't know what its called in english14:15
Akulimaybe its power management preferences or something14:16
Akulior right-click the battery icon in top right, and go to preferences14:16
evaldeSuspend when lid is closed14:16
Akuliwhat other options do you have?14:17
evaldedo nothing, blank screen, shutdown14:20
Akulioh right14:38
Akuliin ubuntu, hibernating is disabled by default14:38
SuperEngineer[because most bears don't use computers]14:39
=== feuer is now known as linmob
nick__Does any one know how to text message from pidgeon?15:42
nick__Im trying to text message a phone # from my computer15:44
nick__I do not know if I have the correct information15:44
nick__in the username15:44
ripcruelhey some1 here know cisco virl software ?18:25
Akulilast time i tried a cisco product on linux i couldn't get it to work at all18:28
ripcruelme2 XD18:46
raphael_is there any way to make the notifications stick to the right so theres no gap when lets say hexchat closes?19:03
raphael_by default it behaves that way, but as soon as you move it, it doesnt do it anymore...19:04
=== feuer is now known as linmob
ubuntu-matehaving an issue having the boot menu recognize ubuntu. loads straight to windows seven20:49
alkisgubuntu-mate: did this happen right after the installation?20:53
ubuntu-mateyes, i deleted the partition and trying it over again. i am a beginner at this and google isnt helping much20:54
alkisgubuntu-mate: what's the output of this command? sudo parted -l20:54
alkisgAnyway, if the installer gives you an error message about not being able to install grub, don't reboot; mention the error message here and wait for help before rebooting20:58
ubuntu-matedo i need to create a "swap" partition20:59
=== michael__ is now known as Guest58911
ouroumov__hi q_22:57
q_just upgraded to 16.04 on thinkpad x230 and have a few issues22:58
q_sound keys don't seem to work22:58
q_also keyboard backlight is turned on at boot22:59
q_anyone else having these problems22:59
gtdothere is one?23:06
ouroumov__hi gtdo23:08
gtdoHow are u?23:09
gtdou are a human or computer?23:09
gtdoI am new in this operating system, but I like it23:10
ouroumov__Everything OK so far?23:11
gtdoCan I speak with a friend mine?23:11
ouroumov__With a what?23:11
ouroumov__Yeah, I still don't understand your question.23:12
gtdowait please23:12
gtdothis is created just talk with you?23:13
ouroumov__No gtdo23:14
ouroumov__gtdo, this is a permanent chatroom open to everyone.23:14
gtdoaa Ok23:15
gtdoBye, you are a super adviser23:15
LangleyHelp, sometimes when unplugging/plugging an external monitor to my laptop, the screen(s) goes crazy with rainbow snow or blinking, fan goes to 100% and I can only force shut down. 16.0423:32
ouroumov__hi Langley, can you switch to tty1 when that happens (CTRL+ALT+F1)23:35
LangleyNo, nothing23:36
ouroumov__Sounds like a kernel/graphics driver issue, probably not restricted to Ubuntu MATE. Maybe you can ask on #ubuntu ?23:37
LangleyOkay, thanks23:38

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