
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
tsimonq2seems updated on ubuntuonair.com14:56
FlamingTurtleHi-there ChloeWolfieGirl ;)14:58
ChloeWolfieGirlHello :314:58
tsimonq2QUESTION: When will davidcalle get Ubuntu Membership?14:58
tsimonq2(blame Daniel :P)14:58
tsimonq2just to get that out of the way :P14:59
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: How are you?14:59
danubUbuntu themed flirting, and I thought I have seen it all14:59
FlamingTurtleChloeWolfieGirl:   We need to "get organized" about our question                                          about the HUD.14:59
popeyHello hello14:59
FlamingTurtleneato popey's here !14:59
jarlathHi :)14:59
ChloeWolfieGirlFlamingTurtle: I'm good with Hud questions x'314:59
tsimonq2popey \o/14:59
ChloeWolfieGirlpopey: Hello :314:59
tsimonq2popey: ooh who's doing the Q&A? :D15:00
FlamingTurtleChloeWolfieGirl: Yeah, but I think they're on to us ... that we keep asking the same Q&A's.15:00
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: SInce theres still been no official Ubuntu device for America, when will Michael Hall make his own phone hardware company so he can have an official ubuntu phone?15:00
ChloeWolfieGirlFlamingTurtle: I've got 4 current questions about HUD, which may branch off into more or get answered without beiing asked :P15:01
slugjamQUESTION: what are your favorite new games ? phone/tablet15:01
jarlathQUESTION: Popey has a video of Dosbox (with Doom) running on the E4.5. I tried this recently with Libertine and it was unusably slow. How did you get this working and how come Libertine is so much slower?15:02
acheronukhi tsimonq2 :)15:02
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: HUD?15:02
ChloeWolfieGirlHi all :315:02
FlamingTurtleChloeWolfieGirl: Your organized - WE need to be organized ... https://youtu.be/PBxqIHj8qRg?t=47s15:02
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: How e10 on firefox15:02
tsimonq2hi acheronuk you made it \o/15:02
jarlathQUESTION: What improvements to app lifecycle limitations are we likely to see in the future? Irssi would be very handy on the phone.15:02
slugjamQUESTION: what coding language is best for creating games for ubuntu phone?15:02
acheronuktsimonq2: gonna mostly lurk15:03
tsimonq2ok acheronuk :)15:03
ChloeWolfieGirlChicken run x'D15:03
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Has there been any updates to the new scope designs?15:04
popeywe need new questions :)15:04
jarlathQUESTION: I wanted to snap the amazing (GPL'd) hidclient which would allow us to use Ubuntu phone from your laptop (keyboard/mouse I believe) but it doesn't work with the current bluetooth stack (it worked on 12.04). Who can I talk to about getting it fixed since the author has disappearred?15:04
slugjamQUESTION: do you use scopes? if you do what are your favourite new scopes15:05
tsimonq2I'm working on it popey :P15:05
slugjamQUESTION: android N supports vulkan, how is the vulkan support on ubuntu phone?15:06
FlamingTurtleQUESTION: I'm having a pulled pork hamburger in Germany - will the Mayonnaise be the same ? Do they even do (westernised staple of) Hellmans . Hamburger being a generic term for this.15:06
slugjamQUESTION: is it possible to make a 3D game in qml?15:06
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: If Ubuntu Phone was a tree what kind of tree would it be?15:07
danubQUESTION: Since Canonical/Ubuntu has been so close with Microsoft these days, are there any plans for pushing things towards a point where Ubuntu has a native version of MS Office? (do not kill the noob - if it is not the right type of question, just avoid this stinker kindly and pretend that nothing has ever happened)15:07
jarlathQUESTION: Libertine apps aren't added to the bash path now. Can that happen? It's handy for CLI apps.15:07
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: When will MS bring MS Office to Ubuntu phone?15:07
ChloeWolfieGirlYou get to wear cool sun glasses15:09
jarlathQUESTION: How come Today scope still has user-facing bugs?15:09
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Will today scope become an agrigator for all scopes with other scopes being more involved in there specific areas?15:12
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Messaging Framework update?15:13
FlamingTurtleQUESTION: I was on the ReactOS irc channel since last week. An interesting question would be Wat Year Shall "Wine" Become Mainstream enough To Get Sony Vegas or something Like "Adobe Live" MP3 Editor on Ubuntu ?15:14
tsimonq2QUESTION: What's this "YouTube Live" thing?15:15
tsimonq2QUESTION: What web browser do you use and why?15:15
tsimonq2QUESTION: Let's say you're having a problem with Ubuntu. Where do you go to get help? (as in, what's *your* preferred method of support?)15:15
tsimonq2Welp, too late... :P15:15
tsimonq2QUESTION: Do you prefer Facebook or Twitter?15:15
jarlathQUESTION: Will the dialler app and others ever open in under a second on the E4.5 or should I get a more powerful Ubuntu phone?15:15
tsimonq2QUESTION: What temperature is it right now by you?15:15
tsimonq2QUESTION: Have you ever done any development with Qt and/or GTK and if so, what did you do?15:15
tsimonq2QUESTION: What tool do you use for taking screenshots?15:15
tsimonq2QUESTION: As Ubuntu 16.10 (the Yakkety Yak) is still in development, are you running it now or are you still on 16.04 LTS?15:15
tsimonq2QUESTION: Michael, what do you think would be the best device to buy in the US that you can use Ubuntu Touch on (that works with US phone services)?15:15
jarlathQUESTION: Why does an 'appparently' simple bug like this take two years to fix? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/136464715:15
FlamingTurtleQUESTION: Wouldn't it be great if some of the dev's actually saw the [App Ideas] on r/ubuntuappshowdown coming to fruitition. Note this IS just a shameless plug for on  •  reddit :-)15:16
FlamingTurtle^? that was a question by the way !15:17
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: DO you remember mr blobby?15:17
danubQUESTION: I might get stoned by an angry mob, but what do I care: are Ubuntu flavours taking so important and limited resources from development of the main Ubuntu version?15:18
* acheronuk thinks tsimonq2 bombing me with MPs was not an unusual event, considering that small question flurry15:18
FlamingTurtlemhall119: Note for rate of answers : 30 question just came in.15:18
tsimonq2correct acheronuk :D15:19
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Will there be another ubuntu edge?15:19
FlamingTurtleNot yet.15:20
tsimonq2BACON?!?!? I don't care about the 2D :P15:20
FlamingTurtleBacon baps - with mayonnaise MMMMmmmmmmmmm15:21
jarlathmhall119: New bluetooth stack broke the app which is no longer maintained.15:22
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: When will everything be snappied?15:22
ChloeWolfieGirlI'd probably use the news scope more if there where more news options15:24
tsimonq2+1 mhall11915:26
acheronukBBQ sauce15:26
tsimonq2QUESTION: What's the purpose of the Ubuntu Foundation?15:27
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Why isnt everything a snap yet?15:28
dragon77ChloeWolfieGirl I would not want everything to be a snap though. Some things should stay as debs. Or as both.15:29
ChloeWolfieGirldragon77: I agree, but theres a lot I'd love to see snapped, games, big apps like Krita and kdenlive15:30
dragon77QUESTION: Are there any Ubuntu or Linux related student ambassadorship programs?15:30
dragon77ChloeWolfieGirl oh yeah, most user facing apps should be as snaps.15:30
ChloeWolfieGirlHey Mister_Q15:31
FlamingTurtleQUESTION: Does, like other UK companies; Canonical take their wikipedia entry for Ubuntu, seriously enough to edit it themselves, or get their minions to do it ? i.e.  to take out pages from the ubuntu wiki-page collection  e.g. Ubuntu TV ?15:31
ChloeWolfieGirldragon77: Definatly would be great15:31
tsimonq2hi FlamesSnake :)15:31
Mister_Qhey ChloeWolfieGirl15:31
LordOfDaKittenzhi FlamesSnake15:31
tsimonq2FlamesSnake: if you have an Ubuntu-related question, prefix it with "question" in all caps15:31
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: When can Ubuntu do everything?15:31
tsimonq2good question15:32
ChloeWolfieGirltsimonq2: thank you15:32
tsimonq2lol ChloeWolfieGirl15:32
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: When will we see a new core app updates?15:32
FlamesSnakeHay stream how to change name15:33
dragon77You can never prove the absence of software bugs , just a lack of their obvious presence. Software bugs are like ninjas :P15:33
Mister_QQUESTION I'm late, did ChloeWolfieGirl asked her usual hud question yet?15:33
acheronukI think ubuntu omnipotence is bug no. #215:33
tsimonq2yep Mister_Q15:33
acheronukor should be15:33
ChloeWolfieGirlMister_Q: When do I not?15:33
tsimonq2FlamesSnake: /nick NewNickname15:33
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: If Ubuntu Phone was a cartoon what cartoon would it be?15:34
=== FlamesSnake is now known as LinuxSnake
Mister_QChloeWolfieGirl right I just wanted to make sure15:34
tsimonq2LinuxSnake: hi :)15:34
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Is there any plans to switch from hangouts/youtube live to something more open source?15:34
Mister_Qtsimonq2 o/15:34
tsimonq2LinuxSnake: I PMed you the instructions15:34
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: What app do you wish was converged the most?15:34
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: Didn't you have a load of questions prepared this week ?15:34
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: yes I did :)15:35
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: they're listing them off now15:35
* FlamingTurtle thought they'd be a stream of questions in a row - followed by <name> runs away ! Haha .15:36
ChloeWolfieGirlAsk Popey15:36
LinuxSnake_Hay streamers you should stream at twitch15:36
FlamingTurtlehis eyes burn the screen :)15:36
FlamingTurtleQUESTION: What store can I buy An Ubuntu Phone from ? If not now ... then when ?15:37
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: When will there be a way to hide results with content you dont want to see in the ubuntu store, such as 18+ apps?15:38
tsimonq2mhall119: that's because Google+ is...nevermind :P15:39
dragon77QUESTION:Can Brasero and K3b burn Blu-rays out of the box, I heard about the old wodim and cdrtools split over licensing?15:39
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Would you rather be a tree or a wasp?15:39
dragon77*correction cdrkit15:39
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: When will ubuntu be as slick as wp or meego?15:39
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: WHat do you think of the N5 not getting Android N?15:41
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: When we get more apps will the ubuntu update meathord be a big reason for people to try and get use ubuntu after it stopped being supported?15:42
FlamingTurtleQUESTION: 1001, Why cant we have www.ubuntu.com/Social as a Link in the default ubuntu browser ? So that when people install Ubuntu they know where to share a pic of their desktop / and interact with the community (?)15:43
nexusQUESTION: What are the main issues moving the phone to 16.04?15:43
FlamingTurtleQUESTION dpm, Are those surgical tool behind you ?                           .... hope not.15:46
dragon77FlamingTurtle good idea abut ubuntu social15:46
danubGood to know! Bless my ignorance!15:48
* FlamingTurtle blesses thee.15:49
ChloeWolfieGirli've tried to snap :315:49
FlamingTurtleme too15:49
FlamingTurtledid you fiddle with the icon ?15:50
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: When can I install ubuntu personal?15:50
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
tsimonq2QUESTION: How do you get started contributing to the Ubuntu Phone?15:53
tsimonq2QUESTION: Are you attending Jono Bacon's Reddit AMA on the 30th?15:53
FlamingTurtlemhall119, dpm, , this is a decent question: QUESTION: 1001+, Why cant we have www.ubuntu.com/Social as a Link, in the default ubuntu browser ? So that when people install Ubuntu they know where to share a pic of their desktop / and interact with the community (?)15:54
nexusQUESTION: Will phone core apps eventually replace the desktop core apps?15:54
FlamingTurtleJonos getting a grilling.15:54
LinuxSnakehi everybody15:55
tsimonq2hi LinuxSnake15:55
ChloeWolfieGirl+1 for that :315:56
LordOfDaKittenzHi LinuxSnake15:56
LinuxSnakehay streamers can we use color codes15:56
tsimonq2LinuxSnake: yep, do Ctrl + C then a number specified here: http://www.mirc.com/colors.html then Ctrl + C again15:57
tsimonq2or maybe that's just irssi?15:57
tsimonq2hehehehehehe :)15:59
LordOfDaKittenzQUESTION: who came up with this Q&A?15:59
tsimonq2a little late LordOfDaKittenz but we'll see ;)16:00
FlamingTurtleLordOfDaKittenz: Jono Bacon.16:00
tsimonq2dpm, popey, mhall119: Come join for real though. ;) http://www.jonobacon.org/2016/08/23/bacon-roundup-23rd-august-2016/16:00
tsimonq2wait wrong link16:00
tsimonq2aha I mean http://www.jonobacon.org/2016/08/17/join-reddit-ama-30th-august-2016-9am-pacific/16:01
tsimonq2o/ LinuxSnake16:01
popeythanks everyone16:01
FlamingTurtlethankyou popey.16:01
dpmthanks all16:01
tsimonq2dpm, popey, mhall119: 9 AM Pacific time on the 30th16:01
popeythanks tsimonq216:01
tsimonq2thanks everyone!16:01
FlamingTurtleUK time ?16:01
* popey tries to figure out what that is in normal time16:02
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: that's what Google is for ;P16:02
popeyoh, now16:02
FlamingTurtleI only use a mouse :)16:02
popeyso it's now-o-clock in a week16:02
ChloeWolfieGirlpopey I like how you didn't elaborate on Mr Blobby any x'D16:03
FlamingTurtleI could have a beer with Mr Blobby. he's got spunk.16:03
tsimonq2popey: would you happen to know if there's a team of people on IRC I could go to for translations? I'm getting a Portugese entry for the "Contact Me" on http://lubuntu.me/cd-size-poll/ (I'm part of the people running the poll)16:04
tsimonq2popey: it's not urgent but would be nice :)16:05
FlamingTurtletime for a rolloie16:05
dpmtsimonq2, #ubuntu-translators, or even better ubuntu-translators(AT)lists(DOT)ubuntu(DOT)com16:05
tsimonq2thanks dpm :)16:05
dpmnp :)16:06
LinuxSnakeare we done here16:06
tsimonq2LinuxSnake: yep16:07
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: you still there ?16:23
tsimonq2what's up?16:24
FlamingTurtleI recall talking about/to .. your fairly young, right ?16:24
FlamingTurtle**to you ....16:24
tsimonq2yes, why?16:25
tsimonq2oh that's right16:25
tsimonq2I think I remember you :)16:25
FlamingTurtleWell I think I run the Lubuntu gplus page .. it needs work.16:25
FlamingTurtleI dunno, mgoogle plus is old now.16:25
* FlamingTurtle needs a hit of lemonade .. Be right back .16:27
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: What would like to do with U untu ? i.e. in the community (?)16:30
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: I'm already involved in a lot of different things :)16:31
tsimonq2tedg: I'm even an Ubuntu member :P16:31
tsimonq2whoops sorry tedg, meant for FlamingTurtle16:31
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: Yes that's what I'm asking - Which projects are you involved with ?16:32
tsimonq2oh k16:33
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/tsimonq216:33
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: Terrific testomonials there .. great !16:34
LinuxSnakewho is still here16:35
tsimonq2o/ LinuxSnake16:35
LinuxSnakeo /16:36
LinuxSnakewhat is that mean o/16:36
LinuxSnakeok flameingturtle16:36
FlamingTurtleLinuxSnake: Your new here, right ?#16:37
FlamingTurtleYou  run Ubuntu or similar ?16:37
FlamingTurtlewhich one , then ?16:37
tsimonq2LinuxSnake is my friend irl, I invited him here16:37
tsimonq2he uses Lubuntu16:37
FlamingTurtleoh Ok.16:38
* FlamingTurtle suggests a less slippery username.16:38
FlamingTurtlebut Ok.16:38
tsimonq2hehehehe :)16:40
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: When did you register w/ Ubuntu ?16:41
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: ...register?16:42
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: Right, When did you sign the User agreement ?16:43
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: I mean, originally.16:43
LinuxSnake#FF0000 this is what color codes mean16:44
FlamingTurtleLinuxSnake: Take a chill pill.16:45
tsimonq2yup LinuxSnake16:45
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: 2015-08-1316:46
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: cheers.16:46
tsimonq2so just over a year \o/16:46
FlamingTurtleyou've been v. busy :)16:47
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: I'd like to talk about Lubuntu ...16:49
tsimonq2ok :)16:49
FlamingTurtleWhat are the most pressing areas that need reflection ?16:50
tsimonq2reflection as in what?16:50
FlamingTurtlesans/reflection/ work on ....16:50
tsimonq2so you're wondering what needs work?16:51
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: I'm wondering what areas *yourself* is working on.16:51
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: release team mainly, it's complicated, I don't hold any official power but I write all the release announcements nowadays and publish everything16:52
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: I'm sort of an assistant release manager16:52
tsimonq2(if that makes sense)16:52
tsimonq2that and QA16:52
tsimonq2but I'm also leading the LXQt transition16:52
FlamingTurtleI guess I'm head of the G+ page.16:52
tsimonq2I'm pushing blockers down one by one16:52
tsimonq2well hello! :D16:53
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: maybe #lubuntu-offtopic would be a better place for this16:53
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: No i think we are Ok - No one else is here.16:53
FlamingTurtleDid you ever look into Razor Qt DE ?16:54
tsimonq2yes I did16:54
FlamingTurtleI think the project, passed away . | But it's not a whole long way away, from what you are into, No ?16:55
tsimonq2LXQt *is* Razor Qt + LXDE16:55
tsimonq2they've merged16:55
FlamingTurtleWhat do you think of Lxle ubuntu ?16:55
tsimonq2I don't have an opinion16:56
tsimonq2never used it16:56
tsimonq2but soon after we actually *switch* to LXQt, they would be smart to follow :)16:56
FlamingTurtleI think its for older machines.16:56
tsimonq2LXDE isn't developed upstream anymore16:56
tsimonq2well so is Lubuntu16:56
FlamingTurtlethey are switching ;)16:57
FlamingTurtlewaiting for Lubuntu ... that's why I'm talking to you now :}16:57
tsimonq2OH lol16:57
tsimonq2are you part of that team?16:58
FlamingTurtleI do evangelism.16:58
tsimonq2I mean for LXLE?16:58
* FlamingTurtle although I don't like that term.16:58
tsimonq2oh ok :)16:59
tsimonq2well if you guys really want to help move it along, have whoever pop into #lubuntu-devel, there's a specific roadblock we're having that requires a bit of upstream work16:59
tsimonq2but I'm the person leading it, so have them shoot me a ping :)17:00
SuperEngineerFlamingTurtle: re "No i think we are Ok - No one else is here." wrong.  Plenty of us are here, just waiting for the flaming / interogation / whatever  to cease.  However, nice to see you 2 get along so well, never questioning & so accepting of each other ;-)17:00
FlamingTurtleIf you could do a wiki-page on what needs do-ing for the roadmap - I shall be sure to help Lxle team get involved.17:01
* FlamingTurtle stands back17:01
FlamingTurtleSuperEngineer: I think we were talking about moving a distro upstream - that's Ok, right ?17:01
SuperEngineer[i was only joking - you are cool, no worries]17:02
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: Did you get the road-map bit , sorry I got distracted ?17:04
* FlamingTurtle looks aty his LibreOffice slides of flow charts to help.17:05
tsimonq2got it17:06
tsimonq2but it's sort of complicated :)17:07
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: ~i need to run to get the shops before they close for the evening - Can I still talk with you in 10 minutes or so ?17:07
tsimonq2sure :)17:08
FlamingTurtlethe best thing is a plan.17:08
FlamingTurtlean action plan17:08
FlamingTurtlea plan of action.17:08
FlamingTurtleactiony planning stuff n'all17:09
FlamingTurtletsimonq2:   Write some more & I shall read it in 5 minutes of your 'plan' with bugs ... cheers.17:10
FlamingTurtlelets talk bugs.17:10
tsimonq2ok :)17:11
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: https://github.com/lxde/lxqt/issues/34917:21
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: that's what we need fixed17:21
FlamingTurtleback here.17:27
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: opening @github17:28
tsimonq2ok :)17:29
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: I think this was meant to be fixed for 16.04.17:31
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: this is upstream LXQt17:31
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: but *shrug*17:31
FlamingTurtleright -oh17:31
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: I'll play with it more, but I was told that was our blocker17:31
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: you're on github ?17:32
tsimonq2but like I said, I'll do some further testing in a min17:33
FlamingTurtleOk, Ok - I've found you https://github.com/tsimonq217:36
tsimonq2yup ;)17:38
FlamingTurtleYou'd think you'd have a patreon or something - but Ok.17:39
FlamingTurtleit's just I give a quarter of my job's income away on Patreon as I live with my parents.17:40
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: You've been doing this a year .. good-oh17:49
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: ooh wait you want to send money my way? :O XD17:50
tsimonq2< FlamingTurtle> You'd think you'd have a patreon or something - but Ok.17:50
* tsimonq2 runs17:50
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: take it easy.17:51
FlamingTurtleI'm not gulling you.17:51
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: I was kidding ;)17:51
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: It's funny.17:52
FlamingTurtleI used to be quite religious 20 years ago .. but now17:52
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
FlamingTurtleI guess the generosity bit still lingers on, perhaps that's the only bit that does (?)17:53
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: if you want to give money, the place where it would be best to put that is http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/contribute ;)17:54
FlamingTurtleI started with a number of sites17:55
FlamingTurtlelast year I got a bill that was $75 a month to flattr17:55
FlamingTurtlethats when I called in a few new charity sites and decided that maybe it's be better to go with kickstarter in future.17:57
FlamingTurtleI gave $1000 to this : http://kck.st/295uI5B18:00
tsimonq2wow :)18:01
tsimonq2you have money to give to things, I don't :P18:01
FlamingTurtleLike I said A starter would be :18:03
FlamingTurtleI really like Flattr Plus on my Ubuntu fone.18:05
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: Are you looking forward to August the 25th when Yakkety Yak reits first beta (?)18:51
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: yep :D18:54
tsimonq2FlamingTurtle: but I'm already running it18:54
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: ...... guess thats 'nother roadmap,   then19:38
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: Have you ever installed gentoo linux ? http://ow.ly/Ws4W303w5jn19:43
FlamingTurtleWhich De did you choose ?19:44
tsimonq2KDE Plasma19:45
tsimonq2but I didn't keep it19:45
FlamingTurtleyeah - i went with kde too.19:45
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: Wud there be a wallpaper and song contest for the next release.(?) I'm just asking 'cos I play the guitar20:13
tsimonq2hehehehehehe :)20:14
tsimonq2that's up to Rafael (artwork guy)20:14
tsimonq2I'll ask him20:14
FlamingTurtleI'm keen on the music side = What's your favorite ? #radio perhaps ?20:16
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: ^ >20:26
FlamingTurtlemeant to say ^?20:27
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: you don't like music ?20:27
tsimonq2I do but I'm all over the board20:28
* FlamingTurtle thinks someday he'll show tsimonq2 a beer and treat him to some young folk covers or other' :)20:30
tsimonq2heh :)20:31
* FlamingTurtle slides tsimonq2 a sarsaparilla for later - [ take it easy ]. I'm having dinner.20:36
FlamingTurtletsimonq2: See ya soonish about the Artwork guy20:44
FlamingTurtlemaybe next week20:44

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