[00:41] * nhaines stares at a month's worth of post-meeting checklist items. [00:41] ... [00:41] * nhaines flips the desk. [00:41] haha [00:41] we... haven't done them in a bit [00:42] Well.... *I* haven't. But it's not that bad. It's just I hate the wiki and it's mutual. [00:42] ah, yeah [00:42] Not that the LoCo portal is any faster either. [00:42] heh, yeah [00:43] Well I wonder if I would hate more if the wiki used LaTeX syntax but that would be harder for most [00:43] I seriously need to find out if there's an API so I can just hack python. [00:43] the syntax is fine, slowness and timeouts are not [00:43] that too [00:43] The worst part is that I *know* that nobody uses the LoCo portal. [00:44] the Arizona team does :) [00:44] (when I pull stuff for UWN, they always have events listed) [00:44] yeah slowness and timeouts are really annoying === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Website: http://ubuntu-california.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: Sunday, September 4th, at 7:00pm PDT (UTC -7:00) This channel is logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic [01:36] Well, that took too long. Mostly because of staring at the screen and thinking about how much I didn't want to do the things. [01:36] But it *is* done. \o/ [01:36] lol [01:36] thanks nhaines :) [01:36] that sounds like how writing my book went \o/ [01:36] Haha, and my book before it! \o/ [01:37] Now to find out what's going on with the Meetup group. >_> [01:37] I haven't even paid attention [01:43] Okay, I think I'm going to take possession of the group, then nominate the master account to do it. [01:43] wfm [01:44] Which last I tried I couldn't do without entering a credit card, which I'm allergic to. [01:44] So we'll see. :) [01:44] * pleia2 nods [01:44] good luck! [01:50] Well that would've taken two weeks if I didn't have the master Meetup credentials because LCC. [01:53] Man, I am *earning* that bourbon and ginger ale I have planned for today. [01:53] that sounds nice :d [01:53] pleia2: also, probably RIP in peace your email inbox, because Meetup. [01:53] yeah, I figured [01:54] Yeah, I got the idea from a Raymond Chandler novel. It was pretty good. [22:17] * nhaines looks at his schedule. [22:18] I have a Spanish proverb written up on my whiteboard this week. [22:18] ¡Mañana es el día más ocupado de la semana!