[00:13] reset [00:13] err [00:35] Hello [00:36] How I can get httpd info I use kubuntu 64 ? [00:47] What kind of info? === andrenofx is now known as Andre_NOFX [01:26] Danny Reichner was added by: Danny Reichner [01:26] Hello [01:26] I am having a very serious problem [01:27] Dragonslicer: I have xamp and I have other server runing I don't know where the other server [01:27] Can I get help here [01:31] Hello === Danny is now known as Guest71296 [01:33] Hello === sheedy is now known as sheedy-away === przemek is now known as pkaro === oem is now known as bouh === kubuntu is now known as Guest40815 [10:39] hello kubuntu [10:39] I use the 'upgrade-button', now my system wont START any more .... i am on suse now [10:40] the upgrade took 8 hours EIGHT hours [10:41] and now it hangs on the colorchanging kununtu splash [10:42] i dont see any reaction or message from any of the 250 users ??? is this node ACTIVE ??? [10:42] !patience [10:42] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait. [10:43] that came quick, ok [10:43] You do know that everyone here is a volunteer, no one is paid to give you instant help [10:43] viewer|12749: Try rebooting and editing grub boot, remove quiet splash [10:43] See if that shows you any more interesting info than a stuck splash [10:44] i know, but if none mesaage shows on my screen i might use a wrong node ..... [10:45] viewer|12749: And what sort of upgrade have you done? [10:45] From 14.04 or 15.10 to 16.04? [10:45] so i try editing the boot sequence, and then i will see whats happening, [10:45] Or just regular updates? [10:45] from old to 16.4 [10:47] There is even an other twist , i have lubuntu on a different stick, on this computer. is there a possibility there is some mixed up here ? might that possible? [11:05] Hi, is anybody around who could help me debug an mtp problem? Copying files to or from my Android device with Dolphin sometimes works but very often it is "stuck". Keeps copying, but nothing actually happens. [11:06] MTP is quite unreliable in my experience [11:06] yotka: There is the option of using kdeconnect, have you tried that? [11:07] hateball: It has been a real pain. I haven't tried kdeconnect yet [11:07] yotka: kdeconnect is over wifi tho [11:08] hateball: that would be fine. have you tried it? [11:10] yotka: Yep, I run it at home [11:10] hateball: and does it work better than mtp? [11:10] rarely transfer files, even if that works. I mostly use it as a mouse [11:10] yotka: yes [11:11] ok, I'll give it a try.. [11:27] it looks ok in the first place, but it seems that so far it's not possible to access the external sd card: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=336043. but that's what I need [11:27] KDE bug 336043 in common "SFTP: Should be able to browse external SD cards via SFTP too" [Wishlist,Reopened] [11:28] yotka: what rom are you using? [11:29] I am not at home now so I cant test myself, but with android 6 you can grant apps more permissions, if that may help [11:29] I dunno [11:29] as I said I havent really transfered much files :/ [11:29] hateball: It's a Oneplus X running Android 5.1.1 [11:34] hateball: I need it especially for file transfers.. [11:34] Any ideas on mtp? [11:38] yotka: I know I used gomtp-fs in the past but I dont know if that is a thing any longer [11:38] yotka: plain ssh/scp doesnt work either? [11:40] hateball: I tried fish and sftp through Dolphin, but that worked aboud as well as mtp === yaiyan_ is now known as Yaiyan [12:44] Hey all [13:33] anyone know how to configure the search scope of the search box in the app launcher so that it does not automatically search through files? [13:38] alphazulu: right clicking the button to get application launcher settings, does unticking the option to show files, bookmarks etc do what you need? [13:40] alternatively, I think the 'sweeper' application has an option to clear the indexed file history, which if you'd disabled baloo would perhaps get rid of what had already been indexed? [13:41] or running 'balooctrl clear *' in terminal? === mgolden is now known as mgolden_ === dava is now known as Guest38437 === pavlushka_ is now known as Guest58639 [14:19] Hi@all [14:19] some germans here? [14:23] !de [14:23] In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! [14:25] Rudz,^ [14:25] hello, i had a question about the upgrade from kubuntu. i seems that the upgrade realy mixed up my 2 different ubuntu's, kubuntu and lubuntu [14:26] are there know issues like this?? [14:30] crisisxiii, do you have separate / and /home partitions? [14:32] #server [14:32] some germans here? [14:33] Rudz, /j #ubuntu-de [14:33] no germans here [14:33] english only supoort chat === Guest58639 is now known as pavlushka [15:31] Well, I am german :} [16:07] help [16:07] !ask | zys [16:07] zys: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [17:47] i think there's a severe bug. am seeing messages like this in syslog: SelectionRequest too old [17:47] says that message is repeating hundreds of times [17:47] and i cannot select things with the mouse [17:48] QXcbClipboard: SelectionRequest too old [17:48] and i don't see a way to kill the clipboard === claydoh is now known as Guest38773 [18:57] Hi, is the KDE Plasma 5.6 stable? when the next version release? [19:00] mbg it is mostly , a few minor bugs [19:00] BluesKaj: Thanks. [20:00] Hello everyone. I have installed Kubuntu and when it upgraded My screen went black. I had to reinstall the program. does the new kubuntu support amd/ati processer? === nickgeoca is now known as linman [20:12] thank you for the answer... have a great day [20:43] join/kubuntu-offtopic === lethu_ is now known as lethu === greg is now known as Pr0kr0110 [22:33] hi, guys. I currently use Ubuntu as my main distro but I want to go into Kubuntu anda I wanna know how many disk space it takes after installed [22:34] Hey guys do you think kubuntu or ubuntu is the way to go