[08:07] hi [08:07] i have this problem http://askubuntu.com/questions/695761/plymouthd-crashes-on-startup-intel-hd-3000-15-10 in all of my 3 computer [08:08] all has ubuntu 16.04 gnome. [08:08] and i solved as suggested [08:08] why there is that problem? [08:20] very good question [08:20] did anyone file a bug? [08:28] xan_IT, you want to disable the rapport bug dialog? [08:29] Na3iL no, i want to resolve bug for everyone :D [08:29] Na3iL i have that problem in 3 computer [08:29] and i suppose that it's spread [08:30] that's great! :D Try to declare a bug in Launchpad [08:38] Na3iL it's strange that nobody open that bug, seams diffused [08:39] xan_IT, sometimes the bug dialog appears but the fact that there's no bug [08:39] filing bugs is hard work [08:39] (fixing them is even harder) [08:40] * Na3iL gives +42 to mgedmin [12:03] Hi guys... Is it possible to "hide" unmanaged devices from Gnome's NetworkManager applet? === jamie_ is now known as jamie_1 [19:32] ricotz: I don't know why this seems to work, what do you think? https://paste.debian.net/791355/ [19:33] https://paste.debian.net/791356/ [19:57] jbicha, your python test looks wrong [19:58] you are not querying the instance like "bool(AccountsService.UserManager.get_default().props.has_multiple_users)" [19:58] ricotz: yeah, that's what halfline said in #gnome-shell [19:58] I'm looking suspiciously at accountsservice's 0005-gdm_config_file_path_ubuntu.patch