[00:35] Mm my WiFi is not working lately [00:53] @ALL can we go up to that candy store in Oakland Park sometime? [01:14] heyo ivoriesablaze [01:14] what's up? [01:15] writing python [01:15] or trying lol [03:11] @ahoneybun I put that new, tiny SSD into the adamoutler.com server (sda). I did a dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda bs=64M. Then I did "sudo parted /dev/sda" list then "y" to correct the partition size and rebooted [03:11] I disconnected the old 500Gig rotating disk, and now i'm updating from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04. [14:41] nice [14:42] I think it should be finished. A reboot when I get home will tell me if everything worked properly. [16:05] I got the upgrade email from my server upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04. it's a mile long of complete garbage. "remaining changes: - Drop the Breaks line from libc which refers to a Debian transition. - Remove the libc6 recommends on libc6-i686, which we don't build." [16:08] Still no nougat for me [16:09] Android.com/beta [16:09] I'm on the beta [16:24] Has not hit the 6 yet. Not really anything that the beta did not have [17:21] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CqbJmvMWgAAy5iy.jpg [17:52] More stable Bluetooth and screen rotation for Nexus 5x [18:57] I'm putting in a new Linux server at work in two weeks. It will run 4-critical VMs under VirtualBox. Is there any reason not to run Ubuntu Server 16.04? [18:57] @KMyers [18:58] Nope, stable enough for most tasks however I normally run VM Hosts with CentOS as there is better community support for that. Still no reason not to use ubuntu [18:59] OK. Good to note. What about the guests? 1 DB server, 3 Apache servers. [19:00] I would use 2 DB servers for some level of failsafe [19:00] How do I replicate between the two? [19:01] MySQL? [19:01] Or Maria [19:01] Haven't decided yet. [19:02] https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-a-galera-cluster-with-mariadb-on-ubuntu-12-04-servers [19:50] @ahoneybun and @Ivoriesablaze - http://www.tmonews.com/2016/08/next-t-mobile-tuesdays-gifts-discounted-gasoline/ [19:51] Sweet! [20:08] Watch "DEF CON 24 - Panel - MR ROBOT Panel" on YouTube … https://youtu.be/_bBrj6QBPW0 [20:08] @AdamOutler [20:27] Check out On The PC - Tom Smith by Tom Smith … https://play.google.com/music/m/Tgxkodqm3cg4dbsqbwjhhwbylaa?t=On_The_PC_Tom_Smith_-_Tom_Smith [20:37] http://puu.sh/qMIxP/01c2087717.jpg [21:45] Upgrading my OwnCloud server to Ubuntu 16.04.1 - wish me luck [21:45] I oh boy [21:48] @KMyers, good luck. [21:48] maxolasersquad: Error: "KMyers," is not a valid command. [21:48] KMyers: Let me know if it works, because I had mine running on 16.04 and after an upgraded of PHP7 I now have an issue. I'd love to trade notes. [21:49] What issue did you have with PHP7? I was running PHP7 with 16.04 for a while without issue for a long time [21:50] @KMyers have you had time to look at places in the Orlando area? [21:50] * ahoneybun pushes @mhall119 into action [21:51] Orlando is a big area, last time I had an event up here most people who wanted to attend could only go to the north or eastern sides, not south or west [21:52] this is try [21:52] *true [21:52] for you guys coming from S. Florida, is Kissimmee harder/farther than Deland? [21:52] Deland is east or west I think [21:52] I dont mind a drive [21:52] if you go back roads you can avoid Orlando all together [21:52] Kisssimmee is more middle [21:52] Deland is up towards Daytona [21:52] but nearer the coast [21:53] Kissimme is further south, but also further inland [21:53] I think if it is in the middle it might be better [21:53] We may need to kidnap @govatent [21:53] @max seems to have no problem going to Orlando out of the air lol [21:54] or @AbMind XD [21:54] if we did kissimmee, it would be mostly a straight shot up the turnpike [21:55] which might make it easier to get more people to carpool [21:55] therefore more people [21:55] plus, you get to go through Yeehaw Junction :) [21:55] what is the plus is that? lol [21:56] I'd rather go to Old Town A&W if it is still there [21:56] @KMyers https://owncloud.adamoutler.com/index.php didn't fare so well. [21:56] Old Town is still there, not sure about an A&W [21:57] know of any places around there @mhall119 ? [21:57] there's lots of places [21:57] well that fit our bill [21:57] Disney Springs (formerly Downtown Disney) is right around there [21:58] @KMyers [21:58] no no it is Downtown Disney forever [21:58] there's plenty of coffee shops and book stores around there [21:58] @AdamOutler - You may want to re-install PHP [21:59] Let me finish mine [21:59] @ahoneybun I may be at a sprint on release week itself, so maybe the week after [21:59] KMyers: Looks at the JS errors https://baucum.me:8081 [21:59] @mhall119 snap sprint? [22:00] ahoneybun, yeah I'll probably come. [22:00] that's definitely happening, but Ubuntu Personal sprint might happen there too which would bringme [22:00] Oh @AdamOutler - You went from 14.04 to 16.04... [22:00] I will be upset if it's sold out though. :) [22:00] the heck is Personal [22:00] desktop/tablet/phone combination [22:00] Canonical is really bad at names [22:01] yes :( [22:01] so Ubuntu [22:01] excluding server, cloud, and IoT [22:01] if it shares codebase then it is the same product, or that is how Canonical sells it as [22:01] same product, different packaging [22:01] like Kubuntu :) [22:01] One moment Max, let me finish my update [22:02] I disagree a bit [22:02] but onto the release planning [22:02] My whole server is down now🤣 [22:02] * ahoneybun depands to come to a snap sprint [22:02] @AdamOutler - is that your home server? [22:02] Yep [22:03] Fun times tonight. [22:03] Ok, I ask because it is easier to fix than mine... I would need to call over to my DC and have them put up a KVM [22:03] Let me finish this upgrade [22:04] @mhall119 if we go with Old Town there are a lot of hotels and places to grab food/host [22:05] Why did I think it was a good idea to route my remote power management for my server through my server?!? [22:05] Control.adamoutler.com is down. [22:05] Yeh, that was not smart [22:05] 😜😂🙌👏👍😹 [22:06] sudo wife reboot server [22:06] * ahoneybun tries to find a Crack a barrel for @Ivoriesablaze [22:06] Meh. … I'll just spend all night in the closet. [22:07] XD [22:08] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LiuZLQbdTc [22:24] Not good, my server seems to be borked [22:25] I blame upstream [22:25] @mhall119 :P [22:37] Ok, I managed to get mine back online [22:37] Minimal data loss [22:39] Just a few settings, nothing crazy [22:46] @AdamOutler - Ok, the fix was a bit crazy but it got me in [22:46] Is it just your OwnCloud that is hosed or everything? [22:47] Also @Max - I dont see any JavaScript errors [23:19] KMyers, you don't get "Refused to execute script from 'https://baucum.me:8081/core/js/oc.js?v=b4f9a72e5516d3e34a08b43395f1bd8f' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled."? [23:19] Nope [23:19] Weird. [23:20] What owncloud apps do you have installed? [23:21] The music app is the only third party app. [23:21] Can you reach the oc.js link above? [23:21] For me it issues a redirect back to the root. [23:21] Dang it.... Cutegram hasn't been updated for 16.04 [23:22] It does the same [23:22] Can you ssh into your OwnCloud directory and run - sudo -u www-data php occ app:list [23:25] http://pastebin.com/Vv1BG7Tp [23:25] SivaMachina, use the PPA and manually switch it to use the Wiley repos. [23:25] That usually works for me. [23:25] I am on Xenial [23:26] Wily was 15.10 [23:26] Strange, nothing should be wrong with your setup [23:26] At least app wise [23:26] Siva, if you add the ppa and then edited it in /etc/apt/sources/... to point to the Wiley repo that usually works. [23:27] Unless there's something about it that specifically needs Wiley, like older libs. [23:27] Just be careful when you do that [23:27] @KMyers it's everything right now. [23:28] I'm doing a dpkg --configure -a [23:32] I thought it might be my nginx config, but I went through it comparing to the docs and made changes, but none of the changes fixed the problem. [23:35] PHP and Python are down. [23:35] Any fixes? [23:35] Yes, I got mine back up. Did you use a ppa to install php7? [23:36] No, I'm just using stock PHP7 from the default repos. [23:36] I'm doing an apt-get -f install and it seems to be working. [23:36] I may have PPAd from owncloud recommendations. I guess I need to set that back up [23:46] I can't even [23:47] Network is gone [23:52] KMyers http://pastebin.com/54N460ew [23:52] Can you compare to your config. [23:52] I blew away 16.04 and I'm going back to 14.04 [23:52] I just realised I'm assuming you are using nginx. [23:56] I am, not using nginx on my server, apache2 [23:58] Now my OwnCloud External Mounts are not working