=== JanC is now known as Guest36120 === JanC_ is now known as JanC === hyperair is now known as Guest74530 === sakrecoer_ is now known as sakrecoer [11:17] Good day. I inherited a ppa on launchpad, which we use to provide custom ubuntu precise meta-packages for our Libre Software project. I wish to add packages for Ubuntu xenial however I'm having problems finding suitable documentation explaining how. Could someone point me the right way please? [11:19] here you are davidoae :) https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading [11:20] thanks tsimonq2 [11:20] davidoae: basicly you take your precise source package and upload it for xenial (and updating dependecies as needed) === Tristit1a is now known as Tristitia === heroux_ is now known as heroux [16:50] Is it possible to limit https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/s390x?text= search to things in main only? [16:56] xnox: hrm, doesn't seem like it (that i can see), but there is: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=foo&searchon=names&suite=xenial§ion=main&arch=s390x ? [17:00] nacc, yeah, needs a keyword though - doesn't list "everything" with empty keyword =( [17:00] * xnox ponders if i can fix that. [17:01] xnox: oh i see [17:04] keyword=%00? :) [17:37] For that sort of fine-grained search you're probably better off just grabbing the Packages file and using grep-dctrl.