=== JanC is now known as Guest36120 === JanC_ is now known as JanC === hyperair is now known as Guest74530 === sakrecoer_ is now known as sakrecoer [15:00] * slangasek waves [15:00] o/ [15:00] \o [15:00] ~o~ [15:01] #startmeeting [15:01] Meeting started Thu Aug 25 15:01:17 2016 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [15:01] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [15:01] [TOPIC] Lightning round === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round [15:01] $ echo $(shuf -e barry doko bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity sil2100 robru cyphermox pitti tdaitx xnox chiluk mwhudson) [15:01] xnox chiluk tdaitx mwhudson pitti barry infinity robru sil2100 bdmurray slangasek cyphermox caribou doko [15:01] ah [15:01] skip [15:01] o/ welcome back slangasek [15:02] * pitti watches xnox frantically scribbling down notes [15:02] Mostly working on kernel bugs like. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1616193 [15:02] Launchpad bug 1616193 in linux (Ubuntu) "3.13: libvirtd: page allocation failure: order:4, mode:0x1040d0" [Undecided,Confirmed] [15:02] -done- [15:02] 2016-08-25 [15:02] = OpenJDK security update [15:02] - Packaging and testing OpenJDK 6 from IcedTea's mercurial repository [15:02] - Packaged and tested OpenJDK 6 based on IcedTea 1.13.12 (released yesterday) for Trusty and Precise [15:02] = JCK [15:02] - Back to testing [15:02] = OpenJDK 8 [15:02] - Fixing jtreg logging for zero and jamvm [15:02] = Other [15:03] - Considering what to snap [15:03] (done) [15:03] mwhudson is asleep I suppose? [15:03] yes :) [15:03] netplan: [15:03] - Add "dhcp6" and gateway options (committed, not landed yet due to beta freeze) [15:03] - Discuss design for VLAN support and start implementing it [15:03] - Add command for ifupdown config migration; can migrate simple DHCP stanzas and is robust to ignore configs that it does not know about; migration on package upgrade not enabled yet, though [15:03] - Make "netplan apply" do interface renames by simulating hotplugging [15:03] - Debug integration test regression, due to NM #1615044 [15:03] - Add code coverage report for python parts and crank up coverage [15:03] systemd: [15:03] - SRU fix pid1's stdin/out/err in containers (#1608953) [15:03] - Provide deputy system service manager for snapd backport (#1616422); I'd appreciate some help from someone knowledgeable about upstart debugging about shutdown not working [15:03] - udev: Fix vastly inefficient udev rule causing readlink to get called hundreds of times (#1615021) [15:04] misc: [15:04] - merge util-linux (CVE fix) [15:04] - meeting: Next steps for snappy support on 14.04 [15:04] - ubiquity: Clean up obsolete and no-op /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/iftab code [15:04] - Investigate ppc64el cloud image failure (#1616743) [15:04] - Reproduce console-conf hang, give feedback and suggestions to mwhudson [15:04] - Review https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/bileto/publish-job/+merge/302105 [15:04] - lots of SRU review and archive admin [15:04] (END) [15:04] ubuntu-image: gadget-yaml branch (landed); validate branch (WIP) [15:04] debuntu: python-virtualenv 15.0.3+ds-1 (+ syncpackage); twine 1.8.1-1 (will need FFE); syncpackage xonsh 0.4.4+dfsg-1 [15:04] ridin' the snappy train [15:04] sundry sysadmin tasks [15:04] --done-- [15:04] Short week due to a poor illness/work ratio: [15:04] * Investigated fakeroot/glibc/mklibs interaction, opted for a workaround in mklibs [15:04] * Working on fixing our langpack altdir patch to stop segfaulting in glibc >= 2.23 [15:05] * More planning with the kernel team on a second attempt to get kernel 4.6 in [15:05] * General AA/SRU/Release/etc tasks [15:05] * Fix Support header generation for *-updates, release pocket fix to come [15:05] (done) [15:05] lp:bileto [15:05] - reviewed and rolled out sil2100's PPA description fixing branch [15:05] - finished new publish job, obsoleting Jenkins entirely [15:05] - began work on git support [15:05] lp:canonical-mojo-specs [15:05] - fixed spec to stop deploying Jenkins in future deployments [15:05] (done) [15:05] someone is spreading the ubu-flu. [15:05] - Landing team work, silo coordination, preparing landing e-mails [15:05] - RTM status meetings [15:05] - Touch xenial: [15:05] * Prepared multiple no-change rebuilds against new android-headers [15:05] * Thanks to Vicamo's fixes, the OOBE UI comes up! [15:05] * Importing first arm64-enabled device tarball [15:05] * Leading weekly meeting, coordinating fixes landings [15:05] - zeromq3 and zmqpp update request: [15:05] * Coordinating unity-scope-api yakkety-toolchain fixes for the no-change rebuilds [15:05] * Filling in FFe, trying to bribe the release team (Steve) [15:05] - KPI instrument package auto-rebuilds: [15:05] * Looked into using recipes for this (more troublesome due to LP creds and non-bzr projects) [15:05] * Wrote a script for auto-rebuilding selected packages on upload with instrumentation [15:05] * Set-up an environment for running the script on canonistack [15:06] * Waiting for instrument-enable patches, experimented with qtubuntu [15:06] - Looking into the yakkety touch image build failures with click packages [15:06] - Coordinating the dbus ssh login delay bug fix on xenial/yakkety [15:06] - Fixing ubuntu-touch-session for xenial touch images [15:06] - Listening in at the presentation of the Alan cloud image build system [15:06] - Working on a bileto change for PPA description modification (first real bigger change!) [15:06] - Did several image copies for ubuntu-core [15:06] - Some DMB duties [15:06] (done) [15:06] * xnox is ready [15:06] resolved a traceback with the phased-updater [15:06] wrote a test case for the update-notifier hwe change [15:06] SRU verification of HWE stack bugs (update-manager, update-notifier, xserver-xorg-mesa...) [15:06] updated meta-release files to use old-releases instead of archive.u.c for old releases [15:06] investigation into HWE stack update-manager crash at errors.u.c [15:06] wrote database query to find details about the HWE stack update-manager bug [15:06] backported whoopsie patch to Trusty to upload more information w/ crashes [15:06] added more acceptable fields (package manager stuff) to whoopsie for Y, T, X [15:06] sru verification of Trusty bugs LP: #1616571, LP: #1616559 [15:06] Launchpad bug 1616571 in juju "bootstrap lxd failed to connect" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1616571 [15:06] short week due to holidays [15:06] Launchpad bug 1616559 in whoopsie (Ubuntu Trusty) "whoopsie should send more data to the Error Tracker" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1616559 [15:06] ✔ done [15:07] well one of those was a typo [15:07] bug 1616517 [15:07] bug 1616517 in whoopsie (Ubuntu Xenial) "whoopsie does not send fields from some package management application crashes" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1616517 [15:07] chiluk: indeed, I caught it too last week (mostly recovering..) [15:08] robru: obsoleting jenkins> is the jenkins unit still up? [15:09] slangasek: the one in production is, but not staging [15:09] cool [15:09] robru: nice! [15:09] * road trip + partner meetings last Thursday [15:09] * ubuntu-image: [15:09] * iterating on grub-pc support [15:09] * working on having ubuntu-image implementing the full gadget yaml spec [15:09] * console-conf: netplan discussions, triaging of remaining tasks for RTM [15:09] * analysis of a strange boot failure on an OpenPOWER system (LP: #1615021) [15:09] * SRU processing [15:09] * proposed-migration shepherding [15:09] Launchpad bug 1615021 in systemd (Ubuntu Xenial) "Unable to network boot Ubuntu 16.04 installer normally on Briggs" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615021 [15:10] * next: [15:10] * more ubuntu-image [15:10] * looking at creating a snap from scratch with snapcraft [15:10] * taking vacation next Thu/Fri [15:10] (done) [15:10] - [MIR] review unity-notifications (bug LP: #1613678) [15:10] - debugging grub 'no symbol table' crashes in new builds [15:10] - debugging network-manager openvpn split-tunnelling (bug LP: #1603898) [15:10] - workaround LC_NUMERIC bug in debconf-apt-progress/ubiquity (bug LP: #1611010) [15:10] Launchpad bug 1613678 in unity-notifications (Ubuntu) "[MIR] unity-notifications" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1613678 [15:10] Launchpad bug 1603898 in network-manager (Ubuntu Xenial) "DNS resolution fails when using VPN and routing all traffic over it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1603898 [15:10] Launchpad bug 1611010 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "yakkety desktop - non-english installation crashes with /plugininstall.py: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611010 [15:10] - shim EKU discussions and code review [15:10] - bugfix in shim EKU code [15:10] - console-conf/probert bug fixing [15:10] - discuss / debug grub ipv6 w/ lamont [15:10] - more grub2 dhcpv6 backporting... [15:10] - preparing probert 0.0.6 release [15:11] - preparing subiquity 0.0.7 release [15:11] - coordinating console-conf landing in ubuntu-core [15:11] - review/merge ubiquity hidpi fixes [15:11] - review/merge ubiquity tests from nuclearbob [15:11] - discuss arm64 efi failures w/ apw [15:11] - looking into enabling IPv6 support in OVMF [15:11] (done) [15:11] Bugfix: [15:11] dpkg status file corrupt [15:11] samba winbind statically linked [15:11] corosync timer questions [15:11] Meetings [15:11] (done) [15:12] xnox: doko is off today, so you can be doko for the meeting [15:12] zua - finish d-i integration; openstack vendor metadata; juju suboridnate charm. testing things at the moment before announcing wider testing. [15:12] boost1.61 / gcc6 ftbfs - down to 35 packages [15:12] s390x - new s390-tools, enable numactl build, enable zfs/numa/systemtap in libvirt on s390x/ppc64el, new libdfp with zEC12 / z13 support [15:12] (done) [15:12] nice [15:12] any questions? [15:12] slangasek, can we have more armhf builders for a rebuild? [15:12] armhf/arm64 [15:12] * xnox pretends to be doko [15:13] heh [15:13] sil2100: you mentioned arm64 -- any news wrt. autopgkgtest requirements/hw ? [15:14] pitti: fwiw I've escalated that to Beret [15:14] pitti: no news, jibel is all aware, but I guess there still needs to be this discussion who should own the HW [15:16] [TOPIC] AOB === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB [15:16] anything else? [15:16] my desktop looks all funky, because I have yet to reboot after updating gtk? [15:16] doesn't look significantly less funky after rebooting, though ;) [15:16] cyphermox: for some reason I lost the sound indicator on mine [15:16] heh [15:17] I'm on holidays starting the 5th, two weeks from then [15:17] (well, ) [15:17] pitti: good to know, I'll postpone rebooting then [15:17] cyphermox: really j/k, should be fine [15:17] what I mean by funky is that I have just about no widgets showing up correctly [15:17] cyphermox, logout/login helps. but i guess that's pretty much reboot. [15:17] xnox: yeah, that's equivalent :) [15:17] $ restart unity7 [15:18] * xnox ...and pray [15:18] meh [15:18] eventually I'll have fewer terminals open [15:18] ... or a wish to let my office get cold again [15:19] the real cause of arctic ice melt [15:20] it's *server room warm here* [15:20] cyphermox, fewer terminals open? entropy does not allow that [15:21] tdaitx: the third law of terminodynamics? [15:21] yep [15:22] * infinity has to be rude and run off to the bathroom in the middle of the meeting; will read scrollback. [15:22] I choose to turn more terminals into a temperature delta eventually [15:22] slangasek, second, I have yet to see the number of terminals remaining contant... ;-) [15:23] :) [15:23] ok, anything else for real? [15:24] infinity: please turn off your mic [15:25] barry: I didn't take my mic to the bathroom. [15:26] #endmeeting === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [15:26] Meeting ended Thu Aug 25 15:26:40 2016 UTC. [15:26] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2016/ubuntu-meeting.2016-08-25-15.01.moin.txt [15:26] thanks! [15:26] thanks! [15:27] thanks! [15:27] thanks everyone! [15:27] Thanks! [15:46] tah