[01:52] Ardour 5.1 may hit debian real soon === sakrecoer_ is now known as sakrecoer [09:54] i am having huge issues with i386 iso... [09:54] it install ok... but keyboard is in wrong layout.. [09:54] network manager refuses to start, so impossible to send bug repport.. [09:55] is there a way to send the output of ubuntu-bug to an usb key? [09:55] to be fair, it could be due to my live-usb, although i have tested 2... [09:56] when i dd the i386 to a usb, the usb become unmountable... but it works fine in live-session and well, installation completed sucessfully [09:57] gparted tells me the usb is corrupt, if i erase the partition, then it mounts ok, and displays the content of a live-usb, but gparted regards it as empty [10:02] hmm.. NM/applet restarted after a long while.. [10:02] but "plain" swedish is missing from keyboard layouts... [10:03] i have dvorak, macintosh, and something that would translate into "with muted keys removed"... [10:03] svdorak and yeah.. lots of things i don\t have [10:07] oh... ubuntu/bug xfce4-keyboard-settings gives me "cannot be repported, problem bleongs to a package that is not installed" [10:07] although i did spell it correctly in the terminal >p [10:07] and it starts ok, if i start it from terminal... [10:25] sakrecoer: dd does something weird. Next time, try setting bs= to something, like bs=512 [10:25] But, that stuff is not related to running the OS. [10:26] Has anyone checked changes in Xubuntu lately, and if it would be wise for us to sync some of that? [10:26] DE stuff is not our field, but if we leaver our DE unmaintined, bad things can happen [10:29] I'm not going to do that, since I'm trying to uninvolve myself from development. I'm merely here to prevent disasters and help with technical problems until I'm not needed anymore [10:30] sakrecoer: I would get Xubuntu's seeds and check changes in the past 1/2 year [10:50] thank zequence. of course i understand... i think we were good with the xubuntu sync... [10:51] i'll try that dd thing [10:51] i'd have to double check the xubuntu sync though obvisouly.. [10:51] another interesting bug, is that calibre crashes if one starts hydrogen [10:52] the repport generated must be mb big beacuse it takes for ever to upload. [10:53] i know krytarik checked it, but that was a few weeks ago [10:54] sorry context... he checked the xubuntu sync [10:55] Once or twice I tried to develop a sort of schedule for the development work https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/DevelopmentCycle [10:55] intersting, the calibre bug gets marked as private.. [10:56] One could go further with that and add specifik tasks to be done during specific periods. [10:56] nice zequence ! [10:56] i have seen that page before, but recently i was looking for and couldn't find it [10:57] Currently, since we are copying Xubuntu, we should check changes just before FF, and before each Beta and before the RC [10:57] The link is under "Planning Documentation" on the sidebar, and the link "Development Cycle" [10:58] wasn't there a scheduleing for contribution calls? [10:58] thank you! :) [10:58] What are contribution calls? [10:59] call for contribution..? :P [10:59] i mean, like "hey everyone in user, want to be a dev? we need you to be dev!" [11:00] Always good to do that in the beginning of a new cycle. [11:00] But, you can also do one when testing begins after Beta1 [11:00] The beginning is more for those who want to be in for a half year, and learn the whole thing [11:00] Testing is a good and simple way to get involved, and get to know people [11:01] I tried doing that now and then, but would have liked someone else to be responsible for the whole PR part of things [11:03] Ross is the only one with a clear area of responsibility right now [11:03] Or, sort of clear. Perhaps it could be made even more clear. [11:03] Maybe he would prefer that as well. [11:04] One thing I never tried was calling for specific contributors. Like - we need a PR person [11:04] or, we need people who would like to do documentation - both video and writing [11:05] Chances to find even one are always small, but if you don't try, chances are even smaller [11:06] :) [11:06] yeah.. everyone is doing a bit of everything right now, that is an issue indeed... [11:06] but being such a small team sort of makes it so.. [11:24] zequence: bs=512 fixed dd's bad behaviour [11:26] sakrecoer: Yes. Not sure what dd does otherwise. But there seems to be some confusion around sector sizes, or something like that, if you do not use that option [11:27] But, again, it will have no effect on running the OS. Will just make it easier using disk managers [11:44] zequence: the odd thing is that i've used dd like that since i first installed a daily in october last year, never noticed this rpoblem before.. but, yeah that is exactly what gparted complained about: the particition apears to be 2048 but linux says 512... [11:44] haha.. particition... i am the particitian from mars [11:46] Could be the ISOs are done differently recently. When you dd, you copy a whole filesystem onto something, and everything that goes with it [11:47] On that note, I'm preparing a LFS system on a less than 16GB partition, which I will be storing as an image file with dd [11:48] No package management. Everything built from source. Going to update it now and then. Going to try to make it studio friendly, as a hobby project [11:49] Easily shared by just sharing the image file [11:51] Actually, one could make that a rolling release, if /home and let's say /opt and /usr/local are on one or more separate partitions [11:51] And /snap, of course [11:56] A bit OT, but it will have systemd and gnome3 [12:37] amd64 failed again on hardware for me... [12:37] haven't been sucessfull with that one since 20160805 [12:40] bug #1616901 [12:40] bug 1616901 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Installation of Ubuntu Studio 16.10 beta1 failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1616901 [12:42] sakrecoer: Are other flavors having similar problems? Did you check the error files? [12:43] ubuntu mate on powerpc... otherwise non seem to have the same problem [12:44] Check the error logs that are added with the bug report [12:44] error files or attached in the bugg repport... [12:44] 14:11:06 hostname /plugininstall.py[14274]: apt_pkg.Error: E:Write error - write (32: Broken pipe) [12:45] Which file is that? [12:45] JournalErrors.txt [12:46] Could be a problem with our ubiquity plugin. Just guessing [12:47] Wonder why that would only happen on AMD64 though [12:47] yeah... [12:47] how do i escalate it?... [12:48] No, I don't think our plugin is the cause, but who knows [12:49] i don't know either... i'll try without encrypting the home folder one time... thats all i can think i do differently since i installed the daily succesfully last time [12:50] sakrecoer: That is actually a common bug recently [12:50] sakrecoer: So, yes, do not use that [13:11] zequence: no difference... [13:29] anyone else in here who could do a hardware install test for our amd64? [13:29] we can't exclude my hardware is dead... [13:30] and it appears to eb working with a VM, ross marked it as passed on VM.. [13:30] the beta1 amd64 release candidate that is [13:36] I'm unable to a full install. I say pass it, but try to figure out why your AMD64 is not installing [13:37] I mean, your test didn't pass [13:37] Well, perhaps Ross should be asked too about the whole thing. When to mark the ISOs ready, that is [13:45] definitly [13:53] kyline be like http://bomarpestcontrol.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/houston-pest-control-01-1024x1024.png [14:12] zequence: do you know where the files for the first menu that appears when booting a live session are located? [14:12] they should be here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-look [14:12] but it doesn't really look like they are.. [14:15] in that menu, where the "try ubuntustudio without installing" is located, it looks like "progress_box.png" is used, but it isn't.. it would also be nice to translate the first entry, since the QA test includes a step to specificaly verify all entries get translated according to language selection [14:15] "progress_box.png" being the old ubuntu studio woodmark [14:16] sakrecoer: I've never checked that, actually. [14:17] i've been looking all over the place for a long time, but i can't find it.. [14:17] My guess it is with whatever package that is responsible for that menu. [14:18] It is the same menu we had before going with live images [14:18] yeah.. my guess is ubiquity, but i can't find the ubuntustudio specific one.. [14:18] ho Rosco2 ! [14:18] hi even [14:18] sorry [14:18] No, it's not ubiquity [14:19] ubiquity is a GUI application that you can install [14:19] ubiquity does not handle boot [14:19] It's something much older than that [14:23] Hi there. Was just checking the status and reading Set's installation failure. [14:23] I asked for more information on the bug. Srry if that was already provided here :-) [14:23] nor grub for the iso. [14:24] Ross, i don't have much more info.. but let me look at what you wrote.. [14:24] Rosco2: ^ [14:25] Perhaps debian-installer [14:25] Have there been other ubiuity bugs on the other flavours? [14:26] not that i've seen... [14:26] i answered on the bug,.. [14:27] Rosco2: "I get to do all the steps; it fails after copying the files, during installation/unpacking process." [14:27] i don't really know what else i can say... [14:32] i coudln't find drumgizmo by the way... only dgedit.. [14:33] sakrecoer: dpkg -s drumgizmo [14:35] Doesn't seem to have a desktop file [14:36] Mate had one (ubiquity bug) related to internationalisation [14:36] It looks like we need to work on the desktop files anyways. [14:36] Don't think it includes one [14:36] Googled the error message in the log attached to your bug [14:37] Found another bug with the same error [14:37] Bug 1611010 [14:37] bug 1611010 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "yakkety desktop - non-english installation crashes with /plugininstall.py: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611010 [14:37] Rosco2: we've had an internationalisation bug for very long now. bug #1550186 [14:37] bug 1550186 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "First entry of boot-menu "Try UbuntuStudio without installing" do not get translated into the chosen language" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1550186 [14:37] A fix was released for that (apt) 5 hours ago [14:37] oh, that looks like a more real one.. [14:38] it is defenitly related to pluginstall.py, what i ahve... [14:38] drumgimo is lv2, but the standalone seems gui-less [14:38] well... i don't knwo for sure... but the log message speaks about it a lot [14:38] Sorry - copy & paste error [14:38] Bug 1611010 [14:38] bug 1611010 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "yakkety desktop - non-english installation crashes with /plugininstall.py: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611010 [14:39] Rosco2: no, i pasted the other bug :) [14:40] the one you pasted seem more serious and likely to be what i have [14:40] OK - have to go pick up my son [14:40] alright! :) [14:40] Anyone else in the middle of testing? [14:40] Not me [14:40] not that i know, maybe OvenWerks ? [14:43] OK. As it is probably fixed and confined to non-english installs we can probably mark it as ready [14:43] I will update the release notes when I get back [14:43] well... my install was in english... only desktop layout is in swedish [14:43] but... sure... [14:43] Yes - that sees to be the problem [14:43] Tell it you live in New York :-) [14:43] ok... [14:44] i will try that! [14:44] Thats what one of the comments was to the other bug [14:44] sakrecoer: I am in the middle of printing to a USB stick. But I need to get ready to go out. [14:45] oh damn it... my grub is screwed.. [14:45] OvenWerks: ok :) do as you can :) [15:00] i started ont this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/Beta1/UbuntuStudio [15:00] If the install succeeds with keyboard layoutin english, i will add it to known issues. [15:10] \o/ [15:10] it wooooorked! [15:14] Are you sure it was the keyboard layout? [15:15] I was able to choose Copenhagen, Danish Keyboard and English language on the laptop [15:16] well... sure is big word... [15:16] but i found this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1612448 [15:16] Launchpad bug 1612448 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu MATE 'entire disk' installation crashes (16.10, ppc)" [Undecided,New] [15:16] :-) [15:16] althouhg its ppc... [15:17] Rosco2: do you reckon there could be a difference between hardware and VM install on that.. ehm.. localization level [15:17] sakrecoer: I see the problem with the menu. One of the system files we were using is no longer there. I will create a Studio specific one and put it in. (after I get back later today) [15:18] thank you OvenWerks ! :) [15:19] OvenWerks: a hole bunch of new tools were pulled in by dispcalgui, perhpas they should go with iamge magic, can setc, but that undercategory be renamed to something in the lines of utilities? [15:19] Rosco2: do you think we should marka s ready? [15:20] i mean, you said so, but... :D didn't change your mind? [15:20] i'm sure it can wait until you are back anyway [15:21] WHoops. I probably should have mentioned that I had already created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseNotes/Beta1/UbuntuStudio [15:22] It was basically a copy of Xenial Beta (modified to Yakkety) [15:23] I will delete it in a bit - incase you want to scan it [15:24] Marked images ready in the tracker! [15:24] ok... np :) it takes two person to be off synch :D [15:25] thank you for marking ready, will scan your wiki Rosco2 :) [15:28] My danish install was in a VM - so that could be the difference [15:29] My hardware install was on the desktop which has an Engilish keyboard [15:48] ok, i finished the wiki page :) [15:48] if anyone fancies a proof read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/Beta1/UbuntuStudio [16:06] LGTM - a good compilation :-) [16:08] Deleted the other one just now [16:15] thanks Rosco2 :) [16:18] i really want you to feel in charge of release, Rosco2. I hope you understand my sole interest was to relief you from workload, given you said you would be tight on timing this round. Also since i got involved with holding it for the flavours, i just went with the flow. [16:19] No probs - don't care how - as long as it gets done [16:19] however, as i see it, in that domain, you have the last word :) [16:19] cool! [16:19] Next time I will let you know [16:20] I knew you might be busy chasing other release notes too this time :-) [16:20] :) yeah.. i am also responsible for not communicating that wiki page with you earlier :) [18:54] sakrecoer: what about dispcalgui itself? Should it be in graphic utility too? [18:55] OvenWerks: yes, or settings manager :) [18:56] i mean, its supposed to be fiddeled with once, and then forgotten until next freshinstall... [18:57] OvenWerks: which in is it though? [18:57] dispcalgyu itself... [18:57] DisplayCAL? [18:58] oh wow... i plays a tune on start up :O [19:00] need to hustle myself in to a studio where someone has one of those devices... [19:57] Ok we need someone to upload/release ubuntustudipo-menu - zequence or ??? [20:00] OvenWerks: probably.. but i think we ahve until UI freeze on the 20th september to arrange that. :) [20:01] OvenWerks: ah... sorry... 8th of september.. [20:01] week 20 of the cycle :/ i always confuse those numbers [20:39] OvenWerks: I'll have to do it tomorrow. Getting late, and being too sick tonight. [20:40] sakrecoer: Might be easier to think backwards. 1 month before release - Beta 2, 2 months before release - Beta 1, etc [20:45] zequence: Thank you. It appears there is no rush [21:08] That dispcalgui looks like a really powerfull tool... [21:08] i'm eager to be able to test it... [21:10] and the doc looks super consistent...