
xrfanghow can I get the current disk write cache size? thanks01:04
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eXistenZehateball: thank you for the invite. So what bugs are we talking about?08:46
hateballeXistenZe: Just that Plasma is generally unstable in the default release08:46
hateballeXistenZe: It shouldnt lead to corruption however08:46
hateballeXistenZe: And like I said, pretty much everyone uses this PPA https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports08:47
hateballSolves most issues with dual/external monitors and such also08:47
hateballeXistenZe: Problem is that backporting newer plasma requires newer Qt, and that might break regular Ubuntu08:47
hateballI havent checked on 16.10 but I assume that will fix much headache08:48
eXistenZemine logged into black screen every few days. And some files in plasma config got most lines erased. Restoring them solved the issue08:49
eXistenZeI like plasma aver unity or gnome, but this bug made me abandon kubuntu08:50
hateballUnderstandable, certainly if you did not try using the PPA08:50
hateballI dont really have any issues after that08:50
eXistenZenope. Never heard of it.08:50
hateballanyhows, 16.10 is out in not-long, if I were adventerous and doing a fresh install I'd probably go for that myself08:50
eXistenZeSo I install kubuntu, the the repo, and just update?08:51
hateball(altho that is bad advice since it is not yet supported)08:51
hateballeXistenZe: Yep08:51
hateballeXistenZe: And if you use an nVidia GPU, you probably want to use the nVidia PPA as well08:52
eXistenZegonna give it a try again this weekend08:52
eXistenZeIt's a shame so few apps are developed for linux08:54
eXistenZeAnd office filetypes compatibility is also horrible08:54
hateballAll depends what you need I suppose08:55
eXistenZeproper docx, xlsx, accdb and pptx suport would be awesome08:58
hateballNot really a Linux/Kubuntu problem however08:59
eXistenZeAlready asking on the proper #09:01
eXistenZeWhat do you call plasma in relation with KDE or unity with gnome?09:13
eXistenZeAre they all DEs?09:14
hateballKDE is a community09:14
hateballPlasma is the DE09:14
hateballand you have KDE Applications which is the rest of the bits, pretty much09:15
hateballwell, they all depend on Frameworks09:16
eXistenZeWhat are KDE apps? Apps that change the DE itself?09:16
hateballeXistenZe: No, things like Kate and Okular and so on09:16
hateballwithout them you'd just have plasmashell and kwin09:16
eXistenZebut why are they kde apps? They don't work on other DEs? Or is it just because they were made by the team and are pre-installed?09:31
jubo2eXistenZe: I dunno. I hear Konversation could easily work in Gnome but I've preferred KDE since oogles ago09:32
jubo2Gnome .. just .. doesn't .. feel .. as .. good09:33
jubo2And I don't get no hatin' for likin' KDE09:36
eXistenZeVisually, plasma is awesome09:43
gradonKDE is amazing, I feel like it runs lighter than everything else.09:44
hateballeXistenZe: because they were made by the KDE community yes. of course they run anywhere if dependencies are met09:45
eXistenZeAny linux app runs in any distro, right?09:46
eXistenZedependencies met09:46
moeinNo body?11:19
moeinCan i install unity on kubuntu?11:20
hateballIf you like, yes11:20
hateballmoein: apt install unity11:20
hateballand then pick what DE you like when you login11:21
konradosMorning :)11:47
konradosI have a file which I can execute as normal user (konrad) and I can't as sudo, here are the permissions: -rwxrwxr-x  1 konrad konrad ... why is that?11:50
hateballkonrados: pastebin your exact commands and results11:53
konradoshateball, - https://gist.github.com/konrados/a461e1e6850347461aa27a7a90f5171411:59
hateballsorry, no idea about npm12:00
konradoshateball - this is a node package manager which is a js file, which is then run by node.  But the error isn't related to npm its self, these are permission issues.12:02
hateballkonrados: chances are you'll get more response in #ubuntu since it's not plasma related12:02
konradosah no, sorry it says: sudo: npm: command not found but I think this are permissions, hateb12:03
konradoshateball, ^12:03
hateballkonrados: well what does "which npm" say when you run it as your user?12:03
konrados /home/konrad/.nvm/versions/node/v6.4.0/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js12:05
hateballthat's not going to be in roots path, so12:06
konradosoh, I think I understand!12:06
konradosI have a different $PATH when doing as sudo, and doing sudo which npm gives me nothing...12:07
konradosthank you hateball!12:07
BluesKajHiyas all12:26
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onlineqHello, is there any wifi / wpa_supplicant  guru ?   I have a weird problem with my new notebook (Lenovo T560) in Xenial.13:15
hateballcome on now13:16
hateball!help | onlineq13:16
ubottuonlineq: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:16
onlineqokay.. I am trying to connect the notebook with WIFI... with the open network it's perfectly okay. I am trying with our company wifi network , which is WPA-EAP... there's machine authentication against AD.    Problem is , that once I use the wpa_supplicant with the WIFI  (it's Intel Corp. Wireless 8260 (rev 3a),   8086:24f3) and turn on the debug l13:19
onlineqog, it is constantly saying that  "No suitable network found" even if the ESSID is correct. I am using the completely same setup on my old notebook and it works...13:19
onlineqsurely it never connects with the new notebook.13:19
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threebarhey everyone15:29
threebari updated and installed latest bitcoin-qt but im still on 0.9.4 and i get a message that my version is old15:29
threebaris xenial not keeping up with the latest bitcoin-qt?15:29
dax!info bitcoin-qt15:30
ubottuPackage bitcoin-qt does not exist in xenial15:30
daxdidn't think so15:30
daxthreebar: we don't package bitcoin-qt, you're probably using a PPA or something, talk to whoever you got the package from15:30
threebarhow do i tell what PPA its coming from?15:31
seam_installin the mood to help anybody?15:32
seam_installHave an upgraded Kubunti 16.4.1 and want to install steam, but it tells me there are unsatified dependencies.15:33
seam_installaptitude suggeste to deinstall 600+ packages.15:34
seam_installcan't beleve this.15:34
seam_installcan anybody guide me to install steam client?15:34
threebardax, i ran "apt-cache showpkg bitcoin-qt" and it shows me "0.9.4-trusty1 (/var/lib/dpkg/status)"15:36
threebarseam_install, that's probably unrelated. check above or below that message for the actual reason it won't install. read carefully15:37
seam_installthere isn't much to missinterprete...15:38
seam_installsteam:i386 : Hängt ab von: libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 soll aber nicht installiert werden15:38
threebarso you're missing your libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 package15:39
threebaro has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)15:40
threebartry that15:40
daxthreebar: I think that's from https://launchpad.net/~bitcoin/+archive/ubuntu/bitcoin15:40
seam_installsudo apt-get install steam libgl1-mesa-glx:i38615:40
seam_installsudo apt-get install steam libgl1-mesa-glx:i38615:40
daxthreebar: (which is a PPA, so not officially supported, so use at your own risk basically)15:41
seam_installlibgl1-mesa-glx:i386 : Hängt ab von: libxdamage1:i386 (>= 1:1.1) soll aber nicht installiert werden15:41
seam_installsudo apt-get install steam libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libxdamage1:i38615:41
seam_installaccording to this it should work out of the box:15:43
seam_installwhen I have aptitude to resolve the conflicts it sugests either not to install steam or to remove 600+ packages15:47
seam_installneither one is what I want... :o(15:47
threebardax, they list the PPA on their website15:50
daxi meant "officially" as in by us15:50
daxprobably bitcoin supports it, yes15:50
threebaroh ok15:51
threebarwhatever, i just downloaded their tgz15:51
daxthat's what i do, personally :)15:51
yocs0000what is the best environment to develop in python under kubuntu?16:32
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collinsI am need assistance in installing onedrive on my newly installed Kubuntu OS17:08
collinsI have tried this http://xmodulo.com/sync-microsoft-onedrive-linux.html but I encountered an error along the line17:08
collins:~/onedrive-d$ ./inst install17:12
collinsbash: ./inst: No such file or directory17:12
collinswhen I try the command "./inst install"17:12
allesszzhi guys. I have an issue with akonadi service17:17
allesszzI am on kubuntu 16.0417:18
Dragonslicercollins- It's hard for us to support software that isn't in the Ubuntu repository17:18
DragonslicerMy best guess, though, is to make sure that you're in the directory with the "inst" program and that it's marked as executable17:18
allesszzI have changed to auto-login and kontact stopped working17:18
allesszzafter removing auto-login it sill wont start and kontact does not like that at all ;-(17:19
allesszzany ideas?17:19
collins@Dragnslicer Thanks for your response. please how do I know if I am in the directory that has the "inst"17:20
Dragonslicercollins- ls -al inst17:20
DragonslicerIf that gives something like "No such file", try just ls -al17:21
collinsI am new to Linux and only followed the guidelines I found here http://xmodulo.com/sync-microsoft-onedrive-linux.html17:21
Dragonslicercollins- the instructions there are probably incorrect, then17:23
collinsI would like to start afresh, please how do I uninstall this command "git clone https://github.com/xybu92/onedrive-d.git"17:23
DragonslicerThat page is dated 2014, so things may have changed in the software17:24
DragonslicerLooking at the github page, I don't see an "inst" program17:24
collinsHow do I undo everything I have done starting with "git clone https://github.com/xybu92/onedrive-d.git"17:25
collinsSo I can start afresh with correct guideline17:25
DragonslicerIt looks like the software page is at https://github.com/xybu/onedrive-d-old17:27
DragonslicerYou might find better instructions there17:27
collinsokay. Thanks. please can you help me to remove what I have done so far? I don't know where and how to do that.17:29
allesszz_I think I know how akonadi got broken. I installed maria db and removed the existing mysql installation which akonadi uses17:30
allesszz_ahhhh!! ;-(17:30
Dragonslicercollins- if all you did was clone the git repository, you can just delete the directory that it created17:32
collinsthat's the onedrive-d directory?17:33
collinsI am already in that directory "cd onedrive-d" please what command do I need to delete it?17:33
Dragonslicercd ..17:34
Dragonslicerrm -rf onedrive-d17:35
DragonslicerOr you can just use a GUI file manager, e.g. Dolphin17:35
allesszz_starting akonadi server reveals this error message: Fatal error: Please consult the Knowledge Base to find out how to run mysqld as root!17:37
collinsthanks. deleted now. let me try the new instructions now17:38
collinsplease is there any material like ebook that can help me to master the use of Kubuntu fast17:39
sadarioHi. After an hour or so of googling, I still haven't found a solution for something that shouldn't be a problem at all. Ubuntu does it easily, but Kubuntu doesn't seem to have the option to17:43
sadarioeasily swap between two connected audio-devices (USB-headset and 5.1-speakers). Is there anyone who would be able to enlighten me on this?17:43
BluesKajsadario, you should be able to so in pavucontrol17:44
Dragonslicercollins- http://docs.kubuntu.org/ is probably a good place to start17:45
sadarioBluesKaj: Can't see the option to swap in PavuControl either17:45
BluesKajor system settings>multimedia>hardware preferences17:46
BluesKajsadario, audio outputs in pavucontrol ??17:46
daum_hi guys to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.01 it's just do-dist-upgrade right from the cli?17:47
sadarioBluesKaj: Yeah. Don't see a button to swap to the correct output. I need a easy way to swap between speakers and headset17:47
sadariowaaaait, nvm. Found it. Thanks a lot!17:48
Dragonslicerdaum_- I think it's do-release-upgrade17:50
DragonslicerYou should also be able to do it from the update manager17:50
daum_Dragonslicer, er right - sorry ok good17:51
daum_it's downloading currently=p17:51
BluesKajdaum_,  sudo do-release-upgrade =, but make sure your update manager is set to LTS only and also update and upgrade your existing packages first17:51
BluesKajdaum_, forget the =17:52
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daum_hey guys - anyone else notice the fonts are really different after upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04/20:06
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> We moved from Oxygen or Ubuntu font to Noto Sans20:28
allesszzanyone willing to help me with a kontact issue?20:40
clivejoallesszz: most people run away screaming when you mention kontact20:47
clivejobut whats the issue?20:47
daum_IrcsomeBot, thanks - i think that was pointed at me that helped changing them back to oxygen for me20:51
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existenzehey guys21:59
existenzewhat's the repo for plasma fixes?21:59
ubottuIf new updated packages are built for an application, they may go into Kubuntu Backports, which is one of the official Kubuntu PPAs. See https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/PPAs for more information.23:02
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