[06:12] Noon every One! [07:53] hello AudaciousTUX [08:13] wb RemonShai [08:13] wb pavlushka [08:13] wb pavlushka [08:13] hellu zaki [08:13] ty zaki vai [08:14] Hello every one :) [08:14] Happy to see you all :) [08:15] me too.. , pavlushka vai [08:17] :) [08:19] গতরাত থেকে বিদ্যুৎ নাই, কিছুক্ষণের মধ্যেই মিস্কিন হইমু :( [08:27] AudaciousTUX: :) [08:29] AudaciousTUX: check the pm. === Rezwan is now known as codeur [13:49] AudaciousTUX: আমার কাজটা কর :) [13:50] AudaciousTUX: কিছু pic দেখলুম, ভালা ভালা [13:50] apatoto amar kaj kortechi... :p [13:50] AudaciousTUX: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/tanjim?action=AttachFile এইখানে :p [13:51] ow [13:51] ;) [14:23] done :3 [14:29] AudaciousTUX: and now next please [14:29] oh yeah :P [14:35] done [14:35] hei russel vau [14:35] Hello [14:35] kotodin por.... ebar nusha re ferot den >_< [14:36] I <3 nusha :') [14:37] gelen koi -_- [14:53] wb Ekushey [14:53] wb Kilos [14:53] how are you? [14:53] hi zaki and everyone else [14:53] AudaciousTUX: nice wiki. :p [14:53] tired, been to jhb to visit brother in hospital and travelling kills head [14:53] ^_^ zaki [14:54] oh. how is he? [14:55] QA: coffee on [14:55] * QA puts the kettle on [14:55] has pipes into lungs to drain blood clots and fluid, so suffering [14:56] oh. ! [14:59] Coffee's ready for zaki! [14:59] Hello Ekushey [14:59] hi Ekushey [14:59] QA: ty [14:59] Only a pleasure zaki [15:02] and Hello Kilos ! [15:02] hi pavlushka [15:14] Kilos: how was the day? [15:17] long and tiring pavlushka i hate going to hospitals [15:24] /msg nickserv info ahoneybun [15:24] :| [15:25] zaki: lol [15:25] :( [15:26] typo [15:27] why did it show here anyway [15:28] the / should make it go to freenode only isnt it? [15:29] don't know [15:30] which client?? [15:30] @zaki: [15:30] Kilos: a space was preceding so the command failed [15:30] aha [15:30] Konversation [15:30] ow [15:30] copy paste doesnt always work hehe [15:30] /hello [15:31] zaki: careful not to leave space before / [15:31] you need very good eyes to see a space at the beginning [15:31] hmm. ha ha [15:31] hi AudaciousTUX [15:31] hi Kilos [15:31] Kilos: copy paste creates the error :p [15:31] yes [15:32] btw.... i've to go now.... bye all :) [15:32] go well AudaciousTUX [15:32] AudaciousTUX: sure, good luck on your exam :) [15:32] oh yes good luck [17:20] zaki: ping [17:21] pavlushka: pong [17:22] zaki: cant find a post of mine in Ubuntu Bangladesh Facebook group where I posted an invitation to be here mentioning ahoneybun and wxl being in #ubuntu-bd to have a visit. [17:23] is it removed? [17:25] zaki: I am afraid so! [17:26] oh! [17:29] ask tanjim , he is in the admin panel. :p [17:35] zaki: he has exam, ok, will ask him later :) [17:54] zaki: oh, I got it, here https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntubd/permalink/10153828924037217/ [18:04] how? [18:05] oky. great you found it back. :P [18:09] zaki: it has less hit, so it was auto hidden, man IRC is fun. [18:11] pavlushka: some one in #bangladesh channel [18:15] yeaaaa [18:15] welcome Nahiyan [18:15] hello [18:15] Welcome Nahiyan ! [18:15] thanks thanks & thanks [18:15] hi Nahiyan [18:16] Kilos: Nahiyan is a pro, an arch user :) [18:16] fear me [18:16] ha ha ha [18:16] he he [18:16] haha well done [18:16] so anyone use KDE? [18:16] me [18:16] arch sucks for normal peeps [18:16] cool [18:16] arch use [18:16] me [18:16] yes I agree Kilos [18:16] yes kde here [18:16] user* [18:16] all of them here except me :( [18:17] all of us here except me :( [18:17] the best thing about arch is that the community is pretty skilled in anything [18:17] so it's pro-support if you go to the forums [18:17] Nahiyan: on which network ? [18:17] also because there's no GUI to install arch hehe [18:17] this, on #archlinux [18:17] I used to frequent that [18:18] Nahiyan: be here, we chill here a lot and have coffee :P [18:18] now I generally frequent science channels esp. ##math and ##chemistry sometimes #biology [18:18] great [18:18] so I wanted to note something [18:19] and here one is from kde dev team. you can see him in the top of the nick list. :p [18:19] so the KDE calendar has files for each country's holidays right? [18:19] whoa cool [18:19] so apparently there's no holidays file yet for BD [18:20] umm.... we should add one... :D [18:20] yeah [18:20] let me find which project it is [18:21] kholidays [18:21] oh nahiyan sorry, he is in kubuntu dev tem. [18:21] Nahiyan: this channel is on freenode network (Ubuntu), oftc network is for debian, which one is archlinux's network? [18:21] freenode [18:21] try /join #archlinux [18:22] Nahiyan: and you can add the holidays of BD :) [18:22] great [18:22] I'll do that tomorrow [18:23] Nahiyan: when I'll be on arch, I will join there for sure :) [18:23] great [18:27] Nahiyan: want some coffee? [18:27] and rusks? :p [18:28] idk what a rusk is [18:29] huh cool [18:29] QA: define rusks [18:29] zaki: I don't know about rusks. Maybe you meant Russ, Rusk or rusk? [18:29] hehe [18:29] QA: define rusk [18:29] zaki: Rusk \Rusk\, n. [Sp. rosca de mar sea rusks, a kind of biscuit, rosca properly meaning, a screw, spiral.] 1. A kind of light, soft bread made with yeast and eggs, often toasted or crisped in an oven; or, a kind of sweetened biscuit. [1913 Webster] 2. A kind of light, hard cake or bread, as for stores. --Smart. [1913 Webster] 3. Bread or cake which has been [18:29] made brown and crisp, and afterwards grated, or pulverized in a mortar. [1913 Webste… [18:29] nah not at this time of night [18:29] yea [18:29] QA: coffee on [18:29] * QA washes some mugs [18:29] QA coffee please [18:29] Kilos: Okay [18:29] QA large [18:29] In a beer mug just for you Kilos [18:30] Nahiyan: order coffee :P [18:30] hehe [18:31] QA coffee please [18:31] pavlushka: Righto [18:31] QA large [18:31] In a beer mug just for you pavlushka [18:31] format is pretty simple [18:32] Nahiyan: and ? [18:32] AudaciousTUX: join us [18:32] filling ito ut [18:32] some slight complexities may arise. BD once had DST for a single year [18:32] QA: wiki Bangladesh Standard Time [18:32] Nahiyan: Sorry... [18:33] she still needs lots of work Nahiyan [18:33] not now :p zaki [18:33] guys are busy rewriting her atm [18:33] Coffee's ready for zaki, Kilos and pavlushka! [18:33] it's cool enough [18:33] QA: ty [18:33] Only a pleasure zaki [18:33] QA ty [18:33] Only a pleasure Kilos [18:34] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangladesh_Standard_Time [18:34] ty Qa [18:34] AudaciousTUX: oky [18:35] if you see contributors list then you'll see my name :P [18:35] apparently BSTI has some NTP servers but I don't trust them [18:36] why? [18:37] I monitored them for a while and they seemed to be off from one of my other refs. not sure which one was more accurate, but I just decided to switch to global [18:40] I shouldn't ever lose my password, my password is in a KeePass database on Dropbox. [18:40] same [18:40] no wait [18:40] Nahiyan: is that you? [18:40] that's my message xD [18:40] he he [18:40] yea [18:41] tho I'm really giving people a target :p [18:41] so you edit wiki page? [18:41] I used to for some time [18:41] got bored of it [18:41] had to read a lot of political news so it got tiring [18:41] oh. [18:41] no seriously [18:41] he he [18:42] for one page I compiled something like 100+ news article links [18:43] oh my. which one is that much important? [18:43] 2015 election trouble [18:43] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:2015_Bangladeshi_political_crisis [18:44] hartal after hartal after hartal... [18:44] anyway not to spoil the mood [18:44] now I program more study more [18:44] * ahoneybun walks in [18:44] wow [18:44] hi ahoneybun [18:45] hi ahoneybun [18:45] heyo [18:45] hello [18:46] Hello ahoneybun , how was the day ? [18:47] busy busy [18:48] guys im gonna crash now, be good [18:48] and sleep tight [18:48] good night Kilos [18:49] gn [18:49] see you tomorrow [18:49] (y) [18:51] ahoneybun: still? [18:51] pavlushka: well I'm home now so no [18:52] thank goodness [18:52] mm? [18:53] some people bring their office with them to home. [18:53] well I work in a kitchen so no problems there lol [18:53] lol [18:53] QA: show me the way to Heaven & Hell [18:53] zaki: Huh? [18:53] QA: please [18:53] zaki: What? [18:55] QA: what about only heaven? [18:55] zaki: What? [18:55] QA: you monster [18:55] zaki: What? [18:55] QA: what is 4 x 4 [18:55] ahoneybun: Not a clue, sorry [18:56] ahoneybun: she is shy [18:56] i think [18:56] mm [18:57] who made the bot? [18:58] ahoneybun: https://launchpad.net/ibid [18:58] Na3il/Superfly/paddatrapper [18:58] I guess [19:00] for math facilities I recommend libqalculate [19:01] very flexible librar [19:01] y [19:11] Night guys, I am feeling sleepy :) [19:11] good night , sleep tight [19:11] and have a sweet dream. :P [20:31] good night all