
dufluMorning hikiko05:10
hikikoGood morning duflu !05:11
pittiGood morning05:35
dufluMorning pitti05:45
pittihey duflu05:46
seb128good morning desktopers!07:48
pittibonjour seb128 !07:48
seb128salut pitti, bon vendredi ! ça va bien ?07:48
pittiseb128: oui, merci ! et toi ?07:48
seb128super, c'est vendredi et c'est l'été07:49
seb12836°C, c'est trop chaud !07:49
pittiici il fait encore calm (~ 20)07:50
seb128oui, ici 26°C là mais 36°C prévu dans la journée07:50
seb128hey andyrock, how are you?08:01
seb128having summer still in italy as well? ;-)08:01
seb128do you have nice plans for the w.e?08:01
* andyrock is drining is daily dose of espresso08:01
andyrockjust chilling here08:02
andyrockwhat about you?08:02
willcookemorning all08:02
Laneyhey hey08:03
seb128hey willcooke Laney Trevinho08:03
TrevinhoHey all08:03
seb128andyrock, no special plan, just going to enjoy the nice warm weather ;-)08:04
pittiGood morning Laney and Trevinho, how are you?08:04
TrevinhoHey pitti, quite good thanks... You?08:04
pittiI'm fine again, thanks (cold mostly over)08:05
Laneyhi seb128 Trevinho andyrock, pitti and willcooke!08:09
Laneyit rained a *lot* last night08:09
* Laney was woken up a few times by it08:09
Laneybut now is ssssssssssunnny08:09
seb128no rain here today nor in the forecast for the next days...08:09
TrevinhoRain? What's that?!?08:10
Laneycan post you some08:14
LaneyI even got a bit wet on the way back from climbing08:14
Laneythat and http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/ng5?day=108:15
seb128jbicha, thanks for the gtk update, I guess you noticed but your updates are stucked in proposed on autopkgtest issues though... might want to start by fixing that so the updates can get to users08:22
seb128glib is stucked as well :-/08:23
jbichaseb128: I've got a gvfs test build in my ppa but I unfortunately set the priority to "low" so it's taking a while08:23
jbichaI don't think I'll be able to fix cjs or isenkram though08:24
seb128why not?08:25
pittijbicha: (I can bump stuff)08:25
seb128  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/isenkram/lookup.py", line 56, in modalias_match08:26
seb128    module, lst = part.split('(')08:26
seb128ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack08:26
seb128 08:26
pitticjs broke due to new g++ AFAIK, that's unrelated to GTK/glib08:26
seb128shouldn't be too difficult to debug, at least see what value it gets08:26
pittiand I suppose click broke with new PK?08:26
seb128pitti, right, it is, still britney isn't that smart08:26
pittiand gvfs has become horribly brittle for reasons yet unknown to me, but also unrelated08:27
seb128gtk should be easy enough08:27
pittiseb128: right, hence our hint axe :)08:27
seb128glib is a bit trickier08:27
seb128openssh gets "corrupted copy of /bin/ls"08:27
seb128which I guess is probably not glib's fault either08:27
pitticmp: EOF on /data/adttmp/autopkgtest-virt-lxc.shared.dymmsgbx/downtmp/autopkgtest_tmp/tree/regress/copy08:27
pittiright, that's really strange08:27
pittismells like a change in lxc or so08:28
seb128izsystemdfault! :p08:28
pittior maybe new glibc08:28
seb128yeah, more likely08:28
pittiso in summary, I'm happy to let  glibc in08:28
seb128gtk as well?08:29
pittierr, "glib" :)08:29
seb128you mean glib right?08:29
pittinot sure about isenkram, that started failing with new gtk08:30
pittiFailed to connect to Mir: Failed to connect to server socket: No such file or directory08:30
pittiUnable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused08:30
pittithat's the -gui test08:30
pittithe other test is broken too,  though, so not *only* gtk's fault08:30
pittiI started two local test runs of isenkram, against y and y-proposed08:31
pittiif the former succeeds, I blame GTK08:31
pittiseb128: actually, did click really break with new packagekit? https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-yakkety/yakkety/amd64/c/click/20160814_075605@/log.gz looks much more apt related08:32
jbichawell I uploaded a new gtk3 so if we wait much longer, we'll have to wait for the new round of autopkgtests for gtk308:33
pittior apparmor or whatnot08:33
pittiseb128, jbicha: oh, locally isenkram succeeds against both y and y-proposed08:35
pittiI get the Mir error messages, but these seem to be "expected"08:35
* pitti retries with --all-proposed08:35
seb128right, that's nothing new08:35
pittiopenssh started failing consistently on two different arches in lxc08:36
jbichapitti: I should have pinged you about gtk3 before uploading; I'm thinking new gtk3 will also get stuck on ubuntu-release-upgrader (like webkit2 did)08:37
seb128jbicha, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libraw/0.17.2-5 is having build issues08:38
pittijbicha: only if the new gtk needs the broken -proposed webkitgtk2, does it?08:39
jbichaseb128: yes, I synced the wrong version, will have to wait for 0.17.2-608:39
pittijbicha: autopkgtests try to minimize the packages from -proposed, and since u-r-u generally works (just fails against proposed webkitgtk2), it ought to work against proposed  gtk08:39
jbichaI didn't think it was a webkit-specific failure08:40
pittijbicha: the history on http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/u/ubuntu-release-upgrader/yakkety/amd64/ looks like that though08:52
pittiand the log (https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-yakkety/yakkety/amd64/u/ubuntu-release-upgrader/20160805_154819@/log.gz) confirms the uninstallability08:53
pittisome half-finished transitino?08:53
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TrevinhoLaney: anything changed in yakkety gtk/themes as tsdgeos and ltinkl are getting http://i.imgur.com/6N52nhb.png10:07
TrevinhoSo no bg in panel10:07
Trevinhotsdgeos: window decorations are fine instead, right?10:07
tsdgeosdecorations are good10:08
LaneySince when?10:08
Trevinhono unity change too10:08
LaneyNot from me anyway10:08
* Trevinho still waits tedg fixes :-P10:08
Trevinhofor a landing10:09
tsdgeosmaybe lukas has it since more time10:09
LaneyWhat did you upgrade?10:09
tsdgeosto be honest it's a just intsalled laptop yesterday10:09
tsdgeosso maybe i had it yesterday too and didn't realize10:09
tsdgeosbut i don't have it on my other machine either10:11
tsdgeosso it's weird10:11
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willcookewoot!  Only Radiance on Gtk 3.20 to go and that's everything moved to scaled10:56
willcookebut first for a little break10:57
seb128enjoy your lunch!10:57
* Laney has made a pull request for langpack stuff11:15
* Laney breathes out11:15
seb128happyaron, hey, still not nma 1.2.4?11:33
seb128Sweet5hark1, hey, did you see my toolbar comment?11:34
Sweet5hark1seb128: nope, was it about a 5.2.0 "empty" toolbar?11:48
seb128Sweet5hark1, yes, can do I screenshot if you want11:54
seb128just wanted to know if that's a known issue11:54
Sweet5hark1seb128: yes, saw it yesterday when trying a xenial->yakkety upgrade in a VM. thanks for the hint though.11:55
Laneyjdstrand: hi, looks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/1588197 (Invalid but a good description of the bug) is still present in yakkety; should I revert the im-config change?11:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 1588197 in evince (Ubuntu) "Can't type anything in search box" [Low,Invalid]11:55
Sweet5hark1seb128: still: looking it getting gtk3 in shape, gtk2 is for laters.11:56
seb128Sweet5hark1, k, thanks11:57
Laneyoff to the post office to post off some more documents pursuant to my quest to become irish12:11
seb128Laney, Go n-éirí an bóthar leat!12:15
pittiwow, we'll soon all have to learn Gaelic :)12:15
jdstrandLaney: did you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1580463/comments/15? apparmor already had the change in yakkety so there is no reason to revert it. I reverted it from -proposed not because it was a bad change but because it needed a corresponding apparmor change that was going to take a while (that has since landed btw)13:14
jdstrands/already had/already has/13:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1580463 in apparmor (Ubuntu Yakkety) "Snap blocks access to system input methods (ibus, fcitx, ...)" [Medium,In progress]13:14
jdstrandunless yakkety users are seeing an issue, in which case I'd like to get more information before reverting anything13:15
jcastroheya Sweet5hark1, what would it take to convince you to add the .desktop files to the snap releases?13:27
Sweet5hark1jcastro: time. not much, but things add up. currently dying death by a thousand paper cuts ...13:29
* jcastro nods13:29
Laneyjdstrand: hmm, well I'm on yakkety - do you know when apparmor got the fix? maybe I just need to restart my session13:36
jdstrandyou are seeing the problem on yakkety?13:36
jdstrandwhen did you upgrade?13:36
LaneyI killed ibus13:36
Laneyso not right now :-)13:37
jdstranddo you see apparmor denials?13:37
Laney[47070.327056] audit: type=1400 audit(1472212193.200:89): apparmor="DENIED" operation="connect" profile="/usr/bin/evince" pid=12297 comm="pool" family="unix" sock_type="stream" protocol=0 requested_mask="send receive connect" denied_mask="send connect" addr=none peer_addr="@/tmp/ibus/dbus-0xqs8BG9" peer="unconfined"13:37
Laney[47131.317155] audit: type=1400 audit(1472212254.184:90): apparmor="DENIED" operation="connect" profile="/usr/bin/evince" pid=12428 comm="pool" family="unix" sock_type="stream" protocol=0 requested_mask="send receive connect" denied_mask="send connect" addr=none peer_addr="@/tmp/ibus/dbus-0xqs8BG9" peer="unconfined"13:37
jdstrandlet me check the apparmor policy for both13:37
Laneynod, thanks13:38
Laneywait, those are old13:38
LaneyThu Aug 25 22:32:38 201613:38
Laneyunless I still had the process running13:38
jdstrandwell, the apparmor change should have been from a long time ago13:39
Laneylet me restart my session so that ibus comes back13:39
jdstrandtyhicks: hey, did yakkety apparmor not get the ibus fix in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1580463/comments/15?13:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 1580463 in apparmor (Ubuntu Yakkety) "Snap blocks access to system input methods (ibus, fcitx, ...)" [Medium,In progress]13:41
jdstrandLaney: it looks like yakkety doesn't have the apparmor fix. I'm confident you will see the issue. we'll get that fixed13:41
Laneyjdstrand: rocking, thanks13:47
LaneyTrevinho: I just got tsdgeos bug13:47
Laneyactually this session is bad bad bad13:47
Laneyno unity-gtk-module either13:47
Laneyor ssh-agent13:47
Trevinhoyou think is something related to initialization or session issues?13:48
Laneydon't know13:48
Laneyjust saying that I got it13:48
Laneygive me a minute to look13:48
Laneyhmm, ok, the systemd stuff seems unrelated13:55
Laneystill got the transparent panel though13:55
* Laney suspects13:57
LaneyTrevinho: is it stealing theme info from gnome-panel's css?13:57
TrevinhoLaney: yeah... But that should have a lower prio13:57
TrevinhoLaney: also the text glyph is using the panel bg too.. And it works in there13:58
LaneyTrevinho: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-themes/16.10+16.10.20160823-0ubuntu113:58
Laneyyeah downgrading that fixes it14:00
* Laney spanks mitya5714:00
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hikikoTrevinho, https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/compiz/compiz.fix-expo-gap-bug/+merge/30407614:06
tyhicksjdstrand: looks like I forgot a change in that apparmor SRU :/14:06
jdstrandtyhicks: oh, it didn't make it in the xenial update either?14:06
tyhicksjdstrand: it doesn't look like it14:07
tyhicksjdstrand: now I can't remember if we needed it for xenial14:07
jdstrandtyhicks: there is a card for the ibus work. perhaps add a task to it?14:07
jdstrandtyhicks: my im-config change is waiting on the apparmor change14:08
hikikoTrevinho, the expo plugin bug wasn't finally caused by the new bottom y offset, it occured with the x offset too... It seems that all the transformations were buggy :) Can you get a look tomorrow?14:08
tyhicksjdstrand: in xenial?14:08
jdstrandtyhicks: https://trello.com/c/DQKx7XYG/900-snappy-unity7-ibus-fcitx-https-bugs-launchpad-net-ubuntu-source-snapd-bug-158046314:08
jdstrandtyhicks: (there is already a task for you btw)14:09
tyhicksjdstrand: looks like I only remembered needing to make the fcitx and mozc changes which probably caused my brain to forget the needed ibus changes...14:10
tyhicksjdstrand: ok, I'll need to remember what changes need to be made and then I'll get that ball rolling14:10
TrevinhoLaney: mh, so we should probably redefine something for unityPanel only.14:11
Trevinhohikiko: thanks, I'll check it14:11
LaneyTrevinho: The only thing I see that intersects is using the style class "gnome-panel-menu-bar"14:11
hikikothanks Trevinho :)14:12
hikiko+good afternoon all /me leaving14:12
Laneybye hikiko, happy weekend!14:12
hikikobye! happy weekend!14:12
Trevinhohikiko: there's still an issue I think14:13
Trevinhohikiko: it works fine for the bottom, but not on top14:13
Laneypanel-applet > menubar,14:28
Laneyclock-box { background: transparent;14:28
Laneythis sounds bad ;-)14:28
LaneyTrevinho: looks like you can just drop that14:37
Laneysome other style makes it work14:37
TrevinhoLaney: want me to MP that?14:37
Laneyif you want to reproduce / confirm the fix14:37
Laneythen please do14:37
Laneyby "that" I mean adding that gnome-panel style class in unity14:38
Laneyjust to be clear14:38
TrevinhoLaney: that was there for historic reasons, but I guess e can safely drop it yes..14:46
TrevinhoLaney: I would land things, but I'm still blocked on that systemd branch, since i added in the silo also libindicator changes...14:47
TrevinhoLaney: I could land the libindicator thing for now, then wait tedg to fix the unity one14:48
Trevinhofor a new landing14:48
Trevinhowhat you prefer?14:48
tedgCool, sorry I haven't gotten to that, pulled away on snappy things. I should be done with those today.14:48
LaneyTrevinho: Don't know, you might get people complaining if the panel's theme is broken so it might be smarter to get that uploaded fast14:51
Laneybut maybe not14:51
Laneyuse your judgement :-)14:51
TrevinhoLaney: well, the thing is that... it wouldn't probably land by today anyway14:51
Laneyyou could do a new landing with just this fix and other safe ones if there are any14:52
TrevinhoLaney: also............14:52
TrevinhoLaney: we don't want to drop that I think14:52
TrevinhoSince it's the way we use to get the panel to be properly colored when a standard gnome theme is done14:52
Trevinhois used*14:53
Trevinhowhich... might happen for some users14:53
TrevinhoLaney: so I'd prefer to fix our themes css first14:53
LaneyI should think it is right for gnome-panel14:53
TrevinhoLaney: yes, but css has a not statement...14:53
Trevinhoso we can remove that for unity one14:54
Laneyok, you can fix it in the theme if you want14:55
Laneythat is also probably easier to upload fast14:55
Trevinhotsdgeos: do we have a bug for that transparent panel thing?14:55
tsdgeosTrevinho: i didn't open it14:56
Trevinhotsdgeos: can you=14:57
tsdgeosTrevinho: sure, on it14:58
mdeslaurhey desktoppers, I'm thinking about pushing webkit2gtk 2.12.4 to xenial as a security update. Do you recall any regressions with newer webkit releases since xenial?14:59
tsdgeosTrevinho: not very good btu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/161737115:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 1617371 in unity (Ubuntu) "Top bar is transparent in yakkety" [Undecided,New]15:03
Laneymdeslaur: I don't remember anything, FWIW (haven't been paying much attention to it though)15:05
Laneyjbicha might15:05
TrevinhoLaney: I think that styl echange also breaks the unity corners...15:10
Trevinhothey're too small now15:10
TrevinhoI mean the decoration corners15:10
TrevinhoGot some nice "alpha" decorations...Aero style :-D15:22
Trevinholets keep those15:23
Laneythat looks cool15:23
TrevinhoLaney: what is the parent of all the gnome-panel decorations? Is there a name?15:24
TrevinhoLaney: so i can just use that instead of :not...15:24
Laneyno idea15:24
TrevinhoLaney: could you check it?15:25
Laneydoesn't :not(.unity-panel):not(.unity-decoration).gnome-panel-menu-bar work?15:25
Trevinhoit give me that15:25
* Laney tries15:25
Trevinhoah, ok I didn't save the .unity-decoration thing15:25
Trevinhoit works yes15:26
Trevinholet me prepare a MP15:26
Laneycan you request a review from mitya57 and/or albertsmuktupavels please?15:27
Laneyso they can check it doesn't break gnome-panel15:27
Trevinhothe unity-decoration class was just added one week ago... Because I thoght... Who knows, it could be useful... And so it was :-)15:27
Laneyyou saw into the future15:27
Trevinhoconsidering that using the name doesn't seem to work as it used to be...15:28
Laneywonder what would happen if you set the css names to the gnome-panel ones15:29
Laneysevere breakage15:29
Laneyah, the ximion reviews are rolling in15:30
seb128Trevinho, andyrock, is any of you looking a the unity first boot keybinding screen not closing with the mouse on yakkety (at least on a daily iso boot in a virtualbox)?15:33
seb128like clicks go through to nautilus icons15:33
seb128even clicking on the X15:33
Trevinhoseb128: I've some refactoring going on which will fix that too15:33
Trevinhohopefully :-)15:33
seb128is that a regression? not going to impact SRUs right?15:34
Trevinhoseb128: at this point I think everything is SRUable...15:34
Trevinhoseb128: I mean, since there are other bugs which could be fixed by this, I'll try to SRU these changes too15:34
seb128is that bug in xenial?15:35
seb128I don't remember having it on xenial iso15:35
Trevinhoseb128: it could happen sometimes... more randomly15:35
seb128it's happening every time on yakkety15:36
Trevinhoseb128: also other bugs will be fixded I think15:36
TrevinhoLaney: here's your not's https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu-themes/panel-rules-ignore-unity/+merge/30409515:36
seb128it's always you reply15:37
seb128refactoring will fix all the issues :p15:37
Trevinhoit does :-D15:37
TrevinhoSiloed too... https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/187615:39
seb128Trevinho, good work :-)15:39
mdeslaurLaney: thanks15:41
Laneythanks Trevinho!15:48
Laneylanding-099 :-o15:48
TrevinhoYes, i won that!15:48
TrevinhoI noticed too :-)15:48
ximionLaney: that was a long patch!15:54
ximionhope you find the comments useful15:54
Laneyximion: not going to look more today :P15:57
Laneybut thanks!15:57
LaneyI wonder if there's a way to avoid synchronized15:57
Laneyor minimise it at least15:57
ximionLaney: what puzzles me the most is your routine to extract an archive in libarchive using the disk writer, which requires a chdir to be actually useful15:58
ximionbecause all the routines to do this in a threadsafe way are there15:58
Laneytake a look at the API15:58
Laneyhopefully I just read it wrong15:58
LaneyI was like "so how do you set the destination? there's no parameter for that"15:59
ximionfor the synchronized block, maybe one can make it smaller, but as soon as you start changing env vars, it must be synchronized15:59
ximionLaney: see extractFilesByRegex() on how to probably write the thing you want16:00
Laneyit felt stupid to go over all the files individually16:00
ximionthere is also the read () method, which lets you extract just the stuff you need (foreach (entry; archive.read ()) { // move data somewhere }16:01
seb128is anyone using yakkety? do you get an hibernate item in indicator-session?16:01
seb128there is one in virtualbox on the daily iso16:01
Laneynot here16:02
seb128that was not there on xenial, I wonder if that regressed or if we reactivated hibernate by default16:02
ximionLaney: the disk-writer does exactly the same thing ^^ - also, do you really need to extract the whole package?16:02
seb128need more debugging I guess16:02
seb128Laney, thanks16:02
Laneyximion: yeah, but I believe they got it right :P16:03
LaneyI'm suspicious of your use of baseName in byRegex16:03
ximionLaney: yeah, byRegex won't preserve the directory structure, AFAIK)16:04
LaneyI need usr/share/locale-langpack and var/lib/locales/supported.d16:04
Laneyso I could write a function that does something like this16:04
Laneymaybe it's better to avoid using that writer thing just for the chdir alone16:04
Laneywhat a weird api16:06
ximionso far I got rid of it in pretty much all libarchive using code, so people can enter the wonderful world of multithreading without worrying about this16:07
Laneyit's infact necessary to have this be synchronized anyway16:07
Laneyso that all packages which use langpacks get them extracted16:07
ximionyeah, but since this is non-backend specific API, and at some point in time someone might use it without having read about non-threadsafeness... :P16:08
LaneyI've got some code to read .mo files directly by the way16:09
ximionyou could probably give the byRegex method another flag to preserve directory structure and then have it extract using a regex matching usr/share/locale-langpack and var/lib/locales/supported.d16:09
Laneybut it requires you to load all strings into memory at the minute16:09
Laneywhich sucks16:09
Laneyat some point I'll replace it with a smarter method16:09
Laney.mo files contain a hash table themselves already16:09
Laneythen we can eliminate a lot of this stuff16:09
Laneyspecifically the environment variable bits16:10
ximionthat would be awesome!16:10
LaneyI wonder if GLib is interested in having that kind of API16:10
ximionI also find it very weird that apparently nobody provides API for this yet16:11
Laneypython does :-)16:11
ximionI would have taken bets before that GLib has this kind of API ^^16:11
Laneythis little project has hit some very dubious parts of the linux platform16:11
Laneygood fun16:12
ximionyeah, this happens... you sometimes find very, very dark corners in the Linux platform16:14
ximion(and often it's really really old stuff, or something crypto-related)16:14
jbichamdeslaur: webkit2gtk 2.12 has been in the gnome3-staging ppa for xenial for months and I haven't gotten any complaints about it16:15
ximionLaney: btw, testing the templating stuff in D is something you should take a look at :D - I avoided using it at first, but it's really handy - feels almost like writing in a dynamically typed language sometimes :D16:16
Laneyis that the ! thing?16:16
ximionoho, we have another sysvinit/systemd debate on debian-devel!16:16
Laneyneed to get into the mindset of seeing it as a solution16:17
ximionLaney: yes - I wrote an example in the review (don't know if it works though, but it should)16:17
LaneyI looked at the docs for RefAppender16:17
Laneydidn't actually learn much from that experience16:17
ximiontemplates are really nice if you e.g. want a tree structure taking arbitrary elementy as values without having to resort to void pointers :P16:18
ximionLaney: me neither - my best guess on what it does and how it works comes from the name of that thing ^^16:18
ximion(and from using Appender, which is more obvious on what it does)16:19
jbichamdeslaur: there's a few random crashes but it looks pretty good to me really: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bugs?field.searchtext=webkit2gtk&orderby=-id16:20
Laneyit was also non obvious to find out whether this.array = someArray was going to make a copy or not16:20
Laneyended up experimenting16:20
ximionas you will see in the review, I was confused as well16:21
ximionwe should probably be nice and file a bug against the documentation16:21
Laneyit's sort of documented in here https://dlang.org/library/std/container.html16:23
mdeslaurjbicha: great, thanks!16:26
willcookewoot!  The move to scaled is complete!  https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/ubuntu-themes/hidpiicons16:32
willcooke*cough* and untested16:32
ximionLaney: oh, Array is GC-free - nice!16:32
* Laney hijacks Trevinho's landing16:51
bregmahey desktopper, I'm having a nightmarish time with Unity 7 on a multimonitor desktop since upgrading to 16.04....  have there been any other complaints about that or am I just solo artists?17:01
bregmain particular, every time I come back from the lockscreen, windows are randomly moved around to different displays and sometimes different workspaces17:04
bregmaand at random times the Panel and Launcher stop responding to mouse input (although keyboard navigation still works, so I can ctrl-super-right to semimaximize a window to interact with menus using LIM)17:06
Laneynot heard of anything like that - check LP and file a bug if not?17:09
andyrocki saw something similar on launchpad17:09
* Laney is off, back tuesday, happy weekend17:09
andyrockbut not sure unity is actually responsible for that17:09
seb128Laney, have a nice w.e!17:12
seb128calling it a week as well17:12
seb128see you next week desktopers17:12
flocculanthave a great weekend seb128 :)17:15
willcookenight all.  Public holiday on Monday, see you Tuesday!17:28
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_hols
inerti4Hi everyone, after I replaced my motherboard, I cannot access Ubuntu but only Windows. I tried several ways to fix Grub but I cannot. Can anybody help me?22:05

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