
sarnoldthat means this line is really baffling:00:00
sarnoldlibbaloocore4 : Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14) but it is not going to be installed00:00
sarnoldtry an apt-get install libc6 and make sure that your package database knows you want that :)00:00
apb1963_well presumably it's not going to be installed because it's already installed00:00
apb1963_sarnold: http://pastebin.com/T1QmKezr00:02
apb1963_sarnold: trying to purge amd64 results in E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.  Attempting to purge i386 does not yield the same result (though I didn't follow through on the purge for either package).00:05
sarnoldapb1963_: you definitely want the libc6 package installed :) hehe00:06
apb1963_yes... but the question is which version?00:06
sarnoldI've got both i386 and amd64 versions installed, no big deal there.. it's only a few megs00:07
apb1963_it's not the space that's the issue.00:07
DexDeadlyand i was expecting the sftp lol00:07
DexDeadlyits a local non access to the internet page I want to manage on my 16.04LTS server00:07
DexDeadlygranted I guess easier way is just setup a samba share right00:08
sarnoldheh, I've never once found samba "easy" but if you're living in a windows world it might be00:08
apb1963_sarnold: obviously the amd version has a problem...  but I can't remove it so... how does one fix a package that refuses to be purged?00:08
DexDeadlyI have a combo of linux and windows servers00:08
sarnoldapb1963_: at some point, ignore it.. hehe :)00:08
apb1963_sarnold: it does give a clue...  held packages.00:08
DexDeadlyad server windows server and another windows server with some other stuff.  2 linux servers, one for openhab home automation, this is the one I'm looking to just connect to as I'm designing a new front end ofr it and then an emby linux server both 16.0400:09
sarnoldapb1963_: try dpkg --get-selections | grep hold00:10
apb1963_sarnold: on the other hand.. it's refering to aptik and phpadmin, I doubt either are required to fix the error....00:10
apb1963_oh wow.  pastebin coming up00:11
apb1963_sarnold: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23091145/00:11
sarnoldapb1963_: aha! it might be worth trying dpkg-unhold on those packages and then see if things start making sense00:13
sarnoldDexDeadly: heh, indeed, that's enough windows systems around that maybe it is worth setting up samba shares instead of dealing with ftp or sftp clients when moving files around00:14
apb1963_sarnold: That made a definite difference.  http://pastebin.com/ryBbjh7y00:27
sarnoldyikes DO NOT DELETE libc6:amd64   :)00:28
apb1963_I know00:28
apb1963_I was just testing...00:28
apb1963_now i386.. not as bad00:28
sarnoldbrave :)00:29
apb1963_well I knew it would pause and ask00:29
apb1963_so not so brave00:29
DexDeadlyyea guess I'll just do that00:29
sarnoldthat's like checking if rm -rf /   _really_ prompts you with a warning...00:29
sarnold.. by bloodyt yping it00:29
apb1963_I didn't know it did00:29
apb1963_now I have to check00:29
sarnoldthat's the thing -- I've heard it does but I haven't been brave enough to find out :)00:29
apb1963_lol  do it on a VM or something00:29
DexDeadlyI just dont want to go and chmod it just so I can create a quick smb.conf section for it but eh its just local no internet access00:30
apb1963_me... I don't care if it does or not00:30
apb1963_so anyway... back to forward motion00:31
apb1963_sarnold: I have both versions of libasound2 http://pastebin.com/4K4J5U8c  Look safe to purge i386?00:38
sarnoldapb1963_: mostly; is the teamviewer thing there for something specific?00:39
apb1963_nah not really.. can reinstall00:40
rabbitdewAfter installation, I want to replace the var directory with a new logical volume. DO I have to do anything other than copy over everything in it, then add my new LV to fstab and remount it00:41
apb1963_sarnold: ok to purge or still checking?00:41
sarnoldapb1963_: okay to purge libasound2:i38600:41
apb1963_sarnold:  by the way... if I suddenly disappear and don't return... you'll know why :/00:42
sarnoldapb1963_: hehe, the thing is, most programs will continue executing just fine even if you get rid of something insanely important00:43
apb1963_sarnold: sure...  until you reboot or the program otherwise stops and you have to restart it00:45
sarnoldrabbitdew: I think you mostly just need to be careful how you do the copy; cp -a or the tar cf - | (cd /dest && tar xf -) methods probably work for example but anything that would screw up symbolic links or sockets or not preserve owner / modes would be trouble00:46
sarnoldrabbitdew: maybe also kill all programs that have files in the old /var open, first, so that all the files are quiescant00:47
apb1963_sarnold: like /var/log/00:50
apb1963_sarnold: I'd suggest a reboot for him00:50
sarnoldapb1963_: definitley doing it from a rescue shell would be ideal, but that's not always easy :/00:50
apb1963_sarnold: yes...that would be best... but I assume he's not.00:52
rabbitdewsarnold: hmm., thanks. I'm trying to take a really vanilla ubuntu install, with one root partition, and one big lvm partition. Then use ansible to make new lvm's for swap, home, and var00:53
rabbitdewah, i really should probably also do it from single user mode01:00
rabbitdewit would be easy way to kill all the programs using it01:00
apb1963_sarnold: next up on the chopping block for review... libaudio2 http://pastebin.com/KpufTsUn01:01
apb1963_rabbitdew: yes01:01
apb1963_rabbitdew: relatively.  However... if you have a liveCD.. that would be the way to go01:02
apb1963_rabbitdew: I don't know whether kern.log and similar get opened during single user mode.   Maybe someone else does.01:03
sarnoldapb1963_: feel free to stop inspecting the :amd64 versions :) you'll probably want to keep those...01:03
somethingdopeDumb questions ahead:  I'm considering setting up an ubuntu server to act as a backup/storage/maybe media server and want to know if I'm missing something I plan to use rsnapshot and probably seafile01:03
apb1963_sarnold: I'm only inspecting to verify that nothing is screwy... like earlier with the held packages.01:03
somethingdopeShould I just do everything through ssh?01:03
apb1963_somethingdope: Assuming by "everything" you mean type commands on the command line, then yes.01:04
apb1963_sarnold: so... i386 good to purge?01:05
sarnoldapb1963_: yeah01:05
apb1963_sarnold: ty01:05
somethingdopeapb1963_, I more meant whether or not a particular visual interface was recommended over ssh01:05
rabbitdewapb1963_: liveCD? nah dude, I'm trying to straight up do server configuration on a fresh install01:06
apb1963_somethingdope: which is why I answered how I did... it depends what yo're trying to do... I don't know what seafile is and I've never used rsnapshot...01:06
rabbitdewapb1963_: with ansible01:07
apb1963_rabbitdew: The reason for a liveCD is so that you can run off of it, while you modify your hard drive.01:07
apb1963_rabbitdew: I'm not familiar with ansible.01:07
rabbitdewapb1963_: it's just a configuration management tool that uses ssh01:07
rabbitdewapb1963_: so i want to take an ubuntu installation with a boot, root, and LVM partition. Then after installation, use ssh to cut up my logical volumes and mount them on home and var01:08
apb1963_rabbitdew: ok... assuming it's on your liveCD I presume you can still use it.  The only point I'm trying to make is that by running off a different system (the liveCD) you won't have any files open on the disk you're trying to modify,01:08
somethingdopeapb1963_, From my understanding seafile is like dropbox but on your own network.  Actually is it possible to mount a partition on the servers harddrive to my main computer?01:09
sarnoldrabbitdew: is there some reason why they can't just be installed the way you want? I know the debian installer interface is baffling, but that'd feel easier in the long run01:09
somethingdopeapb1963_, That would be perfect because I have only 150 gigs on my main computer and my server will have 2tb01:09
rabbitdewso I can automate the configuration of dozens of servers at once01:09
apb1963_somethingdope: You can use NFS to mount from other computers.01:09
rabbitdewwithout access to any kickstart01:09
rabbitdeweven if pxe is broken, I can get smoebody cheap to just make real generic installs for me01:10
somethingdopeapb1963_, Dope, that is way better than seafile for my purposes, What do you guys think about Amahi btw?01:10
rabbitdewthat are so simlpe there's very little chance they'll be different. THen automate the configuration of all of them for different purposes01:10
apb1963_rabbitdew: Lots of ways to skin that cat.  tftp will let you boot from an image server if that helps.01:10
rabbitdewapb1963_: actually an image server would be real appropriate for what I'm doing01:11
apb1963_somethingdope: You can also use samba if you have windows in your setup01:11
rabbitdewthank you01:11
apb1963_rabbitdew: look up bootp and/or tftp01:11
rabbitdewapb1963_: I'm real limited in what's available to me at the moment, but I'll look into it01:13
rabbitdewarchaic firewall rules i just kinda step into, and other people owning projects (like the boot server) i can't touch much. When I get this figured out a little better i'll make a proposal01:14
somethingdopeapb1963_, Luckily I'm just working off of linux for right now, I'll keep that in a pocket for when I need it though01:15
somethingdopeIs setting up a NAS hard?01:15
apb1963_rabbitdew: I've made the assumption you're doing this on a LAN.  If not... a different solution might be better.01:16
sarnoldsomethingdope: it's slightly tricky to keep userids synchronized among all machines01:16
sarnoldsomethingdope: that either means fiddling with userid and group id numbers manually or setting up a centralized ldap or something to get the same job done..01:17
apb1963_Hmmm.... I'm trying to remember if NIS+ handles  userids01:17
apb1963_I didn't know ldap did it01:17
sarnoldnis+ should and it might even be easier to set up than ldap. dunno if it's still around though :)01:17
somethingdopesarnold, Luckily I only have one computer that the server needs to sync with right now.  I'm mostly using it as an external hard drive01:18
apb1963_The first time I looked at ldap I almost wet my pants.  Then I found a tutorial and I smiled again... it was easy.01:18
apb1963_Or at least not as hard.01:19
somethingdopeAlso as my main use for this server seems to be as NAS.  Is FreeNAS better than Ubuntu-server for this usecase?  The laptop is old01:19
apb1963_and I promptly did nothing about setting it up :)01:19
apb1963_somethingdope: no clue.  I'm still trying to figure out the difference between NAS and SAN01:20
apb1963_not actively but ya know.01:20
apb1963_Oh Amahi? Good band.  Quite danceable.  :)01:21
apb1963_sarnold: This one wants to remove libpulse0 among other things.  http://pastebin.com/iKGa7HRQ01:25
apb1963_sarnold: check it out.  apt-cache depends libpulse0:i386   http://paste.ubuntu.com/23091272/01:30
apb1963_sarnold: And finally... this answers an earlier question:01:31
apb1963_    To print detailed information of the versions available for a package and the packages that reverse-depends on it:01:31
apb1963_         apt-cache showpkg package01:31
somethingdopeHas anyone here tried Open Media Vault?01:36
|\nhello, does ubuntu support apt mirror method for fetching updates officially?01:36
sarnoldsomethingdope: freenas is apprently pretty nice, but I think the zfsonlinux support is more mature than the freebsd zfs support.... just my gut feeling though01:38
sarnoldapb1963_: re   libasyncns0:i386* libpulse0:i386*  that's just deleting the i386 of libpulse0, you were probably going to delete that intentionally in a few minutes anyway :)01:39
sarnold|\n: what's that?01:39
somethingdopesarnold, Ok, my main concern with freenas is learning bsd, How hard will it be if I have to dive into the command line comming from ubuntu?01:39
|\nsarnold, mirror:// lines in your sources.list01:40
sarnoldsomethingdope: it'll be different but not too bad. i like the bsds, they have excellent documentation.01:40
apb1963_sarnold: well... a buttload of things depend on it.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23091297/01:40
sarnoldapb1963_: yes, all :i386 things. Maybe if you care about wine you'll care about it, otherwise, keep purging :)01:41
apb1963_somethingdope: bsd has all the same basic commands... some of the options are different.  You might have to type something like ps ax instead of ps -ef01:42
apb1963_as an example01:42
sarnoldfunny, I learned ps aux first, ps -ef just feels funny01:42
apb1963_yeah... for me it was the reverse01:42
apb1963_then I got to play with AIX01:42
sarnoldsorry :)01:42
apb1963_everything worked no matter what you typed.  lol01:43
sarnold|\n: you know that the mirror: thing sounds familiar but I can't find any documentation on it ..01:43
apb1963_It was actually a pretty decent system... just big really... but then... that''s IBM for ya.01:43
apb1963_big system for big iron01:43
apb1963_We ran AIX under VM370 running as a guest OS on a 3090 if memory serves... and I don't think it does.  lol01:44
sarnoldyou can probably still run it all today if you want.. :)01:45
somethingdopeOk so now I'm choosing between open media vault and freenas.  I like the idea of having a gui cause I am not proficient enough with the command line yet to entrust my data to it.01:45
apb1963_no... please.01:45
|\nsarnold, that is why i came up, i got a problem with it however http://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt shouldn't be that wrong (404 for current LTS on one of the mirrors) and at first place i don't understand how https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors can contain "Last update unknown", why u no remove em?01:45
|\nalso there is an old bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/601916 and i wonder on what reason it was closed like that hah01:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 601916 in apt (Ubuntu) "mirror: method should try the next mirror on 404" [Undecided,Invalid]01:47
sarnold|\n: dino99 just does that. Please change from Invalid to Confirmed and add a comment that this still happens -- and mention what version of ubuntu you're using and dpkg -l apt output01:48
|\nthanks, sarnold i just never have enough courage to do so01:49
|\nthat boosted me up lol01:49
somethingdopedecided OpenMediaVault01:49
apb1963_sarnold: say goodbye libasyncns0:i38601:50
sarnoldapb1963_: \o.01:53
sarnold\o/ rather01:53
sarnoldapb1963_: btw, nas vs san... a NAS is a network filesystem, often good for multiple people to access at once (thogh maybe not the same files at the same time)01:53
sarnoldapb1963_: a SAN is when the block-level interface to the drives are exposed over the network -- something like iscsi or nbd or fibrechannel's disk modes...01:54
sarnoldapb1963_: if multiple computers are going to work on a single specific export from a SAN system they need to use a clustered filesystem01:55
sarnoldapb1963_: if a single machine will  use it (more common) then it could just be ext4 or whatever, but the filesystem itself would managed by the mounting computer; the SAN server itself just sees a stream of block requests01:56
apb1963_sarnold: all of those pkgs are marked "rc" ... implying they should be purged.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23091318/02:02
|\ni definitely admire such people and appreciate the fact that he found some time to mark as invalid an existing misbehavior bug with plain sentence in the comment: "Support for this version has ended"02:03
|\nversion of what?02:03
apb1963_the version with the bug of course.  lol02:03
|\nyear 2016, still exists02:04
|\nsince that 2010 report02:04
|\nbecause "Support for this version has ended"02:04
apb1963_sarnold: thanks for the explanation but...  I'm still at a loss to understand it.  One day I'll get around to reading a good tutorial on it should the day come that I think I might need it...  I'm just getting up the nerve to think about LVM.  lol02:05
sarnoldapb1963_: I think you can ignore all those 'rc' packages; maybe a grand pass of apt-get purge or something to clean up their configuration files might be nice but it's really not doing much harm02:06
sarnold|\n: heh, don't be too harsh on dino99, he means well, and quite often the bugs -are- fixed by the time he closes them, via the natural order of things, bugs are often overlooked...02:07
sarnoldapb1963_: my personal advice is to skip lvm and move to zfs instead -- one single tool for managing pools of disks and the filesystems on them. it's not a perfect replacement for lvm but when zfs works for a problem, it's fantastic :)02:08
sarnoldapb1963_: here's a nice series of blogposts about zfs in case you're curious https://pthree.org/2012/12/04/zfs-administration-part-i-vdevs/02:08
apb1963_sarnold: apt-get purge libatk-bridge2.0-0:i386  Done, no muss no fuss.02:10
|\nsarnold, agreed, i got issues with my own behavior unfortunately02:10
apb1963_sarnold: It'll be quite awhile before I get around to zfs... I expect I'll install 16.04 before then...02:10
apb1963_and THAT is a long ways down the road.  lol02:11
apb1963_sarnold: And libatk1.0-0:i386 gets the purge.  You may be wondering why I'm telling you.  I figure it's a way to document what's being removed... just in case the question comes up later it makes it easy to find.02:20
apb1963_sarnold: libatspi2.0-0:i386 gets the purge02:23
apb1963_sarnold: OK this one is funky.  It wants to install packages on the purge.  http://pastebin.com/Rz3UCiF402:27
sarnoldapb1963_: that's the amd64 variant :)02:28
sarnoldapb1963_: don't delete that02:28
apb1963_yes, it's amd64... but... it's telling us something... like it's dependent on those packages.02:28
apb1963_And they're missing.02:28
apb1963_Which implies if I remove the 386 version, the remaining version wont' work.02:29
apb1963_Not that I have any idea what they're used for or if they're important.02:29
apb1963_sarnold: ^^^02:29
sarnoldyou'd delete quite a few important packages if you delete the 64bit version of heimdal :)02:30
sarnoldyou really don't want to do that02:30
apb1963_That's not what I'm saying02:30
apb1963_I realize that, and I agree.02:30
sarnoldI know.. I think it's probably best to focus on little things first..02:30
sarnoldI can't spot why any of those other packages would be installed, but none of them are particiular important to the functoining of the system -- specific programs perhaps, but not the system02:31
apb1963_ok, that's what important02:31
sarnoldif you want to try "apt-get install bzr" to find out it's opinion of things, that might be instructive02:31
sarnoldbut not important02:31
apb1963_thank you02:31
apb1963_sarnold: yeah it wants a bunch of stuff02:32
apb1963_so...  apt-get purge libasn1-8-heimdal:i386 ?02:33
apb1963_sarnold: can we doublecheck the 386 version please?  I'm a little nervous.  http://pastebin.com/Kcp1Geau02:35
apb1963_ok a lot nervous :)02:35
sarnoldapb1963_: looks good :)02:35
apb1963_sarnold: purge purge libasn1-8-heimdal:i386 #note02:36
apb1963_it sounds so nice  ya gotta say it twice02:36
apb1963_sarnold: purge libavahi-common3:i386 #note02:39
apb1963_sarnold: purge libbluetooth3:i386 #note02:40
apb1963_sarnold: purge  libbsd0:i386 #note02:42
apb1963_sarnold: purge libcairo-gobject2:i386 #note02:44
apb1963_sarnold: purge libcairo2:i386 #note02:45
apb1963_sarnold: purge libcapi20-3:i386 #note02:46
apb1963_sarnold: purge libcgmanager0:i386 #note02:48
apb1963_sarnold: purge libcloog-isl4:i386 #note "The Chunky Loop Generator library" (I kid you not)02:50
sarnold"CLooG is a software which generates loops for scanning Z-polyhedra." not much more helpful02:51
apb1963_That's totally helpful if you have any Z-polyhedra :)02:51
apb1963_sarnold: purge libcolord1:i386 #note02:51
apb1963_Why it's on my system, I'll never know.02:52
sarnold|\n: hey, did you notice which mirror didn't have the LTS you wanted?02:52
TAFBWhen I try and install php7.0 it wants to install apache2?!? wtf? :( http://pastebin.com/Dkxt8NPd02:52
sarnold|\n: also what country are you in?02:54
apb1963_TAFB: Apparently the pkg maintainer decided if you're going to install php7.0 you must want apache2 as well.  Who in the world would use php without apache?02:54
TAFBlol :(02:54
sarnoldTAFB: please file a bug with 'ubuntu-bug php7.0' -- dunno if it can really be fixed but it's worth a bug report02:55
TAFBsudo apt-get install php7.0-fpm seemed to work (for my nginx)02:55
apb1963_TAFB: I meant it tongue and cheek but that's actually a true statement... php was designed for the web... it's not supposed to serve any other purpose afaik02:56
apb1963_well there ya go02:56
apb1963_I guess.02:56
|\nsarnold, yeah noticed it was https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/601916 and russia02:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 601916 in apt (Ubuntu) "mirror: method should try the next mirror on 404" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:56
sarnold|\n: heh that's the bug url again :)02:57
|\nmy comment in there02:57
apb1963_I have reached my limit of 10 pastes per day on pastebin.com ... what's another good paste site?03:00
sarnoldapb1963_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/03:00
cncr04sstop pasting password dumps03:00
apb1963_cncr04s: ok, thanks for the advise03:01
apb1963_sarnold: Not sure about this one.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23091440/03:01
sarnoldkeep driving :)03:05
apb1963_sarnold: purge libct4:i386 #note03:06
apb1963_how this crud gets on my system... I"ll never know.  Must be the same pkg maintainer that handles php7.003:06
sarnoldapb1963_: nahhhh the php7.0 transition was good work :) _this_ is the stupid asterix script..03:06
apb1963_no... it has a well defined list of needed packages...  it just blew it by looking for purged packages to install.03:07
apb1963_purged versions of the needed packages.03:07
apb1963_Probably written at or prior to 12.0403:08
apb1963_So maybe purged packages were always the same architecture.03:08
apb1963_dunno their thinking.03:08
sarnoldbroken from the start with "lets treat yum identical to apt"03:09
apb1963_haha   well...  their comment for yum was something like "lets do it this way and hope for the best"03:10
apb1963_Here it is:03:11
apb1963_# parsing the output of yum is close to impossible.03:11
apb1963_# We'll use rpm and hope for the best:03:11
apb1963_sarnold: purge libcups2:i386  #note03:14
apb1963_sarnold: purge libdatrie1:i386 #note03:18
apb1963_sarnold: purge libdb5.3:i386 #note03:20
apb1963_sarnold: I'm more than a bit nervous about purging this one...  libdbus-1-3:i386    it takes libnih-dbus1:i386 with it.03:22
sarnoldkeep going :)03:23
apb1963_sarnold: well... all the other related dbus packages are amd64 so.. it's probably safe but... ya know.03:23
apb1963_sarnold: Not sure about this one either... libdrm-intel1:i386  I guess it's not system specific so...03:24
apb1963_sarnold: ugh.  there's pages and pages to go... most, but not all of the one's marked rc have both sets of packages.03:26
apb1963_sarnold: and you saw the rc list :/03:27
sarnoldapb1963_: feel free to ignore the rc lits03:27
sarnoldthat's normal on debian and ubuntu systems for decades :)03:27
apb1963_sarnold: I understand... I'm just saying... most of what's there seems to have both sets of packages... and that's a long, long list.03:27
apb1963_Which means... most of what's on the rc list, I will come up with to purge.03:28
apb1963_Based on the method I'm currently using, which is to eyeball packages that have both i386 and amd6403:28
apb1963_there's gotta be a better way03:29
sarnold< sarnold> apb1963_: if you're willing to gamble a bit, try this: apt-get purge $(dpkg -l | awk '$1 ~ /ii/ && $2 ~ /:i386/ && $4 ~ /i386/ {print}')03:31
apb1963_sarnold: well.. that's just it.. I'm not.03:31
sarnoldwhat does dpkg -l | awk '$1 ~ /ii/ && $2 ~ /:i386/ && $4 ~ /i386/ {print}'    report now? you've removed so many already03:31
apb1963_however... if that script also produced the amd64 version if there was a match, that would be helpful03:32
apb1963_In other words... if it printed only those packages which had both versions.03:32
apb1963_sarnold: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23091482/03:34
sarnoldwell... it's shorter. :)03:36
apb1963_sarnold: here's what would be helpful...  Using the above script as a starting point - for every item on the list, the script needs to check for a corresponding amd64 version.  If so print the package name.03:39
apb1963_it could be done inside the awk script... if you match the first .. read the next line and check for amd6403:41
apb1963_think I'll work on that for a bit03:42
sarnoldapb1963_: this is .. related, but different: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23091496/03:43
sarnoldapb1963_: you drove me to wondering what packages exist it only 386 but not amd64, so this is the list of 'main' packages that have i386 but not amd64 versions.03:43
apb1963_hmm.  I forgot what we were going to do with that info.  lol03:45
sarnold_maybe_ looking through your list of packages to see if there are matches ..03:46
apb1963_ah, found the comment: [16:29] <apb1963_> sarnold: I think what I need to do is determine which packages have both amd64 and i386 available... and then purge just those.03:47
apb1963_which is essentially a repeat of what I mentioned just above...03:48
apb1963_[20:39] <apb1963_> sarnold: here's what would be helpful...  Using the above script as a starting point - for every item on the list, the script needs to check for a corresponding amd64 version.  If so print the package name.03:48
apb1963_[20:41] <apb1963_> it could be done inside the awk script... if you match the first .. read the next line and check for amd6403:48
apb1963_sarnold: tada....  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23091704/04:13
sarnoldapb1963_: woot04:14
apb1963_now...  what needs to be done next is determine which packages cannot be purged.. delete those from the file... and then I have a file of packages I can feed to purge.04:17
apb1963_Saving me another 6 hours of work  or something04:17
sarnoldapb1963_: I'd delete them all, unless you've got an i386 program that requires one or more of them04:18
sarnoldor rather, you've got an i386 program that you want to run again, and it requires one or more of them.. ;)04:18
apb1963_umm... remember those you mentioned as "drive on" ?  They're in there too... as are others I presume you haven't looked at.04:18
apb1963_you know... libc and whatnot04:19
apb1963_sarnold: ^^04:19
sarnoldapb1963_: oh hell, I hadn't considered that might be ambiguous04:26
sarnoldapb1963_: delete them unless you've got an i386 program that you care about...04:26
apb1963_even libc6 ?04:26
sarnoldyeah; you only need an i386 libc6 if you've got an i386 program that needs it04:26
apb1963_I don't really know if I have any i386 programs04:27
apb1963_Put it this way... I definitely don't remember if I do.04:27
apb1963_well dpkg would turn up anything... so it would be in that list04:27
sarnoldaha, this found a few things on my computer: sudo find /usr -type f -executable -exec file {} \; | grep 'ELF 32'04:30
apb1963_sarnold: nothing pops out at me... other than elf libs04:30
apb1963_sarnold: oh man... I have tons of stuff...04:34
apb1963_sarnold: mostly in /usr/local/04:35
sarnoldapb1963_: interesting, anything you care about?04:35
apb1963_some of it yeah04:36
apb1963_virtual box perhaps... definitely libpoppler04:36
apb1963_ditto okular which uses libpoppler04:36
sarnoldhmm, okular is packaged for ubuntu, you could install the okular package directly04:37
sarnolda 32bit virtualbox sounds .. unfun. heh.04:37
apb1963_but I suppose it's all rebuildable04:37
sarnoldmpg123 is also packaged for ubuntu, you could install the mpg123 package directly too04:38
apb1963_Some of it may be leftovers from 12.04 that I never recompiled04:38
apb1963_yeah... I mean it's not like I can't reinstall packages04:38
apb1963_as long as it doesn't take any required data with it... it shouldn't be an issue04:39
apb1963_luckily I doubt anything really has any data to go with it04:39
apb1963_I guess I'll be taking the plunge... libc6:i386 and all04:39
apb1963_sarnold: now's the time to stop me...04:40
sarnoldapb1963_: hehe I think this is the last cleanup from that horrible script :)04:40
sarnoldmaybe libc6:i386 itself wasn't installed by the script but it's extremely unlikely you need anything that currently uses it. You may need to rename the /usr/local/bin/okular away from that name to use the system okular, of course, but that's something else....04:41
apb1963_At the very least they could have put what version it was appropriate for.  It probably wouldn't have stopped me but it would have given me pause to look a little closer.04:41
sarnoldheck even if you'd asked my opinion beforehand I wouldn't have spotted it.04:42
apb1963_oh I don't think I need anything special for okular...  I might even already be using it... lemme check04:42
sarnoldI would have thought it looked a little silly but I sure wouldn't have thought that it would cause the trouble it did.04:42
apb1963_yes... /usr/bin/okular04:43
apb1963_so that's a leftover from 12.04 I guess... I remember I did have to compile it for 12.04... the whole thing was a mini-nightmare04:43
apb1963_sarnold: ok... I'm plunging.04:44
apb1963_sarnold: last chance to stop04:44
sarnoldI'm 99% sure deleting it's going to be the right answer04:44
sarnoldand 99% sure that adding it back will be easy enough if it turns out to have been the wrong answer04:45
sarnoldfeel free to skip if that gives you pause :) you cleaned up a huge amout of mess already04:45
apb1963_well... what scares me is that to find out if it really worked, I'll need to reboot.  And if it doesn't work, I won't know what to fix... and if I can't connect here... I'm screwed.04:46
apb1963_of course I could already be in that position04:46
apb1963_Like I deleted some network lib or something essential04:47
apb1963_What I always tell myself I need to do is keep a list of config (like /etc/) files I change so I can back those up... but I never make that list.04:49
sarnoldman i've wanted one of those /etc things forever04:49
sarnoldI've been meaning to look into etckeeper for .. well, many years04:49
apb1963_there's actually something called...04:49
apb1963_yep... I have it installed04:49
apb1963_But... I don't recall how to use it.  lol  I messed with it for awhile and then just left it alone... so it works and all... but ... I'll have to go relearn  how to use it.04:50
apb1963_I used to back up with backintime.... then I ran out of disk space and it started deleting older backups... no no no.  So I stopped it until I can afford to buy more space.04:52
apb1963_sarnold: by the way... dbus is on the list too...04:54
sarnoldapb1963_: so long as the 64-bit dbus is there and alive and well..04:55
apb1963_sarnold: it's there... whether it's alive and well I have no idea04:56
apb1963_sarnold: someone taught me a few dbus commands a few years ago... as you can probably guess... yup... don't remember 'em.04:56
apb1963_I doubt it would let me know which version it's using04:56
apb1963_though I'm sure there's a way to find out04:56
sarnoldapb1963_: along the lines of for p in $(pidof dbus-daemon) ; do cat /proc/$p/maps ; done04:57
sarnoldthat'll show you all the memory mappings for thse processes, including the libraries and executable that make up the process04:58
apb1963_sarnold: I'll do that now.. however I was doing this in the meantime: qdbusviewer: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qdbusviewer': No such file or directory05:02
apb1963_sarnold: ok, looks like I'm good to go... the two dbus-daemons I checked both had x64 so...05:06
sarnoldgood good :) nothing surprising yet then05:06
apb1963_sarnold: here goes nothing...05:06
apb1963_lol  you really know how to make a guy paranoid don't  ya05:07
sarnoldthat's the job title05:07
sarnold.. when a computer I ordered dissapeared from the freight company's tracking for four days, _this_ was my first thought: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/05/photos-of-an-nsa-upgrade-factory-show-cisco-router-getting-implant/05:09
apb1963_sarnold: Here's the final list with all the fluff stripped away: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23091794/05:10
apb1963_sarnold: wow.05:12
sarnoldapb1963_: actually while we're looking at things, check /proc/*/exe for /usr/local/   links.05:12
apb1963_sarnold: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23091803/05:14
sarnoldinteresting, what are all these /usr/local/bin/kcmshell4 mentions?05:15
sarnoldwhat does file report on that file?05:15
apb1963_sarnold: /usr/local/bin/kcmshell4: ERROR: cannot open `/usr/local/bin/kcmshell4' (No such file or directory)05:26
sarnoldapb1963_: hmm. odd. I wonder why it was mentioned so much in the /proc/ info..05:26
apb1963_no clue05:27
apb1963_other than.... we deleted it already05:28
apb1963_and as you mentioned before.. no matter how insanely important a file is... etc.05:28
apb1963_sarnold: *cough*  kde-runtime: /usr/bin/kcmshell405:30
apb1963_sarnold: I use KDE05:30
apb1963_oh but.. that's usr local05:31
apb1963_ /usr/bin/kcmshell4: ELF 6405:31
apb1963_ /usr/local/bin/gnome-control-center: ERROR: cannot open `/usr/local/bin/gnome-control-center' (No such file or directory)05:33
apb1963_what an odd duck05:33
apb1963_sarnold: Any final thoughts?05:33
sarnoldapb1963_: "I sure hope you haven't been running /usr/local/ tools for two years"05:34
apb1963_why not?05:34
apb1963_it doesn't make sense... I reboot everytime I crash so... those tools would have had to have been there within just days of today05:34
sarnoldapb1963_: .. we've released ~1000 security updates in two years :)05:35
apb1963_and I don't know what kde would be doing over in usr/local anyway05:36
apb1963_if apt-get is working, then I should have them.05:36
apb1963_I have a nightly cron job that runs apt-get update... and I apt-get upgrade whenever it nags me.05:36
apb1963_the only thing I've let sit awhile is aptik and phpmyadmin because the first time I upgrade phpmyadmin it hosed my DB05:38
apb1963_sarnold: anyway...  ready or not.. here comes the purge.... unless you have any final, final thoughts.  lol05:38
sarnoldfinal final tohughts... "I sure hope that phpmyadmin is firewalled heavily" http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/phpmyadmin.html05:39
apb1963_sarnold: here's one thing:  gnome-control-center: /usr/share/gnome-control-center05:40
apb1963_sarnold: not sure where the binary is05:40
sarnold$ dpkg -L gnome-control-center | grep bin/05:41
apb1963_sarnold: or if I should even have it considering I'm using KDE05:41
apb1963_dpkg-query: package 'gnome-control-center' is not installed05:41
apb1963_sarnold: ok.    The purge begins....05:43
apb1963_sarnold: ok... the purge has ended06:02
sarnoldapb1963_: now your dpkg -l looks nice and shiny again? :)06:02
apb1963_interesting... somehow I missed a few06:03
apb1963_for some reason.. they don't show up in my script06:03
apb1963_this for example: libxv1:i38606:06
apb1963_weird..... I don't see any reason it shouldn't show up06:06
apb1963_now I see why06:10
apb1963_it's matching on ii ... it needs to also match on rc06:10
apb1963_wait no that doesn't make sense06:12
apb1963_I need a break :/06:12
apb1963_sarnold: thanks for your help man, you've been a scholar and a gent!  I think I'll pick this up tomorrow... I'm yawning my head off here.06:17
sarnoldapb1963_: have a good night06:18
apb1963_sarnold: thx.. g'night06:18
sarnoldapb1963_: oh yeah..06:18
* apb1963_ checks out06:18
sarnoldapb1963_: for tomorrow: "apt-get install build-essential libncurses-dev libz-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev uuid-dev uuid"06:18
sarnoldapb1963_: .. try that and _only_ that before fiddling with asterix :)06:19
=== tikund is now known as sikun
sikunI hate this country more and more07:40
sikun.... anyone read on the insane price hike on epi pens?07:40
sikunlooks like I'm not going to be able to get my epi pens anymore07:41
sikunand that was all said in the wrong channel, but eh07:41
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=== nymony is now known as Nymony
punkgeekim going to install openstack on ubutnu 16.04 but i have this error11:42
punkgeek$ conjure-up openstack11:42
punkgeek[warning] Unable to get Juju Version11:42
stokachupunkgeek_: what does juju version tell you12:21
=== freyes__ is now known as freyes
=== JanC is now known as Guest12120
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
coreycbbeisner, hello, can you promote qemu 1:2.3+dfsg-5ubuntu9.4~cloud2 to liberty-proposed and qemu 1:2.2+dfsg-5expubuntu9.7~cloud7 to kilo-proposed?14:32
beisnerhi coreycb - ok, qemu promoted to proposed in uca for liberty and kilo14:36
coreycbbeisner, thx14:41
beisnercoreycb, yw14:41
coreycbbeisner, sorry one more, qemu 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.27~cloud0 to trusty-proposed please14:46
coreycbbeisner, actually can you do a clean sweep of everything that's in trusty-staging to trusty-proposed?14:47
beisnercoreycb, icehouse?14:48
coreycbbeisner, sorry, yeah icehouse-*14:48
beisnercoreycb, ok these staging pkgs promoted to proposed in icehouse uca: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23093418/14:51
=== AcuBcn1 is now known as AcuBcn
=== iberezovskiy is now known as iberezovskiy|off
linuxperiaHi All. I have this working and not working apache mod rewrite rule here => http://apaste.info/ULt What i am trying to do is redirect the test Browser always to test-index.html. If the User agent of the Browser is not "Test-Browser" then check if robots.txt was called if not redirect it to / otherwise pass it. For some strange reason the rules does not work as expected. can somebody tell me...16:01
linuxperia...what i am doing wrong and help me to fix it? Thanks a lot in advance for every helpful tip and solution!16:01
RoyKlinuxperia: no idea, really, but I guess it'd be easier to do such logic in varnish16:03
linuxperiaRoyK: hmm never heard about varnish. thanks still for the tip. in case nobody else can help me i will take a look at it.16:04
RoyKlinuxperia: varnish a proxy cache thing for reverse caching web servers - it's brilliant16:05
linuxperiaahh interessting. yeah this could be a  possibility altough i would prefer the direct apache config approach.16:06
RoyKsure - I just don't know how to do that ;)16:07
RoyKlooks doable, though16:08
* RoyK reads http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_rewrite.html16:08
linuxperiayeah this mod rewrite thing is not easy for a beginner. i am able to do single rewrites and redirects but not multiple cascading rewrites and checks till yet but will figure it out.16:10
=== blacknred0_ is now known as blacknred0
apb1963_sarnold: You awake?17:57
apb1963_sarnold: OK, when you wake up... have a look see please.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23094269/18:00
sarnoldhey apb1963_ :)18:23
sarnoldapb1963_: having the packages installed for a -good reason- is fine. :)18:23
sarnoldapb1963_: though it must be a bit deflating to have cleaned so much yesterday18:23
rabbitdewif I run df -h on a bunch of identical servers, should I always get identical output. Or is it sometimes just...in  a different order?18:28
apb1963_sarnold: yes... but what I wanted you to look at was not so much i386 files as much as what it ended up doing on the apt-get you mentioned I should do first.  Did you look at the link?19:56
sarnoldapb1963_: yes, that looked fine. You already had all those packages installed. No big deal. No gigantic disaster even though that's what their script did next.. :)19:57
apb1963_you saw the notes?19:57
sarnoldapb1963_: so now try building the asterisk thing and when you have problems building the plugins, apt-get install only the -dev packages that were missing....19:58
sarnoldapb1963_: hmm. I don't recall "notes" -- it looked short, and mostly output from apt-get, no?19:58
apb1963_but apt-get had notes in its output.  Possibly important.. possibly not.  That's the question.19:58
sarnoldapb1963_: ah, right19:59
sarnoldapb1963_: that was just a nice convenience :)19:59
apb1963_Note, selecting 'libncurses5-dev' instead of 'libncurses-dev'19:59
apb1963_Note, selecting 'zlib1g-dev' instead of 'libz-dev'19:59
apb1963_those guys20:00
sarnoldI'm surprised about that, I didn't know apt had that kind of feature. Neat.20:00
apb1963_I'm not really sure what that feature has done.20:00
apb1963_Or rather.. why it's done it.20:00
sarnoldI'm stunned, how old is that script that those old package names were the right choices? the new names feel like they've been the names forver...20:00
sarnoldanyway, feel free to move on to the real task at hand :)20:00
apb1963_no idea20:01
sarnoldlunch time for me!20:01
apb1963_ok, enjoy.  Thank you again!20:01
arooni is there a way i can set something up on my web server so i can have an email at myname@mydomain.com; i don't want a fully fledged email server; just something that gets forwarded to my gmail account.`20:10
aroonirunning ubuntu 14.04 if that matters20:10
geniisendmail with a dot-forward file20:12
arooniis that difficult to set up20:15
aroonior pretty easy20:15
arooniand when i actually send mail20:15
aroonican i send it through gmail but as username@mydomain.com ?20:16
patdk-lpyou cannot send through gmail using your own domain20:17
patdk-lpunless you configure gmail to own your domain20:17
patdk-lpyou should NEVER forward emails20:17
geniiarooni: You can have incoming mail which arrives at your domain forwarded to gmail. But otherwise as patdk-lp says.20:18
patdk-lpyou will get spam, you will then forward that spam, and gmail will mark your server as the source of the spam, and none of your emails will be forwarded then20:18
aroonigood call20:18
aroonisounds like i should let zoho office suite handle my email; i think they're still free20:18
patdk-lpyou can have gmail configured to do email pickup from your server though20:19
patdk-lpthink they still support that atleast, using pop320:19
arooniso i can avoid the forwarding spam issue20:19
aroonibut with that approach could i still send/receive email from @domain.com in my gmial?20:20
patdk-lpising the pickup, yes20:20
patdk-lpwell, you cannot use your domain with gmail20:20
patdk-lpunless you configure it with google apps20:20
patdk-lpdon't they charge for that?20:20
arooniamazing; i can still get zoho email hosting for free ; https://www.zoho.com/mail/zohomail-pricing.html20:20
arooniit used to be free; but i screwed up and lost my grandfathered' account for google apps for this particular domain20:21
geniiYou can add email accounts to gmail which you own, and send from it as that email account. They verify with an email to that account20:26
somethingdopeOk I'm dumb.  I'm trying to set up open media vault over wifi and failing21:41
somethingdopefixed it cause I'm a genious22:02
PolarcraftSo I am looking to run a mail server that will allow me to put email accounts in with ease of use, even if it is a simple panel to do so. So the question is what type of email server should I run?23:19
lunaphytethe words "easy" and "email" do not belong together in the same sentence23:19
sarnoldsad but true :(23:20
patdk-lapif normally easy == low/no maintenance, that just won't happen23:20
PolarcraftLet me rephrase that statement, I want to run my own mail server that way I can get rid of an unused shared hosting. I don't mind having to do maintenance I just want a way to add emails easier than 10 commands.23:22
lunaphytewhat is "add emails"?23:23
patdk-lapcreate new mail accounts23:23
sarnoldmodern antispam is miserable; I'd suggest taking a good long look at letting google domain hosting things deal with it all for you.23:23
lunaphytei don't agree that modern antispam is miserable23:24
patdk-laphmm, I think icaan has slowed down with the new tld's finally23:24
lunaphyteit is, however, far from trivial23:24
patdk-lapwell, it's miserable, to learn what is involved to set it up, when one hasn't been doing it :)23:24
lunaphyteit takes a LOT of work, and requires experience.  particularly in this area, enthusiasm isn't an adequate substitute23:25
lunaphyteheh.  yeah, that is true23:25
Polarcraftsarnold, I don't want to use gmail, as I need the emails to work with other applications.23:25
lunaphytewhat does "work with other applications" actually mean?23:26
PolarcraftMeaning that it works with Apple's Iphone email application, and works with android email applications.23:27
lunaphytegmail works with all of those programs23:27
naccgmail addresses don't work with iphone applications?23:27
naccthat seems unlikely at best23:27
Polarcraftgmail does not work with all of those programs, you can only use their official application on apple. I already tried gmail.23:28
lunaphyteheh.  that's flase.23:28
patdk-lapwhat is *offical* application?23:28
patdk-laplast I knew, gmail supports imap23:29
lunaphytegmail works perfectly fine with any traditional imap/submission mua.23:29
patdk-lapatleast I use imap to access my gmail accounts23:29
PolarcraftAs I said I don't want to use gmail at all.23:29
naccPolarcraft: but your reason for doing that isn't a reason, afaict23:30
naccPolarcraft: i mean, just say "i don't want to use gmail"23:30
PolarcraftWhich is what I said. I don't want to use any mail service like gmail or such.23:30
lunaphytenot wanting to use gmail is fine.   saying it's because it "doesn't work", when in fact it does indeed work just fine, just confuses the people form whom you seek advice/support... ;)23:31
* nacc returns to merging squid ...23:31
lunaphytein any case, if you want to run your own mail server, go for it.  all we're doing is offering insight as to what you should expect23:31
PolarcraftWell for one gmail limits the outgoing emails, that I know of. I might have confused people yes, that I am not trying to. I do know that a self ran mail server will be a lot of work, but I want to see how it will go as far as adding new email addresses and such.23:32
sarnoldalright; here's a nice reading list then :) http://www.dkim.org/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sender_Policy_Framework23:32
patdk-lapspf, dkim, dmarc, dane, ...23:36
sarnoldI've also heard good things about http://www.zentyal.org/ and https://www.open-xchange.com/23:36
lunaphytestep one would be to decide if you'd like to use some "magic box" software, or a modular arrangement where you decide what actual software you want to use, and manage it s you desire.23:36
lunaphytewere your preference to be the former, the only project i'd even come close to consider being responsible would probably be iredmail23:37
lunaphytewere it to be the latter, i would recommend postfix and dovecot as the central components.23:39
PolarcraftWell I didn't see this article until now, but for the most part this should work correct? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer23:53
sarnoldit's hit or miss, some o that documentation is ten years old..23:56

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