
=== uaa is now known as Guest83572
Na3iLHello guys15:32
pavlushkaHello Na3iL :)15:44
Na3iLHello pavlushka how are you today15:47
Na3iLHello Dro  and elacheche :)15:47
Droça va Na3iL15:48
pavlushkao/ elacheche15:48
pavlushkais it possible to show only once a repeated line/word from a text file in terminal?15:48
Na3iLhamdoullah as usual, yourself?15:48
Droça va pas de tt :|15:48
Dro3malt upgrade men 14.04 el 16.0415:49
Droel PC wella arzen men... :| e3315:49
pavlushkaNa3iL: I am good, thanks15:49
Na3iLpavlushka, you can use awk or tr15:56
Na3iLlet me paste you a command that I use it always for log files15:56
Na3iLcat file.log | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '[\n*]' | uniq -c | sort -nr | head  -1015:57
pavlushkaNa3iL: I want to print the dates of the irclogs as once.16:01
Na3iLCan you give an example, cause I didn't get what you mean16:06
Na3iLPrint the text that exist between a date and another one?16:06
pavlushkaNa3iL: only printing the repeated dates once, I need the date lists.17:02
pavlushkathe logs are auto saved into my disk of some months.17:03

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