
shakes808evening all00:21
shakes808wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction.  I am trying to upload files of a new git project from my local to bitbucket.  i added the ssh-rsa key and it still isn't letting me upload.  says: "$ git push -u origin --all Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.  Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists."00:23
Scary_Guyso, saw this at the top of r/programming https://dev.to/ben/the-targetblank-vulnerability-by-example10:27
Scary_Guyand just updated every link on my website that I never update or use10:28
Scary_Guybut at least it's more secure if anyone stumbles across it10:28
cmaloneyMan, Metallica's Kill 'em All still sounds great after all these years.18:02
shakes808cmaloney: that is because that is PRE Newstand :)  Can't go wrong with Cliff :)18:32
cmaloneyNewstead is a decent bassist. Nothing but love18:42
cmaloneyBurton, Newstead and Trujillo would be part of my bassist dream team18:43
cmaloneynext to Claypool, Lee, and Levin18:43
cmaloneyAnd Iron Maiden's bassist, should he ever stop being Iron Maiden. ;)18:45
cmaloney(name totally and inexplicably escaping me right now)18:45
shakes808cmaloney: Steve Harris or Adrian Smith?!18:46
cmaloneyAdrian Smith is a Guitarist iirc18:47
cmaloneyIron Maiden: The band that needs three guitarists to offset the rhythm section. ;)18:48
cmaloneyJust got an order from Steve Roach. Asked if he would sign them if he had the time / inclination to do so18:52
cmaloneyGot two signed albums. :)18:52
shakes808how is Maiden's new cd?19:04
shakes808giving it a spin now.  hope it is good.19:07
cmaloneyNot sure. Last one I picked up was "Final Frontier" which was pretty good19:07
cmaloneyclips I heard from the latest lead me to believe it's pretty good19:07
cmaloneyhaven't picked it up yet, though.19:08

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