
dancingdemon__Also, I have quad core, how much should i give to that vm player ?00:00
OerHeksdancingdemon__, 256 mb, no more !00:00
GEEMacso what happened with 16.04.  Does it not read xorg anymore?00:00
dancingdemon__256 mb ?00:00
Compudancingdemon__: depends more on how much RAM ur system has and what u want to do with the VM and such00:00
YankDownUnderGEEMac: Doesn't matter, really - let's focus on fixing you with "arandr" and then you can ponder the Universe after that, hmm? :)00:00
dancingdemon__i have 16 gb ram00:01
dancingdemon__what did he mean by 250 mb ?00:01
GEEMacOK let me get that started.   I just love work arounds...00:01
Compudancingdemon__: try 4 GB, that should be plenty for most things00:01
dancingdemon__which windows version ? 8 or 10?00:02
dancingdemon__also should i give it 2 cores ?00:02
wiggmpkI tried to resize using ALT+Right Click but it still snaps back to the top menu bar00:02
OerHeksasking what windows version depends on your license00:02
dancingdemon__I will use a cracked one00:02
Compudancingdemon__: 10 if u can, and 2 cores should be fine00:02
dancingdemon__ok ok thanks00:02
OerHeksthat is offtopic, lolz so do what you want00:02
dancingdemon__like are you serious :D00:03
Compudancingdemon__: if 2 cores doesnt work then try 400:03
dancingdemon__the issue is That I'm running rutorrent and deluge too00:04
dancingdemon__If i gave the windows 4 cores00:04
dancingdemon__then what is left for the rest,,,00:04
dancingdemon__i have quad cores00:04
dancingdemon__but I think 2 cores will still not be enough :(00:04
GEEMacYankDownUnder,   Okay... I have it up and running00:05
Compudancingdemon__: VMs r good about managing the CPU, the main thing to worry about is RAM00:05
GEEMacYankDownUnder,  Its already showing 1920x108000:05
dancingdemon__so compu, if i gave it 4 cores, rutorrent and deluge will still work fine?00:05
dancingdemon__i mean i only have quad, which is 4...right ?00:06
Compushould but 2 cores should be plenty00:06
dancingdemon__ok i will do that00:06
Compuwhat do u want to do with the VM?00:06
dancingdemon__i will be downloading stuff using cmd, i will have to open many cmds like 4 and run some script to download some movies from some site00:06
Compuwhy do u need windows for that?00:07
dancingdemon__I tried it on VM running windows8 which I gave it 8 gb of ram and 3 cores and cpu was always 100% !00:07
dancingdemon__its an .exe00:07
Compualso the windows command prompt really doesnt need much RAM or CPU00:07
dancingdemon__i tried wine00:07
YankDownUnderGEEMac: So you'll see that you can "save as" -> save it as a script...and you can then use that script in conjunction with arandr to reset your resolution when you login to whatever desktop you're using00:07
Compudancingdemon__: what is a .exe?00:07
dannyIs rclone safe?  It doesn't appear to be in the official repos00:07
dancingdemon__but that script download segments from some movie site...00:07
=== danny is now known as Guest57375
dancingdemon__rclone is amazing and i use it to upload to amazon cloud with no single issue...00:08
Cypher-PunkIn your honest opinion, is Ubuntu secure enough (compared to other operating systems) to run a Tor Exit Node?00:08
Compudancingdemon__: where did u get this .exe? r u sure its reputable?00:08
dancingdemon__I got it from some site and yup many use....00:08
Bashing-om a diorect look at the target : " s -al /media/sysop/ubie1604/proc/self/mounts >> ls: cannot access /media/sysop/ubie1604/proc/self/mounts: No such file or directory " . Hummmm .00:08
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o00:08
OerHekstake this elsewere please00:08
Compumany use utorrent too, doesn mean they should00:08
MishariHello there.00:09
MishariI want to know something important, but excuse my language maybe a little bit weekie.00:09
poisonpothi, guys00:09
Guest57375Anybody here familiar with rclone or some other service for syncing files with dropbox?00:09
GEEMacYankDownUnder,   Reading the info on how this thing works.  Never heard about arandr. Thanks.00:09
Misharinot weakie pedia.00:09
poisonpotI'm with problmes to compile bitchX00:10
YankDownUnderGEEMac: Good on ya. Works a charm, bro. Cheers.00:10
dancingdemon__I'm familiar with rclone00:10
OerHeksbitchx project is dead, good luck  poisonpot00:10
dancingdemon__but only to upload to amazon cloud00:10
Mishariwhat is debian ? and what is the relationship between debian and linux core or bash <<00:11
poisonpotOerHeks: shit00:11
Guest57375dancingdemon__, How is it?  I'm concerned because It doesn't seem to be in the repos00:11
OerHekspoisonpot, for tty, use weechat or irssi00:11
poisonpotI'm using irssi00:11
dancingdemon__its amazing and fast00:12
Cypher-PunkIs Ubuntu secure enough (compared to other operating systems) to run a Tor Exit Node?00:12
dancingdemon__read the docs and they will let you know whatever you want00:12
Mishariyou don't help meh.00:12
dancingdemon__message the developer on his gmail and ask him wvr you want, he always replies back or check his page for issues and stuff00:12
Bashing-ommarlinc: "ls -al /media/sysop/ubie1604/etc/mtab >> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Jun 16 18:44 /media/sysop/ubie1604/etc/mtab -> ../proc/self/mounts ' But yes the target does not exist ! " ls -al /media/sysop/ubie1604/proc/self/mounts >> ls: cannot access /media/sysop/ubie1604/proc/self/mounts: No such file or directory " . Hummmm .00:13
Guest57375dancingdemon__, Well, my concerns were about why it isn't in the official repos in the first place.  But anything has got to be better than the official dropbox app.  That crap uses way to many resources00:13
MishariJe veux toi mon ami00:13
stan_man_canMight not be the right place to ask, but I just installed Kerbal Space Program and it's crashed twice within playing for about 5 minutes each time, new 16.04 install running an Nvidia GTX-96000:14
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jhc76anyone played around with windows's ubuntu? I'm trying to find syslog00:17
GEEMacYankDownUnder,  What I am reading is that it is suposed to save to a .desktop file. The sad part is that there is no .desktop file and if so there is somethig up with the autostart startup files not being read.  I been at that for a few days trying to find out why when placing things in autostart they are not being started..  I keep looking in the folder (show hiden files) and it is always empty.00:17
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MishariMaaaaagic... ooo ooo... maaaaaagic00:18
Misharihey liava00:18
Misharihot name00:18
Bashing-omstan_man_can: What version driver is installed : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/106780/en-us ; this one ?00:18
Guest57375best vim plugin for vscode?00:19
jhc76window's ubuntu shouldn't be called ubuntu... it should have a different name altogether. the files locations ubuntu normally has are nowhere to be found.00:21
Guest57375jhc76, call it winubu00:22
mathias__I am getting "W: The repository 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xeniel-updates Release' does not have a Release file." when I try running # apt-get update00:22
jhc76winbuntu sounds more fitting00:22
mathias__How do I resolve this?00:22
jhc76or ubuntows00:22
mathias__Winbuntu is a good name.00:22
Guest57375Or WindowBun00:22
jhc76my other windows sysadmins think this is a whole new level of computing. I'm horrified trying to deal with this shit00:23
Guest57375jhc76, Why is it bad?  I've heard nothing but good things but haven't touched it personally00:24
capum321anyone on firefox playing video content with pepperflash ? i have a libpepflashplayer.so missing...00:28
=== TUTAYA is now known as kotatumikan
Guest57375Oi, how do I name myself something dope?00:30
Keitarothe memoru check on ubuntu by the grub check the memory only on linux partition or on all the stockage device ?00:30
lordcirthGuest57375, /nick somethingdope00:32
=== Guest57375 is now known as somethingdope
somethingdopelordcirth, thanks bruh00:32
Bashing-omKeitaro: That test is for the ram installed . to check the file system is 'fsck' tool .00:32
YankDownUndersomethingdope: http://freenode.net/kb/all => since you're new to IRC, this is worth reading.00:32
somethingdopeOh and I just learned that text files made on linux need to be formatted to be read easily on windows systems.  Is there a reason to not edit these files I want to open on windows systems in the dos format on linux?00:33
jhc76Guest57375 can't find syslog, can't run dmesg can't properly troubleshoot, postfix doesn't work with our smtp setup that other ubuntu boxes have no trouble with. This is a whole new OS. Ubuntu shouldn't have used it's name to associate with this.00:33
somethingdopeYankDownUnder, I'll take a look at that.  I am super new to IRC00:33
eloszHello, everytime I do ssh -i ./myfile.pem user@serverip . How to avoid that?00:34
lordcirthelosz, you want a shorter command?00:34
KeitaroBashing-om, thx00:35
eloszlordcirth: I need something so that I don't have to specify -i option every time00:35
Keitaroand fsck is for the whole disk ? or only linux partition ?00:35
lordcirthKeitaro, fsck checks a single filesystem, so a single partition00:35
eloszlordcirth: I cannot write to ssh/.config since server is amazon aws and its hostname keeps changing everytime00:36
keepguessingk1l: I had ~/bin setup and a lot of files over there like the ones what would be in /bin the path was set to ~/bin:$PATH somewhere. This was breaking grep [the error we see in .xsession_error00:36
GEEMacYankDownUnder,  are you still at the keyboard?00:36
YankDownUnderGEEMac: You ran away before I could elaborate any further...00:36
keepguessingk1l: I had ~/bin setup and a lot of files over there like the ones what would be in /bin the path was set to ~/bin:$PATH somewhere. This was breaking grep [the error we see in .xsession_error]00:36
lordcirthelosz, can you write to .bashrc?00:36
GEEMacI just saved it and no go00:36
eloszlordcirth: yeah I can. I thought ssh-add or something will help.00:36
eloszlordcirth: I mean I can write to ssh/.config too but it'd be useless since amazon instance will keep changing everytime00:36
GEEMacIt placed the folder and file but did not read it00:36
YankDownUnderGEEMac: Create an "autostart" item...it's slightly different as per whatever desktop you're using.00:36
keepguessingonce I deleted the bin folder and edited the path everything worked fine.00:36
lordcirthelosz, you could use ssh-add, or you could just make a bash alias00:37
eloszlordcirth: how to do ssh-add?00:37
somethingdopeWhy do I have a "New Document.ott" and a "New Spreadsheat.ots" in my Documents directory?00:38
somethingdopeI've tried to get rid of them and they seem to reapear?00:38
lordcirthelosz, ssh-add ~/.ssh/KEY_PAIR_NAME.pem00:38
YankDownUnderGEEMac: Your basic use would be: "arandr default.sh" (or whatever you named the settings script as)00:38
eloszokay ty lordcirth00:38
GEEMacYankDownUnder,   I looked in .conf/autostart and it's empth.  I also keep placing files to start via startup applications and after the reboot they are gon.00:38
lordcirthsomethingdope, are you using Libreoffice?00:38
somethingdopelordcirth, yeah00:39
eloszlordcirth: but the filename.pem is in my current directory say /home/elosz00:39
lordcirthsomethingdope, presumably it's LO autosaving new documents that you create00:39
lordcirthelosz, so use whatever directory is needed?00:39
GEEMacYankDownUnder,  I did a test save a 1920x1080 it wrote the script but it does not get read at start up.00:39
eloszlordcirth: so you mean ssh-add ./filename.pem should work?00:39
somethingdopelordcirth, oh ok, I'll see if I did that by mistake00:39
YankDownUnderGEEMac: What desktop are you using? Unity? Gnome? KDE? XFce?00:40
lordcirthelosz, it's just a file path, so yes00:40
eloszokay lordcirth00:40
GEEMacYankDownUnder,  Unity, but running Metacity00:40
YankDownUnderGEEMac: Hang on a tick...00:40
GEEMacFlachback Metacity00:40
capum321i have a missing libpepflashplayer.so after `sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash` 'failed to load' not present00:41
GEEMacSomething is also bugy when adding items to autostart. they don't get saved., but that's another issue.00:41
Bashing-omKeitaro: 'fsck' is to check the linux ext family of file systems on a targeted partition .00:44
GEEMacYankDownUnder,   This is in the .screenlayout folder in the Home dir00:44
GEEMacYankDownUnder,   "  #!/bin/sh00:44
GEEMacxrandr --output VGA-0 --off --output TV-0 --off --output HDMI-0 --primary --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal  "00:44
YankDownUnderGEEMac: ~/.config/autostart => if the directory does not exist, create it.00:46
GEEMacIt's there.00:47
GEEMacYankDownUnder,  Should I place the .sh file there?00:48
YankDownUnderGEEMac: So, you can create a simple script either with using "arandr" as your app, or directly using the xrandr commands...mark the script as executable (chmod +x nameofscript) and you should be set.00:48
GEEMacYankDownUnder,  Okay... Let me chmod that file and reboot00:49
YankDownUnderGEEMac: You don't have to reboot...just logouut00:50
R13oseHow do I wipe a windows instalment and put a bare bones Ubuntu on there which will allow me to make the main language Arabic (main language) / English (secondary language) and be able to install packages?00:50
lordcirthR13ose, what do you mean by bare bones?  Is it a slow computer?00:52
somethingdopeWhat do you guys reccomend for a backup/storage/maybe media server?00:53
R13oselordcirth: I haven't tested the laptop, was given this today.  I mean bare bones as in only basic packages and then someone else can install other packages if they need to.00:54
lordcirthsomethingdope, for what?  Hardware? OS? Backup software?00:54
GEEMacYankDownUnder,  Going to have to access that via Nautilus.  right now the file has Owner:root R/W  Group: None00:54
lordcirthR13ose, Is a standard Ubuntu install too big?00:54
somethingdopelordcirth, Sorry I have an old laptop I'mma put it on. so I'm curious about what os and software to use, I was thinking rsnapshot for backup and owncloud for storage00:55
GEEMacYankDownUnder,  Keeo getting no perms via term00:55
lordcirthsomethingdope, either Ubuntu server, or possibly FreeNAS.00:55
YankDownUnderGEEMac: If you look throught your "Applications" in Unity, you'll find a program called "Startup Applications" => you can use that as it's probably easier for ya, bro...I had to fire up a VM with Unity to find that...00:55
somethingdopelordcirth, Not debian?00:55
R13oselordcirth:  I am not sure.  I don't want too many packages installed to confusing someone who will use this, that is all.00:55
lordcirthsomethingdope, also OwnCloud is forked to Nextcloud now, and a competitor worth looking at is Seafile00:55
lordcirthsomethingdope, nothing wrong with Debian, of course.  But Ubuntu Server gets newer package versions00:56
GEEMacThYank That's the problem.  Autostart is broken.  I keep placing things there and they are not getting saved.00:56
R13oselordcirth: isn't there like a minimum instalment of ubuntu?00:56
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:56
lordcirthR13ose, I would just install Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 and choose Arabic, tbh.  But yes there is00:56
R13oselordcirth: thanks.00:58
R13oseHow do I wipe Windows off the machine?00:58
GEEMacYankDownUnder,  I have a terminal program called Guake.  I must have placed it in the autostart a dozen times and when I reboot or relog it does not start.  same as a couple other programs.  Also there is no option anymore to start in terminal.00:58
somethingdopelordcirth, I'm just concerned about stability cause its gonna run 24/7, I am pretty new to all this00:58
lordcirthR13ose, just choose to do so in the Ubuntu installer00:58
R13osegreat thanks.00:58
lordcirthsomethingdope, Ubuntu Server LTS's are quite stable.  We run almost entirely server 14.04 in production at work.00:59
GEEMacAlso the items that get placed in autostart are gone after the reboot.00:59
YankDownUnderGEEMac: Are you using the "Startup Applications" utility that I just told you about?00:59
GEEMacThis is a fresh install of 16.0400:59
YankDownUnderGEEMac: Yeah - you stated that already00:59
somethingdopelordcirth, would you reccomend I use 16.04 server?00:59
lordcirthsomethingdope, yes I would00:59
GEEMacYankDownUnder,  Yep.  It is broken00:59
cfhowlettsomethingdope, see #ubuntu-server00:59
somethingdopelordcirth, And what actually is different between a barebones ubuntu and debian?01:00
GEEMacI even tried it from terminal with gksudo01:00
lordcirthsomethingdope, The main user-visible difference is newer packages.01:00
YankDownUnderGEEMac: Then create an icon on your desktop and run it like that...personally, I don't use Unity (duh) - so I can only point to so much before I'm lost, bro...hmm...01:01
R13oselordcirth: I can make English the main language and then have someone switch to Arabic?  Like I can choose English and Arabic in the installer and make English the main language?  Arabic will not be needed until this is handed over.01:01
somethingdopelordcirth, Oh ok, sounds fine for me then.  I guess I just Put Ubuntu server in it barebones, and do everything through ssh?01:02
GEEMacI don't run unity either After I kept having this screen resolution issue I went back to Flqashback Metacity01:02
cfhowlettR13ose, if you doing an install for a hand-off, do an OEM install.  choose precisely which packages / options you want.  on first boot the user will still have one or 2 things to set, but after that will be plug and play01:02
lordcirthR13ose, You can switch the main language after, but I'm not sure if it gets everything the installer setting does.  I've never selected anything but en_US or en_GB, sorry01:02
YankDownUnderGEEMac: Metacity is a window manager - not a desktop...01:02
lordcirthsomethingdope, yeah, and btw ssh keys speed things up01:02
GEEMacI have a bug report on this and they are apparently busy with issues since a week has passed and no reply.  I guess I am going to place another bug report on the autostart.01:03
R13osecfhowlett: yes but I don't know the packages needed and giving this to someone who will review and install packages needed.01:03
fermulatornew to Ubuntu 16.04 server; tried to "shutdown -r now", and poweroff.target: Job poweroff.target/start failed with result 'dependency'.01:03
fermulatorFailed to open /dev/initctl: No such device or address, Failed to talk to init daemon.01:04
fermulatorwhat is the correct way to reboot at this point?01:04
GEEMacI am guessing that when you qadd something via the GUI autostart it would be saved as a scriopt in the .config/autostart.  It is always empty01:04
YankDownUnderGEEMac: Yet another reason why I've ended up with XFce (again...always ends up being XFce or Enlightenment or WindowMaker)01:04
lordcirthfermulator, have you tried 'reboot' ?01:04
YankDownUnderGEEMac: Yeah...noticed that...but I digress01:04
GEEMacIf I don't get an answer by Monday. Out goes 16.04 LTS and Back goes 14.04.  I should hae just left things alone, but I thought maybe it would have some new goodies.  Yep it does but also borked the rest of the new relese.01:06
sho__I want to request linux application recommendation. Is this the right place to do so?01:06
somethingdopelordcirth, Also is Amahi good?01:06
cfhowlettsho__, ask01:06
fermulatorlordcirth: yes, reboot yielded same message: A dependency job for reboot.target failed. See 'journalctl -xe' for details.01:06
sho__first, to do application. I've found several on google. Haven't try anything though.01:06
lordcirthsomethingdope, I have never heard of it01:07
GEEMacUsually when placing a bug report they are quite quick to answer.01:07
fermulatorCTRL+ALD+DEL at the PTY doesn't even affect anything wow01:07
lordcirthfermulator, well, did you "See 'journalctl -xe' for details" ?01:07
somethingdopelordcirth, Its supposed to be a super simple server setup distro01:07
fermulatorlordcirth, it's just a whole whack of dependancy failed, darn, I'm on a temp system and the scrollback isn't enough to see anymore, i'm just power cycling it01:08
lordcirthfermulator, something is very wrong with that system.  Did you verify the install image?01:09
lordcirthsomethingdope, if you do try it out, let me know what you think.01:09
GEEMacYankDownUnder,  Well< Thanks for the help.  It's been three weeks so far and noting will save the screen resolution.  I'll probably burry this anyway once Kodi gets out of Alpha with 17.x   I have a Raspbery Pi 3 and less aggravation.  Ubuntu 10.x was anightmare and now 16.04 LTS is another repeat01:10
somethingdopelordcirth, ok, its tempting because you supposedly can still do things through commandline if you want to01:11
lordcirthsomethingdope, it's just a linux distro, one would hope so01:11
GEEMacYankDownUnder,   Cheers....    Thanks again for your help01:11
lordcirthsomethingdope, there's also FreeNAS, btw.  It's BSD but is good for NAS.01:11
sho__lordcirth: requesting authentication for running application. Is there a way to do it? I'm a game addict, and I want something to remind me.01:12
lordcirthsho__, Not sure what you mean01:12
somethingdopelordcirth, Wait, what is the difference between NFS and NAS?01:12
lordcirthsomethingdope, Network Attached Storage is the general concept of a dedicated file server that gets mounted over the network01:13
lordcirthsomethingdope, Network File System is a protocol for doing so.01:13
sho__for example, when I run an application on terminal, I will get prompt for password and message before the prompt. is that viable?01:13
R13osethanks everyone, I know what to do now.01:13
lordcirthsho__, if you replace the application with a wrapper script, or alias the command, yes01:14
somethingdopelordcirth, I see, that is exactly what I want for the storage part of the server.  Its better to do that on FreeNAS than Ubuntu-server?01:14
sho__wrapper script? point me resource to them?01:14
lordcirthsho__, a wrapper script is just a term for a script that calls another program with a few settings, or does something first.01:15
sho__Hmm... I think I know.01:15
lordcirthsomethingdope, FreeNAS does all this stuff out of the box, so it's nice if NAS is all you want.  But if you want to do anything else, well, Ubuntu Server would be easier to work with.01:15
sho__so first, I had to remove the way to call the application from interactive terminal? Is that possible?01:16
somethingdopelordcirth, I want NAS for storage and rsnapshot or attic or whatever for automated backups.  So I guess everything could be accomplished with FreeNAS.  What if I wanted to add Plex though?01:16
lordcirthsho__, if you make an alias with the same name, it will be overridden01:17
lordcirthsomethingdope, https://www.samkear.com/freenas/install-plex-media-server-freenas01:17
sho__Wait, isn't that looping?01:17
somethingdopelordcirth, I see, What about for older computers?  Is FreeNAS sutible for them?01:20
lordcirthsho__, no, actually.  No aliases are processed in an alias substitution01:20
kholdstayreim on 14.04, I have installed the golang package and I can use commands like 'run' and 'build' with no problem, but 'get' always fails. Here are the relevant parts of my .bashrc and .bash_profile files https://paste.debian.net/791587/ , anyone know why 'get' command fails?01:20
lordcirthsomethingdope, On any Linux/BSD server OS, the OS itself takes almost 0 resources.  It's just a matter of the services you run01:20
lordcirthkholdstayre, you may want to ask on a Go support channel01:21
seednodekholdstayre, what does it fail with01:21
kholdstayreseednode, 'sudo: go: command not found'01:22
kholdstayrebut it recognizes 'go version'01:22
kholdstayreand other go commands01:22
seednodeOkay, well, I guess we'll run through things one at a time; mind checking something for me re: bashrc?01:22
kholdstayreseednode, sure01:22
lordcirthkholdstayre, "go" is in your user's path but not root's01:22
seednodeBackup your .bashrc, and replace all your current existing GO variables with https://paste.ubuntu.com/23091255/01:22
seednodejust those two lines01:22
seednodethen try a go get and pastebin me the error01:22
seednodeThough lordcirth's advice is also relevant01:24
somethingdopelordcirth, I guess my biggest fear with freenas is the fear of having to learn an entirely new operating system01:24
seednodeFreeNAS is mostly configured through GUI, and apart from the iSCSI setup, is fairly well-designed01:24
lordcirthsomethingdope, up to you.01:24
kholdstayreseednode, do i need to 'source' my bashrc file after making those changes?01:25
Keitaroafter the first boot and a install with nomodeset i have a perfect purple screen after login with only my pink mouth01:25
seednodekholdstayre, yeah, source it01:25
seednodeor relaunch bash, but source is quicker01:25
Keitarohow can i do the update ? sudo apt-get update doesn't work in the tty01:25
lordcirthKeitaro, what does it fail with?01:25
kholdstayreseednode, same error: 'sudo: go: command not found'01:26
Keitaroi don't know when i log after my clean install (even if i use nomodeset) i have a purple screen with only my mouth in01:26
Keitarobut when i do in the tty the command ls mkdir etc everything works well i see the folder01:27
Keitaroi don't know what i have to do01:27
seednodekholdstayre, okay, the $HOME variable isn't necessarily used properly with sudo, I don't remember offhand; if you go get as your normal user, does it work?01:27
kholdstayreseednode, nope, permission denied https://paste.ubuntu.com/23091269/01:28
lordcirthkholdstayre, try with sudo -E01:29
keepguessingI have tried to find "where the shortcut" for opening trash folder is configured but I could not. I want to change its key. Can someone help?01:30
kholdstayrelordcirth, with sudo -E i get the same command not found error01:30
seednodeSo, it's failing to run as normal user because it's using /usr/local/go/{package} as working dir01:31
seednodebut failing to run under sudo because it seems not to find the GOROOT01:31
kholdstayreshould i be doing something with the .profile file? tho that file says that if .bash_profile exists, then .profile will not be consulted01:32
|\nhello, is apt mirror:// method supported by ubuntu officially and it is okay to use it on daily basis?01:32
kholdstayrelordcirth, do you have an article about adding golang to root path by chance?01:33
lordcirthkholdstayre, did you try copying the relevant lines to root's bashrc/01:34
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kholdstayrelordcirth, im not sure where root's bashrc file is01:34
lordcirthkholdstayre, /root/.bashrc01:35
lordcirthIf it doesn't exist, create it01:35
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Keitarosomeone know how i can fix my pb plz ?01:38
KatronixHI all, anyone know what php-fpm is called for php 7.0?01:40
emersonDepends on the distro, for deb it's php7-fpm01:41
KatronixI'm actually running Mint, apt says I have php7.0-fpm installed, however php7-fpm is an unknown command01:42
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:43
lordcirthKatronix, Mint is not supported here, however something like " apt-file list php7-fpm | grep bin" may help01:43
wildmanron1szb If you are on today or some one knows him I am letting you know i orderd a new video card and it will be here in two weeks i guess i hope it gets here will let you knw if it fixes the problem01:43
kholdstayrelordcirth, im finally into /root/.bashrc, sry that was more complicated than it should have been01:44
kholdstayrei dont see any export statements in there tho, should i put the export statements at the top? does it matter?01:44
lordcirthkholdstayre, doesn't matter01:45
kholdstayrelordcirth, ok, i have it in the /root/.bashrc, but unfortunately it wont let me 'source' the file, and its not responding to sudo either :/01:51
keepguessinghow do I change a system shortcut in ubuntu. I cannot find it in shortcuts list01:51
kholdstayrei am in a quandry01:51
keepguessingbut I can open trash folder when I do super+t01:51
lordcirthkholdstayre, you don't need to source it, when sudo opens a shell it should be sourced01:51
lordcirthkeepguessing, try searching "keyboard" in Dash.  There are different shortcut settings sometimes01:52
kholdstayrelordcirth, i opened a new terminal and tried again, but same thing, command not found01:52
lordcirthkholdstayre, oh, change $HOME to literal01:53
lordcirthin root's bashrc01:53
keepguessinglordcirth: I did do that it is not there.01:54
somethingdopeI decided on Open Media Vault for my server01:55
lordcirthkeepguessing, well, it's in one of those, I think.  I'm on KDE so I can't look atm01:56
keepguessinglordcirth: its not. Just found on google its hardcoded.01:56
kholdstayrelordcirth, still no luck, $HOME is supposed to be where i keep my go projects, correct? not where the actual go binaries reside?01:57
lordcirthkeepguessing, really?  That's strange01:57
lordcirthkholdstayre, It's been a long time since I tried Go01:57
kholdstayrelordcirth, no worries, thx anyway, the conundrum continues01:57
keepguessinglordcirth: http://askubuntu.com/posts/40429/revisions01:58
lordcirthkeepguessing, well that's dumb.01:59
lordcirthkeepguessing, did you want to reuse that shortcut for a different command, or use a different shortcut for Trash?01:59
keepguessinglordcirth: yes I wanted to use it for a different command02:00
keepguessingkholdstayre: I kind of lost track of your problem. What are you facing?02:00
kholdstayrekeepguessing, i have installed golang, i can run commands like 'go run' and 'go version' without issue, but 'go get' fails with command not found02:02
kholdstayrecant figure out why02:02
keepguessingtype alias and see if you have an alias02:02
kholdstayreand i cant figure out what path is missing in which file so that bash can figure out what go get means02:02
keepguessingalso do set -x to see all the bash commands its trying.02:03
kholdstayrekeepguessing, is says that 'alias -x' is an invalid option02:04
kholdstayreinfact i just tried 'man alias' and is says there is no manual entry02:05
kholdstayrebut if i just type 'alias' i get output02:05
keepguessingjust trying alias i never said alias -x02:05
keepguessingset -x is a seperate command :-)02:05
kholdstayreok, here is the output of 'alias' https://paste.debian.net/791590/02:06
keepguessingalias is clean02:07
keepguessingwhat is set -x returning?02:07
kholdstayrelike, you want me to type 'set -x' into the terminal?02:08
kholdstayrei dont really understand what you are asking me to do with the -x flag at this point02:08
reisio'help set'02:08
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reisio'type set', etc.02:09
consolejazzMachine has two NVIDIA GPUs with total 8 DisplayPort connectors (4 apiece) - which distro / WM will provide the most stable, no-fuss multi-display support?02:11
kholdstayrei typed the command 'set -x', then typed the 'alias' command again, and other than the terminal now say '+ alias' at the beginning of its output, the output is the same as before02:11
keepguessingkholdstayre: your alias is clean.02:12
keepguessingTry go get now.02:12
consolejazzBeen using XFCE4 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, however, if one of 8 displays were unplugged (either accidently or not), display order is thrown out of whack. Can be very fickle, even with the latest NVIDIA drivers02:12
kholdstayresame problem, without sudo it says permission denied, with sudo it says command not found02:13
reisioconsolejazz: not sure that's GNU/Linux specific :p02:13
kholdstayrebut if i type 'go version' it reports 'go version go1.6.3 linux/amd64'02:13
reisioconfucius say: things with non-radially-symmetrical connectors are always badly designed02:14
reisiokholdstayre: how 'bout 'which go'?02:14
consolejazzreisio: got ya. Any idea of better forum to try?02:14
kholdstayrereisio, it returns the path to the go install02:14
reisioconsolejazz: you try with nouveau, or is that disqualified for some reason?02:14
reisiokholdstayre: what path?02:14
kholdstayrereisio, /usr/local/go/bin/go02:15
reisiosome path that is silly, that root doesn't have?02:15
reisiouse your package manager more, and this won't happen02:15
kholdstayrereisio, go isnt in the package manager yet02:15
reisioit's very unlikely root has that in its path02:15
kholdstayreat least it wasnt when i installed go02:15
reisiokholdstayre: 'go'? What is this, the go language compiler?02:15
kholdstayreyeah, golang02:15
Keitarosomeone know how i can fix my purple screen problem after login plz ?02:15
consolejazzreisio: hmm, don't believe so. Have nvidia-361 installed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-36102:15
reisiookay, well, that might have been, I'd be surprised if it isn't available right now02:15
keepguessingkholdstayre: what are the permissions on the folder /usr/local/go ?02:16
reisioKeitaro: what color do you want?! :p02:16
reisiokholdstayre: I'd probably nuke that and reinstall go properly via the package manager; otherwise tell root where it is02:16
Keitaroi wanta graphical interface02:16
Keitaroany color will be good02:16
reisioand/or fix the persm so non-root can use it02:16
keepguessingkholdstayre: can you pastebin the output of the go get.02:16
reisioKeitaro: when did it start being broken like this?02:16
kholdstayrekeepguessing, drwxr-xr-x02:17
Keitaroreisio, since my first boot after my clean installation on dual boot02:17
keepguessingand what are your permissions on the go binary?02:18
Keitaroi installed and try to use ubuntu on my laptop a couple of day ago02:18
Keitaroi still can't use it02:18
keepguessingkholdstayre: Also check permissions on /usr/local/go/pkg and /usr/local/go/bin folders.02:18
kholdstayrekeepguessing, https://paste.debian.net/791595/02:19
kholdstayrealso how do i turn this 'set' thing off?02:19
kholdstayreim getting pages and pages of output02:19
keepguessingset +x02:19
kholdstayreoh thank god02:20
keepguessingcheck permissions on /usr/local/go/pkg and /usr/local/go/bin folders02:20
reisioKeitaro: okay02:24
reisioKeitaro: from the purple screen, can you CTRL+ALT+F2 to a login prompt?02:24
kholdstayrekeepguessing, pkg and bin have the same permissions: drwxr-xr-x02:25
Keitarothe tty works well02:25
keepguessinggive them 777 and see if your errors vanish.02:25
kholdstayreanyway keepguessing reisio thx for the help, its getting late here, im going to hit the sack02:26
kholdstayrealright, ill try it02:26
reisioKeitaro: okay, do: sudo service lightdm stop; sudo rm /var/log/Xorg*log; sudo service lightdm start; grep EE /var/log/Xorg*log02:28
kholdstayrekeepguessing, it worked! at least as long as i dont run it as sudo02:28
kholdstayreokay so yeah, i have a root permission problem somewhere02:29
kholdstayrebut thank you so much !02:29
keepguessingAre you running as the same user who created them?02:29
Keitaroreisio, oki i will do that02:30
kholdstayrekeepguessing, yes02:30
keepguessingkholdstayre: for some reason thats not true . you did not have write permissions for "groups" and "others"02:31
keepguessinggo get dumps pkgs in pkg folder. install installs binaries in bin folder. hence both were failing.02:32
keepguessinggo-nuts is the right channel for golang questions.02:32
kholdstayrekeepguessing, ok, i will have to figure out what is going on tmr, regardless thx much02:34
reisiodidn't realize go had that awful 'foo bar baz long winded words without -param syntax' approach :p02:34
reisioschemata updated!02:35
AelitaAnyways, I can't boot into Ubuntu. I have a dual boot setup, with Windows having one hard drive, Ubuntu 16.04.1 having another. It worked for a while.02:36
Keitaroreisio, by sudo rm /var/log/Xorg*log you mean Xorg.log ?02:37
AelitaI've tried this multiple times but Grub always gets deleted, it only goes to Windows (8.1 or 10). Boot Repair doesn't work either02:37
Aelitareisio: Yeah, I thought it would change my nick. Oh well.02:37
reisioKeitaro: the * tells your shell to match anything02:37
reisioKeitaro: there can be more than one there, you see; it's simplest to just delete them all and regenerate one new one02:37
reisioAelita: not for queens of mars02:38
Keitarooh i see02:38
reisioAelita: so you've fixed it before?02:38
AelitaBy reinstalling everything02:38
AelitaI used to have them as partitions on the same hard drive so I got another one (also I kinda wanted the 850 EVO) and it didn't solve the problem.02:39
cantooi use bash on ubuntu02:39
AelitaBoot repair gave me this link if it helps: paste2.org/ktZc14wG02:39
AelitaIt also said I have a locked ESP02:40
Keitaroreisio, is it normal that when i do sudo service lightdm start it bring me back to the login page ?02:41
AelitaKeitaro: that's what it does for me, if that's any worth02:41
reisioAelita: well we can fix it, if you want02:42
reisioKeitaro: yeah it can be02:42
reisioKeitaro: by that you mean a solid purple screen?02:42
Keitarook done do i have to copy what the grep said ?02:43
Aelitareisio: How is it fixed?02:43
reisioKeitaro: yeah so's I can see it02:43
reisioAelita: probably a simple misconfiguration issue02:44
reisioAelita: what do you see when you boot up, just Windows' stuff?02:44
c_nickHi whts the equivalent of compare it on linux?02:44
AelitaIt shows the motherboard brand, then the spinning Windows wheel then Windows.02:44
reisioc_nick: what's compare it do?02:44
reisioAelita: and it just up and changed to this situation one day after doing nothing in particular?02:45
c_nickreisio, its a comparison tool like a svn diff02:45
reisioc_nick: for what, arbitrary file/dir pairings?02:45
Keitaroso it said (ww) warning , (EE) error, (NI) not ilmplemebted, (??)unknow02:45
reisioc_nick: meld02:45
Aelitareisio: I came back tonight after shutting it down in the morning and it was like this.02:45
Keitaro(EE) open /dev/dri/cardO:Nosuch file or directory02:46
reisioc_nick: in universe02:46
c_nickreisio, file compare and file merge tasks with multitude of new features you can quickly visually identify differences between files, merge them with single click, and print/publish your work02:46
reisioAelita: you shut it down from Ubuntu?02:46
Aelitareisio: Yes.02:46
Keitaro(EE) Screen O deleted because of no matching config section02:46
reisioAelita: not suspended/hibernated?02:46
scoutmstershkedoes anyone know how I can take a bootable usb drive and make a bootable iso for a windows install for virtualbox?02:46
Keitaro(EE) AIGLX : reverting to software rendering02:47
reisioKeitaro: wait wait02:47
reisioKeitaro: please use dpaste.com :)02:47
Aelitareisio: From what I can remember, I shut it down.02:47
reisioscoutmstershke: you shouldn't need to, for virtualbox02:47
c_nickscoutmstershke, iso maker?02:47
reisioscoutmstershke: just tell it the image is in the virtual CD drive02:47
c_nickreisio, thanks meld would be just fine02:47
reisioscoutmstershke: or did you want to use "usb" particularly for U/EFI stuff?02:47
reisioc_nick: I think so, yeah02:47
reisioscoutmstershke: same procedure, anyway, IIRC02:48
scoutmstershkeI just want to take my bootable win7 usb stick and install on a vm for me to use for windows applications02:48
Keitaroreisio, http://dpaste.com/13BB75M02:49
Pikiaheyre just snooby and riiicchh02:49
reisioscoutmstershke: without copying it? If you install virtualbox guest additions, you can tell it to use the usb port02:49
scoutmstershkeoh snap I did not know that02:49
scoutmstershkeYeah I just want it to boot the drive and install the os to the vm02:50
reisiootherwise you could just dd from the usb to a file, and tell virtualbox the file is a cd or usb image02:51
daemon55my computer is constanly heating up what should i do?02:51
reisiodaemon55: not put it on your lap02:51
reisioheat is a natural byproduct of the agitation of electrons02:51
daemon55resisio: it doesnt get that hot02:51
reisiothen leave it on your lap02:51
daemon55didnt you have these problems when you upgraded to version 16.0402:52
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reisiowait let me revise my original response: pay me $5 and buy me a frozen yoghurt02:52
reisionope, but I don't really use Ubuntu :p02:52
daemon55cfhowlett:we meet again!02:53
reisiodaemon55: dun dun dun02:53
reisiotldr: if you don't have a problem, you don't have a problem02:54
daemon55cfhowlet: this is the reason i like desktops more than laptops they could take more suffering!02:55
reisiolaptops are basically desktops that have their own UPS :p02:55
reisiodepends on which model you buy, just like desktops, is all02:55
reisiol0st: you said it all02:56
daemon55reisio: the only good laptops are the expensive kind with ubuntu installed02:56
reisioChromebooks are dirt cheap, and _made for Linux_02:56
reisio(even if you have to do some work to put proper GNU/Linux on them)02:57
cfhowlettdemonstrably false, I'm afraid.  google has announced a 5 year end-of-life chrome support02:57
Keitaroreisio, do you know what is the pb ? the xorg ?02:58
scoutmstershkeI can't boot usb stick in virtualbox to install an os doesn't have it as a boot option02:59
daemon55cfhowlett: its ending support for that?02:59
cfhowlettdaemon55, yep.02:59
reisioKeitaro: you paste?02:59
lordcirthscoutmstershke, why not boot the iso?02:59
cfhowlettscoutmstershke, use the .iso03:00
reisiocfhowlett: talking about hardware support?03:00
jundoegood day, i need help. I installed ubuntu some weeks ago and installed lamp. Every was doing well until i upgraded my ubuntu from 14.04 to 16.04 but when i went to browser, i can no longer see my localhost. can any one help me fix03:00
cfhowlettdaemon55, reisio wait 1 for link03:00
scoutmstershkeI need to make a iso I don't have it03:00
reisioa link saying 'yes' or 'no'? :p03:00
scoutmstershkeusb stick to iso03:00
reisiolaptop batteries don't even last 5 years03:00
reisiodoesn't really matter if you have hardware support for longer03:00
lordcirthscoutmstershke, what iso was the USB made from?03:00
reisioand even if they did, they'd be crazy outmoded in 5 years03:00
reisioand even if they weren't, chromebooks are _so cheap_ they're simple to replace even on a budget03:01
daemon55so they are gonna do just like netscape communications did with netscape?03:01
reisiodaemon55: I think the problem is with people who thought google had any QA in the first place :p03:01
reisiocfhowlett: that's about chrome os03:01
jundoegood day, i need help. I installed ubuntu some weeks ago and installed lamp. Every was doing well until i upgraded my ubuntu from 14.04 to 16.04 but when i went to browser, i can no longer see my localhost. can any one help me fix03:02
reisioI was only commenting on the hardware03:02
cfhowlett?  it specifically says chromeBOOKS03:02
reisiocfhowlett: uhuh, but journalism isn't what it used to be03:02
reisioit means unmodified chromebooks: namely chrome OS03:02
Keitaroreisio, http://dpaste.com/13BB75M03:03
jundoegood day, i need help. I installed ubuntu some weeks ago and installed lamp. Every was doing well until i upgraded my ubuntu from 14.04 to 16.04 but when i went to browser, i can no longer see my localhost. can any one help me fix03:03
cfhowlettjundoe, asking at 3 minute intervals is excessive03:03
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:03
reisioKeitaro: this looks retyped :p03:03
jundoecfhowlett: can you help me?03:04
jundoecfhowlett: aw, you a bot..03:04
cfhowlettjundoe, no and no03:04
jundoeaw, sorry03:04
Keitaroreisio, retyped ?03:04
Keitaroyes i can't copy paste from a tty03:04
reisioKeitaro: so you've got an ati card?03:05
Keitaroreisio, not at all i have a nvidia gtx 950M03:06
reisioKeitaro: ah, k03:07
Keitaroit is a pb of graphic card driver ?03:08
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reisioKeitaro: I'm not sure03:10
reisioKeitaro: I mean, yeah, EE's are not good03:11
reisioKeitaro: you might try, just for starters, installing the proprietary nvidia drivers and using its silly old nvidia-xconfig script03:11
scythefwdany wifi config gurus?  I just installed Ubuntu server 16.04 on my netbook03:11
scythefwdmy wired is working fine, wifi is .. well its kicking my buttox03:11
scythefwdnobody huh?03:14
Keitaroreisio,  and how can i install the proprietary nvidia driver ?03:15
Keitarothe wifi and the cable ethernet seems to not work on ubuntu03:15
lordcirthwifi works fine on Ubuntu, but Server requires some setup03:16
lordcirthAnd what do you mean by "cable" ethernet?03:16
scythefwdagreed.. thats what I'm trying to get done on mine03:16
lordcirthscythefwd, are you using Network Manager or what?03:16
scythefwdcli only lord03:16
reisioKeitaro: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia#Installation_without_X_.2F_from_the_console03:16
rypervenchescythefwd: What program are you using on CLI?03:17
scythefwdmy ethernet is working fine.. its the wifi that's killing me03:17
scythefwdvi on /etc/network/interfaces03:17
lordcirthscythefwd, so you're editing /etc/network/interfaces ?03:17
reisioyou don't want to manually configure wifi03:17
scythefwdthough if there is other programs, I'd gladly try it03:17
reisiolife's too short03:17
reisiouse nmtui if you don't have X03:18
scythefwdI like the challenge reisio03:18
scythefwdinstalled by default or apt-get?03:18
Keitaroyes but can i configure my wifi in cli ?03:18
lordcirthscythefwd, you're doing something like this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/541247/ubuntu-server-wifi#54124903:18
reisioI like challenges03:18
reisiobut learning the particular nonsense for this problem is less of a challenge and more of a time vortex03:18
reisioyou won't come out with useful new knowledge at the end, only despair03:18
scythefwdwhy do they have the auto wlan0 cmmented out?03:20
reisiothere are no answers for such a question :p03:21
reisiothey probably won't even use whatever syntax they're using now in 6 months03:21
reisioit's just a secret language that isn't worth spending time on03:22
lordcirthscythefwd, because, as the question asks, they are trying to configure two interfaces.  Leave yours uncommented03:22
scythefwdok, have it configed based off that, get an IP, show it connected to my router..03:23
scythefwdcan ping my gateway.. but if I traceroute -I wls1 ... nothing03:23
scythefwdif I do it from my wired interface.. works perfectly03:24
scythefwdits an Atheros card.. that make a difference?03:24
reisioprobably not03:24
reisioreally, just use nmtui03:25
scythefwdfrustrating thing.. is that the install used my wifi just fine lol.. if it can config it in the setup, why in the heck didnt it config it for use after install?03:25
reisioscythefwd: the install had X, didn't it?03:26
scythefwdand that shouldnt have anything to do with it03:26
reisioall it did was (1) start networkmanager (2) run nm-applet03:26
reisioit didn't autoconfigurate it before that03:26
scythefwdif it can be configured through x.. it can save the config so it doesnt03:26
reisiothat's all you should do03:26
Keitarook i think ubuntu won't work on my asus i will use a virtual machine for my work it will be better i think03:27
reisioyeah it could03:27
scythefwdwhat asus do you have keitaro?03:27
reisiobut why should it save the config for strange people who are installing with a GUI who don't want a GUI? :p03:27
scythefwdbut it didnt.. which is idiotic03:27
reisioit's not really, networkmanager is beastly03:27
reisioyou wouldn't want it on an ordinary server install03:27
scythefwdwhat reality are you on reisio?  install with gui.. because that is default, run headless.. guess he wont want his hedless server using his nics03:28
scythefwdit didnt config either nic.. that's poor setup03:28
reisiowifi servers are also unicorny03:28
scythefwdit ditn config the ethernet either03:28
reisiothe ethernet didn't just work?03:28
Keitaroscythefwd, this one but it is in french http://www.ldlc.com/fiche/PB00204431.html03:28
scythefwdthe wifi is more out of curiosity.. but if it used it in setup, it probably should save the dang config..03:29
scythefwdno reisio.. it didnt03:29
reisioah, that's lame, yeah03:29
scythefwdwow.. fully install x just to config a nic.. I thought Linux was supposed to be flexible03:30
reisiowell you said you already got it working with a simple reconfiguration, so no :p03:30
wskyscythefwd: you know what ubuntu means, right?03:30
reisiobut for wifi, without wasting your time, you'd want something magical like nm, yeah (though it can be Xless)03:30
scythefwdsomething people03:30
reisioscythefwd: nude people, right03:30
wskyscythefwd: it means "i can't configure debian"03:31
scythefwdwell, every config I try.. it hasnt worked03:31
wskysomething something /etc/network/interfaces something get rid ofnm03:32
wskyman man03:32
reisioI think I said already, you don't want to try and config it yourself :p03:32
dancingdemon__anyone know another way of running .exe on ubuntu except wine?03:32
scythefwdlike on the guide linked earlier.. does it want the hash or the passkey in open text?03:32
reisiodancingdemon__: not another way that's likely better, no03:33
reisiodancingdemon__: what exe?03:33
ImperiusR4sudo apt-get03:33
dancingdemon__i have this .exe that seems to work with wine but it download 720p only while if i use it in windows, It downloads 1080p03:33
dancingdemon__some .exe to download movies from some site03:33
reisioscythefwd: probably plain, but there are usually options03:33
reisionot worth learning03:33
reisiodancingdemon__: from windows on the same box?03:33
reisiodancingdemon__: any particular site?03:33
dancingdemon__some private site, i have windows on VMplayer and yup it downloads 1080p and my laptop is windows and 1080p03:34
dancingdemon__while wine on ubunutu only download 720p03:34
reisioso you're talking about rtmp nonsense03:34
scythefwdwell reisio, heres a fun one for ya.. I disable my ethernet.. and my router shows my wifi connecting on wifi, I enable my ethernet, and router sees both macs on the ethernet ports03:34
dancingdemon__i guess03:35
dancingdemon__this can't be fixed right/03:35
reisiocourse it can03:35
dancingdemon__what can i be doing ?03:35
dancingdemon__i use the same command to make it work03:35
dancingdemon__on everywhere else...03:35
reisioscythefwd: y'know what they say about networking devices that do more than one thing, right?03:35
reisiothey say "<crying goes here>"03:35
reisiodancingdemon__: could be the site is sniffing your environment and choosing based on that03:36
dancingdemon__yeah that also makes sense hehe03:37
reisioin which case you can falsify your information03:37
reisiobut ideally you'd just use a native rtmp dumping utility03:37
reisiothey exist03:37
reisiothey're just not quite as... "friendly", last I checked03:37
reisioall frontends to rtmpdump, IIRC03:38
dancingdemon__thanks reisio03:38
reisiortmp being pretty unfriendly by design :p03:39
cantooi truely would like to understand the process of how ubuntu compiles the grub for EFI package ?03:42
reisiotalking about for secure boot?03:44
cantooi never did understand why it was never made blatant for me to choose in my bios setting the function of Windows 7 UEFI enabled, fort he purpose of "OTHER OS" which was also explicitly labelled.  such things have a serious nature when it comes to validation of a system and its computer.03:48
cantoothats all it took for me to install grub2 on uefi on ubuntu.   choose "the Windows 7" OS.  and try give it 1024 FAT32 preformated by selected as "EFI partition"03:49
cantooi do ask and as a ubuntu user urge the facilitation of platinum binding for validation because cloning happens.03:51
cantooi do suggest that equivalent is someth03:54
cantoosorry about that03:54
cantooit went to wrong channel03:55
reisiocantoo: that's just down to hardware vendors03:55
reisioeither they've locked that route utterly, or they haven't03:55
reisioand sometimes when they have, they leak how to unlock03:55
reisiothere are UEFI-utilizing devices that you can't boot random OSes from03:56
reisiomostly ARM tablets03:56
reisioit's thankfully not all that popular, because it's awful :p03:56
reisioanyway, the software is called 'shim'03:57
reisiooriginal name, no?03:57
cantoois it not theoretically possible to apply to ubuntu what happens to windows 7 gold and above even though the its pro bono ?  and does this happen in the legal system ?03:57
cantooi like it.  shim03:58
cantooit is a understanding passdown through me that UEFI altering happens by undetectable access to bios calls03:59
reisioeh, there are a number of things to do with U/EFI other than merely being an alternative to traditional BIOS04:00
cantoothanks.  shim's an awesome name04:00
reisiofor the moment, again, it's just down to the vendors04:00
reisioeither they are willing to keep it open, or they have a secret key you can't have04:00
reisioeventually someone will crack it, and they'll have to invent some new clownware to try and make our lives hell04:01
kotaro_anyone use xubuntu 16.04 LTS have problem with audio sink04:01
reisioin the meantime, if you don't like it (not saying you don't :p), you can not buy things that use it04:01
cantooi like to believe i can use what i desire the most which is linux.  sometimes it's an interference when claimants say i ran windows 7 but didn't.  i went straight to ubuntu, and didn't UEFI it.  i tried blank hostname too.04:02
reisioall the U/EFI things I've run into have a "BIOS emulation" thing you can use anyway04:03
reisioit's a total circle jerk04:03
wskyuefi has been revealed of containing a backdoor so it's already pointless04:04
cantoocertain circles of windows 10 had it patched but thats not relevant to ubuntu so i only say that fixing operating systems is very universal04:05
cantoothey never pro bono04:05
reisioit was pointless from the start, really04:06
reisioeven this lockout stuff you can do with it, you can do with "BIOS", too04:06
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reisioheh: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/Restricted_Boots.jpg04:08
Guest82817why i can't open the firefox04:10
wskybecause it's like shroedinger's cat04:11
reisioyou tell us04:11
reisioonly it's a fox!04:11
wskyred panda to be precise04:11
wskynot panda, or was it04:11
wskyyep, red panda04:12
wskyanother satisfied customer04:13
reisiogo team04:14
wskythere is no "i" in team!04:16
cantoocareful what you virtualbox secure networking breaks less secure all the time.04:16
wskythat made no sense!04:16
cantooit does if running linux in a vm04:17
reisiojust needs some comma :p04:17
FyrePhoenixhey guys, I am trying to disable password logins via ssh, and so in my /etc/ssh/ssh_config file I made sure I had passwordAuthentication no ... I then sysctl reload sshd, but I still can log into my system via passwords what am I doing wrong?04:26
wskyit's sshd_config04:26
FyrePhoenixwsky thanks a mill.  I got it now.  it works! :)04:29
reisiothis way people need only gain access to an end user's machine, rather than gain access _and_ know their password :p04:29
reisioever notice how keyring managers ask for a password to access the keyring? :p04:30
wskydoes not matter if you encrypt your fs04:32
wskyif youget compromised even a keyring wont help since keyloggers04:33
Bray90820Anyone here successfully installed ubuntu on a nextbook flex 11?04:38
calvin__hey there04:48
DocMAXis it possible to restart a service if port is not open anymore?04:56
eloszHello, everytime I try to ssh to an ec2, i get 'authenticity of host is unknown blah blah' and it asks for a yes/no05:05
eloszhow can I avoid that?05:05
eloszsince it's an ec2 instance, the ip will keep changing05:05
LordLaravel_elosz, dyndns maybe05:06
reisioyeah you don't want to keep track of changing IP anyway05:09
dongwenhanHola!soy un chino!05:21
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cfhowlett!es | dongwenhan05:25
ubottudongwenhan: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:25
cfhowlett!cn | dongwenhan,05:25
ubottudongwenhan,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:25
guest3215I want to host a minecraft server from my house. I want to use a VPN to host the server, and I want to use something like free like no-ip to track the IP address. I've never done anything VPN before, and I see a lot of VPN providers tell you to download their software. However, I see that there is OpenVPN, which is a standard. I also see the OpenVPN Ubuntu wiki article on OepnVPN servers. Where can I get an OpenVPN client (if05:28
guest3215that's something that you get)?05:28
wskybetter get a vps05:29
guest3215wsky, I'm thinking about VPN gate.05:30
wskythink about a vps. you will remain more hair on your head.05:31
guest3215wsky, I want to physically host it on my computer.05:33
guest3215wsky, 1. I am not legally responsible for damages on someone else's server, since it's my equipment 2. I already have a badass computer 3. more control05:35
reisioguest3215: what is it you want the vpn for?05:35
wskyguest3215: a vps is a server of yours05:36
reisiono-ip is free, but afraid.org might be better05:36
guest3215reisio, hide my personal location05:36
reisioguest3215: from who?05:36
guest3215reisio, yes.05:36
reisioI'm not sure you can really do that on your own05:37
reisiomost people say 'vpn' when they mean 'proxy'05:37
reisioand a proxy is a proxy, it is an extra piece05:37
reisioyou can probably do it for gratis, though05:37
reisioI miss int-0105:38
guest3215Well, if I Google "proxy", I'm going to get results for web proxies (which wouldn't do the trick, as I couldn't port forward it)05:38
reisioyeah, very pervasive usage of 'vpn'05:38
reisiobut if you think about a proxy, you'll realize you can't have a proxy with only yourself05:38
guest3215reisio, wait, are you meaning the proxy isn't dedicated to me?05:39
Ben64guest3215: you can't do what you want to do and have it be usable05:40
reisioguest3215: no I mean the definition of proxy involves a 3rd party05:40
reisiowhereas the definition of 'vpn' involves buzzing words :p05:41
guest3215reisio, I know the concept of a proxy. you -> proxy -> wherever and wherever -> proxy -> you05:41
cfhowlettguest3215, bit of clarification: openVPN is NOT a vpn provider.  it is the ubuntu vpn software that connects you to a provider.05:44
guest3215cfhowlett, well I know that. I was looking for the OpenVPN client, so I could use it with VPN gate.05:45
Ben64guest3215: it's not going to be usable for a minecraft server05:46
SlakViperguest3215:  Setting it up the way you are wanting to would most likely mean paying for a service/server to handle the proxy..  at which point you might as well just rent a vps, put your MC server on it and save a TON of headaches05:46
reisioit could be05:46
reisiothe funnest part about paying for a proxy you're using for anonymity is the paying for it anonymously part :p05:46
SlakViperyeah..  very few accept bitcoin :(  lol05:48
wskyreisio: indeed05:48
guest3215it was worth trying. Learn something every day.05:48
wskySlakViper: you still can be tracked with bitcoins05:48
reisioyou just need a proxy for your payment for your proxy :p05:49
reisiomoney laundering ftw05:49
SlakVipertrue..  but seeing as how the NSA already scans my poop as it passes through the pipes, I'm not too woried about it :)05:49
reisiowell, it's not particularly illegal anyway05:50
cfhowlettlet's keep it clean, shall we?  NSA aside, this is a family friendly channel.05:50
SlakVipercfhowlett: sorry..  I did think about that after I hit send..05:51
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deefanyone some experience with ubuntu touch05:55
hateball!touch | deef05:56
ubottudeef: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch05:56
edithi, i have a windows machine on which i have a zebra label printer with usb connection. how can i use it from an ubuntu machine on the same network?05:57
RyanTGdo you have file and print sharing enabled on Windows?05:58
RyanTGedit: have you shared the printer in windows?05:59
RyanTGedit: set it up using cups as a samba printer using the Windows system's IP or host name.06:00
editRyanTG: of coures with windows machines i can print from the network06:05
editon the same windows machine there is a samsung printer with usb connection and I can use that from ubuntu06:06
editi don't know which driver should i choose (cpcl, epl1, epl2 or zpl)06:13
editit's a zebra tlp 284006:13
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RyanTGdoes cups suggest any in particular?06:17
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RyanTGI can't even find search results on the 2840, just the 2844.06:21
_openbook_HI guys... I wish to create a minimal openbox based os on my laptop. Can anyone tell me if the minimal.iso supports efi booting ?? If it doesn't could I use the server iso instead ?? Many thanks for your help :)06:23
ducasse_openbook_: i think they both support efi, i used the server image myself to set up a minimal desktop. afaik the mini.iso is identical except that there are no packages on it.06:31
PokemonPowwahello, how do you disable sharing my folders on SMB?   i want to be able to see other computers, but i dont want to share my folders06:38
PokemonPowwai temporarily "shared" a folder in Nautilus, then unshared it.  but now "print$"  is still showing up , under hostname as "browse network"06:39
Code24Hi Guys06:39
Code24I need one help06:39
hateball!help | Code2406:40
ubottuCode24: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:40
Code24I am using logrotate utility to compress the log files on daily basis and delete the empty file06:40
Code24but deletion of empty file is not working06:41
Code24Also its not deleting the compressed files after 30 days06:41
Code24Whats wrong in my logrotate script06:42
Code24Here is the script06:42
Code24    daily06:42
Code24    missingok06:42
Code24    rotate 706:42
Code24    maxage 3006:42
Code24Here is the link of logroate script06:44
minas114Good morning! :)07:05
YankDownUnder17:06 => yes, it is morning somewhere.07:06
amk#connect python07:06
minas114I am wondering why the default swappiness value is set to 60. I read some stuff about setting it to 10 to reduce swapping unless really needed. But why is the default 60? Are there some benefits to it?07:09
YankDownUnderminas114: The default is set is it is due to many years of coming to an "average" that suits most situations. If *your* situation sees differently, then, by all means, change it.07:10
minas114YankDownUnder, Are you aware of situations where it's better to have a higher swappiness value rather than a lower one?07:11
YankDownUnderminas114: Depends on the function of the workstation, really. A "normal" desktop is different than a video-editing desktop or a graphic desktop - or a dev desktop...so it's really "application and user" specific...ditto with servers...07:12
team2016i can’t remember vncserver password. how can i do?07:12
wskyminas114: when you get out of ram with low swappiness and your system starts swapping it's too late and you're being locked down07:13
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wskyminas114: better to put a bit of data to swap so you don't get dangerously low on ram07:14
wskybecause wehn you're @ 99% of used ram and you're starting to swap then you get a massive lag07:14
minas114wsky, Ah, so if the value is higher, the delay will be "spread"07:15
YankDownUnderY'all do know that there's like vast amounts of information pertaining to VM memory in the wiki's, right? As well as online...?07:16
wskyminas114: yeah you'll leave some ream for the time you really need it07:16
wskyand buffers, cache etc07:16
wskyYankDownUnder: yeah. and we can also dispute07:17
wskythat's another way to do it07:17
YankDownUnderI've nothing to dispute with the devs that have obviously spent years working on distributing distros...however, please, by all means, feel free.07:17
wskyi don't when you do this07:18
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minas114I believe the only way to save myself is adding more RAM :D07:22
minas1148GB is not enough for today's development purposes.07:22
YankDownUnderI used to have "high end" servers with 512mb "back in the day"...funny nowadays.07:23
mooncupmorning all07:24
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mooncupI'm a moron and I've managed to mess up the permissions on my home directory and now I can't ssh in07:24
Ben64mess up how07:24
mooncupI've set the well my password works but I can't use my ssh key07:24
mooncupI thought I'd fixed my permissions on my ssh directory but I'm still having issues07:25
mooncupdrwx------    2 mooncup mooncup     4096 Aug 25 23:27 .ssh07:25
ducassemooncup: ~/.ssh should be 700 iirc07:25
mooncup-rw-------  1 mooncup mooncup  230 Aug 25 23:27 authorized_keys07:25
minas114YankDownUnder, "Back in the day" = ? :)07:25
mooncupducasse: that's what I thought but I still can't get in :(07:26
wskyminas114: yeah, 8GB is the lowest comfort boundry07:26
Ben64mooncup: restart sshd07:26
mooncupBen64: just tried that and it doesn't seem to have made a difference07:27
YankDownUnderminas114: 15 years ago, 512mb of RAM on a server was heaps...like heaps...07:27
wsky16 is perfect for personal use07:27
wskymore than that is rather server wise07:27
minas114wsky, I believe it's 16GB nowadays. Otherwise you will get into swap land soon. A java IDE, an emulator, browser (+youtube), a local java server...07:27
wskyminas114: i'm saying lowest comfort boundry07:27
wskyi can manage with 8GB07:28
Ben64mooncup: restart ssh client computer07:28
wskyjust fine except the time when i run vms07:28
mooncupBen64: I'm actually connecting with putty at the moment07:28
mooncupand last night it was securecrt from a different computer07:28
ducassemooncup: set authorized_keys to 64407:28
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Code24Hi , I have a question , need your help07:30
mooncupthat hasn't worked either ducasse07:30
mooncupwhat have I done? :(07:30
ducassemooncup: can you look at the logs for messages from sshd?07:32
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mooncup09:32 < ducasse> mooncup: can you look at the logs for messages from sshd?07:54
mooncupsorry I'm actually at work trying to fix this in between my code07:54
mooncupwhere do I find the ssh logs?07:54
mooncupI tried /var/log/ssh but couldn't find anything07:54
AciD`is it only me, or ubuntu-make does not list pycharm anymore?07:55
mooncupwait found it danawar07:55
mooncuperm ducasse07:55
mooncupis there anything in particular I am looking for?07:55
mooncupAug 26 09:55:07 birdperson sshd[4795]: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /home/mooncup07:55
ducassemooncup: there you go :)07:56
mooncupall fixed07:57
mooncupI guess my /home folder being writable by world was bad :P07:57
mooncupthanks ducasse07:57
ducassemooncup: np07:57
AciD`nevermind, I was using an old version of it07:59
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wskyhow come systemd hibernated my system out of the sudden?08:17
eXistenZeHey there.08:25
eXistenZebesides the DE, is there any major diference between ubuntu flavors?08:26
eXistenZetrying to decide between ubuntu and kubuntu08:26
ducasseeXistenZe: not really08:27
reptariushy guys, how are u?08:27
hateballeXistenZe: no, it's just default packages. and you can always run different DE's side by side08:27
hateballalso kubuntu uses sddm instead of lightdm08:28
eXistenZeI can install plasma in ubuntu? and gnome or unity in kubuntu?08:29
hateballeXistenZe: Yes, choose your DE/Session at login08:29
hateballeXistenZe: So if you install Ubuntu first, you can simply "sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop" afterwards08:30
k1l_eXistenZe: the base OS is the same. only the desktop preinstalled is the difference. you can change desktops afterwards or keep them installed at the same time08:30
hateballI do think there is a conflicting package however, some... IM-thing08:30
hateballUnless that got fixed08:30
k1l_that is an kubuntu package issue, iir08:31
hateballYes well I havent monitored it too closely as I run pure Kubuntu and don't switch :)08:32
eXistenZeUsed kubuntu a while ago (I think it was 16,04 already) and had major plasma issues08:35
eXistenZecrashes, and file corruption in /home plasma folders08:35
stejerhi guys08:36
eXistenZehad to restore it with command line08:36
eXistenZeis this fixed?08:36
stejera quick question08:36
k1l_eXistenZe: hard to say without knowing what was wrong.08:36
k1l_eXistenZe: but file corruption sounds more like a hardware/filesystem issue08:36
eXistenZek1l_: it was always the same files, and it was a new ssd. Several people reported the same issue at the time08:37
stejerMy desktop (Win7) is connected to the internet with TL-WN722N usb antenna, I made bootable usb with ubuntu and now, I'm thinking, how to install drivers for that antenna after I install ubuntu cuz I won't have any connection otherwise? :D08:38
eXistenZeguess I'll try unity for now08:38
stejeri found some instructions to install it, but im gessing i need and internet for all of that08:38
eXistenZefunny how kubuntu is nº51 in distrowatch. Guess people don't like kde or plasma anymore.08:39
stejerso is someone familiar with this stuff, can i find somewhere a driver installation for that antenna and then put in on flash disk so i can install it manual, as i would say08:39
XRS1yes you will need ethernet connection or download the files first before starting08:40
XRS1@ stejer08:41
stejeri realised that08:41
stejerso im asking08:41
stejerdownloading before08:41
stejeris my option here08:41
XRS1no thats the last thing youll want to do08:42
XRS1you are better off spendng $10 or a new wifi dongle08:42
XRS1on a new*08:42
stejeroh, okay than08:42
stejeri thought i can download it before and then install it, thats why i came here to ask, i dont wanna get stuck after :D08:43
kangooanyone uses API?08:43
XRS1yeah thats the biggest headache.  you dont wanna do that to yourself08:44
emadhelmihi when i use export PATH=$PATH:mypath path doesnt change and when i use the echo $PATH i didnt get the new path what shoul i do?08:44
stejerthank you, bye :D08:44
hateballeXistenZe: kubuntu 16.04 is sadly quite buggy on release, pretty much everyone uses the kubuntu ppa for a more stable plasma08:44
hateballeXistenZe: also we dont bite over in #kubuntu :)08:45
sometroyi am unable to start mysql08:49
sometroyit stucks08:49
sometroyKiB Mem:   1016760 total,   892884 used,   123876 free,    23180 buffers08:50
sometroythis is the mem use from top command08:50
sometroythere is plenty free to have it start right?08:50
sometroyhey reptarius08:50
k1l_sometroy: what is the error you get?08:50
sometroyi get this error and it broke Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'08:50
sometroyso I stop and try start again the mysql08:50
sometroybut no luckk08:51
reptariushi sometroy, could do you help me?08:51
k1l_sometroy: what ubuntu is it?08:51
aydintdsometroy : It says your mysql daemon is not started, start it via init.d or systemd whatever u use and tell us what error log you got in syslog or mysql.err log08:51
BellatorGuys, I get an internal error related to apport almost every time I boot up 14.0408:52
BellatorAnyone had that before?08:52
reptariusi doing too a restart see you later08:52
sometroyokay, Anarchemist k1l_08:52
clobranoreptarius: Hi, please do not ask for help, just write what you need, someone will help if possible08:52
sometroyk1l_: 15.308:52
k1l_sometroy: 15.3 isnt a ubuntu release08:53
sometroyoh it started08:53
sometroywith init.d but not with sudo service mysql start08:53
blackflowsometroy: you probably mean 15.04. which means systemd. `systemctl status mysqld` will give you a better picture of what's goin on08:54
k1l_sometroy: "lsb_release -sd" will tell the exact ubuntu release08:56
awer_Hi, in relation to the POODLE attack, what is the reference with Oracle? would this require an oracle database to be vulnerable?09:02
blackflowawer_: no, the "Oracle" in poodle (crypto term actually) has nothing to do with Oracle the company or database :)09:03
blackflowit's "padding oracle" btw09:03
k1l_awer_: you mean the 2014 ssl issue?09:03
awer_blackflow: so whats the Oracle bit about then?09:03
awer_k1l_: yes09:04
blackflowawer_: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padding_oracle_attack09:04
k1l_https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padding_oracle_attack  awer_09:04
awer_blackflow: Thanks09:05
awer_k1l_: thanks09:05
brunch875I want to set up one of those "localhost emails" but I have absolutely no idea where to begin09:10
brunch875nor whether it's become an obsolete system09:10
heeenis there a PPA with a 4.8 kernel09:11
hateball!mainline | heeen09:12
ubottuheeen: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds09:12
heeenhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/ this does not look like a PPA url to me - shouldn't it have dists at the root?09:12
k1l_heeen: you need to install those packages manually. there is no ppa from the kernel team with automatic updates09:13
blackflowbrunch875: localhost emails? can you be more specific?09:13
brunch875I'm not sure I can09:14
brunch875I believe it's related to /var/mail09:14
blackflowbrunch875: okay, what's the end result you want to achieve?09:14
brunch875learning how to use /var/mail if it's useful at all09:15
brunch875sounds like the typical handy unix thing I yet do not know09:15
ducassebrunch875: if all you want is local mail, install postfix and choose 'local only' in the config dialog.09:15
glencherI am trying to open "epiphany-browser", which is installed on my ubbuntu 16.04, but all I get are messages like, "(epiphany:5455): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:27:35: Junk at end of value".  there are 6 of these "parsing error" messages.  What must I do?  Thank you.09:17
blackflowglencher: sounds like a warning (Gtk-WARNING), so probably nothing. How are you starting it? from the command line?09:18
glencherYes, from the command line.09:19
brunch875ducasse: Do I need to install postfix to have the system service of local mail running? Or is it just a client? I tried to add a local mail account on evolution and it seems to be hanging09:22
G66Khello Good people09:25
blackflowbrunch875: yes (or any other MTA). local mail has traditionally been delivered through Sendmail, and thus "sendmail" binary, which is nowadays emulated by all of the MTAs, Postfix included.09:25
brunch875aight thanks ☺09:25
G66Kim using xrandr to change the display for second monitor but its keept returning to current resolution09:25
blackflowbrunch875: and traditionally the "local mail account" is a mbox format file, in /var/mail/somewhere, so I'm not sure how you'd add that to clients like evolution which require either imap or pop3  (unless I'm mistaken and they _can_ work with local mbox files)09:26
brunch875apparently there's that choice under 'new mail account'09:27
brunch875I'll test and see09:27
ducassebrunch875: most mail clients can use local mail spools, but you need an mta like postfix. i know postfix can be set up in local only mail, which is why i suggested it.09:27
blackflowbrunch875: http://askubuntu.com/questions/21695/how-can-i-set-up-evolution-to-access-a-local-mail-box    I guess it's doable then.09:28
glencherAll I want to do is have a second browser.  I have Firefox.  Which one should I use.  Why isn't it possible to use piphary is it is already installed?09:29
blackflowglencher: installed it with `apt-get install epiphany-browser`?  (or used the software center)09:31
blackflowglencher: it should be available when you click the launcher button, start typing "Epiphany", and then click the icon.09:32
glencherI have Firefox.  I want to have a second browser.  Epiphany is installed in my Ubuntu 16.04, but I haven't been able to use it.I need some help.09:32
blackflowglencher: does it appear when you search for "Epiphany" in dash?09:33
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NetekI am looking at htop on my machine and I noticed that 2GB of swap is being used though I still have 5GB free RAM.  Shouldn't the swap be flushed once ram is free?09:38
crazyhorse18hey all. there's a really awesome merge tool for linux .. very pretty user interface.. i just forgot the name   any suggestions?09:39
crazyhorse18for diffing and merging folders09:39
glencherMy systen is in German.  I search for Epiphany in the "Aktivitäten" button's "search" bar, but only get two possibilities;  google-search and ubuntu help.  The application, Epiphany (and/or Epiphany-browser) is not there.09:39
blackflowNetek: nope. the system will page in from swap when swapped out pages are needed09:39
brunch875crazyhorse18: Is it vimdiff? :p09:39
blackflowglencher: how was Epiphany installed? with apt-get on command line, or with software center?09:40
clobranocrazyhorse18: meld?09:40
clobranocrazyhorse18: I meant, it's the prettier I know09:41
crazyhorse18yeah might have been meld.. i know i was using araxis merge and deltawalker on other platforms09:41
clobranocrazyhorse18: yep, meld is somehow similar to those09:42
glencherI believe Epiphany came with ubuntu 16.04.  I tried to install it anyway, but it, the newest version, is already installed.  And then all these parsing error messages.  What a mess.09:43
ducasseglencher: gtk warnings are usually just that - warnings. looks for an error message, something that causes it to fail.09:44
eXistenZeIs this the right place to ask a question about win10/ubuntu dual boot?09:45
glencherThe first "error" message is; (epiphany:5455): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:27:35: Junk at end of value09:46
blackflowglencher: there's no Epiphany on default 16.04 Unity installation. so you must've installed it, the question is _how_09:47
XRS1eXistenZe:  yes as long as its not pertanng to windows specifically09:47
ueberhi there09:48
EmbraHey ugys im running windows 8, and Oracle VM09:48
whiterabbitgood 4 u09:48
EmbraIs there a method to bridge my video card through the Ubuntu VM?09:48
EmbraIs there a method to bridge my video card through the Ubuntu VM? I have read of methods using Linux to do a PCI passthrough, but how do we do this on from Windows to Ubuntu?09:49
glencherI believe I entered the command, "sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser".  The response was that the latest version was already installed.09:49
alkisgglencher: you can also try: sudo apt install chromium-browser, that's a nice browser as well09:50
ducasseEmbra: you need to ask in a windows channel09:50
ueberI've got an apache2 with virtual hosts, which I migrated from a server to another. Now I get a 500 internal server error on some of them09:51
blackflowueber: and the errors are?09:56
randomnicknameIs there an option to config the Audit Daemon to look at if the contents of a file has been modified, opposed to if it has been opened or closed?09:56
eXistenZeI have a win10 install on a ssd. It created the boot partition. To install ubuntu side by side, does it change the boot partition or do I need to create a new one?09:58
whiterabbiti thing  u should  make an new09:58
whiterabbit: ) )09:58
ducasseeXistenZe: ubuntu uses the same efi partition09:59
eXistenZethere's no actual need for a swap partition, right?10:04
ducasseeXistenZe: depends on how much ram you have10:04
XRS1you might not need it but your FSB will thank you10:04
k1l_eXistenZe: sure there is: for hibernation and if your ram gets full and you dont want the kernel to close programs10:04
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XRS1removing the swap can degrade performance dependng on the chipset/RAM10:05
blackflowit's always good to have some swap10:05
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wskyunless you got 64 GB of RAM on a facebook machine10:06
k1l_XRS1: why?10:06
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eXistenZe8gbs of ram full? I thought mem leaks were win exclusive10:13
XRS1your browser can gobble that up if you have have lots of open tabs like me10:14
k1l_eXistenZe: ram is used to make your system run faster. not used ram is waisted money.10:14
XRS1pretty much you can count on everything to start losing efficiency / slowng down after 50% utilization10:15
blackfloweXistenZe: lol, they're not :) depends on which software you're running, Firefox being the biggest offender if kept open for long10:15
k1l_XRS1: can you give any sources for the "50% makes everything slow" and "without swap ram gets slower" points?10:16
XRS1this conversation should be moved to ##hardware10:17
eXistenZeI actually use firefox...10:20
k1l_XRS1: ok, if you dont provide those sources then please stop confusing users with such claims in here. thanks10:20
eXistenZeno slapping over an offtopic started by me please.10:23
pr0markany suggestions for an FTP server that supports many different file locations -- like aliasing in FileZilla server?10:25
Lunar_La1p;/win 3010:26
Guest17539hello, i would ask you something about VIM. When I'm in the Terminal and press vim, i can go into the :help. There are blueprinted Documentnames like usr_01.txt. How i can open it?10:37
Guest17539ok i found it...10:39
_poigeGuest17539, cd /usr/share/vim/vim*/indent10:41
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statusfailedhow do I get journalctl to show me logs older than a certain date?10:45
statusfailedi'm getting nothing when I do journalctl -u <unit>10:46
statusfailedseems like the logs are gone, is it because I stopped the service?10:49
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EmbraHey guys im using zsh, how do I set OpenCV and Anaconda in my path correctly? I can''t use any CONDA commands and when I try to run a command for OpenCV it doesnt find it... help pelase11:00
nimmsEmbra, why do you use zsh if you don't know how to set PATH in it?11:01
nimmsEmbra, read the manual first or just use bash.11:03
flurickpretty sure its the same command for bash and zsh...11:04
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abhinavhow to enable passwordless access to localhost? from localhos11:13
EmbraIm now in bash, Im not sure why its still stuck on zsh11:15
geirhaabhinav: That's a bit vague, can you explain some more about what you want?11:20
EmbraIm stuck on Zsh, how do I get out of it??11:21
ducasseEmbra: 'exit'?11:21
geirhaEmbra: If commands are moved around after they have been used in an active session, you may need to purge the shell's hash table (which would now be pointing at the wrong binary). In bash it's ''hash -r'' to empty it11:22
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EmbraI tried the hash -r now11:23
serycjonI use "rehash" in zsh11:24
EmbraHow do i change from zsh to Conda??11:25
abhinavgeirha: np. solved.11:27
chl_hi, how do I avoid my screens turning off when I lock my system (gnome 16.04)?11:30
pradedado you realy need to lock your system?11:33
chl_it happends11:34
blackflowchl_: look at Brightness&Lock section of Settings11:35
pradedadoes anybody have idea how to view image from terminal (ubuntu server 16.04 i386)11:37
chl_blackflow: I turned everything off in Power and same for Tweak tool and set 'org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 0'11:37
pradedai havent use ligunux gui since unity is default11:40
blackflowchl_: yeah but what about "Turn screen off when inactive for" in Brightness & Lock?11:40
blackflowpradeda: you mean like on the console and/or ssh? Not sure if possible, except maybe with something like w3m-img11:40
punkgeekim going to install openstack but ive got this error11:40
blackflowpradeda: like, without Xorg, that's what I mean11:40
punkgeek$ conjure-up openstack11:40
punkgeek[warning] Unable to get Juju Version11:40
pradedassh only11:41
blackflowpradeda: I don't think it's possible.11:41
pradedai tried w3m11:41
abhinavwhy my non root user dont have permission to use /usr/bin/stdbuf how can i allow it?11:41
pradedaand eog11:41
hateballpradeda: that's not possible11:41
hateballpradeda: you can view images in framebuffer without X.org11:41
chl_blackflow: everything is turned off or set to off11:41
hateballpradeda: you can use img2txt if you want to convert images to ascii11:42
punkgeekcan i install openstack on ubuntu 16.04 ?11:42
blackflowchl_: so, "Turn screen off when inactive for" is "Never"?11:42
Pantsupunkgeek: sure11:42
hateballpradeda: that's as close as you'll get11:42
chl_blackflow: yes, that is correct11:42
pradedai will try that11:42
pradedait helps11:42
Pantsupunkgeek: it is free software after all11:42
blackflowchl_: and it still turns off when locked?11:42
punkgeekbut i cant use this command11:43
chl_blackflow: yes :/ it worked fine on 15.1011:43
punkgeek$ openstack-install11:43
punkgeekopenstack-install: command not found11:43
blackflowchl_: I am sorry, I don't know then. That _should_ cover it.11:43
chl_blackflow: no worries, I will give another goo11:44
blackflowpunkgeek: did you install it first via apt-get?11:44
punkgeekyes i installed it11:44
punkgeekapt install openstack11:44
punkgeek$ openstack11:44
chl_punkgeek: sudo apt install conjure-up and conjure-up openstack11:45
punkgeekconjure-up is already the newest version (
chl_$ conjure-up openstack ?11:46
punkgeek_sorry network has disconnected11:48
punkgeek_[warning] Unable to get Juju Version11:48
pradedacan you tell me package name for img2txt11:48
Pantsupradeda: apt can tell you11:49
pradedawhen i type  img2txt11:49
pradedasays that package not found11:49
Pantsuapt-file search img2txt11:49
akikpradeda: this comes handy "dpkg -S `which img2txt`"11:49
punkgeek_nobody help me?11:49
akikpradeda: oh sorry you didn't have that installed?11:50
pradedai can install11:50
pradedai dont have apt-file too11:50
akikpradeda: the package name is caca-utils11:51
chl_punkgeek_: try this; sudo apt-get remove conjure-up && sudo snap install conjure-up && /snap/bin/conjure-up11:51
chl_punkgeek_: https://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/issues/296 - seems you are not the only one having issues11:52
punkgeek_error: cannot perform the following tasks:11:52
punkgeek_- Mount snap "ubuntu-core" (216) ([stop snap-ubuntu\x2dcore-216.mount] failed with exit status 1: Job for snap-ubuntu\x2dcore-216.mount failed. See "systemctl status "snap-ubuntu\\x2dcore-216.mount"" and "journalctl -xe" for details.11:53
punkgeek_error: cannot perform the following tasks:11:53
punkgeek_- Mount snap "ubuntu-core" (216) ([stop snap-ubuntu\x2dcore-216.mount] failed with exit status 1: Job for snap-ubuntu\x2dcore-216.mount failed. See "systemctl status "snap-ubuntu\\x2dcore-216.mount"" and "journalctl -xe" for details.11:53
pradedaakik  thatsit thaks a lot11:53
blackflowpunkgeek_: next time use a pastebin :)11:54
punkgeek_okay sorry11:54
punkgeek_what is problem11:56
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Droafter updating to ubuntu 16.04 , can't run php anymore11:58
DroI tried to install it again with : sudo apt-get install php11:58
Drobut the php scripts don't run11:58
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chl_Dro: php -v11:59
chl_whats the output?11:59
Drochl_, PHP 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 (cli) ( NTS )11:59
DroI already installed it again11:59
Dromany stuff was removed btw after the upgrade (including xchat)12:00
\9xchat is dead and was replaced with hexchat12:00
\9which is a continuation12:00
Drobut why the php was removed too? :|12:01
\9that i don't know12:01
\9i don't bother myself with php12:01
ronalYou can improve a little sound in Ubuntu?12:01
akikpradeda: you can use the package content search on this page http://packages.ubuntu.com/12:02
pradedaakik i have only      w3mnow12:02
pradedauntil i reboot pc12:02
ronaljoin #ubuntu-es12:03
\9ronal: /join #ubuntu-es12:03
pradedai will try this method12:03
akikpradeda: it works with w3m too :)12:04
punkgeekhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23093010/ what should i do?12:04
pradedaakik thanks brother12:06
phucktankI have a debian server that I'm setting up. I have a static IP. When I do "service networking restart" the ipv4 doesn't connect and I have to type the command twice. This is really bad for SSH any ideas?12:11
wskyphucktank: #debian ##networking12:12
Pantsuphucktank: also you should use systemctl instead of service12:15
meththe system goes really slow after adding fonts in /usr/share/fonts/truetype12:17
methis that an xorg bug?12:18
Pantsuxrestop, htop, iotop, try to find out what the real cause is12:19
halpmeI need to correct a papero of somebody whoses mother tonge is not french (mine). I mark erroneous words and expressions in red, but every time I click on the next error, libreoffice and thunderbird default to black. How do I avoid that?12:19
methwhy 14.04 is more stable than 16.04?12:20
Pantsuif you mean stable as in "won't randomly crash"12:22
Pantsuand not "will never ever get a software update"12:22
BluesKajHiyas all12:26
gvvgHi - I have a ubuntu setup that I need to duplicate exactly for 10 computers - I really don't feel like installing and configuring each one - can anyone suggest a good solution? backup and restore? is that the best method?12:36
luxiogvvg: copy the install to a flash drive and then just copy all files over?12:37
luxiomight still have to do the partitioning for every machine12:37
gvvgluxio: then install again? I'm hoping to avoid all the ap-get update;upgarde;install etc12:38
luxiowell I'd imagine if all the files are exactly the same, everything's considered installed12:38
luxioafter all, it's really all those commands do, right?12:38
ducassegvvg: have you lookaf at apt-clone?12:38
ubottuLandscape makes the management and monitoring of Ubuntu systems simple and effective by combining world-class support with easy to use online management tools. https://landscape.canonical.com/12:39
gvvgI'll look at apt-clone -never heard of it :)12:39
luxioI'm finishing up the Ubuntu Server installation and don't recall ever entering a root password12:40
luxioWas I supposed to do that at some point?12:40
wflemingnah your user will be a sudo user. If you want can sudo su - to root and set it12:41
ducasse!root | luxio12:41
luxiooh that's another thing I don't really understand about Ubuntu12:41
ubottuluxio: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:41
luxiowhy is it "sudo su" and not just "su"?12:42
luxioI'm coming from debian so I don't really understand that stuff12:42
wflemingsudo will ask for your user passwd12:42
wflemingsu  will ask for root.12:42
luxiowasn't the point of sudo to minimize the amount of time you have root access?12:44
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OerHeksyou better use sudo -i, not sudo su, environment will break up something12:44
akikluxio: if you use su command always make it "su -"12:45
abhinavhow to fix this on ubunut 16.04? uninitialized constant Mysql2::Client::SECURE_CONNECTION12:56
Netekif I was planning to create a bash script for creating vhosts, are these the correct steps to take or have I missed something? http://pastebin.com/J5MhF1DM  This is not code but steps for an nginx based web server running on ubuntu12:56
noonehere_Hi, anyone here use more than one display?   I am trying to figure a TV and my monitor12:57
noonehere_in display settings, the 32" TV is listed as 7"12:57
hateballnoonehere_: what GPU/driver are you using?12:57
noonehere_don't understand why....12:57
noonehere_nvidia gtx 75012:57
hateballnoonehere_: with proprietary driver?12:58
Neteknoonehere_ I dont believe it is capable of using HDMI and vga at the same time12:58
noonehere_nvidia glx driver12:58
PiciNetek: seems reasonable. Consider perhaps putting the config file in /etc/nginx/sites-available/ and then symlinking sites-enabled if you want to make it easy to disable, but not delete configs.12:58
noonehere_hdmi and dvi?12:58
noonehere_hateball, yep12:58
noonehere_do you need to know the exact driver version #?12:58
NetekPici yes, I knew i was forgetting something.  Thanks :)12:58
hateballnoonehere_: well you should be able to use both VGA and whatever12:58
hateballnoonehere_: sometimes devices dont have proper EDID so that could explain why it is reported wrong12:59
noonehere_nvidia driver version 352.6312:59
hateballnoonehere_: are you on 14.04 ?12:59
noonehere_it's just reported wrong?12:59
noonehere_So don't have to worry about the incorrect reporting?12:59
noonehere_I think 15.1012:59
hateballnoonehere_: as long as you can set the desired resolution and refresh rate12:59
hateballnoonehere_: 15.10 is EOL, upgrade to 16.04. The 352 driver is quite old also13:00
hateballnoonehere_: "lsb_release -a" will tell you the truth13:00
noonehere_lsb_release -a gives 15.1013:00
hateballRight, so that means it is time to update13:01
noonehere_is it better to upgrade the OS ver. before the nvidia ver. or vice versa?13:01
noonehere_I always forget - I think the OS ver. though, right?13:02
hateballnoonehere_: 15.10 is EOL, that is what is important here13:02
noonehere_I suspect 1) OS v 2) kernel - if desired 3) nvidia ver13:02
hateballYou no longer get updates13:02
noonehere_oh okay13:02
hateballnoonehere_: Once you are on 16.04 you will have nvidia 361 driver by default. If you want a newer one you can use the nvidia PPA13:03
noonehere_hope I don't run into problems :)13:03
puropeHi, is Launchpad also used for distros other than Ubuntu and Debian?13:03
noonehere_hateball, thanks13:03
hateballnoonehere_: :)13:03
noonehere_my tv screen will still be reported incorrectly, though?13:04
raketensilohow to open 4730 port for gearman on ubuntu16? when I am telnetting from outsays it says "connection refused"13:04
mikekkkirc channel for ubuntu except empathy??13:04
hateballnoonehere_: well that depends if there's bugs in the nvidia driver, then it might automagically look alright with a more recent driver13:04
noonehere_hateball, ah, okay13:05
noonehere_thanks, guys13:05
hateballraketensilo: by default there is nothing blocking incoming traffice. if you start a service that listens, the port will be open13:05
noonehere_anything to keep in mind when upgrading from 15.10 to 16.04?13:05
noonehere_as I recall, 15.04 to 15.10 was pretty smooth13:06
hateballAs always, make backups of anything important if you are not sure about being able to recover from a failed upgrade13:06
hateballBut generally, no you should be fine13:06
noonehere_also, the biggest concern is when configuring grub :)13:06
CostisI 've a problem with GRUB13:15
CostisCan anyone help me?13:15
hateball!help | Costis13:15
ubottuCostis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:15
avik_how to change the font??13:15
minimecavail: You can do that with the unity tweak tool. 'sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool'13:17
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availcheers :D13:20
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ksftI have a dedicated Nvidia graphics card and an integrated Intel one, and I'm on Ubuntu 16.04. I would like to use the dedicated one, but if I install a proprietary driver for it, I get a login loop the next time I start X.13:27
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ZeekHugeUsing mobile to get here ... As my ubuntu14.04 is not starting the lightdm ... I am able to login to the terminal, tried restarting lightdm .. No success . the atl+Ctrl+f7 screen seems to be kind of stuck and is completely black... After reboot I edited the grub boot command to nomodeset and lightdm login screen appears but after login... Everything just stops with a complete blue screen.13:29
ZeekHugeThis all after the last update I had... With title 'imp security updates'13:29
pawanixanybody here13:30
mps86934Hi, is there a way I can check for file changes and the respective user that modified them. Either with "find" or a daemon , other than auditd?13:31
Pottu^2hi all. i just installed ubuntu 16.04. i have some knowledge about linux distros but i mainly use (unfortunately) win1013:31
Pottu^2i have a lvlup gaming mouse and i googled answer how to make the cursor speed more slower than i can make it in graphical userface13:32
Pottu^2i used xinput command to do so13:32
Pottu^2but i want this to be persistent, ie. everytime i boot my pc the settings will remain13:32
xoxoxohow do setup display never turn off when inactivity from command line ?13:32
Pottu^2i googled and found out there should be "xorg.conf" file in ubuntu13:33
raketensilohateball, you were right. Thx13:33
Pottu^2but in this release (16.04) i cannot find it anywhere?13:33
DolphinDreamhowdy bunterz13:34
dj_hi, I am newbie13:34
DolphinDreami'm getting a LOT of  this error in the terminal when i run an app :   AL lib: (EE) ALCplaybackAlsa_mixerNoMMapProc: available update failed: Broken pipe . any idea what might be causing this ?13:35
DolphinDreamhi little newbie.. gugu gaga13:35
DolphinDreamcan you say uuuh buun tuuh ? :)13:35
dj_uuuh bunn tuhh :)13:36
methHello, How to install compizconfig aka CCSM | UBUNTU 16.0413:36
dj_how to connect vpn in ubuntu?13:37
popeymeth: sudo apt install compizconfig-settings-manager13:38
methpopey, is that the correct name of the pkg?13:38
popeymeth: yes13:38
dumle29hmm, So I'm on ubuntu gnome, and for some reason, the software center won't open13:43
dumle29I tried opening it from the command line, and got nothing. It just hangs13:43
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tedlaz63hi all14:31
rodney77hello, I'm on 14.04 and I use a lot of programs fullscreen, during my workday. When I do this, I don't get any osd notifications from pidgin, and thus I miss important messages. Is there a way I can stop ubuntu from suppressing notifications when I'm using programs fullscreen?14:39
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Phryqso when I install a GUI front end, does it automatically install the back end, as a dependency?14:55
geniiPhryq: That is the usual behaviour, yes14:56
Picinot always though14:56
Phryqok, and that's the same in other distros? like Arch or Debian?14:57
ikonia"the back end" ?14:57
Phryqlike, if I install Virt-Manager, it will give me KVM and Libvirt?14:57
OerHeksIf i install Gufw, the backend is already there.14:57
ikoniaPhryq: how else are you going to use a gui ? if the system it interacts with is missing14:58
PiciSome guis let you control systems running remotely though.14:58
ikoniathen it wouldn't have a depend14:59
PiciRight. but theres no hard and fast rule that says "every gui front end must depend on the backend it supports"14:59
PhryqI'm not saying I don't want the "back end". I'm asking if I need to install it manually14:59
ikoniait will depend on the package and who built the package15:00
ikoniacommon sense says it would install what it manages locally unless it's designed to be a standalone management application15:00
tidbits95hi I installed indicator-cpufreq but its not working, when booting up it gives me error it says it cant launch.. always failing to launch.. Im thinking of going back to 14.04... Im currently using 16.04.. any suggestions?15:01
Piciikonia: indeed15:01
Phryqok, so most of the time it should do everything automatically15:01
PhryqI should just install the GUIs15:01
ikoniait will depend on the application15:02
OerHeksit asks yes, sudo apt install virt-manager >> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23093447/15:02
nacci think virt-manager only works if libvirt is present, but doesn't necessarily install the qemu-kvm package15:04
naccas ikonia said, it depends :)15:04
OerHekstidbits95 ?15:05
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tidbits95OerHeks_: hi I installed indicator-cpufreq but its not working, when booting up it gives me error it says it cant launch.. always failing to launch.. Im thinking of going back to 14.04... Im currently using 16.04.. any suggestions15:06
OerHekstidbits95, did it pull in cpufrequtils ? see this post https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=233042715:08
ReScOhey peeps15:12
tidbits95OerHeks_: I'll try it thanks.. by the way, I want to ask one more, Since there is now the notification of the upgrade to 16.04 from 14.04, does that mean you 14.04 is no longer supported? Does a user really have to upgrade when the user receives the upgrade notification?15:12
Phryqok, thanks15:12
ReScOhow can i restrict a user to be able to only run a executeable, no shell?15:12
freakyyhi all. how can i upgrade my ubuntu gnome to ubuntu 16.10 beta 1?15:12
ReScOliterally log in, and then it opens the executable instead of a shell?15:12
tidbits95OerHeks_: sorry for wany wrong grammar..15:12
OerHeks14.04 is supported till 23019, so no need to upgrade now.15:12
t4c0Could someone tell me how to port forward on a remote access to ubuntu?15:13
freakyyi want to upgrade i dont need to but i want to15:13
tidbits95OerHeks_: even the kernel, the original kernel (v. 3.13)15:13
freakyyi want the latest gnome etc.15:13
freakyyi just want the latest version15:13
OerHeksfreakyy, use the -d option ( development)  and ask/support in #ubuntu+115:14
tidbits95OerHeks_: Canonical still support 3.13?15:14
andrefreitasHi there, I have a bare metal server with libvirt and kvm. I have upgraded from 14.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS. Networking is now broken. I cannot ping the LAN and the Internet.15:14
t4c0I have access to it via username and password15:14
OerHekstidbits95, 3.13 is a LTS kernel, so yes15:15
nacctidbits95: on 14.04, yes15:15
tidbits95OerHeks_: What about community-made distros like xubunt, lubuntu? Do they still support kernel 3.13 and all the stuff in their distros?15:15
OerHekssame base, same repos..15:16
t4c0could I port forward on a ftp or chrome webbrowser?15:16
OerHeksbut not all flavors (desktop) are 5 years supported15:16
tidbits95nacc_: ok but what about the 3.13 kernel versions installed with distros like lubuntu, xubuntu, they still support it?15:16
DArqueBishopandrefreitas: do you have console access? You may want to make sure that the name of the network device didn't change.15:16
OerHeks.... just answered that15:16
nacctidbits95: as long as the flavor itself is supported, yes (as OerHeks said)15:17
tidbits95nacc_: so, kernel 3.13 in all of 14.04.x versions are still alive? Is that right?15:17
nacctidbits95: yes, I believe that is true. Note that as of earlier this month, only 14.04.1 and 14.04.5 (I think) are supported15:18
DArqueBishopandrefreitas: please answer in channel, not in notice. That way others can contribute if they can.15:19
naccand 14.04.0 of course15:19
tidbits95nacc_: ohh ok ok... Hey man thanks... Im thinking of downgrading heheh...15:19
andrefreitasActually, to make lan work, I need to do: sudo ifdown em1 && sudo ifup em115:19
Droafter upgrading to ubunti 16.04, I found this listed in ubuntu-drivers devices:15:19
nacctidbits95: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Kernel.2FSupport.A14.04.x_Ubuntu_Kernel_Support15:19
Dro== cpu-microcode.py ==15:19
Drodriver   : intel-microcode - distro non-free15:19
nacctidbits95: downgrading isn't really a thing15:19
Drowhat does it mean? should i install it?15:19
t4c0Can anyone hear me?15:20
Dro+ my system become too slow15:20
OerHeksDro, it is an update, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microcode not sure it applies to your machine15:20
tidbits95nacc_: one really dont have to upgrade immediately to a newer release if the older release is still supported, or still running right?15:21
OerHekst4c0c4t, port forwarding happens in your router, see that manual15:21
DroOerHeks, so what should i do? my system is too slow after the upgrade15:21
nacctidbits95: i don't know what you mean? you upgrade when you choose to upgrade. If you want to stay supported, you upgrade before your current release goes EOL15:22
OerHeksDro you can *try* to install microcode, i doubt it speeds up.15:22
tidbits95nacc_: ALright now I understand thanks my friend15:23
nacctidbits95: the page i linked to (LTSEnablementStack) graphically shows you support durations, etc.15:24
Drohere is the output of ubuntu-drivers devices : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23093506/15:24
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Droubuntu 14.04 was working fine, and after i upgraded to 16.04 it become tooo slow.. :[15:24
Droany suggestions please?15:24
pavlushkais it possible to show only once a repeated line/word from a text file in terminal?15:26
brain_washedi have a weird problem. my left control doesn't work with other keys without another modifier key. So CTRL+C doesn't work but CTRL+SHIFT+n does15:26
tidbits95nacc_; Yes Im reading it now thanks for sending the link15:27
brain_washedany ideas what might cause this? doesn't work in GUI (X), doesn't work in virtual terinal15:27
g10ms2hi everyone! after replacing my motherboard I'm trying to reinstall grub to access Ubuntu but I get the following error :  /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/modinfo.sh doesn't exist. Please specify --target or --directory. Can anyone help me?15:29
naccg10ms2: what version of ubuntu?15:31
g10ms2You can check here, what I did: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23093538/15:32
brain_washedoh, and CTRL+w works (CLoses tabs in Firefox)15:33
andrefreitasActually, lan and internet connection works now randomly15:34
andrefreitasWorks now randomly upon a reboot*15:34
naccg10ms2: does said path exist? did you have separate partitions before?15:34
naccg10ms2: and i assume you used a correct value for X not 'X' literally15:35
g10ms2yes this path exist! I had dual boot before, with seperated partitions...Yes my ubuntu partition is sda6...15:35
naccg10ms2: can you, from the chroot, `ls -ahl /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/modinfo.sh` ?15:36
g10ms2@nacc no such file...15:37
naccg10ms2: you just said "yes this path exist!"...15:39
g10ms2I can find this file, from the folders... But not from the terminal....15:40
transhuman_hi with avconv I am using the following syntax avconv -f x11grab -s 640x480 -i :0.0+10,20 -vf format=pix_fmts=yuv420p -f v4l2 /dev/video2 & I am getting the following   ----- Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key[x11grab @ 0x25401c0] Could not open X display. :0.0+10,20: Input/output error15:40
naccg10ms2: that's because your folders is using your normal root not the chroot, i assume15:41
naccg10ms2: also, you're still `grub-install` to the wrong disk15:41
naccg10ms2: if /dev/sda6 was your normal ubuntu root disk before, it'd be `grub-install /dev/sda6`, although i'm not convinced that's the case15:41
naccg10ms2: can you pastebin `sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda` ?15:42
WACOMaltHey is there no Java 8 package for 14.04 LTS?15:42
g10ms2I cannot see all the partitions with fdisk but only with Gparted15:43
nacc!info openjdk-8-jdk trusty15:43
ubottuPackage openjdk-8-jdk does not exist in trusty15:43
naccWACOMalt: --^15:44
transhuman_I have X11Forwarding yes enabled in ssh_config but I cant figure out how to restart it sudo service ssh restart doesnt work neither does /etc/init.d/sshd restart work either15:44
transhuman_not even sure if this has to do with ssh_config anyways15:44
WACOMaltwell shite15:44
WACOMaltlooks like I'm upgrading my whole server today15:44
WACOMaltor trying to compile against java 715:44
tgm4883WACOMalt: what are you trying to do?15:45
WACOMaltget around an error from TuxTwoLib for 10.2 which aparently is caused by not being on java 815:46
WACOMaltoh so sorry I'm not in a channel that knows what that is XD15:46
WACOMaltsome minecraft server plugin needs java 815:46
WACOMaltI may recompile it against java 7 see if that can solve this15:46
tgm4883WACOMalt: you could run your minecraft server in a container15:47
WACOMaltId rather just get java 8 working easily XD but that is an option, yes15:47
mussieHi everyone, I am new here. My name is Brad15:47
mussie@larsi What was your question?15:48
tgm4883WACOMalt: well what I mean is that you create a 16.04 container, put minecraft server in there install java 8 and be done15:48
mussieI meant laser15:49
mussieHello mistor15:49
mistormay i ask a question?15:50
mussieask away15:50
_adb!ask | mistor15:50
ubottumistor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:51
mussieC'mon now @ubottu he is new here. Give him some slack15:51
mistordo older version of ubuntu (like 12.04) required lesser hardware demand?15:52
mistorhaha , the bot is cute15:52
WACOMaltyeah, tgm4883 but then I have to re-set up the ssh access and ftp access and all that stuff for that container, right?15:52
WACOMaltrecreate my aliases etc etc15:53
tgm4883WACOMalt: no. On my server, I SSH to the server and when I want to access the container I run "lxc exec minecraft /bin/bash"15:53
tgm4883WACOMalt: I usually do that in a screen session so it continues to run my foreground processes15:53
mussieAre you using VMware WACOMalt?15:54
gordwhen I install postgres on Ubuntu server, it's set up as a systemd service. But if I do it on standard Ubuntu, it's just a daemon. Is there a way to get it as a systemd service on regular Ubuntu?15:54
tgm4883mistor: when talking about hardware requirements, yes a older version would have lower requirements, however a better, more supportable solution would be to use something like xubuntu or lubutu15:54
WACOMaltunrelated question. I started an apt-get install and my ssh session got interrupted15:55
WACOMaltis there any way to get back to see progress?15:55
WACOMaltit wasnt in a screen15:56
mussieAre you using KVM?15:56
tgm4883WACOMalt: there isn't any progress, it's stopped15:56
tgm4883mussie: what exactly are you trying to do here?15:56
mussieI recommend ESXI on a separate box. Kvm is a pain.15:57
mistordo you mean i can run xubuntu or lubuntu does better on slow computers? I gotcha check these out !15:57
mussieI am trying to answer WACOMalt's question.15:57
tgm4883mistor: yes15:57
ksftI have a dedicated Nvidia graphics card and an integrated Intel one, and I'm on Ubuntu 16.04. I would like to use the dedicated one, but if I install a proprietary driver for it, I get a login loop the next time I start X.15:58
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WACOMaltmussie, oh dang. So it got interrupted mid-install?15:58
WACOMaltdid I just mess up bad?15:58
aryellis it possible for a hp printer to be incompatible with a certain laptops ?15:58
tgm4883WACOMalt: were you doing a upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 or just a regular package update?15:59
WACOMaltjust package update15:59
mussieOS or minecraft install?15:59
tgm4883WACOMalt: Was it still downloading packages, or was it installing them (or do you know?)15:59
WACOMaltinstalling them I think15:59
WACOMaltadministration folder is still locked16:00
t4c0Do I have voice?16:00
WACOMaltactually it looks like it finished now. no longer locked16:00
tgm4883WACOMalt: I'd try doing a "apt-get -f install"16:00
t4c0How can I port with a remote shell account on ubuntu without.16:01
tgm4883t4c0: um, what?16:02
DArqueBishopt4c0: without what?16:02
ksftDArqueBishop: no16:02
ksftjust without16:02
t4c0a telnet program16:02
aryellanyone know anything about printer drivers and compatibility ?? please help16:02
t4c0ftp and web16:02
mistortgm4883 , thank you so much :)16:02
tgm4883!details | aryell16:03
ubottuaryell: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.16:03
DArqueBishopt4c0: I would say iptables on the Ubuntu box.16:03
t4c0err uh port forward*16:03
aryellhp 2135 advantage multifunctional, tried on my ubuntu mate 16.04 full fledged PC16:04
t4c0how do i access these?16:04
aryellit worked, so the printer is good16:04
tgm4883t4c0: what is your end game here? If you're trying to get external access to your machine when you are remote, you'll need to forward ports on your router16:04
t4c0with a windows client onto a ubuntu server?16:05
aryellbut on on a the laptop does not work, it says it;s installed driver but it will not print16:05
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tgm4883t4c0: in the same network?16:05
mistordid lubuntu / xubuntu have internal pdf/work reader?16:05
t4c0I'm trying to set up a jedi knight server.16:05
tgm4883mistor: you can install any packages from ubuntu in xubuntu and lubuntu. They all share the same repos16:06
DArqueBishopt4c0: why do you need port forwarding, then?16:06
t4c0I don't know.16:06
aryellmy real question is if a laptop can be simply incompatible with that printer, it had other printers before and worked fine16:06
tgm4883t4c0: start from the beginning.16:06
t4c0The readme.txt told me to do it.16:07
tgm4883aryell: no16:07
mistor ok , i think i know how to do~ thanks a lot !16:07
tgm4883t4c0: can you link that somewhere?16:07
t4c0yeah one sefc16:07
t4c0yeah one sec16:07
aryellit;s somebodyelses laptop so I don;t have it with me, wasted a day trying to get to work in edubuntu 14.04 and live mode ubuntu mate 16.04 even network attached through the network, and no luck16:09
naccg10ms2: sorry, back now16:09
aryelltgm4883: if you say no it means it should work and I should try some more tinkering :)16:11
DArqueBishopt4c0: so, after reading that, I ask again. What specifically are you attempting to accomplish with this server that requires port forwarding?16:14
t4c0Online multiplayer dedicated server.16:14
tgm4883t4c0: also, is this a windows box you're installing it on?16:14
t4c0no ubuntu16:15
DArqueBishopThere's a Linux server for Jedi Knight?16:15
tgm4883t4c0: ok, cause you linked a windows readme. In any case, you'll need to forward the ports on your router to your server so other people can connect to it. That is outside the scope of this channel though16:15
The[void]if i have drives mounted to /media  (ext4 in fstab)  can I make an nfs share  that mounts /media  to another directory?16:17
t4c0port forwarding an outside topic?16:18
The[void]i want to do this to test somethings,  without messing with my current shares16:18
OerHekst4c0c4t, agin: port forwarding happens in your router, see that manual16:19
t4c0K thanks for the heads up.16:19
t4c0c4tOerHeks: ar eyou suggesting that port forwarding is impacting the NIC up/down on the PC?16:19
naccThe[void]: sorry, nfs share and mount? can you ask it again? do you mean can you share /media over nfs?16:20
t4c0c4tin the case of port forwarding, wouldn't the NIC still light up?16:20
The[void]nacc that would work,  It was my understanding that an NFS share needs to be mounted16:20
The[void]i'm kind of new to this16:21
OerHekst4c0c4t, if you do ifdown, your lights will be off, but port will be forwarded and end up with error 40416:21
naccThe[void]: i mean, it is mounted ...16:21
calloff05Hi my own stopped working after upgrading to a newer version. Noting while holding shift gets me nowhere. What now?16:21
naccThe[void]: generally, you don't mount directories to other directories (except for bind mounts)16:21
calloff05See booting whole16:21
The[void]yea normally I wouldnt want to keep it this way, but I would like to try some things before I make the switch from my current samba shares to nfs16:22
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calloff05Trying to boot to recovery mode holding shift, but pc starts normally..What now?16:23
calloff05My perhaps not working on new install?16:26
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naccThe[void]: i don't see any obvious reason why you wouldn't just nfs share /media, but i feel like i'm missing some context16:28
zoli2hello i have choppy video playback performance (escpecially in full screen) in xenial. How can i fix that?16:30
zoli2i have kaveri apu 7850k16:30
OerHekszoli2, amd .. is it supported by radeon or AMDgpu?  lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'16:31
zoli2OerHeks: no output to that command16:33
OerHeksstrange ..16:34
Orion_THanyone there16:35
zoli2OerHeks: if i remove the grep in the end, i got:16:35
zoli200:01.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Kaveri [Radeon R7 Graphics] [1002:130f]16:35
zoli2Subsystem: ASRock Incorporation Kaveri [Radeon R7 Graphics] [1849:130f]16:35
zoli2Kernel modules: radeon16:35
zoli200:01.1 Audio device [0403]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Kaveri HDMI/DP Audio Controller [1002:1308]16:35
OerHeksah oke, R7 + radeon, try an other mediaplayer, here vlc can be choppy too16:36
OerHeksstandard mplayer thingy works better for me16:36
OerHeksonly R9 and up are using AMDgpu afaik16:37
RedbeardtHas anyone with Optimus tech suddenly had any problems with recent updates? All of a sudden, whenever I try to boot with my discrete GPU selected, I get nothing but a black screen and a console caret when I hear the login screen sound.16:40
The[void]nacc can /media be shared both via samba and nfs at the same time?16:42
ph88^can someone help me setup an ssh tunnel ?16:45
ph88^can someone help me setup an ssh tunnel ?16:48
mrfx99How can I fix this? When I open gparted, I get the following message: "The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes."16:54
=== SparkySq1irrel is now known as SparkySquirrel_
mikatoneHi I've compiled and installed vsftp but now I need to add it as a service! But getting an error when sudo update-rc.d vsftpd enabled outputs: /etc/init.d/vsftpd: file does not exist17:05
RedbeardtBloody hell. Sucks how updates can bugger up your system.17:05
mikatoneany ideia how can i fixe this?17:06
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agazorhello world17:21
alkisgHello to you too17:21
agazoris better than wassap17:21
OerHeksIt works!17:22
agazorit is better than wassap17:22
Henoxekand no ads17:22
* OerHeks backs up and deploys again17:22
mrfx99Gparted: The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes.17:22
agazorhow can I find more chats?17:23
mrfx99How do I fix this?17:23
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http17:23
OerHeksmrfx99, what did you do, write a partition with dd?17:24
mrfx99OerHeks: Yup. Used dd to zero a drive.17:24
OerHeksif so, use bs=2048 next time :-)17:24
mrfx99OerHeks: So I should run dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=2048 ?17:25
OerHeksyes, that would do, it is not a disaster to your drive, but you cannot use it untill you format properly17:26
BlackHat1 or 0 ?17:26
BlackHatsome guys or MRX17:26
mrfx99OerHeks: Does this harm the drive?17:26
OerHeksmrfx99, nope17:27
OerHeksnor ssd17:27
mrfx99OerHeks: It is an ssd yes...17:27
* alkisg thinks the sector size is a property of the file system, not of the dd command...17:27
mrfx99OerHeks: Would I need to format it if I want to install an OS on it? Or would installers normally take care of all that?17:28
OerHeksjust a misalignment17:28
BlackHat01001001 01101101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100001 01110010 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01001101 01010010 0101100017:28
OerHeksyou can leave the drive empty, ubuntu installer will ask to write a fresh MBR/GPT, depends on the size17:28
RedbeardtJesus christ. Does anyone know how to fix my bloody login? All I did was run an update and now whenever I switch over to my discrete GPU, I get nothing but a console caret on boot, but I can hear the login sound.17:28
RedbeardtFine on the Intel though.17:28
OerHeksBlackHat, this is ubuntu support only17:28
mrfx99OerHeks: What about if I want to install windows on that drive? Don't have to format it first, right?17:28
BlackHatIm Sorry 0erHeks17:29
OerHeksmrfx99, i don't think so, to be sure ask in ##windows17:29
mrfx99OerHeks: ok17:31
OerHeksRedbeardt, i own no dual gpu, maybe you can login tty32, and reverse gpu setting?17:32
RedbeardtYeah I've been doing that every time I try something and the login fails to display. I just jump into tty2 and do a sudo prime-select intel17:33
OerHeksstop that dcc BlackHat,17:33
Redbeardtand reboot17:33
RedbeardtI don't even know what logs I ought to look at to diagnose :(17:34
bigboywithabigtomy xubuntu install sometimes randomly freezes and is unresponsive until it's hard rebooted (by holding down the power button)17:36
bigboywithabigtodoes anyone know what logs I should be looking at to find out what's going on?17:36
OerHeksRedbeardt, i read you can switch sudo prime-select intel <> sudo prime-select nvidia17:36
dimitrisbigboywithabigto: What CPU are u running?17:36
bigboywithabigtointel i7-5500U17:37
bigboywithabigtoit's a an ASUS lappy btw17:37
RedbeardtDerHeks, I don't understand what you mean. I have been switching to nvidia with that very command every time I try to implement a fix. That's how I activate my discrete GPU.17:38
dimitrisbigboywithabigto: Had the same issue with my thinkpad. Check this thread if your CPU is affected. https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10905117:38
RedbeardtDerHeks, you have to log out and back in after you use prime-select, so it's not like I can sneak in with intel then switch to nvidia.17:38
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 109051 in intel_idle "intel_idle.max_cstate=1 required on baytrail to prevent crashes" [Normal,New]17:38
RedbeardtThis optimus tech is a POS honestly and I definitely regret getting a lappy with it.17:39
OerHeksRedbeardt, with the gui tool in systemsettengs you should be able too, i have no clue why your intel does not work proper17:39
OerHeksi know, and feel the pain with dual gpu :-(17:39
RedbeardtDerHeks, the intel is fine. The nvidia is not.17:39
bigboywithabigtodimitris, thanks I'll have a look at that17:39
OerHeksone option would be disable the 2nd totally in bios17:39
RedbeardtDerHeks, I don't even think my BIOS has that option, but in any case that would leave me worse off given that I can't see the login screen when using the nvidia. Without the intel, right not the computer would be unusable.17:40
Redbeardtright now*17:40
dimitrisbigboywithabigto: You could also try running "journalctl --since=today" after the crash and see the logs for any indication of what might have gone wrong.17:40
RedbeardtI guess I'll try downgrading my driver or something..17:42
bigboywithabigtodimitris, thanks17:47
bigboywithabigtothe thread you linked seems to be referring to the same problem17:47
dimitrisbigboywithabigto: Yes is an ongoing issue for some time now!17:48
bigboywithabigtoI'm going to see if I can use any of the workarounds that were posted there and I'll have a look at the logs next time it freezes17:48
arubihello all, what's a proper way to handle "W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C1192" on `apt-get update` on trusty server amd64?  this happens on a fresh iso install, on a 14.04.2 container, and netinstall iso would not even begin to download the packages17:52
bigboywithabigtodimitris, have you experienced this problem? did you find any of the workarounds satisfactory? cheers17:53
alkisgarubi: just update it to all the latest packages17:53
arubialkisg, I just did dist-upgrade and reboot, it still happens on apt-get update17:53
arubialso what would netinstall users do?  only reason I even downloaded the full .iso is because netinstall wouldn't work and I thought the container was broken somehow :)17:55
Honkiiclean / update / upgrade / auto remove / clean17:55
dimitrisbigboywithabigto: I am having the exact issue with random freezes on my Thinkpad 11e laptop. I've been trying various distros and various kernels on my arch installation but all exhibit the same issue sooner or later. I am currently running kernel and its been about 5 hrs without any lockups.17:55
arubiHonkii, running17:55
alkisgarubi: afaik that issue was solved in some recent apt version, and I guess it was backported to 14.04 as well... sorry I don't know more about that warning, but it shouldn't affect netinstall etc17:56
HonkiiI run ubuntu on t450s - no problems so far with locks up17:56
Honkiiarubi : reboot after also - forgot to mention that17:56
dimitrisHonkii: it only seems to affect certain CPUs (baytrail from what I've read)17:56
Honkiiooooh yea - forgot that its atom17:57
Honkiimy bad17:57
ph88^can someone help me setup an ssh tunnel ?17:57
bigboywithabigtodimitris, good luck17:58
arubiHonkii, that seemed to solve it. thanks.  alkisg, netinstall would simply not even start downloading the release.  I tried different mirrors too17:58
dimitrisbigboywithabigto: you too.17:58
bigboywithabigtoI'm a bit of a linux noob so I hope you don't mind me waiting out and seeing how you do before mucking around with anything myself :)17:58
Honkii50 bucks - call it even17:58
eloszhello, when i do apt-get install, i get 404 not founds even when i can ping google.com18:03
eloszhow do i fix that?18:03
tewardelosz: exact error messages would be nice, if you can, put it on paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link18:04
daxelosz: have you done sudo apt-get update recently?18:04
daxif so, what teward said18:04
elosznope dax18:04
tewarddax: still seeing the errors either way is better18:05
tewardelosz: apt-get update18:05
tewardelosz: after the apt-get update, try and install again18:05
eloszsilly me. it worked, thanks teward and dax18:06
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naccThe[void]: sorry, was afk -- i'm not sure, tbh18:47
sorin-mihaianyone here built a datacenter from scratch using ubuntu?18:48
naccarubi: why would you use 14.04.2?18:48
arubinacc, that's the version the container came with, I was trying to upgrade18:49
arubiI then tried netinstall for a normal vm, but then couldn't begin downloading the release18:50
naccarubi: well, that's sad, because 14.04.2 is no longer supported -- 14.04.0/1/5 are the options18:50
naccarubi: not sure what you mean by "container came with", is this on a local system?18:50
arubinacc, proxmox ve.  it comes with some preconfigured templates18:51
nacci see.18:52
arubiI figured I shouldn't invest too much thought into the container, but netinstall failing and then the same warning on a full iso install was weird, so here I am18:53
naccarubi: do you see this with a full iso install of a supported release?18:53
naccarubi: just wondering18:53
arubiyea, just now downloaded from ubuntu.org18:54
arubisame with the netinstall iso18:54
naccarubi: 14.04.5?18:55
arubiyes,  14.04.5 amd64 server18:55
naccarubi: i know nothing about proxmox or what their image is, but with lxd, ubuntu:trusty works fine and emits no errors.18:57
naccarubi: that is, what their container image is18:57
arubinacc, I agree, that's why I didn't spend time on debugging the container template and went with a full VM using netinstall.iso, but that _couldn't_ even beging downloading the release because of this same warning18:58
arubiso I figured, okay, Mossad is after me.  I'll get the full .iso, nope.  same warning18:58
naccarubi: strange, i'm not sure -- are you doing any kind of special install?18:59
arubionly check marked ssh server18:59
arubiwell, star marked I guess18:59
naccarubi: hrm, not sure why that would be happening19:03
=== Gabbo is now known as Guest696969
Guest696969Hi folks..quick sanity check please. Is it safe to assume ALL partition schemes can be erased by wiping the first sectors of a block device? For ex, suppose I dd the first 2Mb of a SATA. That would wipe any part info correct?19:04
Guest696969dd with /dev/zero that is. :)19:04
wsky2mb is too much19:05
wskyalso i'm not sure about gpt19:06
arubinacc, alkisg suggested that it was a known issue that was fixed, but I guess apt is set to fail on warnings for netinstall?  I also guess that if I would've followed Honkii's solution for the container, it would've worked19:06
Guest696969wsky, I realize I could do first 512 but I threw out 2Mb just in case my understanding of today's schemes is antiquated.19:08
Guest696969wsky, thanks tho.. im not sure about gpt either19:08
wskythen you probably plown the beginning of your first partition too19:08
wskyplown or plowed19:11
wskyunsure about the past form of "plow"19:11
* wsky not a native english speaker, pardon19:12
Guest696969Heh ok. I'm not in a situation to do this, I was just curious if the first bytes of a block device is where part info is stored is all.19:12
Guest696969I might hit up reddit/r/sysadmin and ask in there19:12
wskywell what you wiped out is the partition table19:12
Guest696969wsky, all good. :)19:12
Guest696969wsky, yes I know.19:12
wskyand the boot sector19:12
wskyand the begiining of your first partition19:12
wskyso you basically broke the filesystem too19:13
wskythere are much more convinient ways to wipe the partition table out19:13
FunkSt8r_Guest696969: testdisk can still recover the part info if that's what your trying to avoid19:14
Guest696969FunkSt8r_, true. I am just being theoretical.. I ran into someone who thought dding the whole device would ensure they could dd an .iso to a /dev/sdX. I told them they're wasting their time. Still, I wanted a sanity check if part info is still stored in the beginning areas of a block device.19:16
OerHeksGuest696969, the MBR bootsector is bs=446, GPT is 64+64+128 per entry and some bytes more > https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GUID_Partition_Table19:16
OerHeksso 1 mb will do19:16
Guest696969OerHeks, thanks!19:16
Bashing-omGuest696969: Curiosity satisfied: https://iam.tj/kb/pc/boot/#a_bootloader .19:16
Guest696969in your opinion, is that for all of today's part schemes?19:16
Guest696969Bashing-om, cheers..19:16
Guest696969Yup. URL answered that. Have a good day folks.19:18
* Guest696969 is idling.19:18
=== alexander is now known as Guest37117
raketensiloWhere to find a php7.0-zts ubuntu package? Are there any readymade rpm like in centos/rhel?19:19
OerHeksraketensilo, answer why not: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.0/+bug/157835219:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1578352 in php7.0 (Ubuntu) "PHP does not have ZTS enabled" [Wishlist,Won't fix]19:20
BrickerUbuntu 14.04.5 Desktop version: Not finding a clear way to use my usb wifi adapters over internal. lsusb shows both external USB adapters listed, but thats about as far as I can get, to get them to work. google isnt showing me much help on the subject either19:20
OerHeksnot in 16.04 anyway19:20
Cypher-PunkIs Ubuntu based on Debian?19:21
naccCypher-Punk: yes19:21
halothanewould anyone here be willing to kindly provide support on issues with internet connection on 14.04?19:22
mario3154I have been trying to find help on installing tar.xz files on ubuntu and i cant find any thing, any help?19:22
halothaneI run into a few issues after updating a pre-installed machine.19:22
naccmario3154: tar.xz files are just tarball archives with a specific compression; there's no generic way to install such a thing (you could untar it easily, but what you do next depends)19:23
Guest696969Cypher-Punk, yep.19:24
Cypher-PunkThanks nacc and Guest696969.19:24
Guest696969Bricker, just out of curiosity have you tried a live 16.04 to determine if it works in 16.04? If it does you might need a newer kernel(as an easy fix that is).19:25
BrickerGuest696969 i dont have a machine for it, unfortunately i had to downgrade and use 14.04 because of a piece of software we needed on here doesnt support 16.04, so i dont know the answers. I just bought two adapters from micro center that both showed linux support according to google19:25
Brickeri thought it would be as simple as plug n play19:26
Brickerbut that doesnt seem to be the case19:26
Guest696969Bricker, you are running 14.04 after all.19:26
Archeus_my mouse has vanished19:26
Archeus_but is workinh19:26
Brickeryes, i know19:26
Guest696969Bricker, what is the make/model of the adapters?19:26
naccmario3154: please keep responses in the channel -- how would you do what exactly?19:26
OerHeksBricker, check additional drivers19:27
mario3154how would one decompress a tarball and install it, lets say warthunder19:27
Archeus_any ways to make it reappear with restarting as something is downloading19:27
Guest696969OerHeks, geez yes.. never thought Bricker might not have checked there.19:27
on2pkHey guys, is it possible to have a VNC Connection between android and Ubuntu over USB?19:27
naccmario3154: tar Jxf /path/to/tarball.tar.xz will uncompress it. Note that you might want to run with `tar Jtf tarball.tar.xz` to see what's in the tarball, etc.19:28
BrickerOne is Edimax 3T3R AC1750 (Model EW-7833UAC) the other is ASUS USB-AC56 (AC1300)19:28
Brickerive checked additional drivers, nothing shows up19:28
Archeus_how to make mouse reappear ?19:28
naccmario3154: installing it is specific to that application, consult the application website or wherever you got the tarball. Often there is a README or instructions in the tarball19:28
Guest696969Bricker, does ifconfig see either adapter?19:28
Brickerno, only lsusb19:29
Guest696969Bricker, does lsusb report the asus as 0b05:17d2 ?19:30
Brickerlet me plug the asus one back in, 1 sec19:30
BrickerGuest696969: yes, it does19:30
Guest696969good. read this. http://askubuntu.com/questions/404881/how-do-i-install-an-asus-usb-ac56-wifi-adapter19:31
Guest696969Bricker, no guarantees but there is info that should clue you into your solution.19:31
Brickerthanks, ill read now19:31
Brickerit works SnakePlissLA19:35
blackflowSnakePlissLA: did you escape?19:35
SnakePlissLALA was rough.19:35
blackflowI heard :)19:35
SnakePlissLAGot out of there in a jiffy.19:35
BrickerGuest696969 That worked!!! Thanks so much man19:37
Brickeryou rock my socks19:37
Guest696969Bricker, all good. :)19:40
=== bull_ is now known as bulldog
bulldogguys check out snapcraft-gui here https://github.com/keshavbhatt/snapcraft-gui19:45
Guest696969bulldog, mention it in /r/ubuntu19:48
bulldogGuest696969, ?19:49
OerHeksbulldog, good work, didn't i read about this in #snappy??19:50
bulldogOerHeks, am sharing so that more people can reach19:51
bulldogOerHeks, i posted this in #snappy yeah19:52
OerHeksbulldog, set out a Q @ askubuntu :-)19:52
OerHeksmore people read there than we can count19:52
Guest696969bulldog, mention it in http://reddit.com/r/ubuntu19:52
bulldogOerHeks, ty i will try :)19:53
bulldogGuest696969, ty i will19:53
Guest696969bulldog, you can ask www.webupd8.org to review it. Andrew is good about that stuff.19:53
bulldogGuest696969, tool is under development i will ask him when it will able to perform basic operations , like a snap out :D19:54
JediMasterhi guys, just had a power cut and my headless ubuntu 16.04 server is failing to boot, getting a grub error: "No such disk" can anyone give me somewhere to start?19:55
bulldogGuest696969,  currently it can edit save snapcraft file create new project , open old projects , a package manager to manage snaps added today19:55
JediMasterI have booted into a USB 16.04 bootable stick, I can mount the boot partition (which required a e2fsck), and the lvm partition for the root mounted fine19:56
bulldogit will take time its a 3 days old project am working few hours only19:56
Guest696969JediMaster, are you in rescue mode?19:57
Guest696969JediMaster, i mean.. did it drop you to rescue mode before using usb?19:58
JediMasterGuest696969, I'm in live mode on the command line19:58
Guest696969ok, see my refined question ;)19:58
JediMasterso no19:58
JediMasterit drops to grub rescue mode if I leave it to boot, but I don't have the rescue mode on this usb stick, "try ubuntu without installing", "install ubuntu" and "check disc for defects"20:00
JediMasterGrub fails to load far enough to offer the normal options20:01
xenialmesshow to purge pesky scopes and lenses like facebook and flickr?  upon usual commands is returning unable to find...20:03
OerHeksxenialmess, install synaptic, detailed softwarecenter20:04
xenialmesssure running synaptics.  where are relevant packages?  flickr, facebook, and shotwell20:06
OerHeksxenialmess, search for account-plugin20:08
xenialmessok.  once these are purged will the lenses still remain under dash plugins?20:08
OerHeksmaybe you need to logout/login again ..20:09
OerHeksnot sure, try it?20:09
xenialmessyeah.  actually have already purged the account plugins and logged out and in and lenses still showing20:10
akikbloomberg.com, autoplay videos20:11
akikoops sorry wrong chan20:12
captaincoolI am new fish here ;)20:12
xenialmessdamn.  these lenses just won't give up20:14
gdti need some help with samba20:15
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lee2I have a question about ifupdown, if someone can help my dns-nameserver isn't populating resol.conf20:19
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jattwhy should it?20:23
lee2jatt i changed my settings /etc/network/interfaces20:24
lee2Adding a static IP address20:24
OerHekslee2, that way it will be overwritten by networkmanager.20:25
akiklee2: it should be dns-nameservers20:25
OerHeksuse networkmanager, or manually editing /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base as you would normally edit /etc/resolv.conf20:25
lee2akik I do have it as dns-dnsnameservers20:26
lee2OerHeks it says do not edit tihs file by hand -- Your changes will be overwritten20:28
lee2OerHeks i'm not trying to use NetworkManager20:31
lee2the problem i'm having I can't get DNS to resolve. But I can ping address outside of my network20:32
OerHeks"it says do not edit tihs file by hand " is not true.20:32
OerHeksfor /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base that is20:33
OerHeksbut you mixing up the interfaces file i guess.20:33
Bashing-omlee2: A thought : /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf . did you tell the system "you" would manage networking; ' managed=true ' ?20:33
OerHeksthat would be a solution, or removing networkmanager.20:34
lee2Bashing-om First it was at false, and then I set it to true, and then I set it back to false20:34
lee2OerHeks so your saying to edit /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base file?20:35
lee2OerHeks2 It's ok to do that20:35
lee2OerHeks I still want networkmanager you should be able to have both co-exist20:35
Bashing-omlee2: "true" says you manage networking . whereas "false" then network-manger has authority .20:36
OerHekswhy not set it in networkmanager, all this trouble for such simple task by design20:36
lee2Bashing-om ok. Thanks for explaining20:37
OerHeksthe /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base file would be a safe way to set priority.20:37
OerHeks* even with networkmanager AFAIK20:37
lee2OerHeks True, and i'm connected now by going through NetworkManager I just wanted to try the other way. And when it wasn't working, that is DNS, I was just trying to figure it out20:38
Seveaslee2: if all you need is NetworkManager not to mess with resolv.conf, set dns=none in Netwoekranager.conf20:38
lee2Seveas ok, will try. Thanks20:38
lee2Seveas Right now it is set to dnsmasq20:39
mixxithi guys20:40
mixxitcan i ask an elemntaryos question here20:40
mixxitthat other channel is dead20:40
Seveasmixxit: no.20:40
mixxitdamn my pc is locking up every few minutes20:41
Seveasinstall Ubuntu :-)20:41
lee2Seveas in the /etc/network/interfaces can you set the dns to use dnsmasq?20:44
Seveaslee2: not if you disable it in NetworkManager.conf20:44
lee2Seveas so what would the line look like in the etc/network/interface file? dns=dnsmasq under the gateway?20:45
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Seveaslee2: no, nameserver, which NetworkManager will put there if you let it manage the file20:46
lee2Seveas oh ok. So nameserver is pointing to NetworkManager?20:48
Seveasno, that points to the dnsmasq instance managed by networkmanager20:48
lee2Seveas thanks20:48
trmI'm trying to figure out irc :P20:51
trmwhat are you guys up to20:51
Seveasup to no good of course. But be aware that this channel is ubuntu support only. For general cahtter try #ubuntu-offtopic :)20:52
trmoh, definitely did not know that sorry20:53
mntxI am getting this error related to my SSD when I open up gparted: The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes.20:54
mntxHow can I fix this? Can anyone help?20:54
mntxI've already tried running the command dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=2048 to no avail...20:59
Loshkimntx: try this - http://askubuntu.com/questions/675649/unable-to-delete-usb-drive-partitions-block-size-error21:02
mntxLoshki: I stated that I've already tried running that command to no avail.21:03
Loshkimntx: try adding the count= part, and also fdisk21:05
Bashing-ommths: Gies your bios support GPT : http://www.rodsbooks.com/gdisk/bios.html ? Links there to fix .21:06
mntxLoshki: Okay I've somehow managed to fix it using gdisk21:06
=== tvoss_ is now known as tvoss
|WaV|https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=798036 There is bug in konversation 1.6 which is fixed in 1.6.2 regarding QCA support. is there anyway to get the new version via apt-get?21:18
ubottuDebian bug 798036 in konversation "konversation: 1.6 Built without QCA support" [Important,Fixed]21:18
Bray90820Anyone here successfully installed ubuntu on a nextbook flex 11?21:21
EhestbHello, I have a server using Ubuntu and apache. I have 2 domains on this server and I plan to add more. I have two questions, how should I choose my FQDN because there are more than one domains, I don't know how to decide. Also on apache which vhost I should set as default?21:23
Bray90820Right now I have a modified version of ubuntu live after i select try ubuntu without installing it I just get a black screen21:24
Bray90820I used this version of ubuntu the one in the second post21:25
Nolstram@Ehestb I wouldn't choose any of them - just give it an internal name21:25
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EhestbI serve many domains on my server, how should I choose my FQDN for this server?21:49
Peasant65hi! I have a problem running do-release-upgrade on  my ubuntu server install. It´s hanging on ¨Preparing to unpack .../cron_3.0pl1-128ubuntu2_amd64.deb ...¨ for about 20 minutes now21:52
Peasant65does anyone here has any idea what´s causing it ?21:52
reoglhow do I get a program in /usr/local/bin to supercede /usr/bin ?21:58
ckeeneyI think you just make sure /usr/local/bin comes first in $PATH.21:59
reoglckeeney: so, in something like bashrc, this might work? export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin/:$PATH ?22:01
=== uatec is now known as Uatec
inerti4Hi everyone, after I replaced my motherboard, I cannot access Ubuntu but only Windows. I tried several ways to fix Grub but I cannot. Can anybody help me?22:02
reoglckeeney: another question; i3wm is requesting $TERMINAL to be set in order for me to specify my terminal; where would I be able to set such an env variable on login (not on bash start)22:04
ckeeneynot sure, sorry.22:05
Brickerhey, working on another wireless install, and when i try to run this bash script, im getting an odd error. i tried googling and someone said Memory but im not following that train of thought22:05
Bricker-bash: ./install.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: is the error22:05
reoglOK, thanks for the help anyways :) have a nice day22:05
ckeeneyprobably /etc/rc*.d22:05
ckeeneyI'm sshing into a machine (I think debian, but I'm on ubuntu).  It seems to hang, but when I ssh -v, I can see I am actually at the "Do you want to update oh-my-zsh" prompt, and everything is wroking but I just can't see that output without verbose, and I can't give it any input either22:07
Brickerthink i found the issue22:07
Brickerthanks !22:08
=== vortex- is now known as _VXx
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
inerti4I'm trying   grub-install /dev/sda but I get grub-install: error: cannot open directory `/boot/grub/i386-pc': No such file or directory. Any ideas?22:15
blackflowinerti4: well is the file there?22:17
inerti4I don't know how to check, I mount the sda6 which is the ubuntu partition but I don't know what else to do. Thank's for your time.22:18
cafedumonde\join #linuxmce-devel22:19
naccinerti4: in the environment in which you are running grub-install, does that path exist?22:19
naccinerti4: it's nonsensical to say you don't know how to check, as it's just a directory22:20
Lausefuchscafedumonde: /join22:20
Lausefuchscafedumonde: / and not \  :)22:20
inerti4nacc: in the current environment yes exists...22:20
naccinerti4: can you pastebin the output of `mount` and `ls -ahl /boot/grub/i386-pc` ?22:22
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naccinerti4: so that was neither thing i asked for22:25
inerti4and... ls -ahl /boot/grub/i386-pc        ls: cannot access /boot/grub/i386-pc: No such file or directory22:25
naccinerti4: you *just* said that the path exists22:25
naccinerti4: are you g10ms2 from before?22:26
inerti4I can find it through the folders but not from the terminal... Yes... I'm from live disk...22:26
naccinerti4: can you pastebin `ls -ahl /mnt/boot/grub` please22:27
naccinerti4: i'm guessing you need to `chroot /mnt` and then run `grub-install /dev/sda`22:29
inerti4I tried this also! Same error...22:29
naccit shoulnd't be the same error, as if you chroot, /boot/grub/i386-pc exist22:30
naccinerti4: please pastebin the output showing this22:30
codebamI did a dist-update in tmux, lost ssh connection, tmux updated. the client is version 8 and the server is 7. I cant connect22:30
codebamhow do I fix it22:30
codebaminerti4: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB22:32
naccinerti4: that is quite clearly *not* the same error.22:32
naccinerti4: from the chroot, `ls -ahl /usr/lib/grub/` please22:32
naccinerti4: ok, that's what i thought22:35
inerti4What's happening? I'm quite new in Ubuntu and I cannot understand.22:36
naccinerti4: `man grub-install` says you the default target is i386-pc. But you're not running a 32-bit pc. So you need to tell grub what target to use, in your case x86_64-efi. So try, from the chroot: `grub-install --target=x86_64-efi`.22:36
naccinerti4: are you using secure boot?22:36
inerti4no I'm from Legacy mode and Secure boot off...22:37
naccinerti4: ok, then what i said should be fine22:37
squinty!es | leooo22:40
ubottuleooo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:40
naccinerti4: please don't pm22:40
naccinerti4: ok, i think i know why that's happening, probably the efi partition hasn't been mounted22:40
naccinerti4: do you konw which partition on sda is your efi one? (gparted should say)22:40
inerti4nacc: give me a sec22:41
squinty!ops leooo22:41
TheNH813What is wrong with the wallpaper folder on Ubuntu 16.04. Every time you set a previous wallpaper as the wallpaper again in puts ANOTHER copy of it in the Wallpapers folder.22:41
OerHeks!topic | leooo22:41
ubottuleooo: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic22:41
TheNH813And WHY don't they show up in the wallpaper selection dialog when I put them there.22:41
TheNH813Is this a bug?22:42
naccinerti4: once you find it, you'll want to `mount <dev of efi partition, e.g., /dev/sda7> /mnt/boot/efi` then run the `grub-install --target=x86_64-efi` again22:42
TheNH813Can someone explain why it does that or is it a bug?22:43
ReScOHow can i restrict a user to a single executable and no shell access?22:43
inerti4@nacc I can't find the efi partition.... :(22:43
ReScObasically letting them log in to the application via ssh?22:43
OerHeksTheNH813, could well be a bug, do they remain after logout/login?22:43
Keitarothe solution optimus works perfectly ofr there is some issues on ubuntu ?22:43
OerHeksTheNH813, oke22:44
naccinerti4: can you screenshot `gparted /dev/sda` ?22:44
naccinerti4: btw, how did you get into this state?22:44
TheNH813Funny thing is nothing in ~/Wallpapers shows up in the appearance settings, yet it copies them there if you Right click > Set s wallpaper.22:45
TheNH813I could put my wallpapers in /usr/share/backgrounds to get them to show up, and I might just do that.22:45
inerti4Dell  replaced the motherboard from my laptop...22:46
naccinerti4: i see22:46
naccinerti4: ok it's /dev/sda122:48
TheNH813inerti4: The one named ESP is likely it22:48
TheNH813IT's marked as boot.22:48
TheNH813Oh LOL you beat me to it22:48
naccinerti4: 'EFI System Partition'22:48
inerti4Ooooo yep22:48
TheNH813Fixed my missing wallpapers. sudo cp -R ~/Wallpapers /usr/share/backgrounds/ :P22:49
naccinerti4: ok, `mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi` (or if in chroot, `mount /dev/sda1 /boot/efi`) then run `grub-install --target=x86_64-efi` from within the chroot22:49
naccinerti4: `grub-install --target=x86_64-efi /dev/sda`22:49
inerti4You will now believe what's happening...22:50
reisioTheNH813: sounds like a configuration issue22:50
TheNH813Indeed. It dosen't see anything in /~/Wallpapers22:50
inerti4I tried root@ubuntu:/# mount /dev/sda1 /boot/efi     BUUUUUUUUUUT mount: /boot/efi: mount failed: Unknown error -122:51
naccinerti4: ok, try it from the non-chroot'd environment22:53
naccinerti4: so `mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi`22:53
inerti4ok I run it from non-chroot'd environment all good... but when I run the second command "grub-install: error: cannot find a device for /boot/efi (is /dev mounted?)."22:55
naccinerti4: did you run `grub-install` from within the chroot again?22:56
naccinerti4: oh duh, in the chroot, do this: `mount /dev`22:56
OerHeksmaybe boot-repair is any help22:57
naccOerHeks: yeah, that probably would have been simpler :/22:57
OerHeksit will give a fine diagnostic report22:57
inerti4I cannot use boot-repair because my laptop doesn't boot a usb in uefi mode22:57
inerti4I have the diagnostic report...22:57
Keitarofor my optimus on my notebook shoud i take Bumblebee or prime ?22:58
Keitarofor the drivers22:58
inerti4Boot-Repair Report http://paste.ubuntu.com/23095119/22:58
OerHeksKeitaro, ubuntu provides prime, bumblebee is old22:58
Keitarooki thx22:59
OerHeks( i know of the resurrection of bumblebee, but that is not supported)22:59
inerti4nacc: root@ubuntu:/# mount /dev but mount: can't find /dev in /etc/fstab22:59
stan_man_canI keep telling my laucher to only display on my primary monitor, but occasionally it will show up on my seconadry monitor when i hover. also, my cursor sometimes won't let me cross between monitors until i fidget with it. anyone had similar issues?22:59
Keitarowhat is the difference between apt-get install program and apt-get install program* ?23:01
OerHeksstan_man_can, maybe disabling hotcorners in unity-tweaktool does some good23:01
OerHeks* is a wildcard, so all titles that start with software is true23:02
naccinerti4: ok `mount -t devtmpfs none /dev`23:02
OerHekserr  c/software/program23:02
inerti4ok I did it...23:03
PolarcraftSo I am looking to run a mail server that will allow me to put email accounts in with ease of use, even if it is a simple panel to do so. So the question is what type of email server should I run?23:04
energizerI'm doing an rsync --partial and it keeps getting stuck in the middle, so i have to cancel and restart where i left off23:05
naccinerti4: retry the `grub-install`23:05
energizerbut i have to do this a lot of times in a row. is there a way to issue the command every time rsync hangs?23:05
energizerrather, cancel and reissue the command23:05
naccPolarcraft: I would not recommend running your own mail server if you want a 'panel', mail servers are complicated and require some thought23:05
naccPolarcraft: but if you want more directed help, i'd ask in #ubuntu-server23:06
naccinerti4: ok, `mount -t proc none /proc; mount -t sysfs none /sys` then re-run the grub-install23:07
inerti4already mounted!23:08
jastivmy sound doesn't work anymore on ubuntu but it works with a live cd23:09
jastivit stopped working yesterday, and I tried turning pulse and alsa and jack on and off23:09
jastivhelp plz23:09
jastivI tried to get it to work on google hangouts yesterday, it worked in skype, but when I booted up this morning it did nto work.23:10
jastivHelp Help help23:10
OerHeksjastiv, maybe go into sound settings and select the proper audio device?23:11
OerHeksor alsamixer: F6 select soundcard23:11
jastivI tried sound settings, it only has one sound device, my soundcard.23:11
inerti4nacc: Thank's for your time dude, you are my hero 'cause you are keep trying, but I  really don't want to waste your time anymore...23:12
naccinerti4: both were already mounted? in the chroot?23:16
jastivWell I changed the soundcard selection from default but still no sound.23:17
Polarcraftnacc, yeah I want to move away from shared hosting and into my own box so my own mail server would be nice. I don't need a panel per-say just an easy way of adding emails.23:18
leooopene vagina alguien habla espalñol23:20
OerHeksPolarcraft, i agree with nacc, don't run your own email server, but if you really want to, good start https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix23:21
OerHeks!ops | leooo23:21
ubottuleooo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu23:21
naccinerti4: you're running that from within the chroot?23:21
naccinerti4: you don't need sudo if you're root, as well23:21
naccinerti4: in the chroot, can you `ls -ahl /proc/devices` ?23:22
PolarcraftOerHeks, I want to get far away from shared hosting so an email server is where I want to go.23:23
inerti4-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug 27 02:23 /proc/devices23:23
jastivI uninstalled and reinstalled my alsa and pulse and that did not work either.23:24
jastivI wish I knew what I did that messed it up.23:24
naccinerti4: ok, run grub-install from w/in the chroot then23:25
jastivmaybe the google hangouts QArecord or cheese, thats all the recent stuff I installed, what23:25
jastivI already uninstalled QArecord and Chesse, should I uninstall the google plugin, would that fix it.23:25
inerti4Something interesting happened :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/23095493/23:28
naccinerti4: that seems ... better?23:28
inerti4Really better! Did u just fix it??? :O23:29
naccinerti4: ok, one last thing23:29
naccinerti4: go back to the host, and `modprobe efivars`23:29
naccinerti4: then return to chroot and run the `grub-install` one last time23:29
inerti4back to the host?23:29
naccinerti4: back to the non-chroot, sorry23:29
inerti4same results23:31
naccinerti4: lsmod | grep efivars ?23:31
inerti4Same result...23:32
naccinerti4: huh? that's a command to run23:34
naccinerti4: what did it output23:34
naccinerti4: ok, that's probably an issue, let me think23:37
naccinerti4: this is 16.04?23:37
inerti4yeap...but the live cd that I m running is 14.0423:38
OerHeksget the latest then http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso23:39
OerHeksoh wait, http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04.1/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso23:40
inerti4OerHeks: and how is the newest contribution help me to restore grub?23:41
OerHeksas your system seems to be 16.04 with systemD, i would not use 14.0423:41
naccinerti4: can you do this, `efibootmgr` from the chroot, or non-chroot env?23:41
inerti4efibootmgr: EFI variables are not supported on this system.23:42
naccinerti4: ok, and ls -ahl /sys/firmware/efi ?23:42
tgm4883OerHeks: Don't you mean http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04.1/ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso23:42
wiggmpkI would like to resize a window that is intentionally off screen without the screen snapping back to the top menu bar (using gnome-shell) anyone know how to disable this behavior?23:43
tgm4883or are those the same file23:43
inerti4ls: cannot access '/sys/firmware/efi': No such file or directory23:43
OerHekstgm4883, nope, i was surprised too http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04.1/23:43
mattfly_i need some weird help23:44
OerHekstgm4883, oh wait, i need to scroll down .. awesome23:44
naccinerti4: i'm worried you've booted the USB in legacy mode (non-UEFI)23:44
mattfly_i need to make port fowarding in a linux machine to a server using hostapd23:44
tgm4883OerHeks: yea :/23:44
naccinerti4: in which case, i don't think you can successfully tell grub to use efi23:45
mattfly_i mean, port foward hostapd[23:45
inerti4I cannot boot the usb from UEFI23:45
OerHeksshould we notify this?23:45
inerti4if I could I will have used the boot-repair23:45
Keitaroanyone here plz i need some help23:47
Keitaroi did sudo apt-get install nvidia-331 nvidia-prime mesa-utils because my system use optimus23:48
Keitaroand after it say need to give a password and unable secureboot23:48
tgm4883OerHeks: it's probably by design23:49
tgm4883wouldn't hurt to ask though23:49
Keitaroand when i restart and go to the login i wrote my password it give a blackscreen and loopup to the login page23:49
Bashing-omKeitaro: Why the 331 version driver attempt ? ... What card are you working with ?23:50
KeitaroBashing-om, i am on a nvidia GTX 950 M23:52
Keitaroi don't know i see that command on the french ubuntu documentation23:52
Keitarohere https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/prime23:53
naccinerti4: hrm, that's ... a tricky situation23:53
naccinerti4: how did you install via UEFI before?23:53
KeitaroBashing-om, i got infinite loop when i try login ^^23:54
Bashing-omKeitaro: nVidia recmmends the 367 version driver : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/106780/en-us .23:55
inerti4I access the live usb from legacy mode...23:55
Bashing-om!info nvidia-36423:55
ubottuPackage nvidia-364 does not exist in xenial23:55
Bashing-om!info nvidia-36123:56
ubottunvidia-361 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-361): NVIDIA binary driver - version 361.42. In component restricted, is optional. Version 361.42-0ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 37848 kB, installed size 163365 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)23:56
naccinerti4: that's how you installed it before? legacy live usb?23:57
naccinerti4: it's odd because your grub on-disk is only installed in efi mode23:57
naccinerti4: based upon your previous pastes23:57
Bashing-omKeitaro: If ya want to install that recommeded driver. we will have to do so from a PPA .23:58
amnixMy SSD won't boot ubuntu! Please someone help. This is driving me insane...23:58
inerti4Yeap....But the only way to access the usb from boot menu is on legacy mode...23:58
Keitaroah ?23:58
inerti4@amnix welcome to my world...23:59
amnixhow can I check if grub was installed proper for efi boot?23:59
Keitarobecause on the tutorial with optimus it said not install the driver that is no open23:59
inerti4amnix first try boot-repair...23:59
Keitarohttp://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/106780/en-us this driver is for gtx 950 M ? i don't see my card in the list23:59

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