=== beisner- is now known as beisner === cdeyoung_ is now known as cdeyoung === dooferlad_ is now known as dooferlad [08:27] hi everybody [08:28] i have a question: do i need to build juju agent for each platform separately? or i can use the same jujud for ubuntu and centos? [08:29] because i have found a set of agents here - https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/agent/2.0-beta16/ but haven't found any information about it on the github [08:40] Bug #1617526 opened: cmd/juju: no help available for common flags [11:33] getting a 404 on lxc container creation for this: [11:33] 2016-08-27 11:27:30 DEBUG juju.container image.go:89 lxc image for xenial (s390x) is https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/server/releases/xenial/release-20160826/xenial-server-cloudimg-s390x.tar.gz === negronjl_ is now known as negronjl [17:01] Bug #1617602 opened: juju status stucking