
pavlushkaMorning eveyone!03:20
pavlushkaMorning dipraw !04:35
pavlushkaMorning Kilos !07:36
Kiloshi pavlushka and others07:41
Nahiyanpong pavlushka 09:14
pavlushkaconvincing someone for ubuntu atm :)09:15
pavlushkaNahiyan: if you please take a look here https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntubd/permalink/10153873470452217/09:23
Nahiyanpost was removed09:24
pavlushkaNahiyan: ouch, ok then here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards09:29
Nahiyanprob. not free that day09:48
pavlushkaNahiyan: that's fine, just like you to know :)09:57
pavlushkahello AudaciousTUX 09:57
AudaciousTUXhellou pavlushka 09:57
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: try to load this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntubd/permalink/10153873470452217/09:59
AudaciousTUXpost removed10:00
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: the same post was that what I inboxed you in FB10:00
AudaciousTUXrussel vai khai diche monehoy10:01
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: you mean Ekushey | Russel John ?10:01
AudaciousTUXhmm.... onno kono admin er remove korar kotha na10:02
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: ahoneybun wxl Researcher the similar post like this https://www.facebook.com/pavel.sayekat/posts/10210054271930914 has been removed from Ubuntu Bangladesh Facebook Group which was this https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntubd/permalink/10153873470452217/10:04
AudaciousTUXbut i'm not sure.... raihan bro may do that too... this post seems off-topic... seriously.... very few people know you there.... 10:08
ahoneybunremoving a post about appling for membership pavlushka?10:11
Kiloshi zaki 12:28
zakihi Kilos12:28
zakihow are you?12:28
Kilosok ty and you?12:28
zakifine. :) ty12:29
Kilosbusy checking what i missed in packing12:29
zakiis everything oky til now? :D 12:30
zakiwhen is your flight? 12:30
zakiwb AudaciousTUX12:32
zakiwb pavlushka12:46
pavlushkasorry, I was having trouble with display settings12:51
* pavlushka will be back after 10 mins12:51
pavlushkahello zaki 13:12
pavlushkaSo how was the day AudaciousTUX !13:15
pavlushkaahoneybun: and a late answer to your question, yes.13:18
pavlushkawelcome Kilos AudaciousTUX 13:31
pavlushkaand AudaciousTUX_ 13:31
Kilosty pavlushka just testing whether my modified 5amp very old za plug works on international adapter13:32
pavlushkaaha :)13:32
Kiloswhen i am there i must buy a battery for this laptop13:32
Kilostoo expensive here13:33
pavlushkahmm, you should :)13:33
Kilosyes 2 mins battery life sucks, just gives you time to shutdown if you here when it loses power13:33
pavlushkaKilos: yeah, tell me about it.13:35
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX_: how was the day?13:36
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX_: ping13:54
pavlushkawb zaki 18:24
zakihi pavlushka18:28
zakihow are you?18:28
pavlushkazaki: `a little pissed off18:29
zakiwhy? 18:30
pavlushkazaki: because today the similar post like this https://www.facebook.com/pavel.sayekat/posts/10210054271930914 has been removed from Ubuntu Bangladesh Facebook Group which was this https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntubd/permalink/10153873470452217/18:32
pavlushkaand AudaciousTUX says the post seems offtopic and very few there know me.18:33
zakiyou got mail 18:34
zakicheck it18:34
zakihow it can be a offtopic. :318:35
pavlushkazaki: wow, you just subscribed, its good :)18:36
zakinot good.18:37
pavlushkazaki: what?18:37
zakii applied for it long ago18:37
zakialmost forget about it18:38
pavlushkaso the sloth is moving!!!18:38
zakihe he18:38
pavlushkaI think the sloth is moving only because there's a fire in the wood. :)18:40
pavlushkato save itself.18:40
zakihmm thats it i think.18:41
zakipavlushka: is there any place around you, called 10 mile /dosmile18:43
pavlushkazaki: yes18:46
zakiand jabduaripara? or something like it?18:46
pavlushkazaki: can't tell, may be, where, in Panchagarh?18:47
zakiwhere you live? panchagarh sador?18:48
pavlushkamay be, coz I grew up in Dinajpur, in my Grandma's house :)18:48
zakimeet with a guy, from your palce. ha ha. :D 18:49
pavlushkaso does not have that much detailed idea on my home town18:49
* pavlushka listening to "Coming back to life" from "Division Bell", love it.18:55
* pavlushka listening to "Lost for words" another fav18:57
zakiLost For Words is also my fvrt. :) 18:57
zakigood night 20:13
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