
=== jeff_ is now known as Guest27066
blakecan someone help me with sound on my rpi00:58
danny_sound never works01:00
blakeit works with raspian not mate01:01
danny_I'm just dumb and bitter01:02
=== daddy is now known as Guest40333
=== jSum is now known as yanflap
=== Guest83572 is now known as az
yanflapanyone knows how to move backslash "\" to the button next to "z" ? it is currently next to "Enter"06:30
yanflapUS layout06:31
alkisgsudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration, and select the layout that matches your keyboard06:34
yanflapthank you, although it didn't do it :/06:40
alkisgWhich layout did you select?06:40
yanflapEnglish (US)06:41
alkisg$ setxkbmap -queryrules:      evdev06:43
alkisgmodel:      pc10506:43
alkisglayout:     us06:43
alkisgvariant:    olpc206:43
alkisgSorry bad paste: $ setxkbmap -query06:44
alkisgrules:      evdev model:      pc105 layout:     us variant:    olpc206:44
alkisgYou can play with model, layout and variant06:44
alkisgThe dpkg-reconfigure command shows dialogs for all 3 of them06:44
atenHello dear friend07:12
atenAre u here?07:13
binacityhi,i have a question!!07:42
binacitycan i install windows on this software ?07:42
binacityi mean can i use windows on this software?07:43
binacitycan i boot and run windows ?07:43
Blackisleweird pm from ubuntu-mate?10:12
adrianThere seems to be a few problems with the window manager10:43
=== adrian is now known as Guest6280
markus__mal nette grüße in die runde12:22
beynavanyone around?13:10
ouroumovbeynav, hi13:11
beynavhi, I was just looking for some quick answers as to whether something like widgets exist for mate? I found screenlets but apparently that is no longer supported? Is there anything similar that is?13:12
ouroumovEhm, I don't know sorry. Maybe ask the Forums? (Usually response time is quite fast)13:17
ouroumov( And I mean, those forums here: https://ubuntu-mate.community/ )13:18
armando_anyone here?13:35
courdhey, i am new to ubuntu and new to raspberry pi. I just installed ubuntu mate, i resized the file system, started downloading software that i like to use, but i noticed i wasnt gettig any audio over my hdmi port. i imagined that the setting to switch over to hdmi audio output would be in the audio settings since since this is the main way that everyone connects thier raspberry pi, but the setting is nowhere to be found. do you ha14:01
ouroumovhi courd14:04
courdhey, thanks for letting me know you are here :)14:04
ouroumovthe last of your message was cut off courd, also please check the forums ( https://ubuntu-mate.community/ ) - I believe many rpi users have posted about sound issues. (14:05
courdyeah, i googled and read a few things, someone said to try pulseaudio volume control, i ran a few scripts in terminl, but no luck yet. ill keep searching. thanks14:09
alexarnaudHello all :) !15:06
alexarnaudI'm using Mate 1.8 with multiple screens and panels on all the screen.15:08
alexarnaudDo you know why when I unplug a screen all the panels are on the remain screen ?15:08
ouroumovhello alexarnaud15:10
alexarnaudhello ouroumov :)15:10
ouroumovalexarnaud, are you using Ubuntu MATE ?15:11
alexarnaudouroumov: I'm using Debian 8.5 with Mate15:11
alexarnaudouroumov: I'm using it for accessibility reasons (visual-impairment).15:11
ouroumovalexarnaud, in that case, maybe that would be a better question for the #mate channel. Current supported versions of Ubuntu MATE use MATE 1.12.115:12
sixwheeledbeast#mate maybe best for that question15:12
alexarnaudouroumov, sixwheeledbeast: you're right but is the behavior appear on your mate version?15:13
sixwheeledbeastNever tried MATE with multiple screens TBH15:13
ouroumovalexarnaud, I'm unable to check at the moment (I have no dual screen setup here)15:13
sixwheeledbeastI have a large screen and flick between workspaces15:13
alexarnaudouroumov: sixwheeledbeast: thanks you very much for your quicks replies15:22
sixwheeledbeastalexarnaud: np15:23
ouroumovalexarnaud, no problem. Just FYI you might have to wait a while and stay connected to the channel for anyone to answer your query.15:23
=== krzysztof is now known as Guest58138
chebithello, I have problem with installation ubuntu mate. My pc is old And don't haven support for video card16:03
chebitbut, ubuntu 12.04 work fine16:03
chebitwith the process update... sistem crash.. I need Help for know some alternavite16:04
ouroumovhi chebit16:06
ouroumovchebit, can you boot the live USB?16:07
chebitI can,16:09
chebitThe Lubuntu is it more light that Ubuntu Mate ?16:09
chebitdo you know?16:10
nomicuse mate16:22
nomicmate is better supported than lubuntu16:22
rahtgaznomic: sorry, but that is not correct. Lxde has as good a support as MATE16:24
rahtgazchebit: very likely it won't make a difference. Lubuntu will require less RAM on start, but you can customize Ubuntu-MATE down to 300 Mb RAM on start too16:25
ouroumovchebit, what do you mean "the process update" are you doing a clean install from disk or something like an update from 12.04?16:25
rahtgazYour crash on process update needs to be investogated16:25
* rahtgaz agrees with ouroumov. 'Please explain better what is happening, chebit'16:26
Akulihello jack__18:11
jsphillips86The Minecraft installer in the boutique isn't working18:11
Akuliseems like the installer is old18:13
sixwheeledbeastI imagine the minecraft on boutique is old18:20
sixwheeledbeastjsphillips86: the website has been updated and looking at your logs this is why it could have failed18:22
jsphillips86Yeah, that's what I figured.18:23
jsphillips86I'm getting it going manually18:23
sixwheeledbeastjsphillips86:  I installed it manually without a PPA, just doesn't show in applications18:24
Akuliyou can create your own .desktop file to add it there if you want to18:25
sixwheeledbeastYep just make a launcher with   java -jar /home/[user]/[location]/Minecraft.jar18:25
jsphillips86I'm going to make a script in /opt18:26
Akuli/usr/share/applications is full of example .desktop files18:26
Akuliyou can also create one in ~/.local/share/applications18:26
Akuliif you want it user-wide18:26
sixwheeledbeastyou'll also need the latest java 1.8.0 openjre here18:26
jsphillips86I'm using the oracle one since it is recommended18:27
sixwheeledbeastok, works fine on openjre. Had no issues server or client18:28
jsphillips86K. It's setup. Just need to get nvidia card going and/or bumblebee18:29
jsphillips86actually, MC is running 60 fps on the intel card. Might just skip using nvidia18:36
=== eric is now known as Guest90610
Guest90610hey guys im having issues reversing the polarity of my mainframe19:53
Guest90610jk, I can't find playonlinux in the software manager19:53
Guest90610any ideas?19:53
simon_hello,whz wont chromium start up on mz pi_20:30
rahtgaz y key broken?20:35
mate|63527Hi! :). What's on the agenda?20:55
mate|63527Does anyone know when ubuntu-MATE 16.10 is out of Beta?20:56
mate|63527O.K. This isn't working....Bye. :-(20:59
mate|72115hello everybody21:42
mate|72115someone can help me please?21:42
AsrielCompiz isn't appearing in mate tweak after installation. hep?23:10
DarkPsydeLordhi :)23:55

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