
=== JanC is now known as Guest45177
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
mterrydandrader: switching here, where I have a bouncer and don't have to worry about internet shortages.  For the lttng patch...  So tests were deadlocking on arm.  Only tests, we didn't have problems with normal production envs?13:48
dandradermterry, only tests13:49
mterrydandrader: we can't disable lttng during runtime?  (like during tests?)13:51
dandradermterry, lttng deadlocks waiting on some mutex when the binary is linked against libcontent-hub and you have at least one code line refering to it. no calls to any libcontent-hub API has to happen for the lttng deadlock to take place13:51
dandradermterry, I think that would involve rebuilding it all without lttng13:52
mterrydandrader: well one hack would be an LD_PRELOAD library that stubs out the lttng traceback call.  But I'm shocked that there wouldn't be an env flag to control it...  /me looks real quick13:52
mterrydandrader: does it deadlock once you go into the libcontent-hub API?  We could use -finstrument-functions-exclude-function-list to avoid instrumenting those calls...13:56
dandradermterry, it deadlocks right off the bat, on startup13:57
mterryOh I see, you said no calls have to happen13:57
dandradermterry, as I said, not call to any libcontent-hub code happens. only linking against it is needed13:57
dandradermterry, unless libcontent-hub does some sneaky call on startup like initializing some global var or something.... my backtrace diddn't didn't go very deed due to missing symbols. will keep digging....13:58
dandradermterry, but at least this opt-in branch unblocks us. otherwise not build would be possible as tests are run on package building13:59
dandrader*no build13:59
mterrydandrader: there do seem to be a lot of tracing control options via the lttng command, but I think they all assume a running tracing session, rather than modifying tracing ahead of time?14:04
dandradermterry, don't ask me. I've never used that tool :D14:05
mterrydandrader: hmm...  maybe it would work with something like "lttng create testing-session && lttng stop && make check"14:07
dandradermterry, ok. will try14:10
* mterry hopes, but isn't very familiar with lttng either14:10
josharensontsdgeos: you're still seeing autosroller issues?14:40
tsdgeosjosharenson: yeah14:40
josharensontsdgeos: same issue? is it related to the patch I pushed on Friday?14:41
tsdgeosi don't know14:41
tsdgeoslet me record a video14:42
tsdgeosit's hard-ish to explain14:42
josharensontsdgeos: ok14:42
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
josharensontsdgeos: cimi dash meeting?15:05
tsdgeosjosharenson: cimi is on hols, i can join, give me a min15:05
josharensontsdgeos: so if you pull lp:~josharenson/unity8/wide-dash/ (and its in a terrible state atm so ignore almost everything) you'll see that it hangs on line 285 of testDashContent because it can never find the "dashNavigation" object15:18
josharenson 15:18
* tsdgeos checks15:20
tsdgeosjosharenson: ok, it doesn't hang really15:22
tsdgeosit'll just take a long time15:22
josharensontsdgeos: to timeout?15:22
tsdgeosbecause we timeout by faketime15:23
tsdgeoswe don't really count time15:23
tsdgeosjust do something15:23
tsdgeosthen wait 50ms15:23
tsdgeosand said we're at 950ms15:23
tsdgeos+50ms i mean15:23
tsdgeosthing is, findChild also has it's own timeout15:23
josharensontsdgeos: humm perhaps I just haven't had the patience to see the timeout?15:24
tsdgeosso basically you're putting the 5fake-sec timeout of findChild inside the 5fake-sec of tryCompareFunction15:24
tsdgeosand it probably amounts to "a lot"15:24
josharensoni see15:24
tsdgeoslet me make sure though15:24
tsdgeosthough you're right this may be what's causing the timeout15:24
josharensontsdgeos: I hope so..15:24
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
tsdgeosjosharenson: confirmed it does time out at the end15:52
tsdgeos~30 min or so15:52
josharensontsdgeos: goodness...15:52
josharensontsdgeos: ok15:52
sil2100Saviq, dandrader: hey! Could we get https://code.launchpad.net/~vicamo/qtmir/build-qtmir-android-arm64/+merge/303760 released as soon as possible?16:18
Saviqsil2100, I suppose you can just upload that change directly (we do have a qtmir landing for OTA13 under QA now)16:19
sil2100Saviq: ok, if you don't mind me doing that for xenial only then I shall proceed :)16:28
sil2100Saviq: if you could just include this change with the next release (or sync trunk later)16:28
Saviqsil2100, could you wait for https://trello.com/c/x4GiBaXH/3590-1864-ubuntu-landing-067-qtmir-qtubuntu-saviq to go through?16:29
Saviqotherwise we'd need to rebuild16:29
sil2100hm, ok16:29
Saviqit's small and top of QA queue, so hopefully will get through soon16:29
mterrydandrader: so I tried the lttng create / lttng stop thing.  Didn't work16:57
dandradermterry, me too16:57
dandradermterry, got a better stacktrace though16:57
dandradermterry, added to the MP description of the opt-in branch16:58
dandradermterry, lttng is deadlocking on its lib init16:58
mterrydandrader: does content-hub use lttng too?16:58
dandradermterry, no16:58
mterrydandrader: is it just armhf or also arm64?17:05
dandradermterry, I could only reproduce it on arm, but IIRC kenvandine told me that in CI it happened also on other archs17:05
dandradermterry, armhf in my case17:06
mterryI've only tried armhf, but I seem to get deadlocked in QtEventFeederTest17:06
mterryI assume that's the place17:06
mterrydandrader: so it's not like we can just disable armhf/arm64 tests to work around this while still using lttng.  Does lttng get used in production (like, do we ever grab lttng logs from a device during our normal QA)?  i.e. is this MP going to make life harder for us or just for people doing experimental testing?17:10
dandradermterry, It's gonna make life harder for developers wanting to do lttng-based performance measurements17:12
dandraderbeing mr. obvious....17:12
mterrydandrader: yeah but we don't do anything automated with that during our QA or anything do we?17:12
dandradermterry, but I don't know any details on who uses lttng and when....17:12
mterrydandrader: have you asked content-hub people if they have any clue on this?17:13
* mterry is trying to avoid landing this MP :)17:13
dandradermterry, content-hub peaple == kenvandine. no, he doesn't17:13
mterryThe MP's code itself looks fine17:15
dandradermterry, we could wait until greyback returns on wednesday. seems he wrote most of those tracepoints. so he will have definite answers on usage17:18
mterrydandrader: I just approved the branch.  I think we can regress lttng for now without the sky falling down17:20
mterrydandrader: I'm under the impression that the new content-hub stuff was fairly high priority, so I'd rather unblock that17:21
dandradermterry, ok, thanks17:21
mterrydandrader: sorry for being so hesitant with your MP, just seemed like a drastic measure.  But I came around  :)17:22
dandradermterry, from my POV, lttng is just a tool for devels when doing perf measurements. so the developer will now have to build qtmir himself before doing this kind of work17:23
mterrydandrader: yeah more annoying but not debilitating17:23
mterryI just wanted to make sure we weren't relying on the traces for anything besides experimental measurements.  But we probably aren't17:24
dandradermterry, anything stopping you from top-approving what you already approved on review?17:25
mterrydandrader: uh not on the optin-lttng one, just top-approved that17:25
mterrylet me see on the others17:25
mterrySometimes I forget to topapprove17:25
mterrydandrader: there done, thanks17:26
Saviqdandrader, mterry, there's one thing where this might be a problem... the automated KPI measurements17:27
Saviqlike for timing app startup17:27
* Saviq checks with cachio17:28

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