
floridagram<ahoneybun> the heck01:58
floridagram<ahoneybun> now Kodi is muted and I don't know how to undo it01:59
floridagram<ahoneybun> the TV is not muted, the system is not01:59
floridagram<ahoneybun> makes no damn since01:59
floridagram<ahoneybun> *sense01:59
siva_machinahave you tried turning off and back on again?02:56
floridagram<ahoneybun> It went by my phone volume09:48
floridagram<ahoneybun> man this thing keeps chaning IP Addresses10:18
floridagram<KMyers> Check out @JohnLegere's Tweet: https://twitter.com/JohnLegere/status/770233962807513088?s=0912:32
floridagram<KMyers> It looks like T-Mobile did a bit of backpedaling with the T-Mobile One plan12:34
floridagram<RazPi> @KMyers I have to say, I really am impressed how this Sony Z "just works" with adb14:44
floridagram<RazPi> I've had phones just refuse to be recognized by adb, this time I didn't even have a driver installed, and adb sees it.14:45
floridagram<KMyers> @RazPi - It was a Google Play Edition phone, standard adb and fastboot implementation14:45
floridagram<RazPi> Nice :O15:00
floridagram<RazPi> Oh I did fanart for a current favorite webcomic of mine15:00
floridagram<RazPi> https://twitter.com/razwelles/status/77004030473286860815:00
floridagram<RazPi> Check out their comic, I think the artist is in Florida too http://www.mollybeans.com/comic/dr-sofia-elsker/15:01
floridagram<KMyers> So... I was just called a "Hipster", I am not sure if I should be offended or just save the effort and jump into traffic17:36
siva_machinaa hipster because?17:42
floridagram<KMyers> I am not sure17:46
floridagram<RazPi> How are you even a hipster18:57
floridagram<RazPi> You're totally standards compliant. That's like the opposite of hipster.18:57
floridagram<SivaMachina> he runs Linux. He muat be a hipster19:00
floridagram<SivaMachina> must*19:00
maxolasersquadI've found whenever people aren't doing what someone else thinks they should be doing, they just call them a hipster.19:00
maxolasersquadMaybe his tape deck runs Linux.19:01
floridagram<RazPi> @KMyers dang I got a few likes from your retweet xD21:14
floridagram<KMyers> Nice21:15
floridagram<AdamOutler> @jackhidary is now following me. … m.twitter.com/jackhidary/21:16
floridagram<AdamOutler> I don't know why he would follow me though.21:16
floridagram<KMyers> I dont know why this person does not follow me https://twitter.com/AdamOutler21:17
floridagram<RazPi> I wonder if there's a market for linux related one-shot comics. 3 panels and stuff22:02
floridagram<ahoneybun> xfcd22:02
floridagram<RazPi> They're not particularly linux22:03
floridagram<ahoneybun> some are22:03
floridagram<ahoneybun> @KMyers I don't think he has logged into twitter for a whie22:03
floridagram<ahoneybun> Fwd from MariusQuabeck: iOS 10 is great22:08
floridagram<ahoneybun> XD22:08
floridagram<ahoneybun> Mm Type C with QC? Is that still a hack?22:26
floridagram<Abrerr> Any other pulse visualizers for the tty other than cava?22:51
floridagram<Abrerr> term**22:51
floridagram<KMyers> @ahoneybun - QuickCharge over Type C will ALWAYs be a hack22:51
floridagram<ahoneybun> that's what I'm saying22:52
floridagram<ahoneybun> it's stupid to have it with Type C22:52
floridagram<ahoneybun> the new Blu XR has it22:53
floridagram<KMyers> I cannot take Blu seriously until they get on the ball with OTAs22:54
floridagram<ahoneybun> the Blu R1 HD is getting like 3 or 4 reboots a day22:54
floridagram<Abrerr> Because of security updates or new features?22:54
floridagram<ahoneybun> it seems with Calls mostly22:54
floridagram<KMyers> Both22:54
floridagram<Abrerr> oic22:55
floridagram<KMyers> @RazPi - I know, and I was not even wearing Google Glass when I was called a hipster - at least if that were the case, it would have been ok22:56
floridagram<ahoneybun> http://lifehacker.com/some-anker-usb-c-cables-are-getting-recalled-for-a-hard-1785887067?utm_campaign=socialflow_lifehacker_facebook&utm_source=lifehacker_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow22:58
floridagram<ahoneybun> Ubuntu on a Surface22:58
floridagram<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze - look what I found23:07
floridagram<ahoneybun> XD23:07
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> i believe this is what you're looking for, keith23:11
floridagram<KMyers> Well played sir23:11
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> i have my moments23:12
floridagram<SivaMachina> Apperantly Gene Wilder has died.23:29
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> What!?23:30
floridagram<SivaMachina> complication due to Alxheimers Disease23:30
floridagram<SivaMachina> complications*23:31
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> i didn't even realize he had alzhiemers23:32
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> alzheimers23:32
floridagram<Abrerr> shamesauce. It's a Young Frankenstein kinda night.23:32
floridagram<Abrerr> Likewise23:33
floridagram<ahoneybun> Some cable management23:43
floridagram<ahoneybun> What @Ivoriesablaze ?23:46
floridagram<Ivoriesablaze> ?23:50
floridagram<ahoneybun> Nvm23:51

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