
qwebirc58499how to i register and login?04:15
pavlushkaqwebirc58499: about what? 04:16
nlsthznwhat a strange fellow :p04:29
* pavlushka chuckles04:31
paddatrapperMorning nlsthzn, pavlushka04:45
Kilosmorning nlsthzn paddatrapper inetpro and all others06:37
* Kilos packing06:37
paddatrapperKilos: Try not forget anything :)06:44
Kiloshead spinning06:45
Kilos20 hours i think06:45
Kiloshi superfly 06:49
Kiloswbb. chores time06:52
nsnzeromorning all07:46
nsnzerowell i managed to break my system again - 1 fatal click in muon resulted in my entire kubuntu-desktop package being removed 07:48
CraigZcan put it back together again07:50
nsnzeroalready re-installed - like a brand new system and it feels faster - luckily all settings were preserved 08:11
jerithello AudaciousTUX10:16
AudaciousTUXhello jerit 10:17
jeritwas gonna greet Langjan but it seems I was too late :`(10:17
AudaciousTUX:p ... he'll check the log :D10:17
=== dlPhreak_ is now known as dlPhreak
bushtech_is za.archive.ubuntu.com down? Getting a temporary failure10:40
CraigZI go straight in10:41
bushtech_thanks 10:42
bushtech_maybe my sucky connection10:42
Kilossigh, so many emails10:58
jeritKilos don't even get me started on emails11:16
jeritI'm getting 15+ spam mails per day and Vodacom is less than useless11:17
Kiloshaha at least mine arent spam11:22
Kilosbut spam you just delete and dont have to read11:22
Kilosuse sugarplum to fight back at spammers11:23
jeritKilos, sugarplum?12:20
Kiloslook in repos jerit 12:21
Kilosit spams back at spammers12:21
jeritso how do I use this?12:24
jeritits my vodamail account thats getting spammed, is this even going to help in that case?12:24
Kilossee if you can find a write up on it12:27
Kilosgoogle finds lots of info12:28
Kilosim too busy atm to look12:28
superflyKilos: sugarplum is a server tool, it's not going to help you with a gmail or a vodamail address12:29
Kilosaha ty superfly 12:29
jeritalso its apparently quite old circa 200312:30
Kilosi never get spam mails12:30
jeritI dunno where the spammers got my email address but its insane12:30
jeritits a constant blight on my day12:30
KilosMaaz coffee on13:34
* Maaz starts grinding coffee13:34
KilosMaaz seen inetpro 13:34
MaazKilos: inetpro was last seen 6 hours, 29 minutes and 5 seconds ago in private on freenode [2016-08-29 00:05:27 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2016-08-27 00:17:33 PDT13:34
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!13:38
KilosMaaz ty13:38
MaazYou are welcome Kilos13:38
paddatrapperDoes anyone have suggestions for applications that would allow me to record (preferably without a GUI) continuous audio  and break it up into 10 minute segments, or however long I need them to be?15:47
bushtechpaddatrapper: i use audacity for recording old lp's. It can do that sort of thing15:49
paddatrapperbushtech: Looking for something to record 24/7 live stream on a headless server...15:49
paddatrapperAudacity unfortunately won't handle the continuous nature of the stream15:50
SEpticevening boys15:50
bushtechyep. sorry with my data limitation never looked at streaming15:50
paddatrapperNo worries. Looking to move the radio station I work for off a desktop Windows machine for streaming and feed recording15:54
Kiloshi SEptic 15:56
SEptichey Kilos15:56
SEptichow goes everything?15:57
Kilosplease all you guys, keep things running smoothly here while im away15:57
bushtechKilos: moenie ons naam tottie maak daar anderkant nie16:26
bushtechBon Voyage16:27
Kiloshaha bushtech_ wat dink jy van my man17:57
Kilosi gotta pack lappy charger and stuff now. cheers guys , look after yourselves and keep the flag flying17:58
Kilossuperfly everything of the best sir with finding work and with all your goals17:58
Kilosnight everyone, sleep tight and stay well18:03
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos thank you, all the best with your visit! I'll be around :-)19:29
Maazsuperfly: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode19:29
bushtech_gonna be quiet without kilos drinking coffee19:52
paddatrapperWe'll have to write a bot to do it randomly throughout the day! 20:03
paddatrapperMaaz: coffee on 20:03
* Maaz puts the kettle on20:03
MaazCoffee's ready for paddatrapper!20:07
paddatrapperMaaz: thanks 20:07
Maazpaddatrapper: No problem20:07
bushtech_paddatrapper: is a bot?20:08
paddatrapperbushtech_: maybe 20:13
kulelu88almal is wakker vanand21:55

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