[00:26] flocculant, knome, it's ok to leave my name wrong :D [00:26] I can go by S. Davis going forward [00:27] (: [00:28] knome, pleia2, not sure if I should author an article about becoming MOTU through xubuntu when I have been talking about working towards motu for several cycles and not done it yet [00:28] a bit unqualified :D [00:28] bluesabre, well, you'll get to it eventually [00:28] (to write the article that is) [00:28] and i don't really mean even about the mentoring side [00:29] I'm definitely up for mentoring [00:29] i'm talking about communicating that we always have things to upload, and we are usually relatively clear about what we want, so there might be some relatively hanging fruit here [00:31] pleia2, sorry, i took another one of your work items [00:33] ...aaaaand the pad is almost empty, just some knome things left [00:34] bluesabre, see what i did today ;) http://staging.xubuntu.org/news/release/14-04/ [00:34] (note: staging) [00:35] and a glimpse to the admin side: http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/website/release-link-edit.png [00:36] knome, so, expiring release announcements... or? [00:39] :D [00:39] nope [00:40] moving the press stuff under the release pages [00:40] and the download links [00:40] and the screenshots [00:40] currently we have this: http://xubuntu.org/news/release/14-04/ [00:41] so now you can get all information from one page [00:41] and it's automagically collected together [00:41] (and adding press links is so much easier) [01:06] oh, alrighty, neat [01:06] long day [01:06] :) [01:07] mhm [01:07] it's 4am :D [01:07] sleep man [01:07] :D [01:07] nooo [07:04] bluesabre: good - sorry about that :) [10:00] pleia2, heeeey, my latest push is online :D [10:00] pleia2, (o hai 5am!) [10:01] okay, onto migrating content... [10:02] le sigh! [10:41] pleia2, ok, something for you to be aware of: [10:41] pleia2, i'm going to land a change that changes the URLs for the releases [10:41] pleia2, currently: http://xubuntu.org/news/release/16-04/ [10:41] pleia2, will be: http://xubuntu.org/release/16-04/ [10:41] pleia2, (since it's not only news any more) [10:42] pleia2, are you very worried about this or will we just go with it? now it's adding one array inside another, if we want to keep both urls available, it'll be much more work [12:40] pleia2, ok, all content is migrated to new format, i'll tackle the changes needed elsewhere on the site later today [13:36] knome: breaking all our old urls is a bit :( [13:36] but I'm not sure how widely distributed these were [13:37] mostly it was the blog posts people saw and were shared in announcements and things [13:37] I think [13:42] yep [13:42] we could go fix our own links if that helps [13:46] basically i'd like to support .'s in the urls, but that's a bit hacky [13:47] * knome goes file another rt ticket [14:14] pleia2, tip for the UWN (and a shameless plug): http://open.knome.fi/2016/08/29/a-wordpress-theme-for-ubuntu-community-teams/ [15:09] knome: ty [15:19] it'll go in next week [15:27] no worries [17:13] pleia2, wordpress and dokuwiki updates done [17:14] ty [17:15] np [20:22] Can one of the guys with the relevant powers please sync xfce4-weather-plugin, small fix to the api url just got put into debian [20:38] bluesabre, What's the issue with the clutter camera affecting mugshot in xenial? Is the fix needed in debian or yakkety? [20:44] Recent GTK3 uploads to Debian: libxfce4ui (4.13.0-1, no glade), xfce4-power-manager (1.6.0-1), xfce4-terminal (0.6.90-1) [20:44] Noskcaj: LP hasn't picked it up yet. [20:47] Unit193, oh ok, it's coming up on requestsync just without a changelog [20:47] Thus not getting picked up yet, yep. [22:26] knome: ok, how do I do this thing [22:26] go to admin, then release links and "add new" [22:26] ty [22:26] in the first box, just leave the press selection there [22:26] in the second box, you enter the link title and url [22:26] hey, what happened to our pad D: [22:27] and in the first one, you enter the author site, then author editor and author url (you can leave editor empty) [22:27] haha [22:27] i did everything that was in there [22:27] I put all the links in there! [22:27] and moved the rest to the blueprints [22:27] you did? [22:27] well you can still get to the history [22:27] yeah [22:27] sorry, i didn't notice i wiped that stuff [22:27] I guess I didn't [22:27] * pleia2 greplogs [22:28] yeah [22:28] i remember you pasted them in the PM i guess [22:28] or sth [22:28] or channel? [22:28] would have helped me to have them struck out rather than deleted though, I wanted to look at the pad again ;) [22:28] well.. you still can get the history :D [22:28] time slider is annoying [22:28] yeah [22:28] haha [22:28] pleia2 hates deleting things, it's knome's hobby... [22:29] i moved the done action items that were important enough to the blueprints as well [22:30] pleia2, http://pad.ubuntu.com/ep/pad/view/xubuntu-marketing-august-2016/rev.1253 [22:30] pleia2, i started deleting stuff after that [22:30] * pleia2 nods [22:30] pads are transient anyway [22:34] yay, very pretty :) http://xubuntu.org/news/release/16-04/ [22:35] indeed [22:35] on the last update i'm also ordering by link title [22:36] I still like our big /press page [22:36] the archive is pretty meh [22:36] er, press/archive [22:36] no, it's great [22:36] haha [22:36] well [22:36] just wait [22:36] a whole history of awesome! [22:36] at some point in the near future i'll do something for that [22:36] * pleia2 nods [22:37] i don't know exactly what yet [22:37] I can to the copy/pasta to put them all in our new system if that's the way we go [22:37] nope [22:37] s/to/do [22:37] i did that already [22:37] k [22:37] so if we want the press archive still [22:37] we do [22:37] i'll just create a shortcode that prints everything [22:37] or sth [22:37] ok [22:37] basically i'd like a "start page" for releases [22:38] that would serve as some kind of history page as well [22:38] maybe something like that would work for you? [22:38] or do you want a plain list of all the links? [22:39] I like what we have now [22:39] i know you hate deleting and change too ;) [22:39] lol [22:39] <3 [22:40] I find great value in the historical niceness of having an archive page [22:40] wouldn't want to click through all the releases to see them all [22:40] mmh. [22:40] maybe. [22:40] make it so! [22:40] :D [22:40] hehe [22:40] later [22:40] k [22:40] i mean, it's not a big task [22:41] how do we want to handle the main press page? [22:41] I think it's fine [22:41] nooo :D [22:41] except actually list those 16.04 ones ;) [22:41] i mean, we *really* don't want to duplicate the effort [22:42] so make the shortcode accept a parameter to get stuff from one release only [22:42] it still pulls the links from the same place, right? [22:42] not right now [22:42] so make 16.04 links show up on /press and the release page [22:42] the release pages are the only automatic ones now [22:42] yeah, right now it's still manual [22:42] do we want to auto-guess the latest release? [22:43] well, we have to update the /press page anyway to say that it's the whatever release [22:43] so a bit to flip when we do that? [22:43] well, when we auto-guess the latest release, we can get all information related to that release [22:43] including the name [22:43] ah [22:43] suppose we could guess, the data exists [22:43] yep [22:44] go numbers, and sequential time [22:44] well, [22:44] there's one problem [22:44] well not really [22:44] we likely want to switch to the latest release only after its releaes [22:44] yeah [22:44] so when we register the release, we need to make sure we add the release date there [22:44] * pleia2 nods [22:44] another thing we aren't tracking technically yet is the LTS status [22:44] right [22:44] so maybe a simple checkbox [22:48] one minor thing i was considering is to move the codename with the release/eol dates [22:49] with this amount of content, it starts to be a bit overwhelming [22:52] you're the expert :) [22:52] haha [22:52] :) [22:52] i play one by my trade [23:21] evening all [23:21] hello simon [23:21] i mean sean [23:22] Noskcaj, the issue affecting xenial is that the clutter API I used was completed deprecated between clutter releases... and from what I understand, clutter itself is also due to be completed deprecated in the future [23:22] knome, :P [23:22] (: