
=== ochosi_ is now known as ochosi
ozmageubuntu 16.10 is using systemd only ? now ?08:48
ozmagei can download the daily build and expect a systemd only init ?08:49
ozmagezero sysv ?08:49
ozmageim downloading now08:50
ikoniasystemd has replaced sysv init and upstart a few releases ago09:55
ikoniathe future is systemd, so you need to accept it09:55
Testing14565Hello! Can I ask when is 16.10 going to use the 4.6 kernel? :)11:19
jamie_1hey i am currently running on ubuntu 16.10 and i am having an issue with a package conflict between libproxy1 and libproxy1v5 any solutions for this? i have to have libproxy113:22
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