
minasotaGMX will change ownership after August 31 to 1 & 1 Mail & Media Gmbh.09:46
minasotaRead the new privacy policy... "GMX may provide certain information in aggregate form collected from and relating to you to third persons such as advertisers."09:47
minasotaIf you don't agree to the new terms your account is deleted23:02
Unit193Different subsection of 1&1?  Don't most mail groups do that now? :/23:03
minasotaI guess, Tutanota, ProtonMail, RiseUp.net, CounterMail don't, as far as I know23:08
cyberangerI like ProtonMail and RiseUp (did like GMX, not sure now) but in the end, I'm just working on shifting to doing it in house.23:58

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