
theblazehenpaddatrapper got it sorted?06:18
theblazehenhi all06:19
theblazehenYou want to have an internet stream server from audio input, as well as recording?06:20
theblazehenhi thatgraemeguy06:39
paddatrappertheblazehen: the streaming is optional, but recording is needed. Looks like I'm going to just roll a python script 07:29
theblazehenpaddatrapper How about icecast for streaming, and then streamripper (107:32
paddatrappertheblazehen: I'd need to stream to an Icecast server. The use case is a radio station - we need to send a stream of our outgoing feed to our internet streaming provider and keep a recording of the same feed for ICASA. Can Icecast do a relay? 07:49
theblazehenpaddatrapper Looks like you can use http://www.darkice.org/07:51
theblazehen"archive the encoded audio in files" nice07:51
paddatrappertheblazehen: thanks. I'll take a look. Google was failing me because I couldn't phrase what I was looking for properly 07:55
theblazehenpaddatrapper Yeah, I know how that feels.. Sometimes I even just ask people what search terms I should use so they don't think that I'm unable to use the googles. Mostly in the os dev space / kernel space stuff07:57
theblazehenWish there was a list of "Heres a bunch of keyworks you can google" listed on some websites07:57
theblazehenspend 80% of the time finding the keywords to google, 20% finding what you need and fixing the thing07:57
paddatrapperExactly. Usually I can find what I need fairly easily, but this was drawing blank lol07:59
theblazehenpaddatrapper if you have the hardware, run a private http://yacy.net/en/index.html instance, and have greasemonkey add all the pages you visit to the crawler with a depth of 2 or 3. Lets you see what pages link to a specifc page.. Can help possibly find related data08:02
paddatrappertheblazehen: I'll definitely check it out. Looks interesting! 08:03
theblazehenpaddatrapper https://linx.home.theblazehen.com/jy8kjpnu.js08:22
theblazehenNeed to stay on page for at least 60s before it starts indexing08:22
paddatrappertheblazehen: That shouldn't be an issue. Takes longer than that to read a page anyway08:25
theblazehenpaddatrapper I'm mentioning it as a feature :)08:25
theblazehenIf you see it's a useless page you'd close it in 60s and it won't be crawled08:25
theblazehenOtherwise I once had 1000+ crwals running before08:26
paddatrapperAh I see. Alright I'm off. Thanks for the help08:29
pavlushkaahoy ZA!08:59
theblazehenhey pavlushka09:03
pavlushkaHeya thatgraemeguy :)09:04
pavlushkaHeya theblazehen  :)09:04
* pavlushka oops09:04
thatgraemeguyg'day :)09:04
theblazehenHeh. Not just me that tab completes wrong09:04
pavlushkaHow are you thatgraemeguy :)09:05
pavlushkatheblazehen: ha ha, yes, but really very happy to see your ping.09:05
magespawngood morning09:39
pavlushkamorning magespawn !09:58
=== jerit_ is now known as jerit
jeritYou guys seen this mess at pretoria high school for girls? I think these girls need to do less drugs12:12
theblazehenjerit What's that?12:13
jeritsomehow these girls think that the school requires them to wear their hair straight, speak only afrikaans/english and not stand around in groups12:14
jeritalso apparently its claimed that the school discriminates against black and muslim students... somehow12:15
theblazehenOh, suuure.. Now, let bring up the topic of needing to wear school uniforms, needing to shave, and all the other rules schools make about appearance. How about, instead of assuming maliciousness, they rather just assume it's just another stupid school rule?12:17
jeritbecause entitlement attitude12:18
MaNII find there is usually some truth to both sides12:19
MaNIas for school uniform/hair etc. rules, they have always been daft - if the racism card brings some progress there then so be it, it's certainly been used for far worse causes in the past12:20
jeritgiven the school's code of conduct, I'm inclined to believe the truth is that one or more of the school's faculty has a problem with black people and so takes it out on the black students telling them to straighten their hair and speak a "proper" language and is suspicious of them - hence the standing around in groups12:21
jeritin that case, its clear the students don't know the school rules or that they should lay a complaint against the offending faculty member with the headmistress12:22
jeritsomebody tweeted me that they want to interview me for my views on the Pretoria Girls high school situation13:41
jeritdude called Andrew Levy13:41
jeritin relation to cliff central apparently13:42
andrewlsdwow, when did CLi whois start working for .co.za domains?14:28
* andrewlsd looks over at jerit logan.....14:28
jeritnot a fuck you're the guy from Cliff Central14:30
magespawnandrewlsd: always as far as i know14:34
andrewlsdnah. not me14:34
andrewlsdI promise14:34
jeritso how'd you know my name?14:34
jeritoh right14:35
andrewlsddidn't know it was your name, thought it was just a company name14:36
andrewlsdsounds like a legal firm14:36
jerityeah I suck at naming things14:36
* andrewlsd thinks that is actually a good name.14:37
andrewlsdjust get a wordpress legal theme.14:37
andrewlsd... and you'll be ready to start charging people for every little thing14:37
andrewlsdjerit: I hope you've got your hard-hat on for tomorrow. 14:42
jeritjust need some valium for the nerves is all :P14:43
andrewlsdjerit: you tried .Net-core on Ubuntu yet?14:46
jeritnot yet14:46
jerittoo busy doing the boring old stuff for clients to get my teeth into anything else14:46
andrewlsd... I'm signed up for MS SQL server on Linux. Looking forward to taking that for a drivve.14:46
andrewlsd(just "because")14:46
jeritwonder if mono would allow me to serve asp.net pages on Linux14:47
jeritmight be able to set up extremely low cost hosting that way since my php knowledge is comical at best14:47
andrewlsdthe dev pro's here would probably recommend python over PHP.14:47
andrewlsdit supports ASP.NET but not ASP14:48
jeritI'll be damned14:49
jeritthat's pretty sweet14:49
* andrewlsd has no idea what any of that stuff is.14:49
andrewlsd... or at least how to set it up.14:49
* andrewlsd goes to google "set up mono on ubuntu"14:50
andrewlsdthat looks interesting ^14:50
andrewlsd"In this guide, we will cover setting up a production-ready ASP.NET environment on an Ubuntu 14.04 Server"14:50
jeritoh nice :)14:50
* andrewlsd disappears again for a day or two15:00
jeritlol cya andrewlsd thanks for the links btw15:09
magespawnchat later home time for me16:19
superflyMaaz: tell kulelu88 https://blog.codinghorror.com/new-programming-jargon/17:45
Maazsuperfly: Sure, I'll tell kulelu88 on freenode17:45
superflypaddatrapper: ^^17:45
pavlushkaMaaz: seen Kilos17:46
Maazpavlushka: Kilos was last seen 23 hours, 43 minutes and 27 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-08-29 11:03:05 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2016-08-29 11:03:17 PDT17:46
superflyhe should be on a plane by now17:47
superflyhi nlsthzn19:53
nlsthznmr superfly, good late evening :)19:55
superflynlsthzn: how goes?19:56
nlsthznslowly but surely, and your arrangements? all systems goo?19:59
nlsthzn(not sure why this PC is prone to double and triple letters)19:59
paddatrappersuperfly: Thanks for the link. I enjoyed it :)20:04
superflynlsthzn: getting there20:05
superflynlsthzn: spent the day at home affairs, hopfully the last time I need to go there for a while (other than to collect)20:06
nlsthznI also have one (possible two) days of paperwork to sort the daughters VISA again (it expired while she was in SA on holiday)... pita20:07
superflypaddatrapper: you're welcome :-)20:07
nlsthznespecially as I have too drive 300km to do half of it20:07
nlsthznbut glad you are getting sorted :)20:08
superflynlsthzn: next step is to get my US visa20:08
superflyit's mostly just filing paperwork, it technically should be approved without a hitch20:08
superflybut the rest of the family leaves in October, and I have to wait for my visa interview, which will likely only be in December20:08
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos you'd better tell us when you've arrived, and tell us how things are going.21:21
Maazsuperfly: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode21:21
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos and you need to post lots of pictures while you're over on that side with lots of internet21:21
Maazsuperfly: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode21:21

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