
bluesabreflocculant, the preferred applications alignment was in fact my fault, https://git.xfce.org/xfce/exo/commit/?id=63a9f5d5fa16c598d888ee017714dd0b8548bab6 :D01:15
flocculantbluesabre: :)06:32
=== ochosi_ is now known as ochosi
knomewho's reading my mind? it's happened twice to me in a row that i procrastinate with the mailing list moderation queue's, and then finally decided to clean them up... and when i open up the admin interface, it's cleaned!09:37
akxwi-davewell it  was't me...  :-)10:15
ochosihey everyone!11:17
ochosiflocculant: thanks for setting up the poll and everything11:17
ochosidoes it automatically end once everyone has voted or do you have to manually close it?11:18
flocculantochosi: it's manual 11:40
flocculantochosi: also - you going to be about to announce? 11:41
ochosii'm around at least once a day this week, but then afk fri and sat11:41
ochosion sunday i should be back11:41
ochosiso depending on when the poll ends...11:41
bluesabreoh goodie11:41
flocculantochosi: currently waiting on 1 result to land then it can be closed 11:42
bluesabreochosi, going to drop you a bunch of greybird tweak requests11:42
flocculanthi bye bluesabre :)11:42
ochosibluesabre: sure thing, send it anytime11:43
bluesabreone thing, so much padding11:46
ochosiwell that's mostly inherited by adwaita11:46
bluesabrecurrently using numix/zukitre to building layouts so I have an idea of how things look :)11:46
ochosibut i was hoping to get the list in a more detailed and well-formatted way :)11:46
ochosilike: which widgets have too much padding11:46
bluesabreI'll make a bunch of bug reports11:46
bluesabreflocculant also has a few already11:47
ochosiyou can also send me a list if it's just tweaks11:47
bluesabrebbl for real this time11:47
ochosiit's not *that* much more padding though11:48
ochosiat max it's 2px on each side11:48
ochosimostly i've taken the values from the "old" gtk3 greybird11:48
ochosiflocculant: alright then, just let me know when you're ready!11:48
flocculantochosi: do you need a bug report on the thicker blue lines in the new greybird? 11:49
bluesabreochosi, mugshot is a good example11:49
bluesabremaybe there was always that much vertical padding11:49
flocculantochosi: if we manage to be able to finish early (before friday) I'll let you know - and if it's you not voted yet - you have control of it :p11:50
ochosiit doesn't seem that bad here (see pm)11:50
ochosiflocculant: i already voted :>11:50
flocculantthat's 2 I know it isn't then :D11:50
ochosiand regarding the input boxes tell bluesabre to include it or file an issue on github ;)11:50
flocculantbluesabre: include it ...11:51
flocculantochosi: here https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/issues ?11:51
ochosiyup, that's the right place11:52
flocculantk - I'll do that then 11:52
ochosithanks a bunch!11:53
flocculantochosi: btw not all input boxes are affected - seems to be only those for password11:56
ochosiright, i'll check, but be sure to include that in the repoprt11:57
flocculantyea ofc11:59
flocculantochosi bluesabre - all done reporting that on github12:11
flocculantI assume we don't need a launchpad one12:11
ochosinope, github is totally fine for that12:24
flocculantk cool - works for me \o/12:25
flocculantochosi: suspect it's going to be the mia slicky not voting12:47
ochosifeel free to poke him12:47
ochosijust to be sure12:47
ochosiif not we will have to wait12:47
flocculantwell he's got the mail same as eveeryone12:47
flocculantand why do we have to wait - what if he's not back for 2 months?12:48
flocculantdon't mind waiting a few days obviously12:48
flocculantslickyma1ter: ping12:48
flocculanthe's obviously not been around on irc for some time - still got the odd nick :)12:48
ochosiflocculant: well there's a deadline anyway (sept 4, 18 utc) so thats ok12:57
flocculantoic 12:57
flocculantyea :)12:57
flocculantthat said I don't think it'd be too much of a problem to postpone for a couple of days12:58
ochosibut as you said, he's been MIA for a while12:58
flocculanton the other hand - it might not actually be him who's not done it :)12:58
flocculantanyway - bbl12:59
ochosii thought you knew 13:02
flocculantochosi: nah - I just know how many votes sent and how many used up 13:45
flocculantochosi: we have 11/11 votes now - I can stop poll if you want - then you can announce it this week - let me know what you want to do14:53
knometheoretically, can people change their votes=14:54
flocculantknome: nope14:54
flocculantonce voted is done you can't use the only url you get again14:54
knomeok, then no reason not to end the vote14:54
akxwi-daveI agree  14:55
akxwi-davefor what its worth..  :-)14:55
flocculanthi akxwi-dave :)14:55
akxwi-daveHi flocculant 14:56
flocculantakxwi-dave: you have same rights in team as anyone else :)14:56
knomesame as with email voting... deadline can be something, but if everybody has voted before that, the result is clear already14:57
knomeeven more if people can't even change votes (with email voting they kind of can..)14:57
akxwi-daveI managed to save the laptop...   14:57
knomefrom what?14:57
flocculantknome: indeed :)14:57
akxwi-daveexploding.. :-)14:57
flocculantI'll let ochosi get back to me - I'm not going to announce result unless he asks me to14:58
flocculantakxwi-dave: always good that14:58
flocculantand I don't want to stop it now and know the result ages before anyone else does :)14:58
akxwi-davethe burning smell that night was the gpu fan burning out.. so replaced the fan.. 14:59
flocculantakxwi-dave: lucky :D14:59
akxwi-davetell me..   :-)14:59
flocculantDave - that was lucky :p14:59
Unit193knome: ...Sounds like me. :318:32
knomeUnit193, which one?)18:40
Unit193ML queue.18:40
AndroUserHi,I'm new here. I would like to contribute. So, Could someone help me to get started?19:35
knomeAndroUser, hello20:08
knomeAndroUser, what are you interested in?20:08
knomeand welcome20:08
AndroUserI'm good in C programming.So I' looking forward to start working on easy tasks20:13
Unit193I guess that strikes "fix thunar" from the list. >_>20:14
knomemost of the code that is xubuntu-specific comes from xfce, so if there is anything you can do to help them... 20:14
knomethat can involve fixing bugs and/or converting stuff to gtk3 and more20:14
knomepoke ochosi and bluesabre 20:15
AndroUserCould you suggest me some easy fixing bug tasks to start with?20:16
nairwolfMaybe that would not be bad to show him this link : http://dev.xubuntu.org/20:18
nairwolfAnd AndroUser, if you fix the thunar bug, everybody will be really grateful ;)20:19
knomenairwolf, yeah, and it's obviously the easiest bug there is as nobody has been able to figure out why it's happening.20:19
knomeAndroUser, wait for ochosi and/or bluesabre to pop up, they can likely point you to some good starting points20:20
knomeAndroUser, they, and a few more of us, also hang out on #xfce-dev, which is the main development channel for xfce20:20
nairwolfknome: that was a joke. I hope AndroUser caught it20:21
Unit193By fixing bugs in Xfce, you are actually still helping out Xubuntu too.20:21
knomeyes, very much so what Unit193 said20:21
nairwolfAndroUser: Have you seen this link ? That could help you : http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/20:21
knomenairwolf, it's hard to interpret tones right on IRC20:21
nairwolfthat's why I added ";)" at the end. 20:22
knomeeven so20:22
knomeAndroUser, this is repeated a lot, but it's good advice: if there is some specific bug that really annoys you, fixing that is a good start20:23
AndroUserThank you20:23
Unit193FWIW, it will likely take a couple hours for either of them to show up.  It's not that they're ignoring you. :)20:24
knomeindeed. it might also be a couple of days in the worst case scenario20:24
=== AndroUser is now known as fg01
nairwolfsorry knome, I'm not native english speaker, sometimes I'm saying things unclear, or sometimes I can be silly or ambigious. I'm really sorry, but I try to pay attention and to improve20:47
knomedon't worry too much.20:50
Unit193nairwolf: Yeeeah, krytarik and I are Captain Vague, so pretty sure you'll be fine.20:52
nairwolfokay, thank you ;)20:52
flocculantUnit193: Captain? Don't you mean 2 man behind the lines infiltration team :p20:57
Unit193flocculant: Why you no tell results?! :P21:01
ochosihey flocculant 21:01
ochosiand hi everyone else :)21:02
knomehey ochosi 21:02
knomeUnit193, he's no william tell21:02
ochosiflocculant: if we have the results and everyone has voted, i'm fine with announcing the result anytime21:03
Unit193ochosi: You missed fg01. :(21:03
ochosiyeah, just saw that in the backlog21:03
Unit193Incoming xfconf and xfdesktop to Debian, btw.21:03
ochosifrom the private branch?21:04
ochosiotherwise there have only been translation updates to that since 4.12.0 afaik21:05
nairwolfthe result, the result ! 21:06
Unit193Nah just boring stuff.21:06
nairwolfI'm exciting to see for who you have voted, guys21:06
ochosinairwolf: obviously you'll have to wait patiently :)21:11
nairwolfochosi: yeah, I will wait patiently21:14
Unit193ochosi: He wants to see who voted for what! :D21:16
knomei waited for the council21:17
knomewhat did others vote for?21:17
knomechef for the next community meeting?21:17
ochosiguess we'll know the results on a different day21:41
ochosinight everyone21:41
knomehehe, nighty ochosi 21:42
Unit193https://packages.qa.debian.org/x/xfconf/news/20160830T223852Z.html - https://packages.qa.debian.org/x/xfdesktop4/news/20160830T223858Z.html22:44
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
bluesabreAndroUser/fg01, please see https://wiki.xfce.org/contribute/easybugs?s[]=bugs for Xfce's "easy bugs"23:57
knometoo bad they are gone :P23:58
bluesabreshould they return, quote me :D23:58
knomewill do23:58
bluesabre(definitely intentional)23:59
knomei'm breaking my website.23:59

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