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sector13 | hi | 07:25 |
sector13 | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 07:26 |
Smurphy | ooooooooooooooo | 07:41 |
acheronuk | uuuuuuuuuuum | 07:42 |
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ottoshmidt | eeeeeeeeeeee | 08:55 |
Abe_ | is plasma 5 stable yet? | 11:16 |
* nlsthzn is using kubuntu 16.04 with backports and I have found it very stable | 11:18 | |
nlsthzn | ymmv | 11:18 |
Abe_ | last time i tried not even the screen locker worked and i'm too lazy to fix every little thing. i need it stable like kde 4 is now | 11:26 |
hateball | Then you will probably want to wait | 11:26 |
barq | I get wrong cursor positions with 16.04.1, something similar to this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/1306550 | 11:29 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1311323 in compiz (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1306550 disabling "Show live previews of windows in switcher" leads to wrong mouse position while enabling it breaks "Show Desktop" hot corner" [Critical,Triaged] | 11:29 |
barq | Are there any known workarounds? | 11:29 |
Abe_ | okay.. i do want 5 though. but i don't want to trade a stable 4 with a not yet ready plasma 5 | 11:30 |
exanime | good morning everyone | 11:31 |
Abe_ | good morning exanime | 11:32 |
soee | Abe_: wait for Plasma 5.8 | 11:33 |
soee | it will ba bets release so far | 11:33 |
soee | *best | 11:33 |
nlsthzn | I had niggles in plasma 4 up to the very end... it happens | 11:33 |
nlsthzn | 5.6.5 has been very good so far | 11:34 |
barq | Except for the mouse pointer problem | 11:34 |
barq | I didn't get any crashes either though since using the backports. | 11:34 |
barq | Or could it be a virtualbox bug? | 11:36 |
nlsthzn | but that bug says compiz? | 11:36 |
barq | compiz? | 11:36 |
nlsthzn | Launchpad bug 1311323 in compiz (Ubuntu) | 11:37 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1311323 in compiz (Ubuntu) "disabling "Show live previews of windows in switcher" leads to wrong mouse position while enabling it breaks "Show Desktop" hot corner" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1311323 | 11:37 |
nlsthzn | ah similar to that bug, not that bug | 11:37 |
nlsthzn | while on the subject - https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/QxszHmAg9Yh7CLcrh12oYAjFfLhp5ZdTOk31-lAjXX5u9Rt_T9DseHxFtIuDAemv6_Nq3WcEAw=w1920-h1080-no | 11:38 |
barq | Looks like it is this bug https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/15324?cversion=1&cnum_hist=2 | 11:39 |
Abe_ | barq: there isn't a useful advice in the coment section. sometimes i find good solutions in those comments below. but yeah u said kde not ubuntu compiz | 11:39 |
barq | Abe_: Which link are you referring to? The VirtualBox? | 11:41 |
Abe_ | no the other one | 11:41 |
Abe_ | where did #chat go actually? get connected to ##namespace somehow... it doesn't exist anymore? | 11:52 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:59 |
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daniel | Hallo | 13:45 |
maximus | #stratos-platform | 13:46 |
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IrcsomeBot | rikmills was added by: rikmills | 15:12 |
IrcsomeBot | <Sick_Rimmit> Hi RIk welcome | 15:12 |
IrcsomeBot | <rikmills> Hi :) | 15:13 |
* genii slides a large vat of coffee into IrcsomeBot | 15:20 | |
acheronuk | god, telegram seems more hassle than it's worth! | 15:21 |
IrcsomeBot | <rikmills> Mmm coffee | 15:22 |
IrcsomeBot | <Sick_Rimmit> Depends on whether you move between devices alot. I do that alot throughout the day, and so without Telegram I would not really be invovled in the community | 15:23 |
clivejo | Rick, Maros was looking for you | 15:23 |
clivejo | mariogrip | 15:24 |
IrcsomeBot | <rikmills> I'll get used to it. | 15:24 |
IrcsomeBot | <Sick_Rimmit> Ooo OK clivejo I will give him a nudge thanks | 15:30 |
* BluesKaj uses andchat on the android phone , works well, and an underscore added to my nick on the laptop, so moving between devices is simple here | 15:31 | |
IrcsomeBot | Voitena was removed by: Voitena | 15:33 |
acheronuk | I *try* to keep off tablet/phone when not really necessary, as know I would get little done if I didn't! | 15:33 |
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federico | hi | 16:15 |
rage96 | hi | 16:23 |
IrcsomeBot | Alemiisa was added by: Alemiisa | 16:36 |
nlsthzn | whats up with the adding and removing by the bot?! | 16:38 |
acheronuk | nlsthzn: people joining/leaving the telegram group the bot works as a bridge to | 16:39 |
nlsthzn | ah, so some irc/telegram action going on :p | 16:40 |
nlsthzn | thanks for the explanation acheronuk | 16:40 |
IrcsomeBot | <rikmills> Yes :p | 16:40 |
acheronuk | ^^^^ me :) | 16:41 |
nlsthzn | ah ok, so you are on IRC via the bot when using telegram kind of thing!? Weird | 17:03 |
veqz | on Kubuntu 16.04 I seem to still have KRDC 4.14.16... Is there any way to get a newer version? | 17:17 |
Bsquabs | hhmm | 17:25 |
nlsthzn | man sucks when you see a cool game and then you can't get it to run for no apparent good reason ;/ | 17:29 |
nlsthzn | also wonder why I get the message - | 17:31 |
nlsthzn | displaymanager : xrandr version warning. 1.4 | 17:31 |
nlsthzn | client has 4 screens | 17:31 |
nlsthzn | I only have 1 screen? | 17:31 |
glowing_apple | Hi, I set up kubuntu on a new computer. With an attached display kde works well. But when I run a vnc4server session all I get is the KDE cursor and a flat grey background. No taskbar at all. | 18:36 |
glowing_apple | I made sure that my xstartup file has a line that reads "startkde &". Removing that line gives me the same screen but with an X for a cursor rather than the styled KDE cursor, so I believe KDE is starting, but just doesn't finish loading everything. | 18:47 |
ahoneybun | Kubuntu Members: Remember to vote on the next KC members, if your a member you should have gotten an email to vote. Deadline is Sept 12th! | 18:55 |
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user|53102 | does the intuos draw work correctly on kubuntu | 23:50 |
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