
sergiusensnessita darn, I went into fixing our python3 plugin and was trying with ill results until I noticed this was python2 :-P00:00
mupPR snapcraft#771 opened: Python plugin improvements <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/771>03:14
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tasdomasis there an interface that rants an application permissions to read files in /etc (hosts, resolv.conf)?05:06
pbekkyrofa: strange, when I call `qownnotes` directly in the desktop file I get a: `404 Client Error: Not Found`05:12
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pbekkyrofa: using `desktop-launch $SNAP/usr/bin/QOwnNotes --snap` didn't work neither, but it now seems `qownnotes` worked 3 out of 4 times. I only got the error  `404 Client Error: Not Found` once, so I will stick with that. Thanks a lot!05:45
mupPR snapd#1798 closed: firstboot: change location of netplan config <Created by mwhudson> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1798>05:58
mupPR snapd#1796 closed: interfaces: add screen-inhibit-control interface (LP: #1604880) <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1796>05:59
mupPR snapd#1795 closed: camera interface improvements <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1795>06:00
mupPR snapd#1792 closed: asserts: introduce device-session-request <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1792>06:03
mupPR snapd#1800 opened: tests: fix firstboot-assertions to actually work on clasic again <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1800>06:08
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dholbachhey hey06:35
mupPR snapd#1800 closed: tests: fix firstboot-assertions to actually be runnable on classic again <Created by mvo5> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1800>07:04
mupPR snapd#1801 opened: snap: make snap download also download the assertions for the snap <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1801>07:21
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mwhudsonmvo: thanks for merging that07:44
tasdomasis there a way to let a snappy application access system files (e.g. /etc/hosts)?07:56
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mvomwhudson: yw08:14
mvomwhudson: thanks for working on it in the first place :)08:14
zygatsimonq2: yes, using interfaces08:25
zygatsimonq2: that file should be in the default permission set08:26
* zyga checks08:26
ysionneauany idea how to tell the new u-d-f to use my own gadget snap?08:33
mzanettihey, anyone has an idea what's wrong if I hit this from ubuntu-device-flash?08:34
mzanetticannot bind mount /dev to /tmp/snap.rootfs_k6mTS3/dev. errmsg: No such file or directory08:34
zygatsimonq2: that file is not allowed currently08:34
mzanettiI've the u-d-f version from the snappy store08:34
zygatsimonq2: please open a bug and tag it with 'snapd-interfaces' on launchpad.net/snappy08:34
zygamzanetti: this is a message from snap-confine, does your system have /dev?08:35
mzanettiI have no idea08:35
zygaysionneau: no idea, sorry08:35
zygamzanetti: ls -ld /dev ?08:35
mzanettizyga, ah, you mean the folder, yes it does :D08:35
mzanettiI thought "dev mode enabled" or something :D08:35
zygamzanetti: how about: ls -ld /snap/ubuntu-core/current/dev08:35
mzanettinope that's missing08:36
zygamzanetti: can you try: export SNAP_CONFINE_DEBUG=108:36
zygamzanetti: oh? how about snap list08:36
zygamzanetti: snap list08:36
zygamzanetti: tell me if you have the core snap installed (ubuntu-core)08:36
zygamzanetti: and if so, which revision that is08:36
mzanettiI do, but it says "broken" in the Notes08:36
mzanettirev 4808:36
zygamzanetti: interesting, any idea how you managed to do that?08:37
zygamvo: ^^08:37
zygamzanetti: (this is why you cannot run snaps)08:37
mzanettiright, makes sense08:37
zygamzanetti: if you look in /var/lib/snapd/snap can you see the corresponding .snap file?08:37
zyga(for ubuntu core)08:37
mzanettiI'm on xenial (+stable-phone-overlay) and I installed the ubuntu-calculator-app via snap some months ago, didn't really touch it since... now it's broken08:38
mzanettiyes, the ubuntu-core.snap is there08:38
zygamzanetti: curious, can you report a bug, attach your /var/lib/snapd/state.json file (please make the bug private)08:39
zygamzanetti: which version of snapd are you on now>?08:39
mwhudsonmzanetti: fwiw i had that happen to me and rebooting fixed it08:58
mwhudsoni think08:58
mwhudsonrandom flailing around, including rebooting, fixed it08:59
ogra_mwhudson, will the new console-conf skip network device config if it finds an existing one (did you guys test with a configured wlan device yet) ?09:01
mwhudsonogra_: it won't skip, but just pressing ok should work fine09:02
ogra_what got me in the loop was the inability to cancel or skip that bit iirc09:02
mwhudsonogra_: i haven't tested it myself (not sure where i put my dragonboard!)09:02
ogra_a pi3 would even be better ... since it has eth and wlan ;) (and i fear a typical usecase is to not use the eth)09:03
mwhudsonmy linaro days left me with a profound dislike of all developer boards :)09:04
ogra_see, that is why i never went there ;)09:05
mwhudsonprobably sane09:05
ogra_it leaves its marks to work for a company that sounds like a sanitary pad ;)09:05
mwhudsonhmm do rpis actually have proper MAC addresses?09:06
mwhudsonsounds like an improvement over some things...09:06
ogra_yep ... on our images they do ;)09:06
mwhudsonlike e.g. the dragonboard iirc09:07
ogra_the dragonboard images have fixed MACs as well09:07
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mthaddonhi folks - I'm trying to snap codetree (lp.net/codetree) and I'm most of the way there, but I'd expect it'll need to be able to use bazaar and git credentials for a user. Are there some docs that would explain how to do that?09:47
zygamthaddon: I don't believe you can do that today, there are existing interfaces that aim to allow a snap to use certain "dot" directories10:04
zygamthaddon: sorry, I meant, bugs and pull requests10:04
mthaddonzyga: ack, thx10:04
zygamthaddon: the $HOME directory is not the real home, that's a separate issue10:05
mthaddonit's non-hidden home, right?10:05
zygamthaddon: so I'd say that you need to look at solving two separate problems10:05
zygamthaddon: 1) knowing where real home is (e.g. through a new SNAP_REAL_HOME variable)10:05
zygamthaddon: teaching your snap to construct symlinks to $SNAP_REAL_HOME/.ssh .bzr and .git and what not in $HOME10:06
zygamthaddon: and using an interface to gain read/write access there (you can start with devmode)10:06
zygamthaddon: given that $LOGNAME exists you can work around the first problem by just faking it with /home/$LOGNAME10:06
zygamwhudson: give that a try!10:06
zygaSon_Goku: hey!10:06
zygaSon_Goku: just the person I was looking for10:06
zygaSon_Goku: what are the common names for locale packages?10:07
zygaSon_Goku: I was working on an update to golang gettext bindings when I noticed tests don't work anymore, the test code was tweaked to use setlocale(LC_ALL, "") and I suspect I need to add appropriate locale packages to the mock environment as build-deps10:07
Son_Gokuzyga, dnf repoquery --whatprovides "glibc-langpack" will give you a list of them10:10
Son_Gokuthe C and C.utf-8 locales are provided by glibc-minimal-langpack10:10
Son_Gokuyou probably want glibc-all-langpacks for gettext10:11
Odd_BlokeUpstream of what I'm trying to snap up don't provide source, and ship only a zip file.  Scripts in this zip file aren't executable, but they do expect one another to be.  Is there a good way for me to run "chmod +x .../*" as part of my snapcraft build?10:11
Odd_Bloke(I'm currently just using the dump plugin.)10:12
zygaSon_Goku: thanks!10:16
zygaOdd_Bloke: I'm old so I love make, just use make :)10:16
Son_Gokuzyga, prior to fedora 24, all langpacks were installed by default since they weren't split out in glibc10:16
Son_Gokuso none of this existing pre-f2410:16
Son_Gokuall the base locale stuff was installed by default in f23 and older10:17
Odd_Blokezyga: How do I use upstream zip as a source but get my own Makefile integrated in?10:17
zygait might be that or something else, I'm investigating10:17
zygacould be that the test fails because of the current working directory10:17
zygaOdd_Bloke: just unpack it as a part of the make target10:17
zygaOdd_Bloke: keep the makefile in your tree10:17
Odd_Blokezyga: And also fetch it as part of the make target?10:18
zygaOdd_Bloke: get the zip using snapcraft10:18
Odd_BlokeOh, just don't tell it it's a zip file?10:18
zygaOdd_Bloke: yep, just switch to the make plugin and point to the separate makefile10:18
stubhow are people handling log rotation inside their snaps?10:31
zygaSon_Goku: anything I can pass to fedpkg mockbuild to get an interactive shell at a particular point?10:37
mupPR snapd#1802 opened: image,overlord/boot,snap: metadata from asserts for image snaps <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1802>10:38
mthaddonzyga: would I expect to see a PR for allowing access to specific dot directories on https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pulls ? Would like to track the issue if there is one10:40
mthaddonalso don't see a bug matching "dot" or "hidden" on https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft10:42
zygamthaddon: there's a bug about this, not sure if there's a PR for it too10:47
zygatry launchpad.net/snappy10:47
* zyga would like a snapcore project group10:48
zygaand snapd, snapcraft, ... projects insid10:48
mthaddoncool, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1607067 - thx10:48
mupBug #1607067: Add a dotfiles / hidden files interface <snapd-interface> <Snappy:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1607067>10:48
ogra_zyga, that group is called snappy-dev on LP ;)10:48
zygaogra_: not group, project group10:49
zygaogra_: that's nice to use to search bugs amongs snappy related projects10:49
zygaogra_: coordinate milestones and find the relevant projects in one spot10:49
ogra_https://bugs.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev ... we just need tio sunscribe the team to the right packages and branches10:50
zygaogra_: that doesn't help people when bugs are spread amongs projects and they are not a member of the -dev group to know about it in the first place10:51
ogra_(no idea why nobody did that yet ... we definitely use the team for everything else... like automation, branch and PPA ownerships)10:51
ogra_huh ? why wouldnt it10:51
ogra_everyone can see the buglist10:51
zygaogra_: do you know what a launchpad project group is?10:52
zygaogra_: e.g. https://launchpad.net/checkbox-project10:52
ogra_https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy ?10:53
zygaogra_: that doesn't show bugs in snapcraft or in snap-confine10:53
zygathat is exactly my point10:53
ogra_so we can add these10:53
zygaogra_: ?10:54
zygaogra_: add them where?10:54
mupPR snapd#1803 opened: spread: enable halt-timeout, tweak image selection <Created by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1803>10:55
ogra_cant you add additional bug monitoring to the project by subscribing it to other projects ?10:55
ogra_iirc  thats possible10:55
zygaogra_: I don't know anything about that, sorry10:56
ogra_the snapcraft team would have to share them with usa10:56
ogra_then they will show up in the snappy buglist10:56
zygaogra_: in the end, will I see all the bugs in bugs.launchpad.net/snappy?10:57
ogra_lets talk about it in the meeting10:57
zygaogra_: interesting, I wonder what's the desire with the project group feature overlap10:57
zygaogra_: I think the issue is social, people recall snapcraft as the "brand" because that is what the mailing lists and the website is called10:57
zygaogra_: we talked about setting up a project group a while ago but it never materialized10:58
zygaPharaoh_Atem: hey, I have a question, is it ok to commit non-working packaging to master11:02
zygaPharaoh_Atem: I'd like to have a second pair of eyes on the problem I was facing11:02
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morphisogra_: 9 M snap size and 0.9% memory usage on my pi3, does that sound better for you for the network-manager snap? :-)11:26
ogra_morphis, definitely an improvement, but indeed still more then 0MB :)11:28
ogra_i think NM preseeded is absolutely fine on PC class installs like the dell gateways, but i still think we shouldnt pre-seed it on embedded (rpi, dragonboard) and use the existing alternative there11:30
Son_Gokulatest NM is quite small and lightweight11:31
Son_Gokuand it's super easy to configure11:31
ogra_Son_Goku, because it is still bigger than zero ;)11:32
ogra_it just doesnt make sense ot have something like NM on the embedded board of your lawnmower11:32
Son_Gokuit really doesn't make sense for your lawn mower to be internet connected11:32
ogra_where you most likely have pretty hard requirements regarding disk and ram size11:32
ogra_huh ?11:32
Son_GokuI'd say in that case it should have nothing11:33
ogra_how else would i install additional autopilot snaps ;)11:33
Son_Gokunot even the legacy networking11:33
ogra_or steer it via that mobile app11:33
Son_Gokuyou have problems11:33
ogra_well, snappy was initially designed for IoT ... and we'll go there again after that little detour to make it a generic package format11:34
morphisogra_: yeah I agree11:36
morphisby default we give netplan/ifupdown which is enough and then someone can pick11:36
ogra_well, we should have a default image with NM as well ... just not for the low level devices11:37
morphissure, but that is then for the implementor to pick11:37
morphisas long as the snap is in the store, tested and ready to use you can put it in images, install on demand, whatever you want11:38
* ogra_ trickles launchpad 11:39
ogra_come on publisher ... you knwo you can do it11:39
morphisbtw. I lied, amd64 is 7.9 M and armhf is 5.9 now11:39
ogra_how about arm64 ?11:39
ogra_i suspect thats the biggest11:39
morphisneed to check11:39
Son_Gokumorphis, why not use networkd11:41
ogra_we do11:41
ogra_when NM isnt installed11:41
morphisSon_Goku: networkd does give you some advance features in certain situation11:41
Son_Gokuit's quite nice11:41
Son_Gokuand it isn't ifupdown :)11:42
Son_Gokuwhich means no sysv scripts11:42
* ogra_ doesnt get all the hate for ifupdown ... 11:42
morphisogra_: https://launchpad.net/~morphis/+snap/network-manager-reduced-footprint11:42
Son_Gokumy server stalls for more than 5 minutes at work while trying to bring up networking11:43
Son_Gokuswapping that out for NetworkManager completely eliminated the bottleneck11:43
ogra_wow, that sounds like a buggy setup then11:43
* tvoss hugs the poor little publisher11:45
ogra_my current upgrade wants to uninstall unity8-desktop-session11:48
ogra_that doesnt sound right11:48
* ogra_ triggers an ubuntu-core edge build with console-conf included ... lets see how it behaves now 11:51
mvopitti: quick (silly) question, what kind of network restrictions do we have inside adt? I would love to run our spread tests inside adt but need some access, notable github and the snappy store. I guess the later is no problem, what about the former?11:57
Son_Gokuogra_ uhh no12:08
Son_Gokumy setup is damn simple12:08
Son_Gokuit's just bringing up the interface with dhcp12:08
Son_Gokuifupdown is just brittle as hell12:09
ogra_well, except that it isnt normal to take 5min :)12:09
ogra_not even with ifupdown12:10
* Son_Goku shrugs12:10
Son_Gokumoving to networkd or NetworkManager fixes it12:10
* ogra_ doesnt have such probs with any of his machines ... so i never felt the need to move12:10
mupPR snapd#1804 opened: tests: use the spread tests with the adhoc interface inside autopkgtest <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1804>12:10
ogra_hmm, it would be really nice if the store wouldnt spam me with a 504 error mail for each ubuntu-core snap build12:12
ogra_(especially since its a lie)12:13
pittimvo: you can use that, as long as you respect the proxy vars12:16
pittimvo: we routinely run tests which clone stuff from github, works fine12:18
mvopitti: cool, thank you12:19
mvoogra_: hm, we have a "test" user in our image?12:19
mvoogra_: do you know anything about this? uid 100112:20
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ogra_mvo, nope12:22
mupPR snapd#1803 closed: spread: enable halt-timeout, tweak image selection <Created by niemeyer> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1803>12:22
ogra_mvo, which ubuntu-core revision is that ? i just did a test build with console-conf re-added12:23
mvoogra_: this is the one I got I think12:23
ogra_then it might come from there12:23
mvopitti: and one more silly question, what is the best way to test if autopkgtest works in the real environment we use? I guess a yakkety upload? or is there some better way?12:24
mvoogra_: so console-conf might add a test user?12:24
ogra_i dont know what else would12:24
ogra_definitely not livecd-rootfs12:24
ogra_and i havent seen any cloud-init changes either12:25
pittimvo: if it works locally with qemu it should mostly likely work on teh infra too12:25
pittimvo: you can try it on canonistack too if you want12:25
mvopitti: ok, that is good enough for me (qemu), I will double check in there then and hope for the best :)12:29
ogra_mvo, looking at the subiquity diff i dont see anything that would add a test user12:29
pittimvo: note that github has a great CI functionality too -- we can run the autopkgtests on PRs on xenial and yakkety12:31
pittiwhich is a much better way to do it than waiting for an upload and then trying to find out what broke stuff12:32
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mvopitti: you mean via travis?12:38
mvopitti: this is close to what we are doing, except that we use spread instead of autopkgtest. I'm trying to brige these worlds right now12:38
pittimvo: no, you can configure a web hook to request an autopkgtest on our infra, and ask it to build and test a PR branch12:38
pittiwe've done this for systemd for a long time now, and didrocks once set it up for ubuntu-make12:39
pittimvo: this just needs an hour of sitting down, exchanging some shared secrets and configuring the snappy gh project12:39
mvopitti: indeed, we had the webhook setup too, we had some trouble with the infrastructure though, federico knows the details and eventually moved to spread12:41
ogra_mvo, oh, FYI .. http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-core-builds/ ... ( that is only pparsing the log from the auto-builder though, so manual builds are ignored)12:43
mupPR snapd#1788 closed: snapstate: use umount --lazy when removing the mount units <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1788>12:43
ogra_(but helpful if you need the mapping between LP and the store revisions)12:43
ogra_changelogs (manifest diffs) and manifests will show up there too... once we have them12:45
mupPR snapd#1805 opened: use beta u-d-f in test by default  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1805>12:46
sergiusenspitti mvo if it helps snapcraft runs adt on every PR; but mvo just recall that is what you sort of moved away from (I think)12:53
pstolowskijdstrand, hello!12:54
sergiusensthe canonistack/prodstack side of it12:54
mvosergiusens: yeah, the canonistack was the part we had trouble with hence spread. but I hope I can cross the worlds again12:57
ppisatisergiusens: how do i unstuck this?12:57
ppisatisergiusens: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/748#issuecomment-24142098612:57
mupPR snapcraft#748: kernel plugin: vmlinuz -> kernel.img hard link <Created by piso77> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/748>12:57
mupPR snapd#1806 opened: overlord/devicestate: set device registration URLs <Blocked> <Created by matiasb> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1806>12:58
sergiusensppisati can you address the comment in here https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/748/files ?13:00
mupPR snapcraft#748: kernel plugin: vmlinuz -> kernel.img hard link <Created by piso77> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/748>13:00
sergiusensppisati in some sense I am asking to just remove that os.link call and the comment above if they aren't needed anymore13:00
ppisatisergiusens: oh ok13:02
sergiusensppisati if we sort that out today I will wait for it for the 2.16 release being tagged today13:06
ppisatisergiusens: would a symlink be good for you?13:06
sergiusensppisati os.link is fine, I am just wondering if we need the vmlinuz one13:06
ppisatisergiusens: the bootloader should only look for kernel.img13:06
jdstrandsergiusens: re 'grade'> no13:06
ppisatiso we can remopve that vmlinuz completely13:06
jdstrandpstolowski: hi13:06
sergiusensppisati great, so yeah, `dd` (in vi) on the line `os.link(src, os.path.join(self.installdir, 'vmlinuz'))` and the one above is my specific quetion :-)13:07
sergiusensjdstrand I've affected the project on the bug.13:07
pstolowskijdstrand, hi! i've hit https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1618737 today, and took the liberty of assigning it to you13:07
mupBug #1618737: firewall-control doesn't grant all the required permissions for ufw to work <snapd (Ubuntu):New for jdstrand> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1618737>13:07
ppisatisergiusens: you forgot the unit tests :)13:09
jdstrandpstolowski: that is bug #158351413:10
mupBug #1583514: firewall-control and ip[6]table_filter module loading <snapd-interface> <Snappy:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1583514>13:10
pstolowskijdstrand, ah! ok, thanks!13:10
jdstrandpstolowski: what is needed is a kernel module backend. that is also needed by docker, ppp and other interfaces13:10
jdstrandjamiebennett, lool: can someone get bug #1583514 assigned? ^13:12
mupBug #1583514: firewall-control and ip[6]table_filter module loading <snapd-interface> <Snappy:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1583514>13:12
mupPR snapd#1807 opened: interfaces/builtin/bluetooth_control.go: Add access to /dev/vhci <Created by cwayne18> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1807>13:14
jamiebennettpstolowski is doing some bug triage atm13:22
jamiebennettpstolowski: can you take a look to see what is required?13:22
pstolowskijamiebennett, sure, will do13:25
jdstrandpstolowski: fyi, comment #1 in the bug lays out the high-level idea which was approved by niemeyer and zyga. I can point you at other converstaions for lower level details. give me a minute13:25
mupPR snapd#1736 closed: tests: port integration tests to spread <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1736>13:31
ogra_cyphermox, hmm, i seeded console-conf again and upgraded ubuntu-core ... i end up with no console-conf UI but also with no serial console now13:31
cyphermoxhit enter13:31
ogra_oh, now i get some messed up stuff at the top13:32
* ogra_ seed eth0 unconfigured ... sit0 too and wlan0 with an IP ... 13:33
* ogra_ hits "done"13:33
ogra_hey, this gfot me further than last time13:33
ogra_whee !13:34
sergiusensppisati can you also click `Update branch`/merge/rebase the branch?13:34
sergiusensppisati indeed I forgot the units :-)13:34
ogra_cyphermox, apart from the visual glitches uit technically seems to work ... i guess just adding a "clear" at the top of your code would greatly improve the UI13:35
cyphermoxno chance you took a screenshot of what you saw garbled?13:36
cyphermoxit looks fine to me, and clears as much as one would expect on serial13:36
ogra_cyphermox, it someply has all the boot output ... and then starts the U(I in the top left (i dont have the terminal at 80x24 here)13:36
mupPR snapd#1808 opened: many: add snap set and snap get commands <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1808>13:37
ogra_just clearing the terminal should be enough13:37
cyphermoxnot for that, but that sounds like what I'm seeing here13:37
ogra_i guess if my terminal hade been at 80x24 i wouldnt have noticed13:38
cyphermoxwell, mine isn't either13:38
cyphermoxI have no idea why it picks that, could be some weirdness in urwid13:38
jdstrandpstolowski: for docker: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1619/#issuecomment-239678941 (not much detail) and https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1226#discussion_r64953106 for ppp ((3rd bullet). I can't seem to find where the clear explanation is, so I'll give it to you13:39
mupPR snapd#1619: interfaces/builtin: add initial docker interface <Blocked> <Created by tianon> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1619>13:39
mupPR snapd#1226: Interface for modem manager <Reviewed> <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1226>13:39
ogra_cyphermox, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/serial-shot.png13:39
ogra_this is what i see now13:40
cyphermoxyep, looks good13:40
cyphermoxwell, as good as it can when limited to 80x24 ;)13:40
jdstrandpstolowski: snapd grows a new backend, eg, KernelModule. interfaces add what modules to explicitly load via this backend. Eg, firewall-control would tell KernelModule to load iptable_filter and ip6table_filter13:40
ogra_i'm sure there is a way to clear the tty before you fire up your UI13:41
cyphermoxthe problem is not the clearing though13:41
cyphermoxit's the size13:41
cyphermoxand size can't exactly be guessed from serial13:41
jdstrandpstolowski: then this backend creates file(s?) in /etc/modules-load.d to simply list the modules13:41
ogra_also there was no note at all that i need to press enter13:41
ogra_it just sat there at the end of the boot messages13:42
cyphermoxogra_: ok, I'll look into that13:42
* ogra_ tries the dragonboard13:42
cyphermoxI think we can keep this in the image now though?13:42
jdstrandpstolowski: so, firewall-control lists those two modules, on interface connect of firewall-control, snapd splats out /etc/modules-load.d/snap.modules.conf with each of those, one per line13:43
mupPR snapd#1807 closed: interfaces/builtin: allow /dev/vhci on bluetooth-control <Created by cwayne18> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1807>13:43
ogra_cyphermox, thats my current screen on the dragonboard before hitting enter http://paste.ubuntu.com/23116099/13:43
cyphermoxyep, looks like agetty is still not complying13:44
jdstrandpstolowski: there is some question as to whether there should be one big file that is managed or one per interface. that is an implementation detail. I believe zyga said he understood how to do all this, but not sure if there is any code or anything. this functionality is not difficult13:44
ogra_cyphermox, now the million dollar question ... on debvices that have tty1 and a serial tty ... could we show the UI on both (and have it stop when on one of the ttys the config was done)13:47
ppisatisergiusens: yep13:47
ppisatisergiusens: i just built an image for test13:47
cyphermoxogra_: what do you mean?13:48
ppisatisergiusens: let me finish to flash it and i'll update the branch13:48
cyphermoxogra_: you want on boot that tty1 and ttyS* show the UI?13:48
cyphermox(rather than wiating for input?)13:48
ogra_cyphermox, systemd automatically configures tty1 ... so on systems with console=blahblaS0 ... you end up with both, tty1 and blahblahS0 login prompts13:48
cyphermoxtty1 will currently show "Hit enter to configure." or something like that13:49
ogra_it would make sense to have both show the UI ...13:49
pstolowskijdstrand, sorry, i was in the meeting. reading13:49
cyphermoxthere's a wrapper around the binary to deal with your memory issue13:49
mupPR snapd#1254 closed: snap: use symlink in /snap/bin instead of wrappers <Created by mvo5> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1254>13:50
ogra_cyphermox, well, i dont care about memory, i care about raspberry pi users that have no serial cable ;)13:50
cyphermoxogra_: in fact, not just tty1 but tty1-6 should show that, and wait for a key to start the UI13:50
cyphermoxthat behaves correctly AFAICT13:50
ogra_so wheerever the keypress comes from will run the UI ?13:51
cyphermoxthe problem is that you can't use the exact same options in agetty on ttyn than on ttySn, because serial behaves differently than screen13:51
cyphermoxwherever the keypress comes it will run the UI13:51
cyphermoxthe intent is to show the message, which works on VTs, but apparently not on serial13:51
ogra_ok, i'll try my way through :)13:52
cyphermoxre-flashing my card so I can start fresh, I'll bring up my pi2 with HDMI attached this time, but I tested it last night before sending you the email13:53
cyphermox"last night" for varying definitions of night.13:53
=== clobrano1 is now known as clobrano
sergiusensppisati ah, you may be a good candidate for adding a test for the kernel plugin here https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/manual-tests.md13:55
jaceknI am trying to build snap using LP. I have 2 branches, each one with slighly different snapcraft.yaml (stable vs edge). One of them build fine and I can publish to the store. But when I try to set up 2nd branch to build snaps I am getting "here is already a snap package owned by Jacek Nykis with this name". How can I work around it?13:56
ogra_jacekn, name the branch differently ?13:57
ogra_(or the snap rather i guess)13:58
kyrofaogra_, it's perfectly fine to name the snaps differently in LP13:58
kyrofaogra_, sorry, jacekn13:58
kyrofajacekn, as long as the snapcraft.yaml indicates the correct name, the generated snap will have that name13:58
kyrofajacekn, think of the snap name in LP as the LP ID for that snap instead of its actual name13:59
ppisatithe img that i just created doesn't boot...14:00
jaceknkyrofa: ack, thanks I'll try that14:00
chihchunIs there a easy way to add new apparmor rules without rebuild snapd? seems edit /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/*profile* and snap refresh did not do the trick14:00
kyrofajacekn, I have a snap that automatically deploys to different channels on LP. When I merge to develop, I want it published on the beta channel. When I merge to master, I want it published to all channels. I do that by creating two different snaps, "my-snap" and "my-snap-beta" associated with those branches14:00
ogra_ppisati, using the latesst u-d-f snap ?14:00
ppisatisudo ubuntu-device-flash core 16 --channel edge --kernel pi2 --gadget pi2 --os ubuntu-core14:01
ogra_(revision 9 or so)14:01
ppisati-o pi2.img14:01
mupPR snapd#1809 opened: interfaces/bluetooth_control: needs /dev/vhci to be writable <Created by cwayne18> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1809>14:01
ogra_ppisati, --kernel pi2-kernel i hope :)14:01
ppisatierr no14:01
ogra_else you installed a gadget as kernel14:01
ppisatiubuntu-device-flash  3          3    canonical  devmode14:01
ogra_interesting that we dont refuse that14:02
ogra_oh, better update that14:02
ogra_ogra@anubis:~$ snap list ubuntu-device-flash14:02
ogra_Name                 Version  Rev  Developer  Notes14:02
ogra_ubuntu-device-flash  10       9    canonical  devmode14:02
cwaynesorry for the double PR, had been too quick to post before checking if rw was needed!14:05
pstolowskijdstrand, ok, so fixing this bug includes: 1) implementation of the new snapd backend which loads kernel modules and 2) make firewall-control interface drop a file there to have the modules loaded, correct?14:05
jdstrandchihchun: you can add the rules to /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/*profile* then do 'sudo apparmor_parser -r /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/*profile*14:05
jdstrandchihchun: a snap refresh will actual remove those changes though (as will an install, remove/install, etc)14:06
chihchunjdstrand: and it will overwrite the cache in /var/cache/apparmor, correct?14:06
ogra_cyphermox, what happens on disconnected devices regarding the user ?14:06
cyphermoxogra_: I need to clarify that. Currently, to configure a device with console-conf you'd need Ubuntu SSO credentials, or you'd have to login with the ubuntu user via SSH and add a user manually14:07
jdstrandpstolowski: '2' is not for firewall-control to drop a file, but simply adding those to modules to a list for the backend to add to a file it will drop there14:07
jdstrands/to modules/two modules/14:07
ogra_cyphermox, that would have been my next question :) can i drop the ubuntu user creation from livecd-rootfs :)14:08
ogra_but seems i cant yet14:08
jdstrandpstolowski: ie, the backend does the dropping. the interfaces just tell the backend what to put there14:08
cyphermoxogra_: originally we expected that was what would happen once console-conf was in, but looks like we need further policy discussion on that matter14:08
ogra_i know sabdfl__ is eager to get rid of being mr. "ubuntu" on the devices ;)14:09
cyphermoxthat transpired during my night too :)14:09
cyphermoxI won't blame him, it's a big wart on the devices, tbh14:09
ogra_it is14:09
ogra_well, i'll leave the user in for now til we have clearified that ... let me know once it can go14:09
cyphermoxone of my top priorities today is to sort out what to do with the users14:09
ogra_big step !14:09
ogra_awesome work !!14:09
cyphermoxthanks. I'll convey your feedback to mwhudson too!14:10
ogra_and to slangasek ;)14:10
pstolowskijdstrand, ok, i see. i'm afarid i cannot commit to work on this atm, i'm in the middle of something else14:14
jdstrandchihchun: that won't overrite the cache, no, but on reboot the apparmor init will notice the profile is newer and update the cache14:26
chihchunjdstrand: thanks for the tips, it works for me. I found an issue on the rules for input method, will file a pull request14:27
jdstrandchihchun: cool, thanks14:28
jdstrandpstolowski: ack14:28
jdstrandpstolowski: for posterity:14:28
jdstrandpstolowski: one other thing is that on interface connect, the backend should load the modules (in addition to adding them to /etc/load-modules.d)14:29
mhall119zyga: jamiebennett: are you available for the snappy community sync call?14:32
jamiebennettmhall119: Sorry, have a snappy team call14:32
mhall119well we can just join that :)14:32
ogra_mhall119, wasnt that commun8ity sync dead since ages ?14:35
jdstrandmvo: hey, ok, now that I have the rights to merge stuff, what is the policy if I propose a PR and someone else +1s it? Should I merge it or wait for someone else?14:40
jdstrandmvo: related, how many +1s are needed for me to do the merge for a PR someone else submitted?14:40
pstolowskijdstrand, thanks, I added all your explanations to the bug report as this is a good summary14:41
jdstrandpstolowski: oh heh, I already did :)14:41
ppisatiogra_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23116284/14:41
ppisatiogra_: do you have any idea how can i debug this?14:41
pstolowskijdstrand, oh lol.. i haven't refreshed for several minutes so didn't see it..14:42
ppisatiso, starting with a fresh rpi2 image, i can't install a new kernel because14:42
ppisatiit coudln't connect to the store14:42
jdstrandpstolowski: yeah, that happens from time to time too :)14:42
ppisatiwhile if i roll a custom image with a fresh kernel built using snapcraft kernel pluging, i get this14:42
mhall119ogra_: zyga and I had kept it going14:43
jdstrandhappens to me*14:44
sergiusensppisati can you click on "Update branch" please?14:46
ppisatisergiusens: dpne14:46
sergiusensppisati thanks14:46
jdstrandjamiebennett: fyi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1583514/comments/714:57
mupBug #1583514: firewall-control and ip[6]table_filter module loading <snapd-interface> <Snappy:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1583514>14:57
mupPR snapd#1810 opened: interfaces/builtin/unity7.go: fix fcitx support <Created by chihchun> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1810>15:10
zygamhall119: perhaps next week, this week is RTM work sprint15:10
sergiusensppisati but does it work? :-)15:15
ogra_ppisati, sorry, in a meeeting ... mount the first partition and check if ubuntu-raspi2-kernel_x1.snap/ exists as dir in there ...15:17
ogra_(or do fatls from the uboot prompt)15:18
mhall119zyga: can you review my blog post today? I'd like to publish it tomorrow15:18
zygamhall119: yes, I'll review it after this batch of meetings, I had a look early in the morning but I didn't read it in detail to say +1/-1 yet15:18
mhall119thanks zyga15:18
ppisatiogra_: you mean the partition containing the bootloader files?15:22
ppisatiogra_: but there's no 'ubuntu-raspi2-kernel_x1.snap' dir there15:22
ogra_thats your issue then15:23
ppisatisudo ubuntu-device-flash core 16 --channel edge --kernel ../linux/ubuntu-raspi2-kernel_4.8.0_armhf.snap --gadget pi2 --os15:24
ppisati ubuntu-core -o ...15:24
ppisatii as trying to roll an image from a fresh kernel built using the snapcraft plugin15:25
ppisatiusually i used snappy image for the target15:25
ppisatiand then i installed the new kernel over it15:25
ppisatibut this time i couldn't install a new kernel (couldn't connect to the store or something)15:25
ogra_well, did you update your u-d-f snap to the latest yet ?15:26
ogra_ppisati, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jZqJ92g0ox9xUk8Nge3ess89dQChdMzKXrNwwgloEbc/edit#heading=h.mey6uws9k5sy is the master setup now (kernel.yaml was dropped after it was written)15:30
sergiusensppisati that is why I asked you to update the branch ^15:30
sergiusensogra_ there is no kernel.yaml implementation in snapcraft15:31
ogra_sergiusens, yeah, its gone as i said15:31
ogra_the only bits that count now are the fs structure inside the snap and "type: kernel" ... and indeed the version string needs to match the name of the modules dir15:34
morphisogra_: btw. why are we not using something like https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/demos/96boards-kernel/snapcraft.yaml for the pi kernel snaps?15:38
ogra_morphis, because our official kernels contain a ton more than just a kernel ... and we need to use the signed kernel binaries from the archive for secureboot15:39
morphisogra_: I see15:39
ogra_(there are also postinst script tasks we need from the linux-image-*foo packages15:39
ogra_s/ our official kernels/ our official kernel snaps/15:40
ogra_morphis, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/kernel-snap-makefile/trunk/view/head:/Makefile is our actual build script ... referencesd from the different snap builds like http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/pi2-kernel-snap/trunk/view/head:/snapcraft.yaml15:42
ogra_(yes, i know it could use some cleanup, the Makefile takes nearly every possible kernel snap variant we ever had into account :) )15:43
morphisogra_: thanks15:44
om26erHi! Is there a way I can add wifi credentials in my RPi running snappy without ethernet or a screen ?15:44
ppisatisergiusens: i'm rebuilding with the up to date branch15:44
ppisatiogra_: there's no version 9 of u-d-f in xenial, or am i wrong?15:45
ogra_ppisati, sudo snap refresh ubuntu-device-flash --edge --devmode15:45
ogra_that should get you the very latest15:46
ppisati--devmode made a difference15:47
ppisatiwithoput it, it would say "no updates ..."15:47
ogra_right, because it isnt in stable15:47
ogra_no options = only look in stable15:47
ogra_confinement: devmode = cant release to stable15:47
ppisatieven if you say --channel=edge?15:48
pbekHi folks, lately when I run my `qownnotes` snap I get the error message `multiple nvidia drivers detected, this is not supported`. Although I can run the QOwnNotes binary directly from the snap directory... Any ideas?15:59
pbekthat's the yml: https://git.launchpad.net/~pbek/qownnotes-snap/tree/snapcraft.yaml15:59
pbekmaybe kyrofa can help again?16:00
mupPR snapd#1811 opened: interfaces: serial-port: udev slot definition <Created by jocave> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1811>16:00
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
ogra_pbek, Bug 1615248 ... has a workaround too16:08
mupBug #1615248: ubuntu-core-launcher nvidia driver detection is bogus <Snappy Launcher:Triaged by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615248>16:08
pbekogra_: I will check that, thanks a lot!16:08
mupPR snapd#1812 opened:  image,overlord/boot,snap: metadata from asserts for image snaps <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1812>16:13
sergiusensnessita looked at your problem re-did all of the python plugins last night (still experimenting) but your project does not work with a plain `pip install .` either16:15
sergiusensnessita from what I saw it is distutils use instead of setuptools16:15
sergiusensgiven the complexity of your project not sure how easy it is going to be16:16
nessitasergiusens, yeah, I blame dobey :-P16:16
nessitasergiusens, so first I need to make it work with "pip install ."?16:16
sergiusensnessita if it works with pip install it should work16:16
nessitasergiusens, I was hoping to avoid that since running it is just "PYTHONPATH=. ./bin/ubuntuone-syncdaemon"16:16
sergiusensnessita well a custom plugin could work or just installing the deps and using the dump plugin for everything else16:17
nessitasergiusens, that was my next question :-) where can I read on custom plugins?16:17
sergiusensnessita http://snapcraft.io/docs/build-snaps/plugins16:18
nessitasergiusens, thanks!16:18
dobeydo what16:20
dobeyoh crikey you're trying to make a snap of ubuntuone-client?16:21
dobeywell ubuntuone-client isn't installable with pip install because we never uploaded/registered it there16:23
niemeyermorphis: snapd#1674 is ready for some love16:32
mupPR snapd#1674: interfaces/builtin: add udisks2 and pluggable-storage interfaces <Blocked> <Critical> <Reviewed> <Created by ssweeny> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1674>16:32
morphisniemeyer: thanks16:33
niemeyerjdstrand, morphis: Should we rename pluggable-storage to "media"?  That's almost the same, and in practice it gives access to /media, so rings a nice bell16:33
morphisssweeny, jdstrand: can you comment on niemeyer's points on those?16:33
morphisniemeyer: media also rings other bells like hardware media encoding/decoding etc.16:33
morphisI still like plugable-storage more as that really describes what should only end up in /media16:34
ssweenywell it's a subset of removable media I guess16:34
morphiswhere /media is just the name being there for history reasons16:34
niemeyermorphis: Yeah, that's true..16:35
niemeyermorphis: "pluggable" is such an ugly term, though.. hmmm16:35
morphisa bit, yeah16:36
morphisniemeyer: I think for the access to /dev/sd* and /dev/mmcblk* we agreed with jdstrand that we allow this but explicitly put this into the udisks2 interface where we can ensure from the store side that just a single snap owned by canonical can use this16:36
morphisand nothing else16:36
morphiswe maybe should enforce this in the sanitizeslot function16:37
morphislike we do for the lxd interface16:37
sborovkovHello, does anyone know where I can download snapd 2.11 package for armhf?16:37
niemeyermorphis: I wouldn't like to make that the norm16:38
morphisniemeyer: yeah, but its a compromise until we have hotplug :-)16:38
niemeyermorphis: That's unrelated to hotplug16:39
morphisusb devices are hotpluged, so we get /dev/sd* /dev/mmcblk* device dynamically16:40
niemeyermorphis: That's still unrelated to hotplug16:40
niemeyermorphis: The problem is not the dynamic device.. it's the fixed one that contains the operating system16:40
morphisif you think it that way, yes, true16:41
morphisniemeyer: so short term for RTM, what are we doing?16:41
niemeyermorphis: What is the snap the holds the slot side of this?16:41
ppisatisergiusens: it works, ship it!16:42
ppisatiogra_: ^16:42
niemeyermorphis: Okay, let's follow your advice and constrain it to udisks2/canonical until we have the snap declaration in place16:42
niemeyermorphis: So same as lxd-support16:42
morphisniemeyer: aye, thanks16:42
morphisssweeny: ok with that?16:42
niemeyermorphis: Thank you16:42
ssweenymorphis, sure16:43
morphisniemeyer: want to get this solved :-)16:43
morphis"solved" to be honest16:43
niemeyermorphis: For the iface name, external-storage, dynamic-storage, <other idea>?16:43
morphisexternal-storage if we want to exclude system partitions16:43
morphisssweeny: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/interfaces/builtin/lxd_support.go#L9516:44
morphisssweeny: but in our case that would be in SanitizeSlot16:44
ssweenymorphis, ack16:44
morphisniemeyer: but can't think of anything else16:45
morphisniemeyer: but will see if I get something better overnight16:45
niemeyermorphis: This is about /media to be clear16:45
niemeyermorphis: So it's not just about excluding system partitions16:45
morphisjust asking to make this clear16:46
morphisniemeyer: if you don't like plugable-storage I would be then for external-storage16:49
morphisniemeyer: or removable-media according to http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#MEDIAMOUNTPOINT16:49
niemeyermorphis: You just made a typo on it. Yes, I really don't like it. :)16:49
morphis"3.11. /media : Mount point for removable media"16:50
morphis"This directory contains subdirectories which are used as mount points for removable media such as floppy16:50
morphisdisks, cdroms and zip disks."16:50
niemeyermorphis: removable-media is nice16:51
morphisit doesn't mention usb, but same story16:51
niemeyermorphis: external-storage might mean S3/etc16:51
morphisso removable-storage it is16:51
niemeyermorphis: removable-media keeps the association with /media, so very nice16:51
morphisssweeny, jdstrand: you're ok with that too?16:51
niemeyermorphis: media!16:52
morphissorry ..16:52
morphistoo late16:52
morphisah sorry16:52
morphisniemeyer: can you comment that on the PR?16:52
morphisneed to leave now16:52
niemeyermorphis: Yeah16:52
niemeyermorphis: Thanks o/16:52
ssweenyok so we settled on removable-media?16:53
mupPR snapd#1809 closed: interfaces/builtin: allow writing on /dev/vhci in bluetooth-control <Created by cwayne18> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1809>17:01
evsergiusens: do you care about "Coverage decreased (-0.03%) to 97.871%”? Should I pad that out with another test case?17:09
niemeyerssweeny: Yeah17:13
ssweenyniemeyer, when you say "the slot (not the interface) can only be used by udisks2" you just mean error on snap != udisks2 and dev != canonical in SanitizeSlot rather than SanitizePlug, right?17:15
niemeyerssweeny: Right.. otherwise we'd only allow the snap to connect to itself17:15
ssweenyniemeyer, ok cool. Just making sure I understand17:15
niemeyerssweeny: lxd-support is different because the slot is constrained to the core17:15
niemeyerssweeny: It's the consumer that gets wider access17:16
niemeyerssweeny: I think we'll eventually want to constrain the consumer of udisks2 as well, but we can probably wait until snap-declarations can do that17:16
mupPR snapcraft#748 closed: kernel plugin: vmlinuz -> kernel.img hard link <Created by piso77> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/748>17:17
ssweenythat makes sense17:17
sborovkovjamiebennett: Hello. Who can I ask about store issue I have? For some reason can't install from our snap again though everything seems correct on my side. Evan Dandrea does not seem to appear on IRC for last couple of days (I wanted to ask him)17:21
sergiusensev I thought that covering the schema in a unit test would bring the coverage back up for you17:25
sergiusensev that is what I got from looking at coveralls17:25
mupPR snapd#1805 closed: tests: use beta u-d-f in test by default  <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1805>17:25
jdstrandniemeyer: I'm fine with media17:35
* jdstrand but also continue to be fine with pluggable-storage17:36
jdstrandremovable-media is nice17:39
jdstrandnow that I've read backscroll :)17:39
jdstrandniemeyer, morphis: ^ +1 on removable-media17:40
jdstrandmvo: ping regarding merge questions17:45
niemeyerjdstrand: Ack, thanks17:45
mvojdstrand: pong17:48
jdstrandmvo: hey, did you see my questions from earlier?17:48
jdstrandmvo: if not, that's fine17:48
mvojdstrand: no, sorry17:48
mvojdstrand: aha, policy17:49
mvojdstrand: with two +1 you can merge17:49
jdstrandmvo: am I allowed to merge my own with two +1s or just others?17:50
jdstrandjamiebennett: btw, thank you for commenting in bug #158351417:51
mupBug #1583514: firewall-control and ip[6]table_filter module loading <snapd-interface> <Snappy:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1583514>17:51
mvojdstrand: we have no rules here, but you can also merge other if you feel they are ok, I think you will have good judgement on this18:02
jdstrandmvo: ack, yes. just wanted to make sure I was following any commit policy. we talked about this before, but from the perspective of a non-committer. I jotted down what you said. Thanks!18:04
mvojdstrand: sure, enjoy18:04
jdstrandmvo: oh, one last clarification-- the +1 must be froma core committer, yes?18:04
* jdstrand is assuming two +1s from https://github.com/orgs/snapcore/people18:05
mvojdstrand: yes, but we are sometimes leaniant about this, e.g. interfaces reviews can go in with a single +1 from a core commiter and an additonal one from a trusted community person18:06
jdstrandok, then I think upower-observe fits that18:06
mupPR snapd#1813 opened: debian: umount --lazy before rm on snapd.postrm <Created by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1813>18:06
jdstrandbut the policy updates https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1779 does not18:07
mupPR snapd#1779: miscellaneous policy updates: default policy, browser-support, and x11 <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1779>18:07
mupPR snapd#1797 closed: interfaces: add upower-observe interface (LP: #1595813) <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1797>18:08
dobeyerror: cannot read snap file: cmd: "unsquashfs -i -d /tmp/read-file081779118/unpack /tmp/snapd-sideload-pkg-621916875 meta/snap.yaml" failed: exit status 1 ("Filesystem on /tmp/snapd-sideload-pkg-621916875 is (49135:701), which is a later filesystem version than I support!\n")18:12
dobey^^ i get this when trying to install sl-moon12718:14
dobeyalso with tree.snap18:16
dobeyerr, tree from psivaa18:16
mupPR snapd#1790 closed: store: set initial device session <Critical> <Created by matiasb> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1790>18:28
mupPR snapd#1784 closed: Add an interface to access the usb drives <Created by axelebas> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1784>18:32
tianonlool: can you give me slightly higher privs on https://github.com/docker-snap ? :)  (wanting to rename the repo I just transferred there)18:33
mupPR snapd#1779 closed: interfaces: updates to default policy, browser-support, and x11 <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1779>18:34
dobeyi guess mup is the only living thing in here really18:39
jdstrandroadmr: hey, cprov said he was going to ensure that the 'grade' commits to the review tools are pulled. can you guys just make that r736?18:47
jdstrandroadmr (cc cprov): that's* r736 has a nicer message for a desktop file error18:48
cprovjdstrand: np, will bump SCA18:49
looltianon: hey18:50
ogra_hmpf ...  i cant access the uploads histrory of ubuntu-core in the store anymore ... i get a permanent gateway timeout18:50
looltianon: sure18:50
ogra_nessita, are you able to open this page ?  https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/4142/configurations/18:50
looltianon: done, you're owner too now18:50
ogra_looks like the store timeouts start to get more serious18:50
looltianon: I dont think I could adjust this earlier, it was pending your acceptance of the invitation18:50
jdstrandcprov: thanks!18:52
nessitaogra_, checking18:54
ogra_(this is the uploads summary page of ubuntu-core ... which is admittedly a long list (but far from where we will be at in ... say 6 months))18:55
nessitaogra_, no, too slow18:56
nessitaogra_, let me check18:56
ogra_nessita, there are 6 uploads a day happening (6 arches, automated daily build for edge) ... so this will explode even more in the future18:57
nessitaogra_, right, it shouldn't, could you please file a bug?18:58
ogra_will do18:58
ogra_i guess i hit a threshold today ... yesterday it still worked :)18:58
nessitaogra_, yeah, it needs fixing for sure18:58
nessitaogra_, I have oopses with the sql timeline, so we can debug from there, but the bug will help us track this18:59
ogra_nessita, bug 161901819:02
mupBug #1619018: timeouts when trying to look at the uploads summary of ubuntu-core <Software Center Agent:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619018>19:02
nessitaogra_, thanks!19:04
ogra_np, thanks for looking :)19:04
looltianon: I wonder whether this proposed change could be related https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/122/files19:21
mupPR snap-confine#122: Replace pivot_root implementation by LXC's <Created by stgraber> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/122>19:21
mupPR snapd#1813 closed: debian: umount --lazy before rm on snapd.postrm <Created by niemeyer> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1813>19:21
looltianon: and that might explain the difference between a classic and a core system: there would be other mounted filesystems19:25
mupPR snapd#1777 closed: osutil: tweak the createUserTests a bit and extract common code <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1777>19:29
tedgSnapd is failing for me: "internal error: could not unmarshal state entry "snaps": json: cannot"19:42
tianonlool: thanks :)19:43
tianonlool: nice find!  that does look like it could be related!19:43
tedgAh, got the rest: "cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type int"19:43
mupPR snapd#1814 opened: client,cmd/snap: display os-release data only on classic <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1814>19:47
looltianon: actually they get an "operation not permitted" on unshare19:47
mupPR snapcraft#772 opened: Set GOBIN in go plugin build environment <Created by tasdomas> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/772>19:47
tianonlool: interesting, although could definitely still be related!19:48
tianonlool: rootfs issues always come in spades, in my experience...19:48
tianonas evidenced by Docker 1.11 and 1.12 getting entirely different errors :)19:48
looltianon: a quick grep on the source doesn't yeild very interesting usages of unshare in docker, but could still be the same issue yeah19:49
zygajdstrand: not high priority but I'd love to know +/-1 on https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/12119:49
mupPR snap-confine#121: Allow the use of capabilities over setuid bit <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/121>19:49
tasdomasis there a way to allow a snap application access to system files (e.g. /etc/hosts) ?19:49
looltianon: if you're tempted to rebuild snapd with that pull request and try that, that might prove the point or not19:49
tianonyeah, definitely tempting19:49
tianonhad been pondering whether it was worth trying, but I think it likely is19:49
looltianon: I have to disappear for a bit to hug the family and I'm not feeling too well so I probably wont last long19:50
loolI'll check back in a few19:50
tianonlool: ok, no worries!  thanks for the extra eyes, and take care of yourself :)19:50
sborovkovHello, any way I can make snapcraft ignore such errors? '/home/kami/build/snaps/full/parts/ping-wrapper/build/rootfs/var/lib/avahi-autoipd' is a broken symlink pointing outside the snap19:52
tedgSo it looks like my state.json is somehow invalid, is there a way to rebuild it?19:57
=== drizztbsd is now known as timothy
=== drizztbsd is now known as timothy
jdstrandogra_: hey, we used to have http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/xenial/daily-preinstalled/current/. where has that gone?20:04
jdstrandogra_: well, my real question is where do a find a linux-generic kernel for armhf? (I'm updating some docs)20:06
jdstrandogra_: also, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/xenial/daily-preinstalled/current/ had manifests. where did those go? I feel like you told me that once before.... this time I am documenting it :)20:09
magicaltroutnot even irrsi supports :wq20:11
mupPR snapd#1815 opened: Auto connect interfaces for special name/developer combinations <Created by arges> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1815>20:12
magicaltroutso lazyPower  now the crazyiness is coming to an end, i should have some cycles over the next few weeks to tidy up a bunch of DC/OS stuff and add some proper relations etc20:12
magicaltroutone thing people did like today was the fact you could leverage stuff deployed in DC/OS againsts normal charms20:13
magicaltroutassuming the hooks provided enough metadata20:13
nessitaogra_, hey, are you blocked by this store timeout in the configurations page?20:14
evsergiusens: oh yes, I forgot you had requested that. On it20:36
mupPR snapd#1816 opened: libvirt interface to allow snaps to access libvirtd on a classic host <Created by cmars> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1816>20:54
mupPR snapd#1817 opened: Wrapper: create $SNAP_USER_COMMON (LP:#1611063) <Created by brunonova> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1817>21:08
mupPR snapd#1789 closed: many: when installing snap file derive metadata from assertions unless --force-dangerous <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1789>21:17
looltianon: I'm headed to bed, did you find anything?21:31
tianonlool: I tried several times to just dpkg-divert snap-confine's binary and copy in my manually-built binary, but couldn't get it working (and hadn't decided to just grab the direct .deb src to apply the patch and build a whole new .deb yet)21:32
kyrofatianon, you're trying to run your own snap-confine?21:32
tianonkyrofa: trying to test https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/122, specifically21:32
mupPR snap-confine#122: Replace pivot_root implementation by LXC's <Created by stgraber> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/122>21:32
tianonbecause we think it might be a potential fix for the issues we're seeing with Docker in Classic too21:33
looltianon: note that snapd reexecs itself from the ubuntu core snap; I dont know about snap-confine though21:33
kyrofatianon, lool indeed, which makes it very difficult to test some things21:33
looltianon: set SNAP_REEXEC=021:34
kyrofatianon, lool if re-exec is enabled, it's probably using the snap-confine from within the core snap21:34
loolin the env21:34
looltianon: snapd env should be enough, via an override file would work; or set it in /etc/environment21:34
tianonI get permission errors when I replace my host env's snap-confine, so I think that is being used at least in some capacity21:34
looltianon: oh quite probably indeed21:35
looltianon: is it +x?21:35
tianonand u+s21:35
tianonjust like the original21:35
tianonit executes fine, but has other errors, so I'm not convinced I'm compiling correctly21:35
tianonhence why I was going to try re-building a new .deb21:35
stgrabertianon: you may want to unload the snap-confine apparmor profile21:35
loolyeah, makes sense21:35
kyrofatianon, you can always overlayfs the new binary on top of the one in the core snap too21:36
stgrabertianon: the new snap-confine does a bunch of new things which the old profile doesn't allow, so you either want to update your local profile or just disable it (I did the later while working on that branch)21:36
kyrofaBut yeah... profiles21:36
tianonstgraber: ah, exciting -- I even tried building straight from the tag of my host version21:36
tianonstgraber: can't we just make everything unconfined and call it a day? O:)21:37
looltianon: probably wouldn't help since there were no denials21:37
tianonlol I know, just joking around21:37
tianonpermissions are hard, let's go ride bikes21:37
mupPR snapcraft#763 closed: Include /sbin and usr/sbin in wrappers <Created by lool> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/763>21:41
cmarsyour CI log banners are awesome21:48
mupPR snapcraft#510 closed: Use the in ubuntu-core python3 <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/510>21:50
ogra_jdstrand, you mean a linux-generic snap ? we dont build that atm ... and the cdimage images had to be removed "on request"... our ubuntu-image created ones will go there after RTM22:32
ogra_regarding manifests ... we'll soon get them for the ubuntu-core snap builds .. i'll then link them from http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-core-builds/22:33
ogra_jdstrand, if you want to roll your own kernel snap ... fork https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/pi2-kernel-snap/trunk ... and https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/kernel-snap-makefile/trunk ... then edit the armhf target in the Makefile, make your snapcraft.yaml from your pi2-kernel-snap use your Makefile and just let LP build the snap for you22:35
ogra_(if needed i can set that up for you, but not tonight anymore :) )22:36
ogra_nessita, well, it is the only way to see which revision was released to stable currently ... if you have another way to get the channel info then the page isnt that important22:38
slangasekogra_: so, u-d-f's implementation of pi2 support says 'bcm2836-rpi-2-b'... which is not the name of a file anywhere in the resulting boot partition.  Is this the wrong dtb name?22:40
slangasekogra_: I see in uboot.env that we have fdtfile=bcm2709-rpi-2-b.dtb; that's a file that exists in the gadget snap boot-assets dir and is published without modification or name change to the boot partition.  So the 'device-tree'/'platform' declaration seems to not do anything useful here22:46
ogra_slangasek, yeah, not on the pi2 (as i explained, the SBL loads it ... )22:58
ogra_but bcm2709-rpi-2-b.dtb should be the correct name22:59
ogra_we should definitely ship it in case we find a way to use uboot for loading the dtb and overlays one day23:01
ogra_so try to treat it as if it would be used :)23:01
slangasekogra_: ok; I think the pi2 gadget is ready for a release, I don't think I've been given access to upload that one23:10
ogra_slangasek, well, we need someone to approve even if i upload it for you ... did you merge your changed in the snappy-systems branch ? i dont see any changes23:11
ogra_(i just did all the file moves to clean up boot-assets)23:11
slangasekogra_: erm, where are you pushing these changes?  I'm using lp:~snappy-dev/snappy-hub/snappy-systems which is the only branch I've ever been told about23:12
ogra_i see commits in the bzr log but i see no actual files there23:12
ogra_oh, i' blind23:13
ogra_sorry ...23:13
slangasekok :)23:13
wililupyDoes anyone know of an easy way to implement a udev rule file so that it doesn't have to be created after installation manually?23:14
ogra_slangasek, change pushed23:14
wililupymaybe in cloud init after snappy starts up?23:14
ogra_i can upload the gadget, but i think we need someone like jdstrand to approve it23:14
looltianon: I'm headed to bed, good night23:15
tianonlool: good night!23:15
wililupyDang lool, burning the midnight oil? Get some rest23:15
ogra_slangasek, btw, versions are shallow in snaps  :) all that counts is the revision the store assigns23:16
slangasekogra_: yes; that doesn't mean they're not a useful convention23:16
slangasekogra_: I don't see your boot-asset change pushed?23:17
ogra_well, you end up with two ... next to each other in snap list ... which adds confusion ... but yeah23:17
ogra_seems we clashed mid air23:18
ogra_oh, wow23:20
ogra_i can actually publish it in the store23:20
ogra_done :)23:20
ogra_and branch pushed as well23:20
ogra_slangasek, you got mail ;)23:22
ogra_argh, crap23:23
ogra_i forgot to generate uboot.env23:23
* ogra_ fixes23:23
ogra_slangasek, 16.04-0.10 revision 17 is what you want23:26
ogra_uploaded and published23:26
ogra_and you have upload access too now23:26
ogra_(once you accept the invite :) )23:26
slangasekogra_: you want to add me to dragonboard too while you're at it?23:27
ogra_added you to pi3 as well :)23:28
* ogra_ vanishes back into the night... :)23:37
slangasekogra_: ok, well that broke snap prepare-image; iterating23:43

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