[11:09] need help please [11:09] atabaseError: UNIQUE constraint failed: moz_hosts.host: /home/john/.mozilla/firefox/sgx3eiix.default/places.sqlite debug: DeepScan.scan: searches= {'/home/john': [u'^Thumbs\\.db$', u'^Thumbs\\.db:encryptable$']} === john is now known as Guest12795 [11:10] ok [11:11] webroot does not worrk as a root [11:12] it keeps saying ibus failed , is it something i need to be concerned with [11:13] am i in the right place [11:14] webroot? ibus? [11:14] what's webroot? [11:14] bleach bit [11:14] cleaner [11:15] when used in clean as a root it comes up with fail errors [11:15] atabaseError: UNIQUE constraint failed: moz_hosts.host: /home/john/.mozilla/firefox/sgx3eiix.default/places.sqlite debug: DeepScan.scan: searches= {'/home/john': [u'^Thumbs\\.db$', u'^Thumbs\\.db:encryptable$']} [11:17] ooh, a security product of some kind [11:17] never heard of it, can't help you, sorry :/ [11:18] I'm pretty sure this channel is not a good place to get support for webroot [11:18] ok sorry [23:15] Hi everyone. Is there a way "refresh" the gnome extension dash-to-dock without logging out and back in? [23:17] Run Alt+F2 and enter r [23:17] Gold!