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adymitrukI'm trying kubunt 16.04 on an laptop with an ATI card and I'm getting rendering issues with any system views like the status bar etc03:00
adymitrukfirefox, konsole and everything else seems to be rendering correctly03:00
adymitrukthe biggest issue is the login screen03:00
adymitrukthe rendering there is very messed up making it hard to even read the time03:01
adymitrukseems to be a kde specific issue with ati??03:01
Asharethcheck what drivers you use for your card03:03
Asharethit's probably one that don't have full effects/3D rendering support03:03
Asharethand it's enabled by default in kde on kubuntu from memory03:03
adymitrukAshareth: thanks! anyway of turning that off to isolate the issue?03:04
Asharethni kde settings, desktop (from memory) turn off all effects and composite rendering03:05
Ashareth(compiz maybe the name, hadn't checkin quite some time)03:05
adymitrukok.. it's the fonts that seem to get rastering03:05
Asharethsettings>hardware>display and monitor>compositor03:08
Asharethand disable "compositor on startup"03:08
Ashareththat should do it03:08
Asharethbut check what ati drivers you have maybe it can be fixed with the proprietary ones from ati03:08
Asharethinstead of the opensource ones (or the other way around sometimes)03:08
adymitruk16.04 has no support from ati for those anymore03:09
adymitrukannoying.. might try ubuntu mate to see if the same occurs on it03:10
Ashareththat just means you need to find the way to do that manually, even if it implies compilling your own kernel :)03:10
adymitrukno luck with the compositor setting.. all system fonts still render with huge chunks missing or raster effects03:12
Asharethtry to search how to install the latest possible ati drivers for your card03:13
Asharethon ubuntu it might help03:14
Asharethotherwise i'm at a loss sorry03:14
adymitrukit was actually worse with it turned off03:14
adymitrukis that a clue?03:14
adymitrukit seems compositor is rendering correctly03:15
adymitrukbut the system menus/windows etc, are not using it03:15
adymitrukyup.. going to see if ubuntu mate has the same issue..03:17
adymitrukseems like ubuntu mate works perfectly :/03:20
adymitrukwas hoping kubuntu would be good here.. ah well03:21
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apb1963_E: Package 'konversation' has no installation candidate05:31
hateballapb1963_: Is this on 16.04?05:39
apb1963_hateball: no.  14.0405:42
hateballapb1963_: ah, dont got such a machine handy atm. using any broken ppas? what does "apt-cache policy konversation" say?05:47
apb1963_hateball: http://pastebin.com/96k2bwi405:51
hateballapb1963_: can you run "sudo apt-get update" successfully?06:12
Steve25Anyone playing with dell servers06:13
Steve25running an old kubuntu 64 bit server 7.0406:14
apb1963ubuntu 14.04 with KDE & plasma...  I don't know what I did exactly, but I pressed some combination of keys that blacked out all 6 of my virtual desktops.  I was still able to access the K menu and brought up a firefox browser...  while trying to determine what I did, someone sent me a skype message.  I'm not positive, but I think that was the point at which all the desktops were restored.  Then... I managed to do it again, this tim06:15
apb1963there are two different window worlds... and I'm bouncing back and forth between the two.06:16
hateballSteve25: 7.04 is long since dead, I hope you dont have it connected to the internet06:16
Steve25nonom just used it to revive some 1850 and 2850 that have stood around long time06:17
Steve25looking for a dell support chan06:21
Steve25btw im running it now ha06:21
Steve25like to clear all the errors06:21
Steve25like one is hanging in it4s bios after working well 2 days06:21
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IrcsomeBotabel tanak was added by: abel tanak09:35
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IrcsomeBot<abel tanak> So to cut it short, I installed Kubuntu 16.04 LTS 64-bit on Dell Inspiron 15 3000 on a bootable USB, so after clean installing Kubuntu, I boot it and it shows me the error09:38
IrcsomeBot<abel tanak> " ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing:  VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(2.0)" Any solutions?09:38
IrcsomeBot<abel tanak> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/0wlpSwVT/file_238.jpg09:40
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hateballhello viewer|91939, do you have a kubuntu support question?10:45
viewer|91939Hi I do not speak Spanish10:45
viewer|91939How can I have KDE 5.7 on Ubuntu?10:46
hateballviewer|91939: In 16.04, you cannot unless you use KDE Neon10:47
viewer|91939I'm using it10:48
viewer|91939On the KDE website there is a file called: neon-useredition-20160825-1408-source.tar.xz10:50
viewer|91939for it is?10:50
hateballviewer|91939: Neon is not supported here10:50
ubottuKDE Neon ( http://neon.kde.org/ ) is a KDE project to package the latest stable and development versions of KDE software on top of an Ubuntu base. As it is not an official Ubuntu or Kubuntu project, please use #kde-neon for discussion and support.10:50
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> Plasma 5.7 for kubuntu is being worked on, but not ready yet10:52
viewer|91939They tell me that Kubuntu will have no support. That's right?10:53
apb1963_hateball: Yes11:11
BluesKajHiyas all11:21
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* nlsthzn likes the sound of plasma 5.7 :D13:41
nlsthznno that 5.6.5 isn't proving to be solid13:45
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DriminicusI just added the Kubuntu Backports Landing ppa and upgraded17:58
Driminicusand everything is fine, except that korganizer gives the error message 'the Akonadi personal information management service is not operational.'17:59
Driminicusand as such I'm unable to use my calendar18:00
Driminicusit's not really a big deal for me, but it might be worth reporting18:01
Driminicusor if there's a solution, I'd like to use that ;-)18:01
Driminicus'akonadictl start' in terminal spits out a lot of stuff, but I think the relevant error message is:18:05
Driminicusmysqld reports version 5.7.13 (Oracle MySQL)18:07
DriminicusExecuting: "/usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi" "--defaults-file=/home/driminicus/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf --datadir=/home/driminicus/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/ --socket=/tmp/akonadi-driminicus.7Y9Xqd/mysql.socket"18:07
DriminicusDatabase process exited unexpectedly during initial connection!18:07
Driminicusexecutable: "/usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi"18:07
Driminicusarguments: ("--defaults-file=/home/driminicus/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf", "--datadir=/home/driminicus/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/", "--socket=/tmp/akonadi-driminicus.7Y9Xqd/mysql.socket")18:07
Driminicusstdout: ""18:07
Driminicuswithout flooding (sorry :)) https://paste.ubuntu.com/23121148/18:09
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IrcsomeBot<abel tanak> I thought this was the support chat?21:03
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slicktuxHi all!23:26
slicktuxI'm new to Kubuntu but not to linux. . .23:26
slicktuxI come from the Gentoo community. . .23:27
slicktuxI am using Kubuntu on my acer c720 chromebook. . .mainly because I like KDE and need a reliable binary distro.23:27
* genii slides slicktux a fresh coffee23:28
slicktuxwhat are the key differences between Ubuntu and Kubuntu, aside from the GUI?23:28
* slicktux hmmmm, chugs all23:28
* slicktux burns throat.23:28
geniislicktux: They use the same repositories, so not much difference.23:29
slicktuxI'm not used to the package manager in Kubuntu. . .I am aware of the apt-get. . .and I'd like to say it is much better than the GUI for packages called "Discover".23:30
slicktuxgenii: is gnome completely stripped?23:30
geniislicktux: KDE uses Qt23:30
slicktuxgenii: Of course, I just thought that maybe KDE and GNOME were present but KDE was the default.23:31
slicktuxgenii: how about the kernel? is it Ubuntu kernel or custome KDE team kernel?23:31
geniiIf you install something which requires a gnome component, it installs the supporting packages which are standard Ubuntu so they are not special for KDE/Kubuntu23:32
geniikernel is the same across all *buntu23:32
slicktuxgenii: understood; thank you for the clarification. I am just used to the custom USE Flags of Gentoo. . .I need to adjsut, i.e. wrap my mind around it all. not too hard, thankfully.23:34
geniislicktux: If you like extra work for a bit of gain by tweaking packages yourself, might want to look at apt-build23:34
slicktuxgenii: sounds interesting, I'll check it out.23:35
slicktuxgenii: However, I am using Kubuntu on the Acer C720 because it is time consuming to compile packages on such the hardware it has.23:36
geniislicktux: If you find KDE too heavy for the machine, you might care to investigate Lubuntu (LXDE/LXLE) or Xubuntu (XFCE) which are somewhat lighter on resources23:41
slicktuxgenii: thank you; so far Kubuntu is working out exceptionally.23:42
geniiExcellent :)23:42
slicktuxgenii: I am having trouble searching for packages, say for example the passwd manager keepassx. . . the GUI Pacakge Manager "Discovery" lists nothing when I type in the search bar and apt-cache search keepassx does not list the package as well.23:43
slicktuxis it case sensitive?23:43
genii!info keepassx23:44
ubottukeepassx (source: keepassx): Cross Platform Password Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-1 (xenial), package size 496 kB, installed size 1964 kB23:44
slicktuxgenii: nvm, I overlooked.23:44
slicktuxNICE, cool chat bot.23:44
geniislicktux: As the bot shows, it's in the "universe" repository, which you may need to enable first23:44
slicktuxgenii: I think I'll stick to the terminal and apt-get for package maitnance. the GUI seems sluggish.23:44
slicktuxgenii: how do I enable it?23:44
geniiI also prefer apt/apt-get23:45
* slicktux high fives!23:45
* slicktux loves the terminal.23:45
slicktuxmuch more efficient.23:45
* slicktux remembers when he used to dislike the terminal.23:46
geniislicktux: Generally, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list  ... and then uncomment the entries which are there23:46
genii( or whatever cli editor you may prefer)23:46
slicktuxgenii: kk23:46
slicktuxgenii: I also removed sudo. . .I dislike it.23:46
slicktuxsu - for me23:46
geniislicktux: For *buntu distributions, sudo -i is the recommended23:47
slicktuxgenii: why so?23:48
slicktuxgenii: I ask with honest curiosity.23:48
slicktuxgenii: Is the system linked to sudo as a user?23:49
geniislicktux: If for instance you su -  then execute an application in user UID 1000 home directory, if that app makes dotfiles, eg like .nanorc or such, they will be made by root and inaccessible to that regular user23:49
geniiIt makes for messy permissions23:50
slicktuxgenii: I seee. I don't have sudo anymore so I cannot sudo --help to see what the -i flag means?23:51
geniiinteractive mode23:51
geniiit also sets the environment while in interactive mode so that files like those .nanorc and so on get written to /root  and not to /home/user/whoever23:53
slicktuxgenii: Now take for example the utility hdparm. . . say I want info from /dev/sda23:55
slicktuxso I must run it as root, hdparm -I /dev/sda23:55
geniislicktux: Then you do: sudo -i   ...after that you are at a root # prompt. you execute what requires it there. When done doing admin/root things, you use: exit to go back to normal user propmpt23:56
slicktuxbecause otherwise I'd get permission denied. . .I fin it interesting that I can try to execute the command as user but I simply get a "permission denied" and the opposite when I run it as super user. Now, in my Gentoo distro hdparm cannot even be polled with hd(press tab here for auto complete) because I'd get a "command not foudn".23:57
slicktuxI must try this with an external drive; maybe permissin is denied form sda but not for sd*?23:58
slicktuxnope. . .does not work with external USB.23:59

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