
kyrofawgrant, ah okay, the granularity is what I was wondering about. Sometimes I push and don't notice a build starting up00:00
kyrofaBut you're right, now that I've waited for about 10 minutes I see builds starting. Very good00:02
wgrantkyrofa: The 20 minute thing is just a cronjob schedule, but the 60 minute thing is to avoid swamping the build farm too much.00:03
kyrofaYeah that makes sense00:03
kyrofawgrant, it's allowed me to setup a little travis-powered deployment. When I push to a branch, travis pushes to an LP branch, and builds start and get automatically published. Pretty handy!00:04
wgrantkyrofa: You can also trigger a build directly through the API pretty easily, if need be.00:06
kyrofawgrant, yeah, that might be rev 2, since then I figure I could poll the process and wait for it to complete, failing if the build fails, etc.00:06
kyrofawgrant, but I needed the quick and dirty 5-minute hack00:06
kyrofaYou know how it goes00:06
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ulm^^ does this take long because there is a principal problem with the request?08:41
ulmor because of a shortage of manpower?08:42
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ricotzcjwatson, hi, could you retry those builds? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/10689734 and https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/1068977510:11
cjwatsonricotz: done10:16
ricotzcjwatson, thanks!10:18
cjwatsonulm: Sorry for the delay.  Passed to sysadmin for action now; one of us will update the ticket when done.10:20
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ulmcjwatson: thanks13:31
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chrisccoulsonany idea why all of my builds are failing like this? https://launchpad.net/~oxide-builds/+archive/ubuntu/oxide-next-for-stable-phone-overlay/+build/1069374315:17
chrisccoulsonNo logs15:17
cjwatsonThere was a network event recently, could be that15:19
chrisccoulsoncjwatson, thanks15:19
cjwatsonLet me bulk-retry stuff15:20
cjwatsonshould all be retrying now15:21
chrisccoulsonexcellent, thanks15:22
carakaGreetings! My bzr imports are failing because one of our devs started signing his PRs over on github. Is there an easy workaround, or am I better to switch to git on launchpad?19:32
carakaWe have no submodules, just a stray gpgsig19:37
cjwatsonI'm afraid there's no workaround19:46
cjwatsonOnce I'm done with my current urgent project the tentative plan is to do git-to-git imports next; in the meantime you can do periodic git pull/push by hand to create an LP git mirror19:47
cjwatson(which isn't great, I know, but shouldn't be utterly horrible and is closer to what we'll end up with)19:47
carakathanks cj, that's what my reading had suggested, I wanted to check that I hadn't missed something. Cheers19:48
cjwatsonIt's a bit of a FAQ at the moment, but that's useful because it means there's clear pressure to get it done19:50
carakaNo doublt I'm just one more squeak of the wheel.  :P19:51
carakaIt's all good becuase the recipes are sorted already.19:51
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