
newshound68_hello anyone out there?00:05
oswriterhi there00:12
newshound68_hi, so it,s September. summer over. just managed to get logged in and installed on Pi300:13
newshound68_ta. is it possible to ssh from mac?00:14
newshound68_like you can with Raspbian00:15
oswriteri couldn't say. i don't use a mac or a pi. lol00:16
newshound68_managed to log in ubuntu mate via ssh. do i run hexchat from cmd line?00:23
kitwarhello! :]00:44
kitwarI have a little problem, figured I might find help in here.00:45
kitwarI've decided to install UbuntuMATE alongside Windows, and I've made the bad decision to only allocate it 12GB.  It now says it is full, although I did not really install anything other than the strictly necessary.00:46
kitwarso I wonder:  Is there a way to increase the space allocated for UbuntuMATE|?00:46
mcadkinsHello all!00:54
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logicalHi, is there a way to put Downloads and some other folders in the Places Menu, I tried to go right click and edit but the only menus i could edit is Applications and system    http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1472697991.png02:47
ali1234oh wait wrong channel. don't know, sorry02:52
ali1234check ~/.gtk-bookmarks and ~/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks02:53
ali1234if you add stuff in there i think it should show on places02:53
ali1234but mate might be different02:53
mrbhardwneed help from experts...05:03
siva_machinaI may not be an expert. But I may be able to help05:03
mrbhardwthanks ,,05:05
mrbhardwmy screen is flapping..aka flickring..05:05
mrbhardwany idea how to fix that,,05:05
alkisgmrbhardw: what's the output of this command? put it to pastebin:05:06
siva_machinamaybe try going to mate-tweak and having it switch to marco with compositing or compton05:06
ouroumovmrbhardw, can you also provide the output of the following command in a terminal: "inxi -MCG | nc termbin.com 9999"05:07
mrbhardwmrbhardw@MRBHARDW-IN:~$ xrandr05:07
mrbhardwScreen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 1600 x 900, maximum 32767 x 3276705:07
mrbhardweDP1 connected 1600x900+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 309mm x 174mm05:07
mrbhardw   1600x900      60.00*+05:07
mrbhardw   1440x900      59.8905:07
mrbhardw   1368x768      60.0005:07
mrbhardw   1360x768      59.80    59.9605:07
mrbhardw   1152x864      60.0005:08
mrbhardw   1280x720      60.0005:08
mrbhardw   1024x768      60.0005:08
mrbhardw   1024x576      60.0005:08
mrbhardw   960x540       60.0005:08
mrbhardw   800x600       60.32    56.2505:08
mrbhardw   864x486       60.0005:08
mrbhardw   800x450       60.0005:08
mrbhardw   640x480       59.9405:08
mrbhardw   720x405       60.0005:08
mrbhardw   640x360       60.0005:08
ouroumovmrbhardw, pastebin. next time. You don't ever want to paste large amount of text into this channel.05:08
mrbhardwDP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)05:08
mrbhardwDP2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)05:08
mrbhardwHDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)05:08
mrbhardwHDMI2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)05:08
mrbhardwVIRTUAL1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)05:08
siva_machinause pastebin05:08
mrbhardwmrbhardw@MRBHARDW-IN:~$ inxi -MCG | nc termbin.com 999905:08
siva_machinaso you don't flood the chat05:08
mrbhardwohh i am sorry ..05:09
mrbhardwnew to linux..05:09
mrbhardwhow to use pastebin05:09
siva_machinaIt's a website05:09
ouroumovmrbhardw, your system is fully up to date?05:10
siva_machinathere is multiple paste bins05:10
siva_machinathat is one05:10
alkisgmrbhardw: try what siva_machina said, i.e.: marco --no-composite --replace05:10
alkisgDoes this make the flickering better?05:10
siva_machinaopen up Mate tweak and change it from there05:10
siva_machinaIt may help05:10
alkisgNo need to do it permanately, it's better from the command line05:11
alkisgBut ok anyway05:11
siva_machinaHe can change it back easy05:11
alkisgSure if he doesn't lose his whole display05:11
alkisgAnyway, details...05:11
ouroumovalkisg, MATE Tweak inforces an automatic rollback after a few seconds05:12
mrbhardwi did no composite will it work with external monitor as well..05:12
* siva_machina loses whole display and monitor melts05:12
siva_machinaoh NO what I done!05:12
siva_machinamrbhardw, no option for compton?05:13
alkisgmrbhardw: did it stop the flickering?05:13
mrbhardwone suggested me this..05:13
siva_machinaI forgot to ask an important question05:16
siva_machinawhat version of Ubuntu-mate are you on?05:16
siva_machinaI awesome 16.0405:21
* siva_machina can't speel apperantly05:22
siva_machinaanyways Ubuntu numbers there releases by the year and month it was released05:23
siva_machinalike 16.04 came out in April of this year05:23
mrbhardwok so is that version is not stable for graphics ?05:24
siva_machinaNot what I am getting at. Just explaning the numbering system ...sense you're new05:24
siva_machinaanyway did mate tweak not work for you?05:25
mrbhardwrebooted ...05:26
mrbhardwno change in status...05:26
ouroumovmrbhardw, did you go through the "Driver & Firmware" steps of Welcome -> Getting Started?05:26
ouroumovDo that now05:28
ouroumovThen reboot, see if it changes anything.05:28
mrbhardwdidnt find that option05:28
ouroumovSystem -> Welcome05:28
siva_machinait should be in the welcome menu or there should be a program called driver05:28
mrbhardwits only Introduction , features, Getting Started05:29
ouroumov"Getting Started"05:29
ouroumovThen Driver & Firmware05:29
mrbhardwgot it ..05:29
siva_machinahell alexandra198205:33
ztaneupgraded ubuntu mate on RPI3, now as a result my configs in /etc/systemd/network/ stopped working06:34
ztaneno log messages or anything, they just do not seem to apply06:34
ztaneI wonder what's changed..06:35
ztanemy files were 10-inteth0.link; 10-inteth0.network, 20-exteth.link, 20 exteth0.network; trying to consistently assign inteth0 to raspberry builtin ethernet, and exteth0 for USB ether adapter06:38
ztanebut it looks as if systemd isn't even reading these files06:38
ztaneworked with versions from 2 months ago :/06:39
WbosonUsing Ubuntu 16.04 and Mate; Mate menus appear off monitor on all sides (top, bottom, left). Mouse moves beyond monitor border by about 1 CM.06:45
alkisgWboson: is that a tft monitor, or e.g. an old crt one?06:46
WbosonChanging resolution of monitor does not impact the menu location or bring menus into visible space.06:46
WbosonOlder LCD Monitor using HDMI input06:46
alkisgDoes it also have a VGA input? If so, does the problem occur there?06:47
WbosonOffers 12+ resolutions but 1080p is native06:47
WbosonWith analog, VGA there is an option to shrink the image but only on analog is that option available.06:47
WbosonNot for DisplayMate or HDMI06:48
Wboson(or whatever the large input cord is called ;)06:48
alkisgIt sounds like an issue with the monitor, not the operating system06:49
alkisgFor example, a TV of mine, has some stretching options, and it only shows all the pixels when I select "native"06:49
WbosonIs there any X11 setting to define the monitor size06:49
alkisgIt's not about the monitor size06:49
alkisgIt's the monitor itself deciding to clip a border06:50
alkisgThe same thing happens in BIOS or in Windows, doesn't it?06:50
WbosonThe menus are there; they are above the visible area.06:50
alkisgSo you should explore all the monitor options first06:50
WbosonI have tried six of 12 resolutions for HDMI 1080x720, etc.  Basically, every other setting of the HDMI resolution near 60hz06:52
WbosonNo, does not happen in Win06:52
Wboson-- That is not accurate. The Win input used is the Display* cord. The old PC that came with the monitor. Newer PC has HDMI output no Display* or VGA outputs06:53
WbosonNo reason to buy adapters - maybe a reason to buy a new monitor!06:54
WbosonHowever, isn't there an X11 or WindowManager setting to define the Window size?06:54
WbosonNot resolution but size by pixels or geo06:55
alkisgYou can define a fake border with some xorg.conf option, sure06:55
alkisgBut I haven't yet seen a TFT monitor that doesn't have a "native" stretching option06:55
WbosonWe used to do this for XWindows on large systems and PC clients.06:56
WbosonOK; maybe better than VNCServer & client suggestion06:56
WbosonI will locate the xorg.conf; does it exist or must be created?06:58
alkisgEh, sure, if you were to use a fake server, you'd be way better off with xephyr instead of vncserver/client06:58
alkisgIt needs to be created in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. man xorg.conf for details.06:58
WbosonThank you.06:58
alkisgAnd since the issue is not related to ubuntu-mate, you can also ask in #ubuntu-x about it06:58
alkisgi think you'll need "virtual" and "viewport", but I'm not sure06:59
alkisgWhy don't you put a VGA cable instead, if the monitor really doesn't have a proper setting for hdmi?07:00
WbosonThere is no VGA on the PC07:02
WbosonOnly video out is HDMI07:02
alkisgYou're welcome07:02
WbosonI will explore the X11 options; into already.07:02
alkisgWboson: btw, you don't have an nvidia (so that nvidia-settings would be available),do you?07:04
kiran_How do you install Sophos?07:51
ouroumovhi gordon08:21
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tioxMentioning this for the heck of it; soreau is working on making Static work with Expo.08:33
tioxSo for those who backported Compiz you may need to do some more dicking around with Git, but if you want to have a terminal always open even in Expo that may be coming near.08:34
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allanVikingis there an alternative url to download 16.10 beta1 from? the url on the site just downloads until 7.9MB and then stops10:55
allanVikingthis url: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mate/releases/16.10/beta-1/ubuntu-mate-16.10-beta1-desktop-amd64.iso10:55
rahtgaztry a download manager like uget10:57
allanVikingwget failed too10:57
allanVikingtheres no uget for ubuntu livecd10:58
rahtgazhmm... maybe curl with --retry 999 and --retry-max-time 011:00
allanVikingcool, already 9M :D11:12
allanVikingnow it failed at 140MB11:41
allanVikingis there a net installer or sth I could use whilst having my laptop mounted in chroot? it has a broken ubuntu atm11:41
allanVikingit has ubuntu 16.04. What would happen if I just changed it apt sources to Ubuntu Mate 16.04 or 16.10 ?11:42
ricotzallanViking, better use "do-release-upgrade -d"11:43
ouroumovallanViking, you can just restart the download using wget -c11:43
ricotzor "wget -c http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mate/releases/16.10/beta-1/ubuntu-mate-16.10-beta1-desktop-amd64.iso"11:43
ouroumovOr you know, use the torrent11:44
allanVikingmy isp has banned torrents and I cant get into my vps, because for some reasons my ssh keys dont work in chroot11:45
rahtgazisp banning torrents is perhaps the most horrible thing i've heard in a while. Amazing the behavior of these ISP. so anti-consumer is not even funny12:40
rahtgazyou are having lots of problems connecting to that address, allanViking. curl failed because you actually exhausted the 999 retries, which seems to mean either a problem with some router in the way, or your ISP actively killing the connection12:42
TwoNotesNext they will ban email because you might use it to send spam12:42
rahtgazthis isn't going to solve your problem now, but frankly switch ISP12:42
rahtgazindeed TwoNotes12:43
rahtgazbet they aren't banning torrents in their offices though. Where they can download all the crap they want including linux isos and films, because you know... torrents are evil12:45
rahtgazjust ask, if you have anything to ask.12:58
skyrimi dont know12:59
skyrimdo any one know playonlinux?13:00
skyrimit's bugged idk how to fix it13:00
skyrimit's just freezing af on the loading13:00
rahtgaznope. sorry, don't use it. keep around for a while. someone might know and they'll see the post13:01
skyrimah okay thanks13:01
=== user01 is now known as mate69247
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mate69247hello, i found the topmenu applet not to be working reliably. it sometimes just vanishes. also applications like firefox don't work at all13:42
ovletanyone played w/ the fonts settings on UM xenial?13:53
ovletI noticed some flakiness13:53
ovletas in, you touch it and things go apeshit13:54
BlackPanxhello guys13:57
ovlethuy BlackPanx13:58
BlackPanxi have a question... when i dock my ubuntu mate laptop, sometimes screen shows up on external monitor, sometimes it doesnt and sometimes whole laptop freezes. could someone point me into right direction on where to find solution for this kind of behaviour13:59
BlackPanxit seems to be direcly linked to drivers and kernel... maybe i should ask there? it's kinda hard to debug, since no message gets written in dmesg or so...14:00
ovletBlackPanx. first identify exact machine specs so ypu can browse the bug reports w/ that info: inxi -MCG14:00
BlackPanxi should check intel's website maybe... this broadwell driver is mega buggy, i suspect it has something to do with it.14:02
victor__how to access root account14:10
victor__how to do partition after installing mate14:11
victor__can any one help me regarding this14:13
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drakejwhat's up .14:55
mate|11940how to check for software15:19
ztane1604 problems with systemd .link files, I constantly have mac-address generated interface names on RPI3, anyone have any idea?15:21
ztaneit seemed to work with state-of-the-art system 3 months ago but since apt-get upgrade, now stopped working15:21
Qommand0risn't it 1607 instead of 1604?15:21
Qommand0rah wait, nm15:22
Qommand0rfor some reason i thought i was in another channel15:22
ztanehmm for some reason the udev rules are completely ----ed15:30
ztanefor net15:30
ztanefirst of all, I had to remove 73-usb-net-by-mac.rules because it was forcing enx321123123123-style names on all of my ethernets (Raspberry PI) :/15:31
ztanebut even then, my systemd .link stuff is not run, or it doesn't take effect15:32
mate69247hello, i just realized, the mate install gimped my arch installation15:46
mate69247i can boot mate, windows, but arch gives me kernel panic15:46
mate69247so why? no other distro ever changed anothers distros boot capabilities for me ever15:48
Akulii guess arch just screwed itself up15:49
Akuliwhich doesn't surprise me at all15:49
mate69247why should it have? it just happened after the u-mate installation, so now its arch's fault?15:50
Akulii dont know what happened15:50
Akulidoes sudo update-grub detect arch?15:51
Akuliby the way, update-grub is one of the greatest features in debian-based distros i've seen15:51
mate69247it detects it like the first time when it was initially installed15:52
Akulican you chroot your arch?15:52
Akulias an arch user, you are way better than other people so you know how to use chroot, right?15:52
mate69247i do know, but why that sarcastic statement?15:53
Akulibecause most arch users think they are better people than others15:53
mate69247thats the problem with generalization15:54
Akulithats the problem with arch15:54
Akuliif you go through the "advanced" installation using the wiki you're just way better than other people using their debian-based distros.15:54
Akulii've done that once, i liked the idea of installing minimally but hated everything else in arch15:55
mate69247arch is just a great distro. and there no denying. archwiki is also super helpful. thats the reason i also use it (among others)15:55
Akulii mean15:55
Akuli99% of the stuff on the wiki work on other distros too15:55
mate69247isnt that great?15:55
Akulitheir wiki is great, and i think everything else is awful15:56
Akulipacstrap, zsh, no update-grub15:56
mate69247your allowed to your opinion15:56
Akulibut thats just my opinion15:56
mate69247did you know?15:56
mate69247dont need to like it15:56
Akulii don't, and thats why i don't use it15:57
mate69247good for you. wheres the problem?15:57
Akuliif you know how to use your weird package manager you could try updating grub from your arch15:58
Akuliif you know how to make grub config the weird arch way15:58
mate69247points i like are the AUR as the best system to get packages imo, and knowing that anything is possible and configurable are good reasons to use it15:58
rahtgazAkuli, arch is not weird. It's just not Debian. I'd thought to make that distinction clear, if you don't mind15:59
Akuliits not debian, but i found it just awful in many ways15:59
rahtgazClearly not a sentiment shared by many people among arch and non-arch users. So perhaps you are just wrong16:00
mate69247its also good to learn new things about linux.16:00
rahtgazbesides distro-wars type of speech bore me to death. I won't say one more word about it16:00
Akulimate69247, you don't learn linux with arch, you learn arch with arch16:00
Akulifor example installation, you need their arch-chroot instead of regular chroot16:01
mate69247thats simply not true, but you may want to believe that, so continue to do so @ Akuli16:01
Akuliif knowing linux means being able to use zsh with broken autocompletion i suck at linux16:02
Akulii mean, arch comes with minimal software and what it comes with just happens to be my least favorite things16:03
rahtgazzsh happens to have te best autocompletion system of any shell. What are you talking about? Unless you mean broken=nadly configured16:03
mate69247i switched to fish as i found it to be faster to set up and better out of the box16:03
Akuliwhatever configuration the arch install cd uses sucks16:03
Akulii typed mkfs. and hit the  tab twice, it printed me a list of what filesystems i can make which is great16:03
Akulibut then it asked me what i want16:03
Akulii said i just want to type it out myself by hitting Ctrl+C and it took the autocompletion list away :(16:04
Akulibash never does that16:04
mate69247zsh didn't give me any advantages over fish so far, and it works great16:04
rahtgazAkuli, you are reacting to Arch like a newcomer reacts to linux. You don't understand it and automatically it sucks.16:04
mate69247rahtgaz, thats my impression too16:05
Akulii want bash and sysvinit16:05
Akulinot zsh and systemd16:05
Akulilike i said, arch just happens to come with my least favorite stuff16:05
mate69247what are you talking about?16:05
mate69247arch doesnt come with zsh16:05
Akulithe install cd uses it by default16:05
mate69247you aware that you can set up everything the way you want right?16:06
Akuliyes, and a debian installed from a mini.iso allows me to do that also16:06
Akulii also get this by default which is awesome http://dpaste.com/0GREBM116:06
Akulithe thing is, i don't want to start my customization by removing stuff16:07
rahtgazgood grief. You just don't understand the difference between something not working your way and something actually being bad16:07
Akulii want to install my stuff and be done16:07
Akulirahtgaz, arch is awful to me, and great to others16:07
Akulinot their fault in any way16:07
mate69247so you choose your linux flavor based on the default terminal settings? nice..16:08
Akuliamong many other things16:08
ztanewhy prefer bash over zsh :?16:08
rahtgazI'd only wish you made that clearer everytime this issue comes one right from the start. And not after you are being told about it, some 30 posts later16:08
ztane(just curious)16:08
Akuliztane, why prefer zsh over bash?16:08
ztanebecause it's got more functionality16:08
Akulii don't want more garbage16:09
Akulii want something simple and beatiful16:09
rahtgazwhich no shell interpreter actuallyis16:09
Akulibash is much closer to what i want than zsh anyway16:10
Akulii could configure zsh to do what i need, but bash is that by default so why would i bother16:10
mate69247me, me, me, me. jeez16:10
AkuliRFleming, welcome to arch vs me fight16:11
rahtgazAkuli, that's not bash. That's the distro that is configuring that for you. Try to install bash on a slackware setup[ and you'll hate it more than zsh. I promise you16:11
Akulii mean, i'm happier with freebsd csh than arch zsh16:11
mate69247by default bash has usually not many 'features'16:11
Akulieven debian /bin/sh16:12
RFlemingAkuli: yeah... I read16:12
rahtgaznow you are just trolling16:12
mate69247again, zsh is not 'an arch thing'16:12
mate69247you can use anything16:12
mate69247and thats the point in arch more then most other distros16:13
Akulitell me one thing you do in arch and i can't do in debian.16:13
Akuligo ahead, should be easy.16:13
mate69247your clearly not the kind of person who likes to tweak things to his needs in detail, so its not for you.16:13
rahtgazwrong challenge16:13
RFlemingAkuli: run packman16:14
AkuliRFleming, run aptitude16:14
Akuliit has a game also16:14
mate69247RFleming, rekt^^16:14
mate69247using the AUR (you wish)16:15
RFlemingmate69247: actually, I believe you can use AUR with pacapt16:15
mate69247RFleming, shh..:-)16:16
RFlemingI have nothing against Arch...16:16
mate69247don't know about that. may try that out16:16
RFlemingI just don't prefer it because I got tired of source compiles and playing russian roulette with updates16:17
RFlemingI did LFS for a while, slack, gentoo16:17
Akulii hadn't even heard of those problems yet :D16:17
RFleminggot burned by rpm dependency hell16:17
mate69247theres downside to any distro sadly16:17
RFlemingDebian based distros make sense to me.16:17
RFlemingalthough I would really like a rolling update style debian distro that wasn't crap16:18
mate69247one thing arch makes me do is using terminal based applications, so i'm in a different mentality when using it16:18
RFlemingmate69247: I predominantly use Linux in a server environment, so I only use CLI16:19
RFlemingeven on my laptop at home, I'll use CLI before GUI... unless it's GUI cosmetic things... and printers.16:19
RFleming... gawd, I hate printer support in Linux.16:19
mate69247sadly its not the best16:19
RFlemingwell it's not so much Linux's fault... but everyone who makes printers.  With the exception of HP16:20
RFlemingeven Xerox sucks.16:20
mate69247well, epson also do linux16:20
mate69247(got one)16:20
mate69247its a shame you have to choose printers that way16:21
mate69247but its the way16:21
Akulii don't use the gui world that much on debian-based distros16:21
RFlemingLet's not go hating on Arch Akuli... instead lets embrace the fact that we are unified in a world without windows and gates :)16:21
mate69247RFleming, better sit down16:21
mate69247i have to dual boot!16:21
Akuliemacs, bash and sysvinit are still the best pieces of softwares ever <316:21
* RFleming works in a Windows shop :)16:21
mate69247i like gaming and also need graphics application for work16:22
RFlemingmy work computer is Windows 10... with a Mate VM16:22
mate69247(they often use macs too)16:22
mate69247software wise, i prefer windows over mac16:23
mate69247mac is just ALOT prettier16:23
RFlemingNow there's a group of people who feel they're elitist!16:23
mate69247windows is quite ugly imo16:23
RFlemingWindows 10 is nice16:23
mate69247depends tho, the graphics guys usually dont care that much16:24
RFlemingI should get the Anniversary edition of Windows 10... then I can run Ubuntu IN Windows16:24
mate69247they just get mac because its the graphics thing to get16:24
mate69247usually dont know much about computers (from my expericence)16:24
RFlemingSo I just installed beta 1.  Anything I should be looking out for?16:25
mate69247RFleming, read about that16:25
RFlemingapparently APT works in it :)16:25
mate69247can it run vim and ranger btw?16:25
RFlemingI dunno.  I haven't tried it yet16:25
mate69247these would be reasons to use the fearure16:26
mate69247damn spelling16:26
mate69247 btw, anyone got the topmenu applet working for mazilla apps?16:32
mate69247RFleming, using i3? could make sense on a server16:34
RFlemingfunny you should mention that16:34
RFlemingI've just finished installing mate 16.10 beta 116:34
RFlemingand I'm also installing 16.04 from the mini.iso, so I can experiment with i3w :)16:34
* RFleming looooves virtual machines16:35
mate69247i3 is really fun to use. but you can invest alot of time into configuring it16:35
mate69247but its not required per se.16:36
RFlemingI've seen what some arch people have done with twms like awesom and I'm blown away16:36
mate69247its awesome, i tell 'ya16:36
RFlemingthat wasn't punny at all16:37
RFlemingI like to play with window managers16:38
mate69247that was too low, wasnt really intended, but i threw it out anyway16:38
mate69247yeah. i3 seems to be the sanest to configure compared to other tiling wms from what i know16:38
mate69247others require lua or haskell and so on16:38
RFlemingone of these days I'm going to create a VM where my vttys 8-12 with different wms and fully experiment16:39
mate69247why not16:39
RFlemingmy wife right now is loving budgie16:39
mate69247could not try that one, since it did not install16:40
RFlemingif you don't mind turning up a new VM... download budgie-remix and give it a spin16:40
mate69247i think it had problems with non-uefi mode16:40
RFlemingthey're trying to become an official ubuntu flavour16:40
mate69247(the iso)16:40
RFleminglatest is based off of 16.0416:41
mate69247i tried the one from the original dev16:41
mate69247the intel guy16:41
mate69247whats the distros name?16:41
mate69247i dont think that was it, let me look16:41
mate69247solus os16:42
RFlemingit's the default for Solus16:42
mate69247that iso didnt install, so i never tried the DE16:42
RFlemingbut some dude has created a remix using the budgie wm on top of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.  Everything is ubuntu except the WM16:42
RFlemingit's called budgie-remix16:42
mate69247right, so is it any good?16:43
mate69247or better, any advantages?16:43
RFlemingit's very simple16:43
mate69247features? or something that really sets it apart?16:44
RFlemingit has a sliding panel for notifications and basic config... goes to a control panel for more advanced stuff16:44
RFlemingit's light, minimal and pretty :)16:44
mate69247the chinese one looked similar16:44
mate69247didnt try that either16:44
RFlemingit also feels familiar.  Anyone who's used a computer would know how to find stuff16:44
RFlemingsomething cool about a DE that's all HTML5 and CSS3 :)16:45
mate69247oh was it?16:45
mate69247thats great16:45
mate69247deepin or budgee?16:45
RFlemingI think they've moved away from that though16:45
mate69247thas really an argument in my book16:46
mate69247that would be the reason for me to acually try it16:46
RFlemingperformance I believe16:46
mate69247hmm but...css is not that slow..16:46
mate69247im no developer tho16:47
mate69247so who knows16:47
* RFleming shrugs16:47
mate69247i mean, firefox uses css also for the gui16:48
RFlemingI also like pantheon from Elementary OS16:48
mate69247elementary is really too basic for my taste16:48
mate69247it looks somewhat pretty and consistent tho16:48
RFlemingmaybe so, but I think that was the point16:48
RFlemingmost people live in a browser16:49
mate69247thats right16:49
mate69247its just not for me i want to say16:49
mate69247but i also really cant imagine alot of people to be a good target audience though16:49
mate69247for new users i would still recommend u-mate over that16:50
mate69247or even mint for that matter16:50
Akuliarch user recommends mint?16:51
mate69247the built in apps just dont feel mature enough16:51
RFlemingI used to use mint, until I realized what sort of games they are playing with packages and such16:51
Akuliif you've ever read mint's code you know its barely holding itself together16:51
mate69247of course. mint was the gateway to many linux users including me.16:51
Akulii mean16:51
Akuliyou can't recommend that people go use that16:51
RFlemingAkuli: I believe because of its use... not because of its code :)16:52
mate69247guys, you have to realize that the normal new user does not care about these things16:52
mate69247its a easy to use, get feet wet distro16:52
mate69247and its pretty good at that16:52
Akulii mean, i can execute whatever i want as root by just entering a host to block16:52
mate69247you can move on after you learned a but16:53
RFlemingmate69247: You're correct!  The problem is it's irresponsible :)16:53
RFlemingit's nice to have an open source OS, and a line saying that anything bad happening isn't our fault16:53
RFlemingbut it's basically parts duct-taped together, without any effort to fix it.16:54
mate69247i know what you mean RFleming but the normal user really wont have much issues from that16:54
RFlemingTHIS is the primary problem with Linux.16:54
mate69247linux strenghts are also its weakness, as in big choice can be ofputting16:55
RFlemingthere are too many distros, too much opportunity for others to take advantage of the general populous.16:55
mate69247many users probably dont even attempt linux cause of the sheer amount of shit you can use16:56
RFlemingclem is a great guy, and his intentions were good... but things are turning bad for mint very fast.16:56
mate69247still gets kudos for starting16:57
RFlemingMint should die... and Elementary OS should become the defacto noob distro16:57
mate69247mint was a gateway and i will keep that in mind16:57
RFlemingHell, I'd recommend Zorin before Mint now :)16:57
mate69247also ubuntu of course16:57
mate69247i think manjaro needs also to get credits for some things they did16:58
mate69247they influenced u-mates greeter didnt they?16:59
mate69247think ive seen it first there16:59
mate69247was a great way of giving starting introduction to new users16:59
mate69247i dont really like any floating DEs....17:01
mate69247they all have problems17:01
mate69247not enough configuration, or unstable17:01
mate69247it really boggles my mind how KDE can be such a widly used DE when it always has plasma crashes and having such a slow startup17:02
RFlemingmate69247: I stopped using KDE when I was using Gentoo... got tired of compiling the damned thing.17:03
mate69247RFleming, thats a reason yeah. too bloaty to compile all the time17:04
RFlemingswitched to fluxbox17:04
RFlemingtook over a day to compile KDE on an Athlon 64 X217:04
mate69247i actually think of incorporating flux into i3..17:04
RFlemingstate of the art 2005 technology17:04
mate69247i3 by itself is really good, but it could be nice to have that right click menu you know?17:05
mate69247just to switch things up17:05
mate69247dont how if that works tho17:05
RFlemingAlright.  I gotta split for a bit17:05
RFlemingI'll be back in 20 or so.17:05
mate69247maybe later17:06
mate69247chrooting worked without problems, writing from arch now17:37
mate69247only difference is the 'arch-' prefix for chrooting from when i used it17:38
RFlemingok, back17:41
mate69247RFleming: hi, just hit here too17:42
mate69247was fixing the grub loader meanwhile17:43
mate69247any software recommendation guys?17:44
mate69247i got i3, ranger, mpv and newsbeuter for you17:45
mate69247(for the ones that didnt tried one of em yet)17:45
Akulimate69247, actually arch- is not the only difference17:46
Akuliarch-chroot does a bunch of magic, it mounts some stuff for you so their installation instructions are shorter17:47
mate69247i did it from within ubuntu and i had to manually bind /dev and /proc17:48
mate69247so 'arch-' might do that for you17:48
Akuliactually thats exactly what it does17:49
Akuliin your chroot run which arch-chroot, and then go read that file17:50
Akuliits just a bash script17:50
mate69247great then17:50
RFlemingman Ubuntu mini boots fast :)17:50
mate69247a plus in my book17:50
mate69247you can run the normal chroot as well i think17:50
Akuliof course17:51
AkuliRFleming, yes it does17:51
mate69247because you complained on that before17:51
RFlemingtakes longer to post!17:51
Akulii've enjoyed that mininess for quite a while now on some computers17:51
Akulimate69247, i'm just feeling like some people might learn to use arch-chroot and never learn to use real chroot17:52
mate69247so whats the best debian mini distro?17:52
Akulii like devuan17:52
Akulino systemd by default17:52
mate69247might check that out17:53
mate69247got u-mate as a side distro for now17:53
mate69247only problem i found with CLI apps is the buffer not being shared between terminals that easy17:56
mate69247got something on that?17:56
newshound68does anyone know if Hexchat can be run from the cmd line, ie. non GUI? thanks in advance17:57
mate69247newshound68: just as a note: try weechat17:57
mate69247didnt look into hexchat having support for that, but weechat is one of the best terminal ones17:58
newshound68mate69247: thanks, and then I just look for this chat forum on there?17:59
mate69247newshound68: can you rephrase please?17:59
mate69247its a terminal based irc client and you can access any channel like normal18:00
newshound68ok thanks ;)18:00
mate69247also this channel if you mean that18:00
mate69247check the beginners guide18:01
mate69247on the web18:01
mate69247but its of cousr i a little bit harder to use, since you have to type everything in, as terminal based apps tend to require18:02
RFlemingI believe irssi is a CLI IRC client18:02
mate69247(using weechat right now myself)18:02
mate69247RFleming: it is18:02
mate69247weechat has a bit more features i think18:02
mate69247i didnt try irssi myself, as i was happy with weechat18:03
mate69247but you might wanna check it out18:03
mate69247newshound68: https://weechat.org/files/doc/devel/weechat_quickstart.en.html18:04
newshound68right so im running weechat via ssh on another machine. says : "command join must be executed on irc buffer (server or channel) ...???18:07
mate69247newshound68: did you follow the steps in the linked guide?18:08
mate69247after adding a server, you /connect NAMEYOUGAVESERVER18:09
mate69247and then /join #ubuntu-mate for instance18:09
RFlemingjust installed i3 on my mini ubuntu18:11
RFlemingsurprised i3 doesn't have xinit as a dependency  :)18:12
newshound68mate69247 it aint exactly a dummies guide but i guess i will crack it ...18:12
Akulii don't actually have xinit installed on this ubuntu-mate18:12
Akulilightdm does the work for m18:13
mate69247newshound68: you just have to add a server before the stuff i wrote up there18:13
RFlemingAkuli: I'm using a minimal ubuntu install (from mini.iso) and installed i3.  i3 won't run without a display18:13
mate69247newshound68: /server add freenode chat.freenode.net18:13
RFlemingand it doesn't install startx :)18:13
Akulii don't have startx18:13
Akulibut i am running x18:14
mate69247i just use plain startx on my archbox18:14
mate69247don't have the need for a login manager myself18:14
mate69247 /display manager18:15
newshound68mate69247: done that, now what?18:16
mate69247done what?18:16
newshound68added freenode srver18:16
mate69247can you scroll up a bit?18:16
mate69247its all there18:16
mate69247here on the chat, not hte guide18:17
mate69247the first freenode was the name you gave the server btw18:17
mate69247so you have to use that instead of the placeholder18:18
mate69247i type that fast..:/connect freenode18:18
mate69247 /join #ubuntu-mate18:19
mate69247newshound681: worked?18:20
newshound681mate69247: ah, got it. thanks so much18:20
mate69247newshound681: np mate18:20
mate69247you can eve split windows and stuff like that18:20
newshound681am going to login via my 1983 Tandy now! :)18:21
Akuli...so its basically emacs but its meant to be an irc client?18:21
mate69247switch between buffers with alt+arrow18:21
mate69247well, like most good cli programs it draws from either emacs or vim18:22
mate69247i have not much experice with emacs myself18:22
mate69247i use vim in the terminal18:22
mate69247but im fairly new to it. gone the full blown way though and have all kinds of programs using the vim key scheme\18:23
mate69247its fun and efficient to use the KB only18:24
mate69247definitely check out ranger as a file manager if you havent18:26
mate69247(and dont hate vim bindings)18:26
Akulii've never saved a file succesfully on vim18:26
Akulivim is like arch to me, not my thing at all but i understand that others love it18:27
mate69247it requires the will to learn completly new things. i can understand that its offputting18:28
mate69247you will be very bad at the beginning18:28
mate69247and be slow like a turtle18:28
mate69247its a good reason not to get involved18:28
mate69247but if you can see the potential, it can be worth it18:29
mate69247i already edit a bit faster then with a gui editor i think, and im not using vim that long18:30
RFlemingAkuli: if you feel that way about Vim, what are your feelings on Emacs? :)18:31
Akuliso far i'm happy with it18:31
mate69247thats even more complicated isnt it?18:31
Akulii've gotten started with it, and i'm familiar with it so i like it18:32
mate69247(didnt really used it in a long time)18:32
mate69247Akuli: thanks to you, we still don't have all the future tech seen in scifi :-)18:33
mate69247Akuli: next time, just hit ZZ btw. it will be your first save18:35
mate69247or type :w18:35
Akulii already know emacs and nano so why would i learn a third editor :)18:35
mate69247good point.18:36
Akuliwhen i used git on windows a while ago i configured it to use notepad instead of the vim it came with :D18:36
Akulithen all my programming friends were like oh my god akuli u suck18:36
mate69247regular notepad?18:36
Akuliyes, regular windows xp notepad18:36
mate69247or ++18:36
Akulii used what i had18:36
mate69247well. sure18:37
mate69247probably the least feature rich editor ever?18:37
Akulii was going to use ms dos edit but somehow it just didn't work with git cmd18:38
Akulibasically i wanted an equivalent to nano, but i didn't want to install anything18:38
mate69247nano..its just the default terminal editor for most distros. i just liked that it displays the most used bindings on the bottom18:39
mate69247vim should have better feedback that way imo18:40
mate69247ranger does it pretty good, as if you start a motion, it will give you a popup of the things you could use in combination18:40
Akulii used it for you know commit messages and stuff18:40
mate69247like if you type 'y' it gives you a list of what kind of yanks you could do18:41
Akulisounds like zsh18:41
Akuliin nano i see a ^G Help in the bottom left corner18:41
mate69247go on18:42
Akulii like it that way18:42
Akulii can just type ^G and i'm reading instructions18:42
mate69247and so you could man it or --help it18:42
mate69247some apps also give you the ?18:43
Akuli...except that there's no man on windows18:43
RFlemingOK, windows subsystem for Linux time18:43
Akuliand git vim can't be ran from git cmd for whatever reason18:43
AkuliRFleming, its windows 10 fanciness18:43
Akulii'm talking about the xp system i used a couple weeks ago18:43
mate69247why would you do that?18:43
mate69247xp i mean18:43
Akuliuse xp or use windows 10 or what?18:43
Akulibecause i forgot the power cord for my laptop18:44
Akuliand i didn't have an empty cd for installing linux18:44
mate69247old school haxor18:44
Akulii actually liked working with xp18:44
Akuliall my stuff just worked great18:44
mate69247xp was good times honestly18:44
mate69247kinda the golden age of windows18:45
Akuli12 years of updates, latest firefox, malwarebytes anti-exploit... nice and secure :)18:45
mate69247and stuff18:45
Akulinot to forget18:45
Akulicommmon sense18:45
mate69247personally i rarly had any issues with security18:45
Akulii haven't had either18:46
mate69247i think i got one nasty virus18:46
mate69247one time18:46
Akulisame here18:46
Akuliback then i knew nothing about removing them :(18:46
mate69247was newish myself18:46
mate69247got it from an internet cafe when that ws a thing18:46
mate69247usb stick18:47
Akulii have an awesome internet as you can see18:47
mate69247you missed that i catched it from an internet cafe via usb18:48
Akulii think i got it through an ad18:49
Akuliit didn't do much though, just disabled my avast and slowed down the computer a lot18:49
mate69247ublockorigin these days18:49
Akulisame here18:49
Akulinowadays i'd just start in task manager and regedit, or avast's boot time scan or kaspersky rescue disk or whatever18:49
mate69247when i got better with tech i threw anti virus out the window on windows18:50
Akulime too :)18:50
Akulimalwarebytes anti-exploit is nice and light-weight18:50
mate69247last time i used anti virus is several years ago, and never got problems (from what i know)18:51
mate69247could only get trojan18:51
mate69247but you never know on windows and anti virus wont save you from that anyway18:51
mate69247brain.exe is best18:52
Akuliantiviruses are stupid18:52
Akulithey start protecting after someone has already gotten infected18:53
Akulianti-exploit programs do that before someone gets infected18:53
mate69247ive used sandboxie for many years18:54
mate69247found it to be a good program18:55
mate69247dont use it right now though, since i use windows mainly for gaming these days and some anti ccheat programs detect sandboie as a evil hacker tool18:56
mate69247got banned because of that shit18:56
newshound681i was just making a point lol :)18:59
mate69247newshound681: good job19:02
newshound681mate69247: why has my nick been changed from newshound68 to newshound681? is it because someone already owns it?19:03
mate69247newshound681: might be, change buffers with alt+arrows to see waht the log says on freenode19:04
rflemingI am speaking to you from irssi installed on Linux subsystem for Windows (Beta)19:05
rflemingwhich is running on a version of trusty19:05
rflemingreally weird to run apt on windows :)19:05
mate69247bot detected19:05
rflemingI tried to use weechat, but it gave me an out-of-memory error19:06
mate69247ban initiated19:06
mate69247what about vim and ranger though rfleming ?19:06
newshound681 Q19:06
rfleminglemme check19:07
mate69247newshound681: now you wrote a Q, your'e making progress19:07
rflemingvim comes preinstalled...19:07
rflemingranger seems to function19:07
mate69247what direcrories do you see there?19:08
mate69247whats hte root?19:08
mate69247ubuntu or windows19:08
rflemingit appears ubuntu19:09
mate69247as i thought19:09
mate69247would be nice if you could navigate windows there19:09
rflemingam looking :)19:09
rflemingeverything is in /mnt19:10
rfleming/mnt/c/Users/RFleming/Desktop indeed exists19:10
rflemingthis is weird19:11
rflemingreally weird19:11
rflemingthis is like the inverse of WINE19:11
rflemingevery CLI app I've run works.  I installed cream, and it complains about no X19:12
mate69247i rather try gpu passthrough thogh19:12
rflemingI'm kinda afraid to try and install X :)19:12
mate69247i doubt it works19:13
rflemingoh snap!19:13
mate69247runnung full ubuntu now?19:14
rflemingget an external X server and then you can run gui stuff19:14
rflemingDISPLAY=:0 cream works a treat19:15
rfleminggoing to install i3 and see what happens19:16
mate69247sadly you wont be ablt to actually manage the windows windows19:16
badilahi all19:17
mate69247badila: hi19:17
mate69247go on19:19
mate69247rfleming: so, whats the wow thing?19:33
mate69247gotta run, waiting a sec19:33
tioxAlright that was weird.22:12
tioxMy system's load average was somewhere around 200+22:12
tioxAnd it was all because of Firefox's memory going ape.22:13
tioxLike, load average calculation on MATE's indicator panel maxes at 20 and I was ten times that.22:14
sanuelpossible plex server in ubuntu mate22:36

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