upd | .napoved | 01:46 |
jabuk | Ponoči in zjutraj bo pretežno jasno. Zjutraj bo po nekaterih kotlinah kratkotrajna megla. Najnižje jutranje temperature bodo od 9 do 15, ob morju okoli 18 stopinj C. | 01:46 |
jabuk | Jutri bo dopoldne pretežno jasno, popoldne pa delno jasno s spremenljivo oblačnostjo, v severozahodni Sloveniji bodo proti večeru nastale posamezne plohe ali nevihte. Najvišje dnevne temperature bodo od 24 do 28, na Primorskem do 31 stopinj C. | 01:46 |
zdobbie | .yt alt j bloodfloot pt 2 | 06:23 |
jabuk | alt-J - Bloodflood pt II (Official Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_wdKxvOQbM | 06:23 |
zdobbie | floot huh | 06:23 |
upd | https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21044432/123.html | 07:41 |
msev-- | a maš v alsi lahko izbranih več audio input naprav | 07:47 |
msev-- | zakaj mam zj pocket news pod googlom | 07:48 |
zdobbie | no news for alsa? must suck | 07:52 |
idioterna | yang: here's your flying car | 07:52 |
idioterna | https://www.facebook.com/610996679029303/videos/vb.610996679029303/950637978398503/?type=2&theater | 07:52 |
Pepelka | Fire Motor - Chronik | Facebook | 07:52 |
Pepelka | »Fire Motor. Gefällt 10.571 Mal · 418.789 Personen sprechen darüber. Gemeinschaft« | 07:52 |
CrazyLemon | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zi8_CLY3fAo | 08:04 |
Pepelka | Burning Man Live Stream - YouTube | 08:04 |
Pepelka | »Welcome to the Burning Man live stream. It's only gonna keep getting better... We wish you were here!« | 08:04 |
msev-- | a mi loh en pliz razloži kko razbrat tole self.process = play_mp3(data['entries'][0]['links'][0]['href']) iz tega linka http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast.php?id=500005 | 10:15 |
Pepelka | Hourly News Summary | 10:15 |
msev-- | k ne vidm polja k bi se tko imenovala | 10:15 |
CrazyLemon | verjetno zato ker je več tega napisanega kot ena vrstica za parseanje..verjetno kak rss parser | 10:17 |
msev-- | ja je rss parser | 10:19 |
msev-- | import feedparser | 10:20 |
CrazyLemon | ja..in ti misliš da ti bomo mi povedali iz ene vrstice kako se kaj razbere? :) | 10:20 |
CrazyLemon | naslednjič ko boš rabu pomoč ti bom posredoval sam eno vrstico :> | 10:20 |
msev-- | http://www.pythonforbeginners.com/feedparser/using-feedparser-in-python bom kle poizkušal razumet | 10:21 |
msev-- | :D | 10:21 |
Pepelka | Using Feedparser in Python | 10:21 |
msev-- | o lej sj sm najdu docse https://pythonhosted.org/feedparser/ | 10:21 |
CrazyLemon | ne vem zakaj nisi takoj tega najdu :) | 10:21 |
msev-- | pomoje bo šlo da sam razumem | 10:21 |
msev-- | ma najdu sm neke docse pa so ble sam 3 vrstice | 10:22 |
msev-- | pol sm pa napisal kle :D | 10:22 |
msev-- | hehe | 10:22 |
=== trojanc1 is now known as trojanc | ||
dz0ny | http://rss2json.com/api.json?rss_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.npr.org%2Frss%2Fpodcast.php%3Fid%3D500005 | 10:31 |
dz0ny | tole boš znal ponucat | 10:31 |
msev-- | jap | 10:55 |
zdobersek | BIG IN JAPan | 10:55 |
CrazyLemon | notorious? | 10:59 |
msev-- | a kdo ve kko pip naložit v windowsu | 10:59 |
msev-- | pa kko ga uporabljat :D | 10:59 |
zdobbie_ | man pip | 11:00 |
msev-- | sj pomoje bom kr naložil si ubuntu gnome na workstation tut | 11:00 |
CrazyLemon | !g pip windows | 11:00 |
Pepelka | python - How do I install pip on Windows? - Stack Overflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4750806/how-do-i-install-pip-on-windows | 11:00 |
msev-- | bom rabu pomoč | 11:00 |
msev-- | pri inštaliranju ubuntuja da si ne povozm winsov | 11:00 |
msev-- | k te particije js ne bom nikol razumel čist nikol | 11:00 |
zdobbie_ | WELL YOU'RE ON THE RIGHT CHANNEL | 11:00 |
CrazyLemon | ti? boš rabu pomoč? neee no | 11:00 |
msev-- | yuppiii | 11:00 |
msev-- | :D | 11:00 |
msev-- | mam python 2.7.10 | 11:01 |
msev-- | seprav že mam pip | 11:01 |
msev-- | !g how to use pip on windows | 11:01 |
Pepelka | python - How do I install pip on Windows? - Stack Overflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4750806/how-do-i-install-pip-on-windows | 11:01 |
msev-- | !g fu | 11:01 |
Pepelka | Fakulteta za upravo http://www.fu.uni-lj.si/ | 11:01 |
msev-- | !g windows pip | 11:02 |
Pepelka | python - How do I install pip on Windows? - Stack Overflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4750806/how-do-i-install-pip-on-windows | 11:02 |
msev-- | ma nč ne najdem | 11:02 |
zdobersek | fwiw ma ta 'googel' tud web interface | 11:03 |
msev-- | cd C:/Python/Scripts/ | 11:03 |
msev-- | pip.exe install <package-name> | 11:03 |
zdobersek | kjer pokaze vec kokr en rezultat | 11:03 |
CrazyLemon | no way? you for real? | 11:04 |
zdobersek | so I've heard | 11:04 |
msev-- | mind blown | 11:04 |
CrazyLemon | naah man..someone was trolling you | 11:04 |
zdobbie_ | WHO WUZ IT | 11:11 |
CrazyLemon | larry | 11:19 |
Pepelka | [Ubuntu.si] Matthai: Neujemanje MD5 hashev? https://www.ubuntu.si/forum/discussion/6524/neujemanje-md5-hashev | 11:57 |
Matthai | kakšen admin tukaj? | 12:03 |
Matthai | a se da en post popraviti? | 12:04 |
CrazyLemon | mogoče..10€ pa vse zrihtamo | 12:04 |
CrazyLemon | Matthai sj maš 'edit' oziroma 'uredi' med možnostmi in lahko sam urediš :) | 12:05 |
Pepelka | [Ubuntu.si] Matthai: RE: Neujemanje MD5 hashev? https://www.ubuntu.si/forum/discussion/comment/43885#Comment_43885 | 12:05 |
CrazyLemon | pa prišparaš 10€! | 12:05 |
Matthai | ne vidim... | 12:05 |
Matthai | aja, zdaj vidim | 12:06 |
CrazyLemon | Matthai cog..zravn zvezdice | 12:06 |
Matthai | ux! | 12:06 |
CrazyLemon | awesome right! | 12:06 |
Pepelka | [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: 5 Things We Secretly Miss About Ubuntu http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/JxANTeAE2dw/5-things-secretly-miss-ubuntu | 12:09 |
upd | We’re writing to let you know that we’ll be discontinuing the ability to render HTML content in-browser via shared links or Public Folder. If you're using Dropbox shared links to host HTML files for a website, the content will no longer display in-browser. | 12:35 |
upd | no more poop | 12:35 |
CrazyLemon | edino prav | 12:40 |
CrazyLemon | https://twitter.com/nova_road/status/771335225255354369 | 13:24 |
Pepelka | Robin Seemangal auf Twitter: "The @SpaceX Falcon 9 just exploded at their Launch Complex at Cape Canaveral." | 13:24 |
CrazyLemon | this shit hit the fan | 13:24 |
CrazyLemon | https://twitter.com/PointyEndUp/status/771336568380481537 | 13:24 |
Pepelka | Ian Dawson auf Twitter: "I hope everyone is OK at #SpaceX. https://t.co/HFN5jiGDDf" | 13:24 |
CrazyLemon | torej..ne bo launcha 3.9. | 13:25 |
idioterna | a to je bil ze un satelit gor? | 13:27 |
idioterna | al so eksplodiral brez satelita | 13:27 |
idioterna | cel thread je "a loh mi to fotko uporablamo?" | 13:28 |
dz0ny | https://techcrunch.com/2016/09/01/a-spacex-falcon-9-rocket-just-exploded-at-cape-canaveral/ | 13:37 |
Pepelka | A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket just exploded at Cape Canaveral | TechCrunch | 13:37 |
Pepelka | »According to numerous eyewitness reports, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket just exploded while resting on a launch pad at Cape Canaveral. This rocket was set to..« | 13:37 |
idioterna | aha vidm | 13:40 |
idioterna | fire test | 13:40 |
idioterna | kul | 13:40 |
idioterna | not too bad for spacex | 13:40 |
dz0ny | http://kscwmserv1.ksc.nasa.gov/channel4 | 13:40 |
dz0ny | live | 13:40 |
dz0ny | v vlc | 13:40 |
dz0ny | Reports that the static fire for the F9-029 core launching AMOS-6 has gone wrong. Explosions are continuing, pad is destroyed. | 13:43 |
CrazyLemon | so..you see bunch of smoke? :D | 13:43 |
dz0ny | more struts pls | 13:44 |
CrazyLemon | sj je itak bila stara raketa..sj majo še 3(?) take | 13:45 |
zdobbie_ | ma lih tastare je skoda | 13:46 |
dz0ny | nova je bla | 13:46 |
zdobbie_ | k se jim porusi reusability pitch | 13:46 |
CrazyLemon | ni bila nova | 13:46 |
dz0ny | nova je bla | 13:47 |
CrazyLemon | kje piše? | 13:47 |
dz0ny | ta stara je v hangerju | 13:47 |
CrazyLemon | https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/770696787317235712 | 13:47 |
dz0ny | This Falcon 9, F9-029, was meant to launch Israel's Amos-6 communications satellite. Not sure if payload was aboard at the time of explosion | 13:47 |
Pepelka | SpaceX auf Twitter: "First launch of flight-proven first stage will use CRS-8 booster that delivered Dragon to @Space_Station in April https://t.co/UsqWeNBEK2" | 13:47 |
dz0ny | to je nova | 13:47 |
dz0ny | Reportedly no casualities; and payload was not onboard the vehicle at the time of the incident. | 13:48 |
dz0ny | Lots of Cape/KSC workers have reported the Falcon 9 set to launch with Amos-6 has exploded on the SLC-40 pad. Emergency crews arriving. | 13:49 |
slax0r | people died? | 13:49 |
dz0ny | https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CrRZTQvWYAACKq8.jpg:large | 13:50 |
dz0ny | zgleda se ni bla pokonc | 13:50 |
dz0ny | neki pr integraciji je slo narobe | 13:50 |
CrazyLemon | classic RUD | 13:51 |
dz0ny | a propellant handling issue, not an F9 firing issue. | 13:51 |
dz0ny | https://twitter.com/LameLefty/status/771339717321175042 | 13:52 |
Pepelka | RocketLawyer auf Twitter: "From friends who work at KSC and CCAFS, the mishap occurred at ~ F minus 3 minutes. Pad SHOULD have been clear. https://t.co/fzjc0h3nWz" | 13:52 |
dz0ny | F9/AMOS6: Channel 13 in Orlando quotes 45th Space Wing saying no injuries have been reported | 13:54 |
CrazyLemon | F - 3? | 14:04 |
CrazyLemon | whats F? | 14:04 |
CrazyLemon | F*ckup ? | 14:04 |
dz0ny | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy5-X-shRRE | 14:05 |
Pepelka | Incident At Kennedy Space Center SpaceX Test Site - YouTube | 14:05 |
Pepelka | »Courtesy: NASA/Kennedy Space Center To obtain a Storyful subscription, contact sales@storyful.com.« | 14:05 |
dz0ny | Firing | 14:05 |
upd | http://news.sky.com/watch-live | 14:08 |
Pepelka | Watch Sky News Live | 14:08 |
Pepelka | »Sky News - First for Breaking News, video, headlines, analysis and top stories from business, politics, entertainment and more in the UK and worldwide.« | 14:08 |
CrazyLemon | https://youtu.be/y60wDzZt8yg | 14:08 |
Pepelka | Sky News Live - YouTube | 14:08 |
Pepelka | »SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more great videos: http://www.youtube.com/skynews Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/skynews and https://twitter....« | 14:08 |
CrazyLemon | much nicer ^ | 14:08 |
upd | waw | 14:10 |
CrazyLemon | ikr | 14:10 |
CrazyLemon | očitno je šel tudi satelit k vragu | 14:26 |
CrazyLemon | pravijo 'payload was lost' | 14:26 |
upd | ena smet manj v vesolju | 14:40 |
Pepelka | [Ubuntu.si] s-max: Po nadgradnji iz 14 na 16 https://www.ubuntu.si/forum/discussion/6525/po-nadgradnji-iz-14-na-16 | 15:19 |
Pepelka | [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: How to Install Spotio On Ubuntu 16.04 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/sd_MR-lmFpM/download-spotio-spotify-light-skin-linux | 16:39 |
zdobbie_ | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL7I9BWFqdk | 16:41 |
Pepelka | Windows XP Startup Sound slowed down to 24 hours - YouTube | 16:41 |
Pepelka | »Join Bob Pony on Discord: http://discord.me/BobPony Bob Pony's website: http://bobpony.ga Follow me on Twitter for Updates: https://twitter.com/TheBobPony« | 16:41 |
dz0ny | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BgJEXQkjNQ | 17:27 |
Pepelka | SpaceX - Static Fire Anomaly - AMOS-6 - 09-01-2016 - YouTube | 17:27 |
Pepelka | »Several minutes have been cut from about 10 minutes. We hope for SpaceX to have a quick recovery to flight. Ask for permission before using or cutting. Shari...« | 17:27 |
dz0ny | http://i.imgur.com/8Udh6kq.png | 17:34 |
idioterna | kr kul vid | 17:35 |
dz0ny | no launches for 6m | 17:37 |
dz0ny | :( | 17:38 |
idioterna | mhm | 17:38 |
upd | https://twitter.com/AFP/status/771393442396110848 | 17:39 |
Pepelka | AFP news agency auf Twitter: "#BREAKING Powerful 7.2 magnitude quake jolts New Zealand: USGS" | 17:39 |
idioterna | hm | 17:39 |
CrazyLemon | kmalu v novicah..mulci na skuterjih se hočejo tepst s policaji | 17:40 |
idioterna | http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-37249108 | 17:41 |
Pepelka | Powerful quake off north-east New Zealand coast - BBC News | 17:41 |
Pepelka | »Residents of a small community on the east coast of New Zealand's North Island are asked to evacuate after a severe earthquake at sea.« | 17:41 |
idioterna | tle je zemljevid | 17:41 |
dz0ny | http://ntwc.arh.noaa.gov/events/PAAQ/2016/09/01/ocu3ja/1/WEAK53/ttvuocu3ja-01.jpg | 17:49 |
zdobbie | up yours, capitalism! https://www.engadget.com/2016/09/01/netflix-saves-kids-from-over-150-hours-of-commercials-a-year/ | 18:07 |
Pepelka | Public Access - Netflix Saves kids from over 150 hours of commercials a year | 18:07 |
Pepelka | »There's no doubt that as revenue for major networks slips, the best opportunity to quickly increase the bottom line is to jam more commercials into each broadc...« | 18:07 |
zdobbie | https://i.imgur.com/6d0tBDW.jpg | 18:15 |
upd | kwa nj s tem androidom | 18:30 |
upd | a je dost dela na nov os naložit na phone | 18:31 |
idioterna | naceloma ti rece "a se upgradam?" in ti touchnes "ja" | 18:32 |
upd | mja skoz mi teži da ne more odpret slike k kao ni placa | 18:33 |
upd | pa če pobrišem vse isto | 18:33 |
upd | en star samsung gt-s7710 | 18:33 |
upd | ubistvu bi rabu pobrisat vse pa na novo | 18:34 |
upd | upgrejda tak ni več | 18:34 |
CrazyLemon | factory restore pa je | 18:56 |
CrazyLemon | reset* | 18:56 |
upd | bom probal ja | 19:13 |
CrazyLemon | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyjj8BgsBGU | 19:48 |
Pepelka | M83 - Outro - YouTube | 19:48 |
Pepelka | »Footage: 'Melancholia' - Lars Von Trier Song: 'Outro' - M83 This is one of my favourite films and it features some incredible shots. And who doesn't love thi...« | 19:48 |
Pepelka | [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: How to Add Mac OS X’s ‘Quick Look’ Feature to Ubuntu http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/3NpJI4x1ZaU/gnome-sushi-mac-quick-look-nautilus | 19:49 |
Pepelka | [Ubuntu.si] Matthai: RE: Neujemanje MD5 hashev? https://www.ubuntu.si/forum/discussion/comment/43886#Comment_43886 | 20:41 |
Matthai | kolk je safe, če Debian 7.5 nadgradim na način, da v sources.list zamenjym wheezy s stable in poženem apt-get update && apt-get upgrade? | 20:55 |
CrazyLemon | you'll never know until you try! | 20:58 |
CrazyLemon | bral sm že na forumih da eni to počnejo za ubuntu | 20:59 |
Matthai | je to kdo od vas že kdaj delal? | 20:59 |
CrazyLemon | its linux..so even if you break it you'll fix it eventually :D | 20:59 |
Matthai | to mi je že jasno, samo ne bi zabil 2 dni s tem, da postavljam vitualke ponovno... | 20:59 |
CrazyLemon | snapshot it preden se začneš igrat :) | 20:59 |
Matthai | mah, ne bom | 21:02 |
Matthai | bom raje čez vikend se igral z otroci :-) | 21:02 |
CrazyLemon | pametno! | 21:11 |
yang | Matthai: na tvojem mestu bi raje uporabil "aptitude" namesto "apt-get" | 21:47 |
yang | mislim, da bi brez problema morala iti nadgradnja | 21:47 |
yang | jaz do sedaj se nisem imel problemov | 21:47 |
yang | vseeno prej naredi backup no | 21:48 |
yang | za vsak slucaj... | 21:48 |
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