diddledan | on mswin dragging a window between hidpi and lodpi will cause your window to jump about - drag it half-way off the hidpi onto low and before you get there it will be regular size on the hidpi and huge on the lowdpi and as you breach the 50% threshold the window will suddenly jump-down in size to the lowdpi level making it teeny on the hidpi | 00:00 |
zmoylan-pi | hmmm, not seeing any dual screens setup... http://toastytech.com/guis/dvx.html | 00:03 |
daftykins | diddledan: that sounds weird | 00:04 |
diddledan | daftykins: correct. | 00:04 |
daftykins | also you should make a video! | 00:05 |
diddledan | yes. yes I should | 00:05 |
* daftykins patiently awaits | 00:08 | |
* zmoylan-pi finds that someone has copied all the 'latest' updates from late 80s and early 90s for the quarterdeck software... just in case :-P http://www.pcorner.com/list/AOS | 00:10 | |
daftykins | 0o | 01:23 |
zmoylan-pi | don't knock it, i can retire my 2400 baud modem if i don't need to download them from their bbs... :-P | 01:28 |
daftykins | ok i must sleep | 01:30 |
daftykins | also someone lend me an iron! i need a good shirt for a wedding Saturday ;_; | 01:31 |
daftykins | won't the chores ever end :( | 01:31 |
zmoylan-pi | sleep well o/ | 01:31 |
ali1234 | X basically doesn't work at anything less than 24 bit these days | 02:00 |
penguin42 | ali1234: I've seen 16 reasonably recently | 02:04 |
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mapps | hi | 04:29 |
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brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 08:39 |
BigRedS | good morning! | 08:43 |
popey | yo | 08:44 |
foobarry | !yo | 08:45 |
foobarry | boo | 08:45 |
brobostigon | meep | 08:45 |
popey | foobarry: what's the plan with the hudl2 then? :) | 09:08 |
foobarry | i'm stuck. i need exploits for cve 2016-3747 cve 2016-3758 or cve 2016-3762 | 09:09 |
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=== Guest42214 is now known as pavlushka | ||
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=== alan_g|AFK is now known as alan_g | ||
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popey | foobarry: surely there must be more than that? | 10:06 |
foobarry | maybe, they were ones i found with privilege escalation on 5.1 though | 10:07 |
popey | ah | 10:12 |
foobarry | are you planning to ubuntu-ise yours? | 10:21 |
popey | nah, would be nice to have a newer android on it | 10:22 |
popey | but can't imagine that's gonna work out well | 10:23 |
popey | needs the intel firmware stuff | 10:23 |
popey | which is all closed under nda I believe | 10:23 |
popey | easier to flash a windows tablet than android | 10:23 |
foobarry | pegatron paid MS to use Android too | 10:24 |
foobarry | root would be a start though | 10:26 |
foobarry | https://01.org/android-ia/downloads/ has 5.1.1 as latest | 10:29 |
popey | it's easily one of the most frustrating things about android | 10:36 |
popey | no software updates for you | 10:36 |
popey | unless you buy a nexus, and then you might get a few more updates, but not many | 10:36 |
foobarry | if they ran cyanogen a bit like fedora used to be | 10:36 |
foobarry | sponsored community distro type thing | 10:37 |
foobarry | it would be great | 10:37 |
foobarry | google throw money at the fedorandroid | 10:37 |
foobarry | just sent a request to tesco via http://ttselectrical.custhelp.com/app/ask/a_id/3969/ | 10:41 |
popey | they usually say "No, security reasons" without saying what that actually means | 10:43 |
foobarry | well there are security reasons to update :P | 10:43 |
popey | right, but if you don't head that question off, they can hand-wave it away | 10:43 |
foobarry | maybe a combined effort from a few 100 users might help | 10:44 |
=== Darkstar is now known as Guest5166 | ||
foobarry | run out of internet to read for the day | 12:14 |
popey | you're clearly avoiding reddit then? | 12:15 |
zmoylan-pi | do you know the jargon file to heart then? http://www.catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/go01.html | 12:17 |
foobarry | i'm on reddit atm but i curated the number of subreddits i read to a reasonable number | 12:17 |
foobarry | like 15 | 12:18 |
foobarry | maybe i'll read a magazine #oldsschool | 12:19 |
zmoylan-pi | papyrus scrolls for #trueoldschool :-P | 12:19 |
popey | write a game :) | 12:21 |
foobarry | with only one hand...i'm eating my lunch too...reading an old linuxvoice CCommons version | 12:21 |
foobarry | i notice they say that sophie wilson designed the first ARM chip. always a minefield | 12:22 |
foobarry | been playing with hashcat to try and break some "hard" passwords | 12:26 |
foobarry | anyone tried rockstor the btrfs based NAS software? | 12:44 |
foobarry | has loads of docker based plugins for plex, opnvpn, jenkins, syncthing , etc | 12:47 |
foobarry | wonders how diplo's interview went | 13:12 |
popey | oh yes | 13:13 |
zmoylan-pi | has probably now moved onto the code your own os in 30 minutes part of the interview... :-P | 13:14 |
foobarry | or talking about mr robot | 13:15 |
zmoylan-pi | or dueling with soldering irons full combat section... | 13:15 |
foobarry | i had a practical "fix a broken PC" once | 13:16 |
foobarry | they had unplugged the IDE cable, wiggled the RAM out a tad, other things | 13:16 |
* zmoylan-pi pulls out hammer and gets ready to make minor delicate adjustments... :-D | 13:16 | |
foobarry | i actually broke the plastic case a bit when opening it. i figured it was weakened by previous applicants | 13:17 |
zmoylan-pi | my hammer contains screwdrivers in the handle for the repair part | 13:17 |
zmoylan-pi | i have had pcs that were unopenable as the designers assumed you knew were they put all the catches and clips invisible from the outside | 13:17 |
Azelphur | Anyone using nvidia mind running nvidia-smi and telling me how much RAM Xorg is using and what resolution they are at? I feel like X is consuming a ridiculous amount of VRAM (even though I'm at 3x4k), currently using just shy of 2GB of VRAM | 13:17 |
zmoylan-pi | used to keep a 2' screwdriver to prise those buggers open | 13:17 |
zmoylan-pi | one particular hard disk holder inside a tower pc took brute force to get it out and had the instructions embossed on the metal in part that was flush against the case when it was installed | 13:21 |
Azelphur | nobody using nvidia? :( | 13:23 |
foobarry | my GPU box is turned off due to "charring on the PDU" | 13:24 |
Azelphur | lol | 13:25 |
foobarry | and its headless | 13:31 |
foobarry | so u might not get the same figures | 13:31 |
diddledan | turn off your speakers (they have music on loading) http://slidenjoy.com/en/ | 13:35 |
zmoylan-pi | i *hate* startup bongs and music | 13:35 |
daftykins | :D | 13:37 |
zmoylan-pi | makes rebooting things at 3am a challenge not to annoy the neighbours | 13:37 |
daftykins | wow are your walls paper? :) | 13:37 |
zmoylan-pi | very quiet posh area, i can hear cats walking outside it's so quiet at night | 13:37 |
diddledan | zmoylan-pi: are you a "posh knob"? | 13:38 |
diddledan | aka toff | 13:38 |
zmoylan-pi | nah, working class plebbage from wrong end of town... renting now in posh area mind... | 13:38 |
daftykins | hehe | 13:39 |
diddledan | so you're the rough interloper in posh-knob area. a pretender. | 13:39 |
daftykins | oy i had a client email about the office VPN being down, running it off a synology NAS so the OS auto updated but the VPN server package didn't :) doh! | 13:39 |
diddledan | d'oh | 13:40 |
zmoylan-pi | yeah but i also fix peoples computers so am respected... | 13:40 |
diddledan | aah, you're a tradesman | 13:40 |
diddledan | tradesmen are allowed in knobville | 13:40 |
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka | ||
zmoylan-pi | a mile or two away are the big houses on the hill... the small houses below them would have once contained the butlers and servants, now they contain their accountants and lawyers | 13:40 |
daftykins | strange, surely the clientelle should be the riff-raff below and those two professions be housed atop :) | 13:41 |
zmoylan-pi | bugger... http://www.theverge.com/2016/9/1/12748752/spacex-launch-site-explosion-cape-canaveral-florida | 13:41 |
diddledan | my dad, when he was a tradey, had to service Andrew Lloyd-Webber's TV. He was young and a bit up himself so he ignored the tradesmen entrance and knocked on the front-door for Andrew to answer him personally. | 13:42 |
zmoylan-pi | no in this area the people on top are the super rich. the bonos, the enyas of the music crowd | 13:42 |
daftykins | diddledan: ooh did he get a reprimand? | 13:42 |
diddledan | I don't think he did. seems he got away with it | 13:42 |
Azelphur | diddledan: aren't they mega-late on releasing, and no Linux support? | 13:43 |
zmoylan-pi | do it twice however and he'd be flogged | 13:43 |
daftykins | in fairness you'd want to hear first hand what was wrong! | 13:43 |
diddledan | Azelphur: no idea | 13:43 |
Azelphur | I'd love to buy it if it worked on Linux and actually existed though | 13:44 |
daftykins | sorry, you can either have warped values or new things - not both! | 13:45 |
daftykins | :> | 13:45 |
diddledan | :-o | 13:45 |
zmoylan-pi | you could buy apple and have both :-D | 13:45 |
daftykins | damn you got me there | 13:45 |
Azelphur | diddledan: yea, they are planning on shipping in November 2016, they were supposed to ship Dec 2015 | 13:46 |
Azelphur | so a year late at least, assuming no further delays | 13:46 |
diddledan | dang | 13:47 |
diddledan | that's a long delay | 13:48 |
daftykins | what is this? | 13:49 |
Seeker` | looks like SpaceX did an oops | 13:49 |
diddledan | oh? | 13:50 |
diddledan | daftykins: the url I posted earlier | 13:50 |
daftykins | i only just connected, chief | 13:50 |
daftykins | seems my wilhelm had some problems in the night... | 13:50 |
Seeker` | http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-37247077 | 13:50 |
daftykins | freenode server that is </Archer> | 13:50 |
diddledan | daftykins: you arrived almost exactly the same time I posted the url: <diddledan> turn off your speakers (they have music on loading) http://slidenjoy.com/en/ | 13:51 |
daftykins | diddledan: ty sir, ah it didn't get through | 13:51 |
diddledan | daftykins: race conditions ftl | 13:51 |
daftykins | zmoylan-pi: i was surprised and quite pleased that MS dropped a startup sound for Windows | 13:51 |
daftykins | it was usually the first thing i killed | 13:51 |
zmoylan-pi | bad advertising when you heard it so often from single systems.... tada my os is a failure as i needed to restart again | 13:52 |
daftykins | just imagine if GRUB had an error tone | 13:54 |
daftykins | oh yeah, so few users... ho-hum | 13:55 |
zmoylan-pi | i kinda liked the bong on my mini mac as it never crashed, or quiet beeps on old pcs but modern systems seem so jingle happy | 14:01 |
zmoylan-pi | i used to think that the noise the doors made on hitch hikers guide was a joke but i await the day they put a /pleasent/ tune every time you use a switch a smart bulb on or off | 14:03 |
slowfile | join romania | 14:06 |
slowfile | da fuck | 14:06 |
MartijnVdS | ??? | 14:10 |
Laney | it's getting hot in here | 14:16 |
* Laney takes off all his clothes | 14:16 | |
diddledan | Laney: :-o my eyes! | 14:16 |
Laney | this is because the man is working on the boiler and has turned the heating on | 14:16 |
Laney | #thetruthbehindthesongs | 14:16 |
* zmoylan-pi hands around the mindbleach so we can get that image out of our minds | 14:16 | |
* Laney funds a national mail shot | 14:17 | |
Laney | free naked Laney pictures for all | 14:17 |
* zmoylan-pi knows a few postmen and can have them redirected to turf powered leccy plant | 14:18 | |
zmoylan-pi | ouch... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CrQ7ALUWEAA8lKk.jpg:orig | 14:23 |
foobarry | apple is the 1% | 14:25 |
diddledan | zmoylan-pi: that's faked methinks | 14:25 |
zmoylan-pi | oh of course... but still funny to my mind | 14:25 |
foobarry | like apples tax returns? | 14:25 |
zmoylan-pi | someone crunched some numbers on the apple back tax, about 5 new iphone 7s for everyone in ireland instead of the cash... :-) | 14:28 |
daftykins | suddenly the average IQ will drop | 14:28 |
zmoylan-pi | nah, ebay would go down with all the listings... :-P | 14:29 |
daftykins | \o/ | 14:29 |
arsen | question is - does the EU have authority over irish tax collection? and should it ? | 14:33 |
zmoylan-pi | it does and it doesn't. this may be in a grey area | 14:33 |
daftykins | just like when the UK gov pokes its' nose in Channel Island things ;) | 14:34 |
Seeker` | It sounds like they have the authority to say whether Ireland provided something they shouldn't have to Apple | 14:34 |
zmoylan-pi | lots of countries have vague little loopholes to get things done. uk and all it's little island dependencies for example | 14:35 |
BigRedS | I thought the EUs problem was less with tax and more with state aid, it's just that the state aid here was implemented in tax | 14:35 |
Seeker` | The allegation is that Ireland gave Apple preferential treatment to enable to them to reduce their tax bill. "This is illegal under EU state aid rules" | 14:35 |
BigRedS | and the EU's definitely got issues with state aid | 14:35 |
Seeker` | If everyone was able ot have a tax rate as low as Apple did, it would have been less of an issue | 14:36 |
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=== Guest89318 is now known as pavlushka | ||
Safiyyah | i succeeded in getting the laptop going, thanks for all the help. | 15:05 |
daftykins | yay | 15:06 |
popey | hurrah | 15:06 |
Safiyyah | I hve two problems, the laptop mouse freezes quite often (it has done it more than 5 times today) and i have to reboot | 15:06 |
daftykins | what did you install, 16.04.1 MATE? | 15:06 |
Safiyyah | when the mouse gives up, I still have use of the touch screen which is the saver | 15:07 |
Safiyyah | daftykins, yes | 15:07 |
foobarry | try hitting ctrl-alt-f6 and then back to f7 and see if the mouse works again | 15:08 |
Safiyyah | and before you relax, I started the backup on the desktop, so will be tinkering with that as soon as that is done, I just wanted to have one system working properly first | 15:08 |
daftykins | foobarry's idea sounds good, next up would be logs and identifying the touchpad | 15:08 |
Safiyyah | Also every boot up, I get an internal error | 15:10 |
Safiyyah | for /usr/bin/nm-applet | 15:11 |
daftykins | if it's that box in the middle that pops up asking to send error info or similar, it's just from it happening once and wanting to send the logs repeatedly - if you delete them from the path it won't ask again | 15:11 |
Safiyyah | i sent the reports, why does it keep popping up? | 15:12 |
daftykins | no idea, i don't use Linux on the desktop | 15:12 |
Safiyyah | this is the laptop | 15:13 |
daftykins | yes i'm talking about as a desktop OS as in with a GUI | 15:13 |
Safiyyah | desktop, i haven't started yet | 15:13 |
* daftykins only runs servers typically | 15:13 | |
Safiyyah | is nm-applet something important? | 15:14 |
daftykins | network manager applet, so it's handling the visibility and functionality of your network connections (wired or wifi) most likely | 15:15 |
Safiyyah | shall i select ignore in future? | 15:16 |
daftykins | i wouldn't, i would delete the logs as above | 15:17 |
daftykins | can't quite remember the path, something like /var/crash | 15:17 |
Safiyyah | how do i delete the logs? | 15:17 |
daftykins | http://askubuntu.com/questions/133385/getting-system-program-problem-detected-pops-up-regularly-after-upgrade/369297 | 15:18 |
daftykins | aww yis my memory still works sometimes | 15:18 |
Safiyyah | awww | 15:27 |
daftykins | hmm? | 15:28 |
Safiyyah | regarding the mouse how do i get you the log? | 15:28 |
diddledan | paste.ubuntu.com | 15:30 |
Safiyyah | where is the log | 15:31 |
Safiyyah | ? | 15:31 |
daftykins | when the issue happens, you need to try what foobarry said - and also try "dmesg | tail" to see if there is anything relevant | 15:38 |
daftykins | you can also identify the touchpad by sharing the X.org log perhaps, "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999" and share the URL | 15:41 |
Safiyyah | http://termbin.com/k60u | 15:43 |
Safiyyah | btw the mouse stops working if I click and scroll at the same time | 15:44 |
Safiyyah | according the this it's a known issue https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingTouchpadDetection | 15:49 |
Safiyyah | about 1/3 of the page under the subheading ' In case your Touchpad stops working after a while' | 15:49 |
Safiyyah | i want to install the wireless printer, where do I find something called a deviceURI | 16:05 |
daftykins | that'd be something like ip://x.x.x.x | 16:14 |
daftykins | yep you have an ELAN touchpad causing all kinds of errors | 16:24 |
daftykins | !info linux-generic | 16:25 |
lubotu3 | linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB | 16:25 |
daftykins | Safiyyah: try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/786021/ubuntu-16-04-elantech-touchpad | 16:30 |
daftykins | make a backup of the 50-synaptics.conf before editing of course | 16:30 |
Safiyyah | just rebooting brb | 16:47 |
daftykins | http://www.anandtech.com/show/10635/intel-quietly-launches-apollo-lake-soc | 17:03 |
daftykins | intel atom (apollo lake) with hardware decode of HEVC and VP9 out for the holidays perhaps, in suitable little HTPCs | 17:03 |
daftykins | back a little later \o | 17:04 |
diddledan_ | tata | 17:04 |
diddledan_ | going to play deus ex? | 17:04 |
diddledan_ | oh dear: http://www.macrumors.com/2016/09/01/samsung-exploding-batteries-recall-galaxy-note-7/ | 17:05 |
Safiyyah | am back | 17:05 |
Safiyyah | and I got the printer going wirelessly (I thought that was going to be tougher than it was ) | 17:05 |
Safiyyah | the idea of pressing ctrl-alt-f6 when the touchpad died was a very very bad one | 17:06 |
Safiyyah | after logging in and typing exit (I was still in the black screen of death) | 17:07 |
diddledan_ | if it didn't help it was still a good idea | 17:07 |
Safiyyah | no amount of keying in exit or f7 got me out of the loop | 17:07 |
Safiyyah | i had to restart | 17:08 |
Safiyyah | diddledan_, perhaps teach me how to get out of the loop | 17:11 |
diddledan_ | wat: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-37242696?ocid=socialflow_twitter | 17:14 |
Safiyyah | onto to desktop | 17:33 |
Safiyyah | trying to set up nvidia | 17:34 |
Safiyyah | last time I did this install for xubuntu, I noted the right driver was 352.63 , however I do not have it as one of the options here | 17:35 |
Safiyyah | I have 361.42 , 304.131 , 340.96 | 17:36 |
Safiyyah | do I just get the nearest number to the one I had before? | 17:36 |
daftykins | Safiyyah: it wasn't F7 on its' own, it was alt+F7, to get back | 18:26 |
daftykins | Safiyyah: you'll have to remind us which nvidia card it is. | 18:27 |
Safiyyah | lol | 18:32 |
Safiyyah | Asus GeForce GT 610 Silent Nvidia Graphics Card (2GB DDR3, PCI Express 2.0, HDMI, DVI-I, VGA, Low Profile Design, 0dB Silent Cooling) | 18:35 |
Safiyyah | https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B008A1C2AM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 | 18:35 |
Safiyyah | i tried three drivers in the that time | 18:36 |
Safiyyah | neaveaux (however it is spelt) is not crisp but not bad | 18:36 |
Safiyyah | i also updated the ubuntu drivers ppa to get newer drivers | 18:36 |
daftykins | GT610 was enough :> | 18:37 |
daftykins | oh right, that's something you shouldn't have done on 16.04. | 18:37 |
Safiyyah | well the old thing died | 18:37 |
Safiyyah | kaput died | 18:37 |
Safiyyah | and after 8 years of service, it had done its time | 18:38 |
Safiyyah | okay I will list the available drivers as of now : 364.19, 304.131, 358.16,340.96, 370.23, 367.44, 361.45, 304.131 | 18:40 |
Safiyyah | the one that worked well in my previous install was 362.63 but it is not on the list | 18:41 |
daftykins | i just meant GT610 is enough to convey what model it is | 18:41 |
daftykins | newest should be fine | 18:41 |
Safiyyah | oh well, it is all jargon for me | 18:42 |
Safiyyah | i am on currently on the newest one | 18:42 |
Safiyyah | the images aren't as crisp | 18:42 |
Safiyyah | but better than the last two I tried | 18:42 |
Safiyyah | is it time to sort out xorg.conf? | 18:43 |
daftykins | is this still on that weird TV of yours? | 18:43 |
Safiyyah | with popey's file? | 18:43 |
Safiyyah | yep | 18:43 |
daftykins | yes it sounds like it's displaying the wrong resolution, open nvidia-settings or the monitors app and check | 18:43 |
daftykins | it had to be 1360x768 iirc, so i'd bet it's on something else right now | 18:43 |
Safiyyah | it is on 1024*768 when I changed to the one you said it went clear but out of the viewabke area | 18:45 |
Safiyyah | viewable* | 18:46 |
daftykins | i don't follow | 18:46 |
Safiyyah | am impressed you remember (or wrote down) my settings | 18:46 |
daftykins | memorised because it's a common thing, although normally displays are 1366x768 | 18:46 |
daftykins | that's how weird your TV is :> | 18:46 |
Safiyyah | well everything on the left hand side is gone to ....well oblivion | 18:47 |
daftykins | i think you might as well just place the custom xorg.conf and see what happens | 18:47 |
Safiyyah | but the images were clear | 18:47 |
Safiyyah | okidok | 18:47 |
Safiyyah | please not the nano stuff | 18:47 |
daftykins | cp... :P | 18:48 |
Safiyyah | will do | 18:48 |
daftykins | if you have a copy of it you just copy it into place and restart X / reboot | 18:48 |
Safiyyah | okay it is better but, the resolution is still wrong | 18:55 |
Safiyyah | the stuff disappear to the left when I try to correct it | 18:55 |
daftykins | i have no idea what you mean | 18:55 |
Safiyyah | the left side of the screen disappears, or is out of focus, this includes the menu area etc. Also I can see the lines that run through the monitor | 18:58 |
Safiyyah | all not good | 18:58 |
daftykins | if the custom xorg.conf is in place and being used, then it doesn't make much sense to be wrong | 18:59 |
Safiyyah | i copied it into /etc/X11/ | 18:59 |
daftykins | and rebooted? | 18:59 |
daftykins | it is named xorg.conf right? maybe re-run "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999" | 19:00 |
Safiyyah | okay I give up,the pike key on the microsofot keyboard for the desktop does not work | 19:06 |
daftykins | pike key o0 | 19:07 |
Safiyyah | i found the setting | 19:08 |
Safiyyah | am okay I havent got the tissue out yet | 19:08 |
Safiyyah | http://termbin.com/f6q1 | 19:09 |
daftykins | ok you're running an older kernel there, so you reinstalled the desktop but you didn't update it yet | 19:10 |
daftykins | that's going to ruin things | 19:10 |
Safiyyah | i though I wiped everything | 19:10 |
Safiyyah | i reset the partitions and all | 19:10 |
Safiyyah | so do I run an update first? | 19:11 |
daftykins | right it's a clean install but that's an older kernel | 19:11 |
daftykins | never try to fix anything on Linux if the machine isn't up to date :) | 19:11 |
daftykins | i have to go to the kitchen for a bit to work on this phone i'm taking apart | 19:11 |
zmoylan-pi | must be ice cream sandwich... :-P | 19:12 |
daftykins | https://www.dropbox.com/s/e8aeqhqb5m1ydvt/IMG_20160901_192602.jpg?dl=0 | 19:13 |
daftykins | today's victim | 19:13 |
Safiyyah | okay so after the update, just reboot? | 19:13 |
Safiyyah | of I need to do the lot again? | 19:13 |
daftykins | you'll see | 19:13 |
zmoylan-pi | i'd offer my large hammer but it looks like it's already met it... :-P | 19:13 |
daftykins | :D | 19:14 |
daftykins | i need to microwave my gel pack to heat up the adhesive top and bottom, ugh | 19:14 |
Safiyyah | okay no joy still | 19:24 |
Safiyyah | I can still see movement on the screen AND if I set it to 1360*768 I lose the left side | 19:25 |
Safiyyah | 1368*768 works okay | 19:26 |
Safiyyah | there is still some movement on the screen but very slight. I am wondering if the problem is not that I have a crisp screen on the laptop that is making that one look abit meeeh | 19:28 |
Safiyyah | http://termbin.com/qsgb | 19:29 |
Safiyyah | check it now pleas | 19:29 |
Safiyyah | please* | 19:29 |
Safiyyah | perhaps I have done okay? | 19:29 |
daftykins | 1360, you cannot use anything close - it *must* be exact | 19:31 |
Safiyyah | but it fits perfectly | 19:34 |
Safiyyah | okay when I put it back, it will go meh | 19:34 |
Safiyyah | the 'correct' setting has the left of the screen go.... it magnifies everything. | 19:35 |
Safiyyah | everything is larger so it doesn't fit in | 19:36 |
daftykins | would be so much easier if you just uploaded a picture XD | 19:36 |
daftykins | what's different above the /gsgb paste? | 19:36 |
daftykins | *about the above | 19:38 |
safiyyah_ | http://l38i.imgup.net/Screenshot2c3d.png | 19:39 |
safiyyah_ | http://a45i.imgup.net/Screenshot33ea.png | 19:39 |
daftykins | i was more thinking a picture from your phone to see what goes strange about the left hand side | 19:40 |
Safiyyah | do I share via dropbox? | 19:42 |
daftykins | or imgur.com | 19:43 |
Safiyyah | https://www.dropbox.com/s/an93el91ip4v8tz/20160901_203945.jpg?dl=0 | 19:49 |
Safiyyah | https://www.dropbox.com/s/emwyv7rp6ey4ie6/20160901_204006.jpg?dl=0 | 19:49 |
daftykins | so what's going on in each? | 19:52 |
Safiyyah | the one with the application menu to left and all the elements has the wrong 1368*768 setting | 19:53 |
daftykins | makes sense, too much width -> overlaps | 19:54 |
Safiyyah | the right setting 1360*768 is well the left is gone and everything is magnified | 19:54 |
daftykins | oh so 1360 is the second link? | 19:55 |
daftykins | that friggin' TV is so cursed | 19:55 |
Safiyyah | lol | 19:56 |
daftykins | VGA in 2016 is just ugh | 19:56 |
Safiyyah | am sure you will sing when it dies and I have to get a new one | 19:56 |
daftykins | well i could rinse my hands of it any time :P | 19:57 |
Safiyyah | well am stuck with the thing for now | 19:57 |
* christel tickles Myrtti_ | 19:58 | |
Safiyyah | are you telling me if i buy a large tv screen that is hdmi , it will do the job? | 19:58 |
Myrtti_ | crikey | 19:58 |
daftykins | i would not buy something with HDMI for a computer to be connected to | 19:58 |
daftykins | DVI input would be preferable, depends if you have speakers separate or not | 19:59 |
Safiyyah | speakers are seperate. I will keep that in mind next time | 20:00 |
Safiyyah | why can I not have it on the wrong settings? | 20:00 |
Safiyyah | I am not a gamer | 20:00 |
daftykins | it has nothing to do with gaming | 20:01 |
daftykins | LCDs have 1:1 pixels so the ideal setup is to display only that amount | 20:01 |
daftykins | but meh, your first picture displays ok - or at least looks fine in the wonky picture :D so maybe it'll do | 20:02 |
Safiyyah | what do I do? | 20:03 |
penguin42 | 1368x768 monitors are a pain - Linux really doesn't like them some of the time | 20:03 |
penguin42 | the problem is they're not divisible by 16 pixels and that upsets some drivers | 20:03 |
penguin42 | safiyyah: I ended up playing with an X modeline for my mums machine | 20:04 |
Safiyyah | i have annoyed daftykins with this monitor for the past 5 years | 20:04 |
daftykins | that's what Safiyyah has from last time but i've a feeling it's been getting ignored | 20:04 |
daftykins | the monitor sucks because it fails to give EDID over VGA though, since VGA needs to be left in the past / museums :) | 20:05 |
Safiyyah | ah is that why you called it a museum piece | 20:05 |
daftykins | yep! | 20:06 |
Safiyyah | well I have always come to you for purchase advice since I have known you | 20:07 |
Safiyyah | so rest assured, you will have a say next time (budget constraints included) | 20:07 |
daftykins | :P | 20:07 |
* daftykins pats his 8 year old LCDs | 20:07 | |
Safiyyah | lol | 20:08 |
Safiyyah | we didnt do too badly on the laptop | 20:08 |
daftykins | here's some advice though, stop chasing the version numbers | 20:08 |
daftykins | this whole reinstalling when you're already on an LTS that works - it's just not worth the hassle | 20:08 |
Safiyyah | i am innocent | 20:09 |
daftykins | should've put 14.04 on the laptop perhaps to maintain consistency | 20:09 |
Safiyyah | my blimming husband ran the automatic update for the new LTS and killed my system | 20:10 |
Safiyyah | i already want to wring his neck | 20:10 |
Safiyyah | believe me! | 20:10 |
daftykins | haha | 20:10 |
daftykins | shouldn't give the admin pass then :> | 20:10 |
Safiyyah | my perfectly setup printer and scanner await me | 20:11 |
Safiyyah | they are no easy to set up | 20:11 |
Safiyyah | i just want to kill him lately | 20:11 |
Safiyyah | anyway am not here to discuss marriage problems but the point is, it wasn't me, it wasn't the kids | 20:11 |
Safiyyah | its him!!!! | 20:12 |
daftykins | \o/ | 20:13 |
safiyyah_ | i am also being punished | 20:14 |
daftykins | https://www.dropbox.com/sh/673jaump5ujffd6/AACt6raMVER6UPsO8RAH05B3a?dl=0 | 20:15 |
daftykins | i made some progress ^_^ | 20:15 |
zmoylan-pi | nice delicate bit of work there... | 20:16 |
daftykins | trouble is the new digitiser on, it just sits at the samsung logo, no boot :| | 20:17 |
daftykins | but we wouldn't want it to be easy, would we? | 20:17 |
zmoylan-pi | if it were easy then taking the hostages wouldn't be necessary... :-P | 20:18 |
daftykins | this is true | 20:18 |
safiyyah_ | the guilty party is reclining on the sofa watching away. his solution is to use it on the wrong setting and buy a new one in a couple of months time | 20:21 |
safiyyah_ | typical man! | 20:21 |
safiyyah_ | he infact says am wasting my time, leave it on the wrong setting until it packs up | 20:21 |
safiyyah_ | GRRRRRRR! | 20:21 |
daftykins | if i remember rightly, your custom xorg.conf in the past only worked on specific driver versions | 20:22 |
safiyyah_ | yes but the graphics card changed | 20:22 |
daftykins | so you could have fun trying to use it with each and every nvidia driver there is, which supports that card | 20:22 |
daftykins | right but that doesn't matter | 20:23 |
safiyyah_ | the last setting was 352.63 | 20:23 |
daftykins | the driver is still a commonality | 20:23 |
safiyyah_ | that worked well | 20:23 |
safiyyah_ | and it was on this same card | 20:23 |
safiyyah_ | this is the last time we were up all night fixing the desktop | 20:23 |
daftykins | yes and now you've installed a different ubuntu version with a new kernel! | 20:23 |
daftykins | so everything learned is now unlearned | 20:23 |
safiyyah_ | you know, I dont know what to do about it at all | 20:24 |
daftykins | probably makes more sense to go back to 14.04.1 imo | 20:24 |
penguin42 | sigh, it reminds me I really should update my mums machine | 20:25 |
foobarry | enjoying mr robot | 20:25 |
daftykins | :> | 20:25 |
foobarry | didnt think i would enjoy second series | 20:25 |
foobarry | but just getting good | 20:25 |
foobarry | shame its at ep9 now | 20:25 |
daftykins | ah i've not touched s2 yet until it finishes airing, plus i'm going away on the 8th | 20:25 |
zmoylan-pi | a bunch of episodes on your device will make journey less boring | 20:26 |
daftykins | nah i don't do laptops on planes | 20:27 |
daftykins | the using of, that is | 20:27 |
zmoylan-pi | i was thinking small phone screen :-) | 20:27 |
foobarry | can't download the episodes | 20:28 |
foobarry | doesn't let you | 20:28 |
zmoylan-pi | and you call yourself a fan of mr. robot... :-P | 20:28 |
safiyyah_ | neat job on the phone | 20:29 |
daftykins | thanks - shame it won't boot XD | 20:29 |
safiyyah_ | right so the solution is to get him to buy me a new monitor | 20:30 |
zmoylan-pi | can you not get a cheap one at local recycling centre? | 20:30 |
daftykins | or install 14.04.1 and do that | 20:30 |
safiyyah_ | am already upset. and this idea that I cannot set up the thing | 20:31 |
safiyyah_ | means am not very happy | 20:31 |
safiyyah_ | it was running Xubuntu before | 20:31 |
safiyyah_ | but I heard the new LTS crashed | 20:31 |
safiyyah_ | so I was too scared and put MATE on | 20:31 |
daftykins | there is no reason for you to be running 16.04 anyway | 20:32 |
safiyyah_ | according to all the nice new things on my laptop. It seemed like I could set it all up and have them the same. | 20:32 |
daftykins | wasn't much point going with 16.04 there either :) did that link i shared solve the touchpad issues? | 20:33 |
safiyyah_ | I think I might go to bed and think about it tomorrow. am upset about it | 20:33 |
popey | blimey, trying to play a game, been sat in a queue for a server for ~40 mins | 20:33 |
zmoylan-pi | moylans first rule of computing: nothing is possible till you've seen it acutally done once :-) | 20:33 |
danielthebague | hi folks, i have the task for setting up a small business network! consisting of 5 ubuntu/win dual boot laptop and one windows laptop!! | 20:33 |
popey | finally got to "4 players ahead of you, 86 players behind" | 20:34 |
popey | I'll be too tired to play by the time it finishes :) | 20:34 |
safiyyah_ | no I was busy with desktop so I saved the link | 20:34 |
danielthebague | each laptop is connected to the wired LAN with a NFS when laptop are used do they have to be connected to the same cable each time or will dhcp configure each laptop when plugged into the LAN even if connected at different places each time within the LAN | 20:34 |
safiyyah_ | I didn't realise people queue for online gaming | 20:34 |
safiyyah_ | popey maybe you can work your magic on my monitor | 20:35 |
zmoylan-pi | they pay through the nose for preorders of games that haven't been written yet... i believe it... ;-) | 20:35 |
daftykins | it's not worth his or anyones time really | 20:35 |
* daftykins murders the VGA TV abomination | 20:35 | |
popey | yeah, it's a busy server | 20:35 |
penguin42 | they do some weird things with mangling the EDID to stretch stuff dont they? | 20:36 |
* penguin42 wonders how bad the firmware will be in the new TV that arrives next week | 20:36 | |
daftykins | penguin42: her issue has always been that it fails to send an EDID at all | 20:36 |
penguin42 | daftykins: You don't actually need one if you give it a mode line | 20:37 |
daftykins | penguin42: lol i know and as i said earlier she has a custom modeline popey helped with earlier but it still fails based on nvidia driver combos! :) | 20:37 |
penguin42 | daftykins: Oh, it's a case of F.U.N. ? | 20:37 |
daftykins | ooh yes | 20:38 |
daftykins | we're talking festive holidays loads of fun | 20:38 |
* safiyyah_ unhappily off to download Xubuntu 15.04 | 20:39 | |
daftykins | *14.04 | 20:39 |
daftykins | safiyyah_: and get 14.04.1 or it won't change anything! | 20:39 |
safiyyah_ | please explain to me what will happen to my system if I leave things as they are? | 20:39 |
daftykins | i've not really been following closely enough to remember what is wrong with the weird res right now | 20:40 |
daftykins | if it looks ok, then maybe just get by with it until you can get a new screen | 20:40 |
safiyyah_ | my solution is to get the culprit to pay | 20:41 |
safiyyah_ | popey, do you have any ideas? | 20:42 |
daftykins | nothing like a bit of deception | 20:43 |
daftykins | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/14.04.1/release/xubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso | 20:43 |
daftykins | get this one | 20:43 |
safiyyah_ | yes sir | 20:44 |
popey | safiyyah_: sorry, a little distracted to help | 20:44 |
penguin42 | daftykins: Note if desperate you can switch between the hardware-enablement stacks and switch kernel+X between the 14.04.x versions without reinstalling | 20:44 |
safiyyah_ | penguin42, that is all french to me | 20:45 |
daftykins | penguin42: waste of time since it's a clean install already | 20:45 |
daftykins | life is so much easier going from media than sitting burying yourself in package modifications :) | 20:45 |
daftykins | unless you want to take over and guide through it... because i was saying what i was saying to avoid that hassle | 20:46 |
penguin42 | erm no thanks | 20:48 |
daftykins | XD | 20:49 |
safiyyah_ | hang on | 20:50 |
safiyyah_ | it is still going to bring up the update thing | 20:50 |
daftykins | so | 20:50 |
safiyyah_ | and I have the clicking monster living with me | 20:50 |
daftykins | so disable it | 20:51 |
penguin42 | yeh you can disable release upgrade but stick with security fixes | 20:51 |
safiyyah_ | okay well talk me through that for the laptop. I am making the startup disk in the meantime | 20:52 |
daftykins | but you already installed 16.04 on the laptop | 20:52 |
penguin42 | (I've got a Curry's bank-holiday-special TV arriving next week - 1920x1080 with HDMI and VGA and component) | 20:53 |
safiyyah_ | yeah I don't want anymore weird updates | 20:53 |
daftykins | :> | 20:53 |
daftykins | i much prefer CLI updating | 20:53 |
safiyyah_ | i thought you said VGA is the enemy! | 20:54 |
zmoylan-pi | vga is your friend, hdmi is the enemy :-P | 20:54 |
daftykins | ^ rubbish | 20:54 |
zmoylan-pi | ^biased | 20:54 |
safiyyah_ | well my monitor is vga | 20:54 |
safiyyah_ | and it is causing lots of headached | 20:54 |
daftykins | biased by 10 years of IRC support seeing VGA cause trouble and 25 years real world IT support with VGA sucking :) | 20:55 |
penguin42 | VGA shouldn't suck that much! | 20:55 |
zmoylan-pi | you make them sound as bad as printers | 20:55 |
penguin42 | now there's bad, and there's printers | 20:56 |
safiyyah_ | is running the wrong resolution going to break my system? | 20:56 |
daftykins | nope | 20:56 |
zmoylan-pi | i've never had much problems with monitors apart from the one i called the chicken wire screen... | 20:56 |
penguin42 | no, I've had ones with broken cables that wouldn't do EDID | 20:57 |
zmoylan-pi | and bw portable tellies plugged into my zx spectrum | 20:57 |
safiyyah_ | i think I will live with it then | 20:57 |
penguin42 | but other than that rarely; my Mum's TV is the only other one and that suffers from being a TV+VGA+1368x768 | 20:57 |
safiyyah_ | i might ask popey if he has any ideas tomorrow | 20:57 |
daftykins | no offence but beyond what i'm saying there are not going to be any other ideas | 20:58 |
daftykins | i'm not some newcomer | 20:58 |
safiyyah_ | as for the culprit, am not settling for anything less than a 32 inch | 20:58 |
safiyyah_ | run me through the specs please | 20:58 |
safiyyah_ | curry's or very website please | 20:58 |
daftykins | what | 20:58 |
daftykins | about the only thing i'm interested in assisting is once 14.04.1 is installed and updated, i don't have the desire to shop right now | 20:59 |
daftykins | also when you say 32" that sounds like you're trying to combine TV + PC use in one again, this is a horrible idea and the reason for the problems from the beginning | 20:59 |
safiyyah_ | ah! | 21:00 |
zmoylan-pi | i haven't bought a tv in donkeys age, are new hd ones same res as a monitor or less? | 21:01 |
daftykins | they're pushing the 4K ones now of 3840x2160 | 21:01 |
safiyyah_ | I am not a happy camper. I made the start up disk but please let me go to bed | 21:01 |
zmoylan-pi | but what size are the pixels, and are they still interlacing which blurs? | 21:01 |
safiyyah_ | if I go any further this evening | 21:01 |
daftykins | you can't even drive that unless you have a specific generation intel chip | 21:01 |
daftykins | panels were never interlacing internally. | 21:01 |
safiyyah_ | he won't live to see the morning | 21:01 |
safiyyah_ | i am just getting more and more wound up | 21:02 |
zmoylan-pi | which shows that the last tv i bought had a tube... :-) | 21:02 |
daftykins | you should try looking at this phone then :P | 21:02 |
daftykins | zmoylan-pi: i mean, some broadcast content is 1080i only, so interlaced 1920x1080 but that's the likes of sky | 21:02 |
safiyyah_ | I will take a breather, disk is ready, will start afresh when am not tired | 21:02 |
daftykins | sounds like good advice for me also | 21:03 |
safiyyah_ | penguin42, how do I disable auto upgrade? | 21:03 |
daftykins | i'm getting nowhere, starting to think i'll have to totally wipe the phone but that's not very preferable | 21:03 |
safiyyah_ | at least the laptop is happy | 21:03 |
daftykins | ask again when you're actually at that bridge ready to cross it :> | 21:03 |
safiyyah_ | you mean after someone has already messed the system up? | 21:04 |
daftykins | is it though? it has a wonky touchpad :D | 21:04 |
daftykins | you wouldn't get me calling it good with a dodgy touchpad | 21:04 |
safiyyah_ | well, I suppose the fact that I got the printer working wirelessly and everything else is good | 21:04 |
penguin42 | safiyyah: On update manager in the Updates tab, there's a selection at the bottom for 'Notify me of a new Ubuntu Version: ....' and that has an option of Never | 21:05 |
safiyyah_ | I am considering living with the problem if I can't solve it | 21:05 |
daftykins | wireless printers are the #1 most evil tech ever invented | 21:05 |
daftykins | especially if they were £60 or less :> | 21:05 |
safiyyah_ | it wasn't £60 or less | 21:07 |
zmoylan-pi | nah dot matrix still wins every time for the driving you crazy high score. every page you print is a gnawing pain across your soul :-D | 21:07 |
safiyyah_ | I work from home, I have to have a good printer | 21:07 |
penguin42 | zmoylan-pi: I'll take an FX80 any day, you know what it would do, you knew it would do it when you told it to | 21:07 |
popey | pfffft, barrell printers were where it's at | 21:07 |
popey | used to love the sound of them spinning up and then PAAAAAAAAARP an entire page is done | 21:08 |
popey | happy days | 21:08 |
penguin42 | popey: where did you have those? | 21:08 |
zmoylan-pi | i could tell you stories about fx80 penguin42 and the day i met an ms employee at bus stop on mobile telling his mate how he had changed the version i was currently having a problem with... | 21:08 |
popey | penguin42: I worked for a telecoms company who printed bills for their customers | 21:09 |
safiyyah_ | oh crap, popey I saved the bbc link instead of the touchpad link | 21:09 |
zmoylan-pi | i had to walk away from the bus stop or i would have /hurt/ him... | 21:09 |
safiyyah_ | see how bothered I was about this desktop! | 21:09 |
safiyyah_ | i mean daftykins | 21:09 |
popey | i had to use a burster and decollator to split the multi-part forms up | 21:09 |
popey | was dead good fun, seeing how fast I could pass multi-part prints through and not rip them to shreds | 21:09 |
penguin42 | zmoylan-pi: Haha; I used them a lot to do labelling at my dads pharamacy - they were great with the reverse feed | 21:09 |
popey | that would have been in late 1990 when they were phasing out their old systems and replacing it with... "A mainframe" | 21:10 |
safiyyah_ | daftykins, please resend the link | 21:10 |
penguin42 | popey: I've heard old ICL guys talk about the development of high speed printers, stories about them shooting paper right across the room or setting on fire | 21:10 |
penguin42 | (or possibly ICT at the time I guess) | 21:10 |
popey | yeah, we had ones that would burn through a box of fanfold in no time | 21:11 |
daftykins | http://askubuntu.com/questions/786021/ubuntu-16-04-elantech-touchpad | 21:11 |
daftykins | fanfold sounds like penfolds friend :) | 21:11 |
safiyyah_ | am calling it a night | 21:12 |
safiyyah_ | thank you | 21:12 |
safiyyah_ | and sorry about my melt down | 21:12 |
popey | they had a bunch of computers that were *almost* but not completely PC compatible | 21:12 |
zmoylan-pi | fanfold was fun as long as you got it fold itself coming out of the printer | 21:12 |
popey | That job (1990) was where I'd first seen Microsoft Windows IIRC | 21:12 |
popey | They had a NextStep too. Happy days. | 21:12 |
zmoylan-pi | my first windows was word for windows 1 which came with a runtime version of windows 286 | 21:13 |
popey | blimey | 21:13 |
zmoylan-pi | compared to wordperfect which ruled the roost at the time it was bleh | 21:14 |
zmoylan-pi | it had trouble keeping up with fast typists | 21:15 |
popey | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Bound_computer_printout.agr.jpg | 21:15 |
popey | sudden urge to print things | 21:15 |
zmoylan-pi | i wish they still made small cheap thermal printers like the zx spectrum thermal printer. printing to fax paper or some such | 21:16 |
zmoylan-pi | not presentation quality but for lists, quick hardcopy etc. | 21:16 |
popey | Did you see the Berg Little Printer? | 21:17 |
popey | A few years ago. Shame it was a) super expensive for what it was, b) short lived | 21:17 |
popey | https://vimeo.com/32796535 | 21:18 |
zmoylan-pi | i remember that. it looked neat but as you say a bit expensive | 21:18 |
popey | There's an arduino style kit you can get to make an open one | 21:19 |
daftykins | https://www.dropbox.com/s/ah41jiq15jsz33n/IMG_20160901_221819.jpg?dl=0 :( | 21:19 |
daftykins | still can't get it to go any further | 21:19 |
zmoylan-pi | it's waiting for the new touch doohickey to respond back to it, isn't it? | 21:20 |
popey | https://exciting.io/printer/ | 21:21 |
zmoylan-pi | now that is what i'm looking for, thanks popey | 21:22 |
daftykins | the digitiser? well i suppose the one i received could be faulty, yeah | 21:22 |
popey | np | 21:26 |
daftykins | ok looks like i've been sold an incompatible digitiser | 21:37 |
zmoylan-pi | oh well, another wait till the new right one gets shipped to you... | 21:41 |
daftykins | can't now sadly, since i leave on the 8th i'm jiggered! | 21:41 |
daftykins | i could try an England based one and hope it comes before i leave, but it'll cut it fine | 21:41 |
zmoylan-pi | assembling a phone in an airport queue might not make security happy... :-P | 21:43 |
daftykins | :D | 21:43 |
zmoylan-pi | show them your casio f-91w watch to show you're not a danger... :P | 21:45 |
daftykins | never to be deterred i shall keep trying... | 21:47 |
daftykins | if i pop the original back on i can say without a doubt it's the part, then i only have the fact i was sold it from France... | 21:48 |
daftykins | yes original works! | 21:52 |
zmoylan-pi | so deffo the part then | 21:52 |
* daftykins high-fives zmoylan-pi | 21:52 | |
daftykins | yepper | 21:52 |
zmoylan-pi | high fives back | 21:53 |
daftykins | although i could only connect one of two connectors this time as the other broke on removal, so i'm not getting touch working | 21:53 |
daftykins | but at least it booted | 21:53 |
daftykins | and it boots without one in at all... | 21:57 |
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