
=== dzho is now known as cornbread
=== cornbread is now known as dzho
jrwrencmaloney: I may have? if you gave it to me.00:20
Scary_Guystoner metal is good, more a prog rock guy though03:56
jrwrenwhat is stoner metal?12:53
cmaloneyThink Black Sabbath12:54
cmaloneyslower tempos12:54
cmaloneyTends to fuse with psychadelia as well12:54
cmaloneyKyuss is one of the cornerstone bands12:55
jrwrennever heard of 'em. I don't think its my thing.12:55
cmaloneyhttps://landskap.bandcamp.com/track/the-trick-to-letting-go <- try this on for size12:57
jrwren1:30 in and my thought is this is like drone without as much electronics applied... oh there are the vox... nevermind.13:04
jrwrenhey, cool, thanks cmaloney13:05
cmaloneyjrwren: np13:09
cmaloneyAlso: https://soundcloud.com/scissorkicks/tom-jones-the-cardigans13:13
jrwreni put on some Straftanz already, so I'll give that a listen later.13:16
greg-gyo, jcastro and jrwren and ri<tab>: honest opinions on how the virtual UDSes are going? Or, how are high-bandwidth discussions about arch/high level things happening now? differently? better? worse? etc?17:31
jcastroI don't really attend them anymore17:36
jcastromhall or planella would know better than me17:37
greg-gjcastro: so, how do you/your team communicate big plans now?17:39
greg-gget buy-in etc17:39
jcastroJay, Rick, and I don't really work much on ubuntu as much as we consume it17:41
jcastrobut through the mailing list usually17:41
jcastrolp blueprints, etc17:41
jcastrowe do have real-life summit for Juju though, so I guess I get direct user feedback that way17:41
greg-goh there is?17:42
jrwrengreg-g: its all run by millenials. no old TLDs allowed.17:49
greg-goh fads17:50
jrwrengreg-g: awesome TLDs like http://conjure-up.io17:53

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