
flocculantknome: ta06:28
flocculantbluesabre: 3 visual bugs during install now \o/ thankfully only 1 is us :p06:29
flocculantmissing slideshow has been reported elsewhere 06:29
ochosialso keep in mind that yakkety doesn't contain the latest greybird release...06:43
flocculantochosi: that might be the 1 - not sure though06:44
flocculantbug 161770506:47
ubottubug 1617705 in greybird-gtk-theme (Ubuntu) "Unstarted installation indicators show tiny amount of progress" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161770506:47
flocculantthe other 2 are slideshow and skip button issue(s) last is probably some gtk3.20/ubiquity thing06:47
ochosioh right, yeah, that looks off06:51
ochosistupid ubiquity custom widgets...06:51
ochosii'll have to look into the installer myself for that06:51
flocculanthave fun :p06:51
ochosi"thank you"06:52
flocculantI'll try not to find too much more ;)06:52
flocculantbluesabre: might be good if you remember that "bluesabre to schedule next meeting" before we're on Final Beta week :p06:55
* flocculant thinks that now we have council with 3 people we should go back to the old way of running meetings06:57
flocculantI bet Unit193 could agree with me :p06:57
Unit193Ooooooh veeeery much I agree with flocculant.07:03
flocculantsee - I knew it \o/07:04
Unit193Predictable, as always.07:05
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bluesabreflocculant, indeed, was going to wait until the council results were finalized, and now they are :D10:12
knomeold way being what? :P10:15
flocculantbluesabre: brave waiting for us to actually get something done ;)11:02
flocculantknome: not having to wait months for someone to set a meeting :p11:04
knomei do think that it's a fair way to split the chairing to all team leads11:07
flocculantof course you do :)11:08
knomemaybe we can do something like a cycling chair, but if a meeting hasn't been held for X weeks, then the council will chair a meeting - after which we go back to the normal cycling chair11:08
flocculantnot that it'll affect me for a long long time now :D11:08
knomewell, i can see how not having meetings held can affect anybody11:09
flocculantdo you mean can't? 11:09
knomei mean if we don't have meetings, it surely affects everybody11:10
flocculantguess so :)11:10
knomeat least theoretically11:10
knomei very much think regular meetings are good11:10
flocculantyea - even if it's just a touch base thing - I'd agree with that 11:11
knomebecause bringing back people's thoughts to thing X makes them... think about thing X and possible start working on thing X11:11
knomeand one of my arguments for regular meetings is that when they ARE regular and often enough, they won't be like 3 hour meetings11:11
flocculantha ha 11:11
knomebecause "finally we are back together, what about this and this and this too?"11:11
flocculantthe meeting cycling needs sorting out too - cos XPL/council/you 3 11:14
flocculantknome: thought you merged my strat doc changes? 11:16
knomeno... still needs team verification as there are some changes that are not just wording11:18
knomei'll send a mail about it soonish11:18
flocculantaah okey doke11:19
knomesame here11:24
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akxwi-davefinally got the f**king Exchange server back up and working after 6 hours15:18
akxwi-davesry wrong channel15:18
ochosibluesabre: strcmp0 is fine, but you also need tolower stuff somwhow (haven't found the best way yet), otherwise the comparisons are not human-approved15:29
nairwolfHi everyone, I hope you're fine16:10
nairwolfUnit193: I've read your message ;)16:11
knomecould somebody write a short blog article about the intel cursor bug SRU? i can help with formulating, but it would be nice to get somebody who has been following the process closely to get the basic stuff in18:11
* pleia2 drafts18:12
knomethank you18:13
knomeoh also, we should start pointing to the release pages from the front page, not the release announcement18:15
knomethat way we don't have to worry about update the widget on every update18:15
flocculantmight be worth mentioning that while it is fixed for xenial - same issue appears to have now shown up on trusty18:15
knome*about updating18:15
flocculantand isn't covered by the sru18:16
knomecan mention, but i'm not sure how much work we will take to get it SRU'd to trusty; EOL soonish18:16
knome(eg. if it takes another few months, meh)18:16
flocculantwell yea - I wasn't suggesting sru for trusty18:17
flocculantiirc bluesabre and I did discuss that a while back - but I couldn't confirm18:17
knomeaaand hmm.18:17
knomewe might need to flush some rewrite rules on xubuntu.org18:17
knomei wonder how that's possible...18:17
knomethere we go!18:18
knomeevery article with the release "16.04" (or technically, "16-04") will be appearing on that page now18:18
flocculantnice :)18:18
knomewell, they have been doing that previously18:19
knomebut we now have all kinds of other yummy stuff there as well18:19
flocculantwily is still on http://xubuntu.org/help/ btw18:19
knomei thoguht i removed18:19
knomeand thought18:19
knomeremoved now18:20
flocculantthough it's gone from docs.x - pleia2 did that almost at the same time that I said we should lose it :)18:20
knomeor was it me?18:20
* knome shrugs18:20
knomeyeah, it might have been that.18:20
flocculantdon't think so 18:20
knomeeither way, i remember removing it from somewhere18:20
* flocculant reboots after gtk update ... 18:21
flocculantonce upon a time I used to reboot after kernel upgrades18:22
pleia2ok, someone can beautify it http://xubuntu.org/?p=4107&preview=true18:22
pleia2and publish18:22
knomehttp://xubuntu.org/release/16-04/ is now updated with download and documentation links that disappear on EOL date18:23
knomewell, the day after...18:23
flocculantgot that stupid login to x.org fail again :(18:23
knomepleia2, taking over your lock18:24
pleia2knome: yeah, I'm out of it18:24
pleia2wp is a bit aggressive :)18:24
flocculantknome: let me read it before you publish :p18:24
flocculantta 18:25
nairwolfhi, if flocculant is right (intel cursor bug on Trusty), don't you think that could help users to publish a workaround somewhere in the website ? 18:25
flocculantknome: just in case is all :)18:25
pleia2nairwolf: the workaround is in all the release announcements...18:25
pleia2and bug reports18:26
flocculantnairwolf: perhaps it would help them to report it for trusty instead of adding to a bug report that's marked fix released18:26
pleia2not sure how much more we can do18:26
flocculantnot that I'm saying we'd do anything - which is unlikely given the time scale18:26
* pleia2 nods18:27
nairwolfI'm talking about the trusty version. I'm looking for the workaround in trusty pages actually18:27
pleia2we don't really want to be encouraging people to use trusty18:27
nairwolfI don't see any mention of that, if this bug is actually present on Trusty18:28
flocculantnairwolf: you won't find it there18:28
nairwolfYeah, but some people might have their reason to stay on 14.0418:28
nairwolfflocculant: where, please ?18:29
flocculantI didn't say it was anywhere - I said you won't find it there18:29
* flocculant thinks that we should think about only supporting LTS to release of nextLTS.118:29
nairwolfpleia2: I know that's somewhere in bug reports. But normal users don't go to launchpad (I may wrong), and they start to search information in the official website. If an annoying bug like that is present, they would like to know if it will be fixed, or if it won't, they would like to have a workaround. That's all18:30
nairwolfAnd I agree with flocculant about supporting LTS to release of next LTS.118:31
flocculantnairwolf: if we started putting things like that on x.org - we would need a fulltime page writer18:31
pleia2LTS.1 has been out for over a month18:31
pleia2but a 2ish release cycle isn't really an option ;)18:31
pleia2er, support18:31
nairwolfflocculant: I could help ;)18:32
flocculantpleia2: then we should support it and sru the intel thing (if it's an issue) in the same way it was for xenial18:32
nairwolfNow, where users can see bugs known ? On the release announcement ? https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-16-04-1-release/18:32
pleia2flocculant: probably so, but I'm not the one who has to do the work, easy for me to say :)18:33
flocculantpleia2: ditto :)18:33
pleia2nairwolf: yes, under known issues18:33
nairwolfDo you think that would be great to add more information on this page : https://xubuntu.org/release/16-04/18:33
pleia2no, it changes too much as we fix things18:33
flocculantknome: biab18:33
nairwolfI could help by providing a draft if you want18:33
pleia2it's not just a once off :) we need to keep it updated for every bug fix that comes out18:34
pleia2I can't really commit the time to staying on top of that18:34
pleia2the only reason we're doing a blog post about this fix is that it's pretty major and people complain a lot18:34
nairwolfokay, okay, I'm a newbie here. 18:35
pleia2I do appreciate the ideas18:35
nairwolfmy first impression was it doesn't need so much job, but maybe I'm wrong. 18:35
* flocculant washes screen - just imagined bluesabre's face reading pleia2 and flocculant talking about sru's :p18:36
nairwolfI was looking for something to do to help18:36
nairwolfanyway, I need to go right now, I will be back later18:36
flocculantnairwolf: one job is never too much - but this one job would be a never ending cycle of words :)18:36
flocculantnairwolf: you are helping - you just haven't realised it yet ;)18:37
flocculantreally biab now18:37
nairwolfflocculant: The aim isn't to summarize ALL known bugs, and ALL bug fixes, but the most important. The ones about xubuntu specific package for example. 18:38
nairwolfsee you later18:38
nairwolfflocculant: if you have time, can you confirm this bug on Yakkety ? #156755618:40
nairwolfAnd I've seen this bug yesterday, but apparently, it will be fixed in the next version of greybird-gtk-theme : #161905918:41
fg01Hi, Is some working on this https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12763- Incorrect behavior of [Space] keyboard key in Thunar file-list?18:53
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 12763 in general "Incorrect behavior of [Space] keyboard key in Thunar file-list" [Normal,New]18:53
knomesorry, was on phone18:58
* knome releases lock18:59
flocculantknome pleia2 - looking at the intel bug - there are 2 mentions of trusty there - and one of those is me saying I can't confirm it19:29
flocculantother 'trusty' mentions actually seem to be elementary19:30
flocculantoh hang on19:30
flocculantI'll look for 14.04 as well :p19:30
flocculantadd 2 more 19:31
pleia2I haven't confirmed it either19:31
pleia2might drop from the post and just let people ask19:31
flocculantI did drop it - with my hat on :p19:33
flocculantif people want to ask - we can tell them it needs reporting properly from trusty 19:34
flocculantnot piggybacked on a fixed xenial bug19:34
* pleia2 nods19:34
flocculantI can publish - checked it for stranglish now too19:35
knomepublish is ok, but please make sure it has the 16.04 release term20:17
flocculantknome: mm that's new on me - tick the 16.04 release box?20:19
knomesame for every article that's related to releases20:19
knomegets stuff linked on the release page automatically20:19
flocculantright - just not seen it yet :)20:20
knomeyup, no worries20:20
knomei've been ticking them here and there20:20
knomeaaand as you can see: http://xubuntu.org/release/16-04/20:21
flocculantyup - was just looking :p20:21
knomei think this is working great now20:22
flocculantlooks to be 20:22
knomewith all the press stuff, links and screenshots too20:22
flocculantyea - nice one for sure :)20:22
knomenow the next thing is to consider the sidebar in those pages20:23
flocculantI assume you saw coversation re trusty above 20:23
knomei don't think this is the one we want to use any more20:23
knomeyes i did20:23
nairwolfflocculant: do you need I test if the intel bug is present with Trusty ?20:23
nairwolfI have real hardware for that20:23
knomewhich is why i said somebody who has been following should be involved with the article :)20:23
pleia2knome: good to social media it?20:24
knomepleia2, yep - and i can tweet20:24
flocculantknome: I see what you mean - sidebar looks a bit odd in the context of 'just xenial stuff'20:25
knomeit was much better when we only had the article stuff20:25
knomethen that page was just one of the archive pages20:25
nairwolfokay, I'm downloading Xubuntu 14.0420:26
nairwolfI'll tell you later20:26
flocculantnairwolf: don't expect lots of clamouring on it - we're not sure we'll do anything 20:26
flocculantthat's down to tech 20:26
flocculantwho's going to be so happy that I'll be using xenial for 6 months soon :p20:27
nairwolfflocculant: Yes, of course, I understand20:28
nairwolfIt's just to verify by someone else20:29
flocculantknome: just one point re the 16.04 'page' I wonder if we need the blurb between EOL date and Official Links? 20:29
flocculantsimilarly for 14.0420:30
knomei think yeah - it's a nice way to summarize the release20:31
flocculantnot sure I'd pick gnome software ;)20:32
knomefeel free to improve it20:32
flocculantnot that bothered - was just comment :)20:32
knomea few days ago it said 16.04 is the current development release ;)20:32
flocculantI'll say again that it's nice to see it all in one place though 20:33
knomebooting up desktop...20:38
pleia2knome: and should it be on the front page?20:40
nairwolfflocculant: had you time to check my bug report ?20:41
flocculantnairwolf: yea sorry - forgot to say, as ochosi said login is greybird everyone will see it in yakkety atm, the fix will land at some point20:43
flocculantcan't confirm the imgur bug - works fine here20:43
flocculantnairwolf: there are other greybird issues as well 20:45
nairwolfYou can't confirm the imgur bug ? this is weird, because I've tested it twice from my test computer, and from my actual computer. 20:46
nairwolfand in both case, I couldn't upload to imgur20:46
nairwolfwhich other issue ? 20:47
flocculantok so perhaps it's something to do with isp's rather than xfce20:47
nairwolfochosi said there will be soon a new version. 20:47
flocculantinput box outline(s) some are thick, some are thin, progress indicators during install20:48
nairwolfI can go on imgur.com with the normal way (browser). I should check how the upload is done20:48
nairwolfoh,this bug, I've seen your report. Badly, I didn't pay attention to that yesterday20:48
flocculantnairwolf: well all I can do is try using it - and it works fine for me20:48
flocculantsuch is the way of bugs - some people see them some don't - at which point it's got to be something external influencing 20:49
flocculantcould be anything, hardware for example 20:50
flocculantanyway - time for me to wander 20:50
nairwolfthat's work today, on my actual computer20:50
nairwolfso I suppose you right, that was something related to isp20:51
flocculantcould be - don't take my word for it there :)20:51
nairwolfit's funny to say that because I've tested twice at two times differently, and between them, I've uploaded a picture on imgur in the classic way (save picture then upload with browser)20:52
nairwolfI should retest that on the test computer20:52
nairwolfsomeone complain about the intel bug on 14.0420:57
nairwolfon facebook20:57
flocculantwhen it's on launchpad I'll read it20:58
nairwolfwhich "it" ? 20:59
flocculantpeople complaining about intel in 14.0421:00
flocculantwe certainly can't do anything without that21:00
flocculantand re what I said (and pleia2) above 21:00
nairwolfokay, so the best answer is to share them the workaround or to tell them to upgrade, right ? 21:02
flocculantdoes the workround work? 21:02
flocculantdon't tell people to upgrade - they'll have to do that eventually - but they might have reason to be using 14.0421:03
flocculantand finally - anyone who's talking about elementary based on 14.04 I have no interest in at all21:03
nairwolfI agree with elementary21:04
nairwolfI'm talking about one guy at facebook, which seemed to talk about xubuntu21:04
nairwolfbut, yeah, maybe we'll see taht on launchpad also21:05
flocculantnairwolf: if you want to test this issue properly I would install 14.04, test for issue, upgrade to 14.05, test for issue, reinstall 14.04, upgrade to new hwe then test again21:07
flocculantone sensible report I saw said it was hwe upgrade issue21:07
flocculantwith that - day done - night all :)21:08
nairwolfyou mean, from 14.04.0 to upgrade to 14.04.5 ?21:09
nairwolfokay, maybe I'll do that this week-end. 21:09
nairwolfgood night flocculant !21:09
bluesabreochosi, https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-String-Utility-Functions.html#g-strncasecmp gives a bit of detail on sorting without case21:35
knomepleia2, no, we don't push news items to front page...23:21
pleia2yeah, just curious :)23:22
knomebasically my idea was/is to replace the link to the release announcement with a link to the release page23:23
knomethat should serve users better too23:23
knomewhile allowing a different sidebar for the release pages, i kind of got involved with a huge revamp of the sites css >__<23:23
knomeit's so much sleeker already23:24
knome...but there are a few things that aren't working yet23:24

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