
Brochachopragsmike: Thanks! Figured it was an image name issue, do you know if there's an open issue for this? Every search I made turned up nothing00:50
pragsmikeI haven't looked into it further, it could be the repository doesn't match what the tool assumes00:51
pragsmikeI'm still exploring the list of bugs, but the lxd support seems spotty.  I can't get containers on different machines to talk to each other, for instance.00:53
pragsmikeas long as I deploy all containers to one machine, it's ok :/00:54
Brochachopragsmike: Looks like it's reported: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/161894800:58
mupBug #1618948: Can't bootstrap localhost cloud <juju:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1618948>00:58
pragsmikehmm, that doesn't seem to be related, you sure that # is correct?01:12
kjackalHello Juju World!05:58
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=== ant_ is now known as Guest84579
stub`bcsaller: Do you know what is going on here? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23123739/ It seems I'm missing build tools on a bare metal trusty deploy. Testing locally works no probs.10:49
stub`bcsaller: oooh.... python3-pip only recommends build-essential (and python3-setuptools, and python3-wheel), so some deploys won't get those10:54
=== Guest84579 is now known as antdillon
rock__Hi. I want to deploy openstack using [MAAS+openstack-base-bundle]. Can anyone please give me the detailed hardware requirements. and refrence links for doing that.12:02
shruthimahi kwmonroe , how to push ibm-im charm for xenial series in to charm store ?(charm push . cs:~ibmcharmers/xenial/ibm-im)13:35
shruthimahello team, how to build a deployable charm under xenial directory?13:49
stub`shruthima: metadata.yaml defines the supported series, so if you have "series: [xenial]" or "series: [xenial, trusty]" you should be good. The default series is the first one listed there.13:52
shruthimaok if we give xenial first the deployable charm will be build under xenial directory is it ?13:53
stub`If you list a single series, the charm will be built in a directory with the series name. If you list multiple series, it will be build under a 'builds' directory.13:54
stub`Since Juju 1.25, it doesn't matter where it gets built to as 'juju deploy ~/tmp/builds/mycharm' works. You don't need a $JUJU_REPOSITORY setup with magic subdirectories.13:55
shruthimaoh k thanku13:55
shruthimatp push charm for xenial series in to charm store do we need to use charm push . cs:~ibmcharmers/xenial/ibm-im?13:56
stub`If you have a multiseries charm, 'charm push . cs:~ibmcharmers/ibm-im' is fine, and all three URLs will have your new charm (ibm-im, trusty/ibm-im and xenial/ibm-im)13:57
stub`I think pushing to a specific series works too, although I haven't tried it13:58
shruthimawe have IBM-IM charm for trusty in charm store , now i want to push for xenial with same name13:58
stub`But the charm store is smart enough to look at the series: in metadata.yaml and do the right thing I think.13:58
shruthimaroot@z10lnx04:~/charms/xenial/ibm-im# charm push . cs:~ibmcharmers/xenial/ibm-im --resource ibm_im_installer=/root/placeholder.zip --resource ibm_im_fixpack=/root/placeholder.zip ERROR cannot post archive: charm name duplicates multi-series charm name cs:~ibmcharmers/ibm-im-713:58
stub`Ok. I'd try pushing to xenial/ibm-im as you sugested.13:58
shruthimaiam getting that error if i try to push with xenial series13:59
stub`Someone has already pushed a multiseries charm to cs:~ibmcharmers/ibm-im then. I don't know how to override only the xenial charm.14:00
stub`I think pushing to cs:~ibmcharmers/ibm-im will do the right thing and only change the series listed in your metadata.yaml, but I'm not sure.14:01
shruthimaohh ok thanku stub`14:03
rock__Hi. I pused my charm to charm store. I am trying to set BUG URL. Here I am facing issue. pasted issue info : http://paste.openstack.org/show/566078/14:12
stub`rock__: Did that first command work? I've used the cs: url to set bugs-url (so charm set cs:~siva9296/kaminario-openstack bugs-url="https://bugs.launchpad...")14:15
rock__stub: Yes. first command I ran. But it ran with out giving any response.14:21
stub`rock__: When I go to https://jujucharms.com/u/siva9296/kaminario-openstack , I see a submit a bug link pointing to https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/kaminario-openstack/+filebug , so something worked even if it didn't look like it.14:24
stub`I don't think 'charm set' says anything on success.14:25
stub`oh, that bugs url isn't valid14:26
rock__stub:  So please tell me what I need to do now?  I tried with charm set cs:~siva9296/kaminario-openstack bugs-url="https://bugs.launchpad...". But it was giving This site can’t be reached  bugs.launchpad...’s server DNS address could not be found. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN14:29
stub`The command you are running is fine, but the bugs-url you are trying to set is incorrect. It should point to your bug tracker, but I don't know where that is.14:31
stub`Is your charm in a branch on Launchpad? What is the branch URL?14:32
stub`Or maybe the openstack people here know.14:33
lazyPowerrock__ o/14:36
lazyPowerrock__ - i understand you're having some issues publishing to the juju charm store?14:36
rock__lazypower: To populate charm to charm store i used for pushing charm we used https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/authors-charm-store. And Used https://github.com/openstack-charmers/release-tools/blob/master/push-and-publish#L138 to set bug URL. Can you please tell me how to set a bug URL?14:40
lazyPowerrock__ - charm set cs:~lazypower/foo bugs-url=https://foobar.co14:41
lazyPoweras an example14:42
rock__lazypower: I tried as $ charm set cs:~siva9296/kaminario-openstack-2  bugs-url=https://kaminario-openstack.co.  And from UI when i click on "submit a bug" for charm it was giving  bugs.launchpad...’s server DNS address could not be found. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN14:46
lazyPowerrock__ - you've apparently set bugs-url to https://kaminario-openstack.co/14:47
mbruzekrock__: that url does not resolve for me14:48
mbruzekrock__: https://kaminario-openstack.co/14:48
lazyPowerrock__ - additionally it may take the display a moment to update. you can use charm show cs:~siva9296/kaminario-openstack to see the information about your charm14:48
mbruzekrock__: Most of the time the bugs url is a github issue tracker URL, something like this https://github.com/mbruzek/jenkins-jobs/issues14:49
rock__mbruzek:So my source have to on github (or) launchpad? required any bug tracker? I don't have any bug tracker as of now. How can I do that?14:52
mbruzekrock__: Github or Launchpad are not required . But the URL should resolve or the bug link will not work14:53
rock__lazypower: I tried a moment later. Then also it was giving the same issue.14:53
lazyPowerrock__ - well, lets start from step 1. Where do you want to manage bugs for your charm? This typically resides with the charm/layer source14:54
lazyPowerits up to you as the author which system to use. github, launchpad, bitbucket14:54
mbruzekrock__: So I would put the url to a community page, or somewhere the user could get some help with this charm.14:54
lazyPowerare 3 of the popular choices14:54
stub`I've put a promulgation request up at https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/1619577 , which is I hope somewhere that gets it onto the right track?14:57
mupBug #1619577: Review and promulgate telegraf <Juju Charms Collection:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619577>14:57
rock__mbruzek/lazypower: do I need to do any extra work with launchpad/github/bitbucket to manage bugs? Please tell me what I need to do right now w.r.t user perspective.15:01
lazyPowerstub` - have you seen http://review.jujucharms.com?15:01
mbruzekrock__: Where is your layer code?15:02
stub`Ooh, shiny15:02
mbruzekrock__: You are building out of a version control system of some kind right? Any version control system should have a bug/issue/problem link. Unless it is internal, in that case you should make a page that tells users of your charms how to get a hold of you.15:03
rock__mbruzek: what do mean by layer code?15:03
mbruzekrock__: The charm code then15:04
stub`tvansteenburgh1: You should set the defaults of 'share email' and whatever else you need with the SSO login. I can't remember if you do that at your end, or if it is configuration in the SSO.15:04
mbruzekrock__: The code that you wrote to build this charm, I call that the "layer code"15:04
tvansteenburgh1stub`: i tried15:05
rock__mbruzek: Actually, I pushed my charm to store from local machine.15:05
mbruzekrock__: We have found it is best practice to use a version control system for the code.15:09
rock__mbruzek:  Thank you. I understood that If we have a version controll system for my code and if we set bug url link to that then that will be good.15:26
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
rock__marcoceppi: As we discussed before. This issue was not solved. Series miss match issue between mycharm and cinder while adding relation from JUJU GUI. pasted info  http://paste.openstack.org/show/566123/17:06
rock__Hi.  I have a question. For suppose acc. to openstack-base bundle requirements I have taken machines. Which node I have to take as main node to deploy bundle? Once I deployed bundle how that bundle distribute service charms to all hardware machines that we have taken?17:25
rock__Can any one provide me the network architeture of {MAAS+openstack base bundle] setup.17:26
=== lazyPower changed the topic of #juju to: Welcome to Juju! || Docs: http://jujucharms.com/docs || FAQ: http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || Review Queue: http://review.juju.solutions || Unanswered Questions: http://goo.gl/dNj8CP || Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/jujucharms || Charmer Summit Sept 12-14th http://summit.juju.solutions || Juju 2.0 beta-17 release notes: https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/temp-release-notes
kwmonroepetevg: cory_fu, any beef with my repo pr?  i'd like to get this in before i update ~bigdata-dev with xenial charms: https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-apache-bigtop-base/pull/46/files18:48
kwmonroekjackal ^^ you too, but you should be eod by now :)18:49
kwmonroecarrot cory_fu:  if you +1 my pr, i'll help you with the ODSC CFP18:50
kwmonroelazyPower: i'm having trouble getting to http://ci.containers.juju.solutions:8080/.  is it up for you?18:56
lazyPowerkwmonroe - i ran bundletester in that environment and didnt juju lock it, so i learned some hard lessons lastnight18:56
davecorejcastro: Hi18:56
kwmonroelol lazyPower18:56
kwmonroereset: false ftw18:56
lazyPowerkwmonroe https://jujucharms.com/u/lazypower/container-ci18:57
lazyPowerits all charmed up however, and i have 2 instances of it deployed and purring atm18:57
lazyPoweri'll get the DNS back online before i EOD with its final resting place and send you new credentials18:57
lazyPowerit'll be in teh same model i shared with you, but new user login/pass18:57
kwmonroeack lazyPower... would you mind kicking a new charmbox devel build?  i'd like to beat on beta 17 this afternoon18:58
lazyPowerkwmonroe - i have jujubox build and pushed at beta1718:58
lazyPowerdo you mind cloning locally and building a beta17 charmbox until we verify the test tooling updates still work for b17?18:58
kwmonroeroger that lazyPower18:58
kwmonroebut what are the chances test tooling and juju would be incompatible at this stage in the game?  i mean, we're in double digit betas dude.18:59
lazyPoweri dont know why did beta16 break it? :)19:00
lazyPowerso pretty good19:00
kwmonroei was make joke19:00
* lazyPower is dense on the interwebs19:00
jrwrenbeta is the new alpha.19:01
* lazyPower clicks the "like" button on jrwren's last post19:01
* lazyPower assigns a thumbs up emojii 19:02
jrwrenπŸ˜‡ πŸ‘πŸΎ19:04
lazyPowerkwmonroe - let me know what you find out with charmbox, i just kicked off a build here too19:17
lazyPowerif its thumbs up in both places we'll cut a release19:17
cory_fukwmonroe: Added a comment and replied to petevg's comment.  Other than the tests and verifying the requiredness of the layer options, I think it's good19:25
cory_fukwmonroe, petevg: Just checked; those options are *not* marked as required, but they do have default values.  I'm not sure if it's possible to actually remove the default for those19:27
petevgkwmonroe, cory_fu: the .get for those values just happens to make unit testing a lot easier. I don't mind moving away from it, but it will require a lot of fixing in the tests ...19:28
plarsmarcoceppi: Hey, I'm just starting to try to figure out reactive charms, and I saw you have a uwsgi layer. I have a really simple flask app that I'd like to make a charm for and deploy, so I thought this might be a good starting place19:33
plarsmarcoceppi: it's not clear to me how to define the config for it using the uwsgi layer though, or maybe I'm completely on the wrong track? Not really sure... having trouble finding a lot of good examples of reactive charms, especially ones using different layers19:33
marcoceppiplars: no worries, let me find you an example19:34
lazyPowerhttps://github.com/juju-solutions/bundle-elk-stack/pull/4 -- could use some community eyes on this one, low hanging fruit, charm revision bumps19:35
marcoceppiplars: here's what I wrote the uwsgi layer for https://github.com/marcoceppi/layer-charmsvg19:36
marcoceppiplars: it's an example of uwsgi & nginx for a flask app19:37
marcoceppilazyPower: have you tested this with bundletester?19:37
lazyPowermarcoceppi - running now19:37
marcoceppilazyPower: LGTM pending tests19:37
lazyPowermarcoceppi - should i add this to build-cloud?19:38
lazyPowerits kind of a cornerstone thing that a lot of people look for19:38
plarsmarcoceppi: awesome I'll take a look, thanks!19:38
marcoceppilazyPower: sure :)19:38
lazyPowermagicaltrout - is ELK good enough or do you *really need greylog*?19:38
marcoceppiplars: no worries, I wrote uswgi a little while ago, I'm sure I could improve it. With that it only really has one use case, my charmsvg layer19:38
marcoceppiplars: feel free to reach out if things don't make sense, because it's probably me not you :)19:38
cory_fupetevg: Yeah, I agree.  Though, we could actually just switch from using Mock() to MagicMock(), as it supports being used like a dict out of the box19:50
cory_fukwmonroe: Easy fix for the tests: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/magicmock.html#magic-mock19:50
kwmonroethx for the feedback cory_fu petevg!  i'll remove the unit tests and merge away.19:56
cory_fulol, +119:56
=== rmcall_ is now known as rmcall
lazyPowerkwmonroe - testing tools were +1 LGTM on b1722:02
lazyPowerwere your findings ~ the same?22:02
kwmonroelazyPower: i cheated and apt updated to b17.. didn't actually rebuild charmbox.  and i didn't exercise the test tools -- just your normal boostrap, deploy, add, destroy.22:08
kwmonroethat said, b17 was good to me22:08
lazyPowerkwmonroe - you were a big help today :)22:08

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