
rican-linuxrunning lubuntu daily ppc so far everything is working alright. Some video issues I am running into. I know lubuntu is only doing LTS for powerpc but I just wanted to let you all know it works fairly well.05:55
wxlmarcoceppi: do you have any inkling as to why our lubuntu.me page that you're so kindly hosting is down?19:54
wxlmarcoceppi: did you fix it? it's back now19:56
wxloh wait maybe it's not19:57
wxlwell that was weird. maintainence mode was on and couldn't get to the login at first20:06
wxltsimonq2 probably screwed it up20:06
krytarikYes, always blame tsimonq2. :P20:08
wxlwell it's a fair bet20:08
acheronukagreed :P20:09
* tsimonq2 kicks acheronuk :P20:11
marcoceppiwxl: I hvaen't touched it20:28
marcoceppiwxl: is everything okay?20:29
wxlmarcoceppi: didn't think so. anyways, all better.20:29
marcoceppiwxl: great20:29
wxlmarcoceppi: hopefully canonical takes it out of your hands eventually :)20:29
* marcoceppi fingers crossed20:29
wxlmarcoceppi: well i'm waiting on IS fwiw......20:30

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