
niemeyermwhudson: Heya00:42
mwhudsonniemeyer: hi00:42
niemeyermwhudson: We have very good coverage on assertions on the system design doc00:42
mwhudsonah yes, i've seen that i think00:42
niemeyermwhudson: Do you have a moment to chat about the upcoming image?00:42
mwhudsonniemeyer: it's been kept up to date as the implementation has happened?00:43
mwhudsonniemeyer: sure00:43
niemeyermwhudson: Yeah, I think it's quite precise stlil00:43
mwhudsoncool, i shall re-read it then00:43
niemeyermwhudson: There might be a couple of minor assertions missing there, but otherwise it's good00:43
mwhudsonniemeyer: chat here or some kind of voip?00:43
niemeyermwhudson: We'd like to finish our pending activities for RTM by EOD tomorrow, so that we can cook a candidate image by Monday00:44
niemeyermwhudson: Here is fine to start, we can jump on a call if we need more bandwidth00:44
niemeyermwhudson: So I'd like to sync with you regarding open points on your end00:45
mwhudsonniemeyer: that would be great, i've been feeling a bit disconnected00:45
mwhudsonwell not disconnected, just a bit unsure of some things00:45
niemeyermwhudson: Yeah, the usual problem of living on different sides of the world00:46
mwhudsonthat and coming in late to a fast moving project :)00:46
niemeyermwhudson: We've had a few network-related branches landing recently00:46
niemeyermwhudson: INdeed00:46
niemeyermwhudson: I've been very far from that work, so I'm not sure what your plans for it are00:47
niemeyermwhudson: is it working already?00:47
mwhudsonniemeyer: more or less, it works fine in kvm00:47
mwhudsonniemeyer: the ui does not let you configure wlan interfaces, but if you inject an ifupdown config to make that work, it shouldn't get in the way00:48
niemeyermwhudson: Cool, that's a start00:48
niemeyermwhudson: How do you mean? wlan feels like the basic stuff00:49
mwhudsonniemeyer: netplan only just gained support for wlan, and we haven't written the ui yet00:50
mwhudsonniemeyer: nothing fundamental, just lack of time00:50
niemeyermwhudson: Ok.. hmm00:52
niemeyermwhudson: So is there anything pending that we need to do today to have a proper image on Monday?00:52
mwhudsoni can hack like crazy and see what i can get done in the 3 hours of work i have left in the week ...00:52
mwhudsonniemeyer: not that i am aware of00:52
mwhudsonniemeyer: on the networking side00:53
mwhudsonniemeyer: on the user side, there was some confusion about whether cloud-init should accept the traditional cloud-init syntax for creating users00:53
niemeyermwhudson: Something you'd like to be tested during the next month as we put those images to run00:53
niemeyermwhudson: Yeah, I've seen the bug  #00:54
mwhudsonniemeyer: sorry, is that a question?00:54
niemeyermwhudson: Yeah, sorry, it was part of the previous one00:54
mwhudsonthe biggest open bits are around user management but that's not happening for RTM aiui00:55
niemeyermwhudson: re. the cloud-init feature, I'm not sure.. one alternative would be to teach it to talk to snapd and call create-user00:55
niemeyermwhudson: Yeah, there's an open point I noted down today for GA.. we still need to associated the system user created with a snapd user00:56
mwhudsonniemeyer: well it should likely be able to do that, sure, but that's not what i meant by "accept the traditional cloud-init syntax for creating users"00:56
niemeyermwhudson: Ah?00:57
mwhudsonwhich is username/password/ssh key, not email for use with sso00:57
mwhudsonniemeyer: yes, snapd user tied to system user and some way for console-conf to tell that this has happened01:01
niemeyermwhudson: Ideally we'd also put that under the same system01:01
niemeyermwhudson: So we have a single path to create ubuntu core users, and the outcome is always the same01:02
niemeyer(owner semantics, credentials for snapd, etc)01:02
mwhudsonniemeyer: that certainly makes sense01:04
niemeyermwhudson: Cool.. so for RTM, if you have any critical changes you'd like to see tested in the candidate image, today or your Monday should be fine, and we'll try to get the changes in on time01:07
niemeyermwhudson: Post RTM, let's nail down networking and those credentials/ownership details01:08
mwhudsonniemeyer: ack. how should i provide any such fixes? upload to ppa:canonical-foundations/ubuntu-image and email canonical-snapcraft@ ?01:08
niemeyerYeah, or push a PR to snapd, if that's the case01:17
niemeyermwhudson: ^01:17
mwhudsonniemeyer: talking of which! https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/183001:18
mupPR snapd#1830: firstboot: only configure en* interfaces by default <Created by mwhudson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1830>01:18
niemeyermwhudson: LGTM01:22
niemeyermwhudson: As a minor, would be nice to fix indentation on this file01:22
niemeyermwhudson: I'd suggest 4 spaces consistently01:22
niemeyermwhudson: one space makes a bit too hard on the eye01:23
niemeyermwhudson: and the first level is using 201:23
mwhudsonniemeyer: fair enough, fixing01:24
=== King_InuYasha is now known as Son_Goku
niemeyermwhudson: Much nicer, thank you02:06
mwhudsonah haha can i customize the kernel command line of a snappy image?02:51
mwhudson/etc/default/grub is read only...02:51
mupPR # closed: snapcraft#652, snapcraft#652, snapcraft#652, snapcraft#652, snapcraft#652, snapcraft#652, snapcraft#652, snapcraft#652, snapcraft#652, snapcraft#652, snapcraft#652, snapcraft#652, snapcraft#652, snapcraft#652, snapcraft#65203:09
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
justinmcp_where can I read about assertions?04:01
lpotterhmm.. I think the qmake snapcraft plugin should include g++ build package04:10
lpotteroh man, cleanbuild can be painful05:23
mvopitti: good morning! latest yakkety adt in snapd is failing because it runs out of diskspace (the container). is that a known issue? http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/browse.cgi/packages/s/snapd/yakkety/amd6405:36
mvopitti: and one more question - the new autopkgtest tests we have are based on spread. this is a little bit unusual as it usually drives the testsuite over ssh on a different host, for adt I point the test simply to localhost, but it still needs to connect via ssh (because that is how spread works). in my adt local vm this is all working great, however in the dc I get failures to connect to localhost05:38
pittimvo, jdstrand: networkd is supposed to send the hostname on a DHCP request, so if the server keeps a hostname -> IP mapping that shold work; but if it relies on the client to save the previous lease, we don't do that across reboots right now05:42
pittimvo, jdstrand: if that's needed, please file a bug (but why bother..)05:43
mupPR snapd#1830 closed: firstboot: only configure en* and eth* interfaces by default <Created by mwhudson> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1830>05:43
pittimvo: disk space failure is known, bug 161928505:44
mupBug #1619285: cc_growpart fails on yakkety <cloud-utils:Fix Committed> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <cloud-utils (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <util-linux (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619285>05:44
pittimvo: we'll do a mass-retry after this is fixed, s_moser is working on it05:44
pittimvo: hm, sshd should be running in the instances, that's how we connect to it after all05:45
mvopitti: "Discarding adhoc:ubuntu-16.04-64, cannot connect: cannot connect to adhoc:ubuntu-16.04-64: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none], no supported methods remain", would love to play with it some more, works in my local adt qemu. and its really cool, we run 85 integration spread tests now in there which much more than with the old system, I'm super keen to land this but I need some test uploads to a real05:48
mvo adt to figure out why its not wokring just now. ideas appreciated (or a wiki page), I had hoped I could use yakkety but...05:48
mupPR snapd#1821 closed: ensure snapd.refresh.service waits for snapd.firstboot.services <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1821>05:49
pittimvo: Changing password for ubuntu.05:51
pittichpasswd: (user ubuntu) pam_chauthtok() failed, error:05:51
pittimvo: and that's not just it?05:51
mvopitti: where do you see that? that may well be it05:52
pittimvo: anyway, if this happens with the current -proposed package, I can start a test manually with --shell and give you ssh access to the instance so that you can poke aroud05:52
pittimvo: the i386 snapd failure05:52
pittimvo: amd64 runs into the growpart failure, the i386 one got further05:52
pittimvo: well, where did *you* see it?05:52
mvopitti: yay, I think this gives me enough, I will try some more yakkety, I had no idea that i386 would work, as long as I have one working, its all good05:53
mvopitti: thank you05:53
pittimvo: so, I'm just saying don't do five uploads to debug this, the latency will kill all of however much patience you still have left :)05:54
mvopitti: heh, ok! *maybe* its just a single one, this log gives me some clues05:55
mvopitti: should I add "breaks-testbed" because of the modifications I make?05:56
pittimvo: irrelevant for the infra, but a nice warning for people trying to run it locally, yes05:56
pittimvo: well, actually not irrelevant if you have more than one test (this decides whether the testbed gets reset in between tests)05:56
mvopitti: its just a single (large test) currently05:57
* mvo adds it05:58
mvopitti: thanks a bunch for your help, much appreciated05:59
pittimvo: no worries; please let me know if you need ssh to a testbed instance06:00
mvoogra_: can you please check if you have the system-boot partition on your pi2, i.e. if it shows up with ls -l /dev/disk/by-label ? its not there on amd64 so firstboot breaks in different ways06:12
om26erhow to install lxd on all-snap image ?06:34
ogra_mvo, nope06:40
mvoogra_: its not there?06:40
mvoogra_: then firstboot fails for this reason06:40
mvoogra_: easy enough to fix, I can push a new gadget, we had the same issue on amd6406:40
mvoogra_: a world of pain06:40
ogra_filesystem-label: system-boot06:41
ogra_it is in gadget.yaml06:41
mvoogra_: yeah but that is not the partition label06:41
ogra_well, it uses an msdos table ... not sure we even planned for partition labels there06:42
mvoogra_: no idea either, I wonder if http://paste.ubuntu.com/23123142/ helps06:42
ogra_(that might need more code in u-image)06:42
mvoogra_: I can look at the old u-d-f code06:42
mvoogra_: I checked, there is code in u-i for setting the fs-label, I just suspect its the wrong one06:42
ogra_yeash, that smells like it should help06:42
om26erI can see lxd here: https://uappexplorer.com/app/lxd.stgraber but can't install, am I missing something ?06:42
mvoogra_: I push it, what could possibly go wrong06:43
ogra_heh, indeed06:43
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
mvomeh, store and bzr out of sync!06:45
om26erstgraber, around ? Can you tell if I can currently install lxd on all-snap image ?06:46
om26er(on a RPi)06:46
dholbachhey hey07:02
mupPR snapd#1831 opened: interfaces: modem-manager: ignore camera <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1831>07:18
mupPR snapd#1831 closed: interfaces: modem-manager: ignore camera <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1831>07:26
=== ant_ is now known as Guest84579
zygaogra: hey, do you remmember the /etc/os-release thing08:06
ograzyga, see my bug comments :P08:06
ogra(i linked all related bugs)08:08
zygaogra: ah, I see now; too bad we cannot use variant08:08
zygaogra: but whatever works :)08:08
ograwell, i guess we can just use variant08:08
ograi personally find it cleaner ...08:09
ograit sounds like the natural field to use for this08:09
ograwhat worries me more is how we can mangle it in a clean way ...08:10
ogratechnically the change needs to be in base-files08:10
ograinstead of being a hack in the build system08:10
ograi'm not sure how we should do that08:10
zygayep, I don't know either08:11
zygaupdate-alternatives perhaps?08:11
zygaor dpkg-divert something08:11
ograpitti, as somone who has touched base-files often ... any idea how we could cleanly mangle the content of os-release without evil hacks ?08:11
mupPR snapd#1768 closed: many: automatically restart all-snap devices after os/kernel updates <Critical> <Reviewed> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1768>08:12
ograzyga, well, then a sed or mv/cp is as good ... given we dont use dpkg at all on the aime08:12
zygaogra: you are right08:13
mvoogra: talked to steve, my changes to the gadget were incorrect, I fixed it now in the u-i code08:13
ogradpkg-divert really only makes sense regarding debs ...08:13
mvoogra: new ubuntu-image snap is uplaoded08:16
ograoh, its in the store already ?08:16
* ogra grabs08:16
mvoonly tested on kvm so far and need to go and work on snapd code next08:17
ograerror: cannot fetch and check prerequisites for the model assertion: account-key [Jv8_JiHiIzJVcO9M55pPdqSDWUvuhfDIBJUS-3VW7F_idjix7Ffn5qMxB21ZQuij] not found08:17
mvoogra: yeah, one sec08:19
ogramoves on08:20
ogramvo, did you already publish teh new gadget ?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23123319/ ...08:21
mvoogra: sorry, now08:23
pittiogra: I don't actually know much about base-files, but WDYM with "mangle"?08:24
ograhmm, does u-image cache something ?08:24
ograstill the same08:24
ograpitti, Bug #161942008:25
mupBug #1619420: snappy removal of dpkg-query breaks lsb_release --all <cloud-init:New> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619420>08:25
ograand bug 148108608:25
mupBug #1481086: Need API/cli method to know if "is_snappy" <Snappy:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1481086>08:25
ogramvo, didnt change :/08:26
ogramvo, also, any reason why you reverted the README change in the gadget ?08:28
mvoogra: sounds like a mistake08:28
ograah, yeah, it was in the "merge from steve" merge :)08:28
mvoogra: yeah, that probably confuse dme, sorry, shall I fix or will you?08:28
mvoogra: I uploaded a new rev24 of the pi2 snap, jsut to be sure08:29
ograi can fix it, but i still get the same u-image error08:29
* ogra retries once again08:29
mvoogra: seems to be ok here, maybe a store delay?08:30
ograseems to work now08:30
ograat least it sits silent there08:30
ograaaaand ... i got an image ...08:30
* ogra dd's08:30
mvoogra: it does? my latest snap should have proper progress08:30
ograwell, for the downloads08:31
ograeverything after is still quiet08:31
ogra(the image creation itself)08:31
mvoaha, ok08:31
mvothats fine08:31
mvowas worried for a second08:31
ograogra@anubis:~/datengrab/images/snappy$ ls -l u-image-pi2.img08:32
ogra-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4000000000 Sep  2 10:29 u-image-pi2.img08:32
ograthe size is really funny08:32
mvowe probably need something slightly smaller08:32
ograyup, i have a bug open for that08:32
mvoiirc we reduced it in u-d-f because some usb sticks are not up to it08:33
mvoaha, yeah, we can make it a lot smaller indeed :)08:33
ograBug #161936208:33
mupBug #1619362: images should not be largely bigger than the actual content <Ubuntu Image:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619362>08:33
ogra300MB should be enough08:33
ogra(effectively i'd like u-i to just compute the content, add a few MB wiggle room and roll that ..08:34
ograas long as we resize on first boto we can be as small as the content08:34
* ogra tries conv=sparse for dd ... according to steve that should not write the zeros08:35
ograand he seems to be right ... that was a fast dd08:36
mvoogra: yeah, I meant to add this to godd automatically but ENOTIME :/08:36
* ogra boots 08:37
ograreading /kernel.img08:37
ogra** Unable to read file /kernel.img **08:37
ograreading /initrd.img08:37
ogranope ... :(08:37
mvoogra: uh, that is worse than before08:37
ograyeah... waiting til i get a uboot prompt08:37
mvoogra: maybe I did a incorrect uboot.env from a wrong uboot.in?08:37
mvoogra: I think I regenerated it, maybe using the wrong readme? could you double check that maybe?08:38
ograhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23123371/ filesystem looks fine08:39
mvoogra: yeah, I'm sure the env is wrong for some reaon08:40
ograno snap_kernel and snap_core in the env08:40
ograsounds more like u-i than the default env08:41
ograall other defaults are correct08:41
mvoogra: hm, hm ok08:49
mupPR snapd#1802 closed: image,overlord/boot,snap: metadata from asserts for image snaps <Critical> <Reviewed> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1802>08:58
ograi just wanted tzo check the vars on yesterdays dragonboard image09:00
ograhow the heck did that boot at all ?!?!09:00
* ogra reboots the board 09:01
ograhmm, despite the mangled value it seems to use the correct one on boot09:01
ograhow weird is that09:01
ograhmm ... now it is correct09:02
ograprobably a serial tty glitch then09:03
ograU-Boot> setenv snap_kernel pi2-kernel_11.snap09:08
ograU-Boot> setenv snap_core ubuntu-core_424.snap09:08
ogramvo, boots fine with that ^^^09:08
ograbah, still the cloud-init failures09:10
* ogra goes to make coffee ... that'll take 10-15min til cloud-init gives up 09:11
ograogra@localhost:~$ snap list09:20
ograNo snaps are installed yet. Try 'snap install hello-world'.09:20
ogramvo, in that regard nothing changed ^^^09:20
mvoogra: what is the systemctl status snapd.firstboot output?09:24
ogragive it a bit, i just rebooted09:24
ograoh come on cloud-init09:25
ograthis is such a pain :/09:26
mvoogra: yeah, I think I will merge the branch from cyphermox into my snap09:29
mvoogra: its just terrible otherwise09:29
ogramvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23123469/09:29
ogranothing exciting09:29
mvoogra: hm, snap changes?09:30
mvoogra: and snap change 1 ?09:30
ograogra@localhost:~$ snap changes09:30
ograerror: no changes found09:30
ograogra@localhost:~$ snap change 109:30
ograerror: cannot find change with id "1"09:30
ograand i guess if i greop for the model assertion error ... i will find the same thing09:31
mvoogra: oh, yeah, I suspect that is the case09:31
ograogra@localhost:~$ sudo grep model /var/log/syslog09:31
ograSep  2 08:31:11 localhost kernel: [    0.000000] Machine model: Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Rev 1.109:31
ograSep  2 08:31:12 localhost snap[2612]: error: need a model assertion09:31
mvoogra: we are close to having a real model assertion09:31
ograbut first things first ... whatever sho7uld set snap_kernel and snap_core failed to do so09:31
ograthis only booted because i manually tweaked them09:32
ograsigh ... and the user isnt in adm ... thats also painful09:32
ogramvo, ARGH !09:40
ograkernel is gone ...09:41
ograi assume the vfat we create with u-i is different from what u-d-f did create09:41
mvoogra: its gone now?09:45
mvoogra: was it there before?09:45
mvoogra: and vanished on boot?09:45
ograi booted it a few times, yes09:45
ogralooks like something did an fsck09:45
ograand moved the files to fsck000X.rec09:45
ograi bet it doesnt get along with "pi2-kernel_11.snap/" not being 8+309:46
ografor whatever reason09:47
ograso i assume u-i creates the wrong type of vfat09:47
mvouh, the fsck ones are indeed terrible09:47
mvoogra: thats alarming09:47
ograwell, good that we hit it now :)09:48
ograi ran the former u-d-f image for about a month ... with at least one reboot per day (for the new ubuntu-core) ... so i know the u-d-f setup was 100% robust09:48
ograthere must be something different in the vfat creation09:49
mvoogra: let me fix that09:51
mvoogra: I think (because the filesystem is small) it was auto-selecting fat1609:52
mvoogra: if you can boot it, there should be a way to verify09:52
ograwell, its an SD :)09:52
mvoogra: heh, ok09:53
ograGerät      Boot  Start     Ende Sektoren Größe Id Typ09:53
ograGerät      Boot  Start     Ende Sektoren Größe Id Typ09:53
ogra/dev/sdc1  *      2048   264191   262144  128M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)09:53
ogra/dev/sdc2       264192 61315071 61050880 29,1G 83 Linux09:53
mvohm indeed09:54
ograthe start byte is different when i compare to an SD from u-d-f09:56
ogra2048 vs 819209:56
abeatoogra, do you know if anybody has snapped x11 for rpi?09:56
ograabeato, wont happen i guess09:56
ogramvo, didnt you add some magic math to u-d-f back then for exactly that ?09:57
ograi remember something like that09:57
ograabeato, Mir and XMir is the answer ...09:57
ograwe wont allow plain X11 afaik09:57
abeatoogra, sure, but we do not have those yet, isn't it?09:58
ograwe do have mir09:58
ograbut we dont have images with graphics drivers09:58
abeatoogra, hmm, will that happen any time soon for rpi?09:59
ograbetween RTM and GA09:59
abeatoogra, git it, thanks10:00
abeato*got it :p10:00
ogramvo, i actually think it is the mkfs.vfat call that might differ in u-i10:05
ogracmd := []string{"mkfs.vfat", "-F", "32", "-n", string(part.label)}10:05
ograthats what u-d-f has10:05
ograoh, and10:05
ogra                        if size != "512" {10:05
ogra                                cmd = append(cmd, "-s", "1")10:05
ogra                        }10:05
ogra                        cmd = append(cmd, "-S", size, dev)10:05
ograit computes the exact sector size10:06
ogra(and hands it over to mkfs)10:07
mvoogra: oh, interessting10:07
ograi have a suspicion that we use something less reliable in u-i10:08
ogralike mtools instead of mkfs10:08
ogra(because the former doesnt  need root)10:08
mvoogra: u-i also uses mkfs.vfat10:10
ograbut with different options i guess10:10
mvoogra: but different parameters, let me try settings -s110:10
ografunc sectorSize(dev string) (string, error) {10:11
ogra        out, err := exec.Command("blockdev", "--getss", dev).CombinedOutput()10:11
ogra        if err != nil {10:11
ograthat is what it uses to determine the size10:11
joc_has there already been landings on master of snapd to prevent or change method for installing local unasserted snaps?10:11
mvoogra: I think its ok to always force -s1 aiui if size is 512 -s1 is also used (implicitely)10:12
ograblockdev --getss ....10:12
mvosergiusens: do you remember why vfat -s1 was used?10:12
mvosergiusens: in u-d-f?10:12
ogramvo, note -s != -S10:13
joc_ah, i found --force-dangerous, dont worry :)10:13
ogra       -s SECTORS-PER-CLUSTER10:13
ogra           Specify the number of disk sectors per cluster.  Must be a power of 2, i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, ... 128.10:13
ogra       -S LOGICAL-SECTOR-SIZE10:13
ogra           Specify the number of bytes per logical sector.  Must be a power of 2 and greater than or equal to 512, i.e. 512,  1024,  2048,  4096,  8192,10:13
ogra           16384, or 32768.10:13
ograwe always append -S10:14
mupPR snapd#1832 opened: Added time-date-control interface for org.freedesktop.timedate1 <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1832>10:14
ograand if != 512 we *also* append "-s 1"10:14
mvoogra: oh, indeed10:14
mvohm, leaving that out for now then10:15
mvoogra: not even sure that will work on a file10:16
ograogra@anubis:~/datengrab/images/snappy$ sudo blockdev --getss /dev/sdc110:16
ograogra@anubis:~/datengrab/images/snappy$ sudo blockdev --getss /dev/sdc110:16
ograthey are both identical10:16
ogra(thats u-i vs u-d-f image)10:16
ograthough i should probably check *before* and fsck ran10:17
* ogra re-flashes the u-i image10:17
ograyeah, stays 51210:19
mvoogra: do we have that candidate snap for ubuntu-core? or should I try to set it?10:31
ograjust try to set it from this mornings build i guess10:32
ogramvo, 421-42610:33
mvoSon_Goku: hey, good morning. thanks for your mail, my world is terrible busy right now but I get back to you once we have finished our images deadlines10:33
Son_Gokuwhat images?10:34
* Son_Goku is missing context10:34
ograsnappy images :)10:35
ograubuntu-core + kernel snap + gadget snap ...10:35
mvoon real devices like pi2 etc10:35
ograor pc's10:35
Son_Gokuright, the thing I can't really do anything with at the moment10:38
ograwhy not ?10:38
* ogra runs a bunch of servers using these images(15.04 still though)10:38
ograand i'll convert this http://www.grawert.net/watchthesun/ to snap once we have finalized series 16 images :)10:39
ogra(and the rest of my house control)10:39
Son_Gokuwell, firstly, being Ubuntu is a bit of a problem (I'd like to have snappy Fedora/CentOS systems)10:39
Son_Gokusecond, even if I was okay with Ubuntu, I'm not okay with an EOL Ubuntu10:40
ograseries 16 will not be EOL before 201810:40
ogralong term we will also have phone and desktop images10:41
ogra(for now the focus is IoT, embedded, cloud and headless)10:41
* ogra notes that people never recognize how old snappy actually is ... or that you can buy devices with it preinstalled since years :)10:43
ograevery time i see a flatpack vs snaoppy discussion i see people claiming that snappy is something new ... it's three years old ... it just didnt get used on classic installs before :)10:44
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sergiusensmvo a review for Colin, I can maybe even fetch it10:46
* sergiusens waves good morning10:46
ogramvo, so did you do any changes regarding the vfat that i could try ?10:47
ograelse i'll move on to fiddle withj the pi3 gadget and later with the dragonboard10:47
jgdxusing the gtk3 launcher, I get could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb". Any suggestions?10:51
mvoogra: not yet, sorry10:54
mvoogra: I get the feeling pi2 is not going to happen today10:54
mvoogra: just too many issues10:54
ogramvo, well, we have time til friday, no ?10:55
mvoogra: today is friday, no?10:55
ogramvo, i mean next week ... i understood jamiebennett's mail that we postpone by a week10:56
ogra(which is actually wed. not fri, but definitely next week)10:56
jamiebennettogra: A week from the original RTM which is Wed10:57
jamiebennettogra: But of course we need to test before that10:57
ograi'd say fri. is more realistic anyway :) ...10:57
ograin any case though ... we need to fix the pi probs and also need dragonboard images10:58
ograboth are rtm targets10:58
jamiebennettogra: So image spinning on Monday, testing and bug fixing Tues10:58
ograjamiebennett, right ... the issue today is that pi2 images eat themselves after reboot ... the vfat gets trashed10:59
ograand we dont really knwo why10:59
mvoI really want an iamge (pc at least) today10:59
ograwe have working pc images, dont we ?10:59
ogra(apart from known cloud-init issues etc)10:59
sergiusensogra mvo cannot find the MP, but most of the vfat logic comes from learnings of ubiquity11:00
mvoogra: I mean end-to-end, with model assertion, snap asseritons11:01
mvoogra: we have something that boots right now, thats all11:01
ogramvo, well, then we need approval to postpone arm ...11:01
ograi can surely get a dragonboard and pi3 gadget ready in time ... but if we dont fix the other bugs that wont help11:02
sergiusensogra mvo and first partition we put at 8192 (it used to be 4096) to take into account most of those raw partition writes some devices use; 8192 was a recomendation from lool11:02
mvoogra: well, like jamiebennett said, next week is fine for arm, its just that if we don't have a fully working pc image today, I think its going to be difficult for arm11:02
mvoogra: arm needs everything thta pc needs plus more11:02
ograalso, what makes you sure the vfat corruption wont happen on x86 ?11:02
mvoogra: same deal, we write much less to it11:02
mvoogra: but yeah, same concern11:02
sergiusensI would really partition those vfats like we did in u-d-f11:03
ograsergiusens, yeah11:03
sergiusensmaybe cjwatson can review ubuntu-image?11:03
ogradid he review udf ? :)11:03
ograwe really only need to make it identical11:03
sergiusensogra s512 and all that magic logic comes from his review11:03
ograah !11:03
sergiusensogra I started with that? :-)11:04
sergiusensogra Colin's learnings from ubiquity ;-)11:04
ograwell, what i definitely see is that the two vfats start at different bytes on the different SD cards here11:04
ograstart byte -> 2048 vs 819211:05
ograinspecting them beyond that doesnt reveal any differences11:05
sergiusensogra might be some broken magic on ubuntu-image?11:06
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ograit seems to use the same mkfs.vfat command11:06
sergiusensjoc_ hey, mind looking at this https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/771/files and maybe trying to build plainbox with it?11:09
cjwatsonsergiusens: well, I know how partitioning works in general but I know absolutely nothing about the logic that ubuntu-image is seeking to apply11:09
cjwatson8192*512 == 4MiB which I would agree is most likely to be aligned on suitable boundaries11:10
ogra274             if part.filesystem is FileSystemType.vfat:   # pragma: nobranch11:10
ogra275                 run('mkfs.vfat {}'.format(part_img))11:10
ograwoah ...11:10
ograso i'm wrong11:10
cjwatson(1MiB is a bit more typical but even a few years ago I was hearing rumblings about some media using 4MiB)11:10
ograwe run mkfs.vfat totalyl witrhout any options11:10
ograwhile we apply a good bunch in u-d-f11:10
sergiusenscjwatson thanks, it seems ogra found the culprit ;-)11:10
cjwatsonmkfs.vfat at least used to require some moderately exotic options to get things right11:11
ograand in u-d-f we use them ...11:11
joc_sergiusens: thanks for heads up, i might ask one of the other checkbox devs to try as i'm a bit deep in to some snapd stuff right now11:12
cjwatson-F fat32 plus an -S option set to the logical sector size of the device in question, IIRC11:12
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cjwatsonand maybe -n11:12
ograplus -s 1 of the sector size isnt 512 or some such11:12
ograand yes, -n11:12
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ograhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23123789/ is the code we use in u-d-f11:14
ogra(sectorSize is the return value of blockdev --getss)11:15
ograoh man ... and looking at line 22 in that paste i guess we can be happy that it never hit that code path :P11:16
ogra"mkfs.ext4", "-F", "-L", string(part.label), dev ....11:17
ogra(i doubt -F works without value)11:17
ograthats ext411:18
ograignore my babbling :P11:18
mupPR snapd#1806 closed: overlord/devicestate: set device registration URLs <Critical> <Reviewed> <Created by matiasb> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1806>11:30
mupPR snapd#1822 closed: snapd.refresh.service: require snap.socket and /snap/*/current <Reviewed> <Created by stolowski> <Conflict> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1822>11:30
mupPR snapd#1824 closed: tests: use ubuntu-image for the ubuntu-core-16 image creation <Created by mvo5> <Conflict> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1824>11:30
cjwatsonRight, I believe the account-key work is now code-complete and "just" needs four layers of stuff to be reviews/fixed/landed/deployed11:31
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cjwatson(remaining snapd/asserts fixes for checking account-key-request; snap-assertions-service endpoint to do likewise; software-center-agent changes to account-key endpoint to use that; snapcraft PR to add register-key)11:34
sborovkovjamiebennett: ping11:39
jamiebennettsborovkov: Sorry, was at lunch, around now12:10
sborovkovjamiebennett: Hello. Who can I ask about store issue? Can't install snap on classic again from our store. I am logged in with snap login and have correct variable in /etc/environment :(12:12
jamiebennettsborovkov: What do you mean by "Can't install snapp", is the snap available with a snap find?12:12
sborovkovjamiebennett: No. snap find --private is not working as well. Snap is published in our store and it was working before. With snap intsall --devmode --edge screenly-client12:15
jamiebennettsborovkov: and what does snap --version say?12:16
sborovkovjamiebennett: 2.14.112:17
sborovkovI tried proposed when the latest stable was not working12:17
sborovkovnothing changed12:17
jamiebennettso you have the latest and now it breaks your store, nothing else changed? If not then maybe mvo knows of a recent change that may have affected this12:18
jamiebennettlet me look at the code12:18
jamiebennettsborovkov: what was the last working snapd version you tried?12:19
sborovkovI am pretty sure 2.11 was working12:20
sborovkovI reflashed after that because my SD card broke. And after apt upgrade I was not able to install snap from the screenly store anymore12:20
sborovkovI saw some that there were some commits related to getting store id. May be it broke during that. But that's just guessing.12:22
sergiusensjoc_ where does plainbox live?12:23
jamiebennettsborovkov: I'm looking into it now, will get back to you shortly12:23
Son_Gokuogra, well, snappy as it exists today didn't exist more than a year or so12:24
sborovkovjamiebennett: thanks12:24
jamiebennettsborovkov: have you tried snap revert ubuntu-core to see if a previous snapd works?12:25
cyphermoxogra: hey, u-i work needed?12:25
mvosborovkov: what env var are you using? UBUNTU_STORE_ID?12:26
ogracyphermox, not atm, no12:26
joc_sergiusens: lp:checkbox12:26
popeysergiusens: can you help me with fixing a snap where there is a dupe between two parts?12:26
sergiusenspopey ok12:27
sborovkovmvo: yes12:27
popeysergiusens: ok, lemme prep12:27
sergiusenspopey but I have father and son time starting in 3 minutes (aka baby sitting)12:27
sborovkovjamiebennett: Oh, no I did not try that. I checked apt cache for previous versions but did not think of that12:27
sergiusensso I might take a bit12:27
joc_sergiusens: you might be most interested in this project though https://code.launchpad.net/~checkbox-dev/plainbox-provider-snappy/+git/packaging/+ref/master12:28
popeysergiusens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23123924/12:28
sborovkovjamiebennett: what would be the syntax to get 2.11?12:28
sergiusensjoc_ whatever is needed to build the snap ;-)12:29
jamiebennettsborovkov: just snap revert ubuntu-core until you get there12:29
popeysergiusens: ok, run that, it fails - minetest and minetestgame parts both have a minetest.conf.example in them, which fails to snapcraft, so I added line 31/32 to exclude it, but that fails with:-12:29
popeyStepping over existing file for organization 'games/minetest_game'12:29
popey[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/alan/Development/Snappy/github_snappy_playpen/snappy-playpen/minetest/parts/minetestgame/install/*'12:29
popeywhich I don't get?12:29
jamiebennettsborovkov: try each version as you revert though, maybe we can pinpoint the exact release12:29
joc_sergiusens: yep that last repo has the yaml to look at then12:30
joc_sergiusens: hopefully spineau will be here soon as he was most recently looking at building plainbox using the python3 plugin12:30
sergiusensjoc_ oh, it is not yet? then great ;-)12:31
joc_sergiusens: nope currently we are pulling it from pypi12:31
sergiusensjoc_ the python plugin rewrite I did is a bit special wrt filesets because it doesn't mix stage-packages and pypi/pip ones12:31
sergiusensoh, pulling from pypi and using it locally should be almost the same thing12:32
sborovkovjamiebennett: Wait how does that work? snap list tells me there are no installed snaps. snap revert ubuntu-core tells me there is no revision to revert to. I guess I am doing something wrong?12:32
joc_sergiusens: yeah this was what was need to fix our weird repo layout problem https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/75112:32
mupPR snapcraft#751: python3 plugin: run setup.py in source subdir if such option exists <Created by yphus> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/751>12:32
sergiusenspopey does this work '*': 'games/minetest_game/' ? I have a bug to implement that iirc12:32
jamiebennettsborovkov: snap install ubuntu-core12:33
popeysergiusens: it used to.12:33
mvosborovkov: silly question (sorry if its obvious), but since you added it to the environment did you restart snapd since changing /etc/environment?12:33
jamiebennettsborovkov: but wait12:33
popeysergiusens: something changed in 2.14 (copy -> dump i think) which broke it all12:33
mvosborovkov: I looked at the code and it appears to be ok, let me dig some more12:33
jamiebennettsborovkov: that won't help12:33
sborovkovmvo: Yes, system was restarted few times since then12:33
jamiebennettsborovkov: mmm12:33
sborovkovmvo: May be I can enable some logging?12:33
sborovkovSNAPD_DEBUG_HTTP or something like that?12:34
sergiusensjoc_ oh I missed that one, it is fixed here too btw  https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/771/files12:34
jamiebennettsborovkov: actually try snap install ubuntu-core12:34
sergiusensalong with a bunch of other things12:34
mvosborovkov: yes, if you set this to "7" it should print something12:34
jamiebennettsborovkov: then snap revert it12:34
mvosborovkov: sudo systemctl stop snapd.service snapd.socket to stop the existing one12:35
mvosborovkov: and sudo /lib/systemd/systemd-activate -E SNAPD_DEBUG=1 -l /run/snapd.socket -l /run/snapd-snap.socket /usr/bin/snapd to see the output12:35
mvosborovkov: uh, add a -E with the debug env here :)12:35
sborovkovmvo: Did not it print info to state.json and syslog before? or did that change12:35
mvosborovkov: and another -E with the UBUNTU_STORE_ID12:35
sborovkovok, going to get logs and the start reverting12:35
mvosborovkov: yeah, syslog will also have it12:36
popeysergiusens: never mind, I'll grab you next week :)12:36
mvosborovkov: just double checked, the logging should hopefully be sufficient12:37
ograargh !12:38
ograso i tried my third ubuntu-image change now always ending with corrupt fs12:38
* ogra slaps mvo 12:38
ograsource: https://github.com/mvo5/ubuntu-image.git12:38
* ogra fixes snapcraft.yaml to use source: .12:39
joc_hey spineau, sergiusens just pointed this out:12:39
mvoogra: you can just run via sudo ./ubuntu-image12:39
spineausergiusens: hello, I'll test your PR (https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/771/files) and see if we can still use plainbox and if it solves our issue to use it from source.12:39
mvoogra: no need to snap it all12:39
ograoh, that finds all the modules?12:39
spineausergiusens: probably not today but on my todo for Monday12:40
mvoogra: yes12:40
ograah, k12:40
mvoogra: just make sure you have a snapd that is sufficiently new, maybe from the ppa12:40
ograand i was wondering why my changes had no effect at all12:40
mvoogra: but for the fs tests I think its ok12:40
mvoogra: but you do see fs corruption constantly?12:40
joc_spineau: yeah apparently 771 should fix the issue in your PR 75112:41
ogramvo, but source: https://github.com/mvo5/ubuntu-image.git inside the snapcraft.yaml that is in https://github.com/mvo5/ubuntu-image.git it pretty redundant :)12:41
mvoogra: fair enough12:41
ogramvo, yes, after second or third reboot12:41
ogra-                run('mkfs.vfat {} {}'.format(fslabel, part_img))12:41
ogra+                run('mkfs.vfat -F 32 -S 512 -s 1 -n {} {}'.format(fslabel, part_img))12:41
spineaujoc_: excellent. thanks12:41
ograthats what i'm trying to try12:42
ograi shoudl drop -s 1 again ... that was just out of desparation12:42
* ogra does so and rolls a new image12:42
sborovkovmvo: https://paste.kde.org/piqe5px4r/805roo Did 2 installations attempts. Before the second one I logged in again... Since I remember it timing out before. So just in case. not that it made a difference12:43
sborovkovJamieBennett: mvo: I also can't install ubuntu-core before I remove UBUNTU_STORE_ID=screenly from /etc/environment. But I guess that's expected since my store does not have it?12:45
JamieBennettsborovkov, right12:45
* ogra would add the env var to snapd's systemd unit instead ... 12:45
ograsaves you the reboot12:45
sborovkovJamieBennett: mvo: Haha. It's working now.12:46
JamieBennettsborovkov, what did you do?12:46
sborovkovafter installing ubuntu-core12:46
sborovkovI switched back to my store12:46
sborovkovand it started installing it!12:46
zyga_jdstrand, tyhicks: is there any other (easier) way to check that a given directory is a mount point (bind mount to be precise) than to parse /proc/self/mountinfo?12:46
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mvosborovkov: d'oh - thank you12:46
mvosborovkov: that is an interessting bug12:46
JamieBennettmvo, right12:47
sborovkovYeah, it was working before12:47
mvosborovkov: the "can not find snap" error is real, but it refers to ubuntu-core :(12:47
JamieBennettmvo, seems you can't see snaps in a custom store if you don't have ubuntu-core installed?12:47
JamieBennettmvo, ah12:47
sborovkovoh, now it's clear yeah12:47
sborovkovtoo bad there is no name12:47
mupPR snapd#1833 opened: many: spell --force-dangerous as just --dangerous, devmode should imply it <Blocked> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1833>12:47
mvosborovkov: yeah, definitely another silly UI bug12:48
JamieBennettsborovkov, your paste includes a password, best to change that now ;)12:48
sborovkovJamieBennett: oops12:49
JamieBennettsborovkov, mvo actually it does show the missing snap name12:49
JamieBennettSep  2 12:39:52 ubuntu /usr/lib/snapd/snapd[4979]: logger.go:66: DEBUG: > "GET /api/v1/snaps/details/ubuntu-core?12:50
sborovkovJamieBennett: mvo: One more question. I noticed that snap login would time out after some time. Is there some recommended way I can stay logged in? Also. Since my snap is in --devmode it would not get updated automatically? Should I just add cronjob to periodically do snap refress --devmode --edge screenly-client?12:51
JamieBennettsborovkov, we use macaroons for store login that expire after a set amount of time12:52
mvoI think the timeout is a bug, matiasb_ knows more12:53
JamieBennettsborovkov, for refreshing cron would work, yes12:54
matiasb_sborovkov, mvo, since 2.13 I think, auth refresh is in place and that should handle automatic refresh of macaroons in the background12:55
mvoniemeyer: did we decide  against automatic refresh of --devmode snaps? or is the fact thta this is not happening yet a bug?12:55
sborovkovunderstood, thanks guys13:03
ograpitti, i'm going mad here ... can i somehow teach netplan to not set the NIC up tio get a different IP at every reboot ?13:16
* ogra tries to do scripted reboots via ssh ... that behaviour is rather counter-productive if you need to do 50 reboots13:17
ograerror: bad user result: cannot create user "ogra@ubuntu.com": Get13:18
ogra    https://login.ubuntu.com/api/v2/keys/ogra%40ubuntu.com: dial tcp: lookup13:18
ogra       login.ubuntu.com on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:33128->[::1]:53: read:13:18
ogra                               connection refused13:18
ograwhyx is *everything* broken today13:18
ograyeah, crap ... doesnt look like i can get console-conf out of this13:20
cyphermoxogra: pi2?13:21
cyphermoxyeah, nuke sit013:21
cyphermoxI'll patch this in console-conf, it's annoying13:21
ograwell, i didnt need to do that the last 20 boots13:21
ograand a hard reset worked (apart from the fact that i have nearly seen all my 254 free IP adresses my dhcp server provides)13:22
ograand indeed i get a new ssh key every boot13:23
ogramvo, no go ... no matter what mkfs.vfat options i use ... it reliably eats itself on second reboot13:24
ograi have tried all combos now ... it must be the img creation itself that interferes somehow13:24
ogranot just the missing filesystem options13:25
* ogra is desparate 13:25
ograand i'm convinced this will bite us on all vfats13:25
Kaleojdstrand, we have an app in a snap connected to the home interface which requests a thumbnail of an image in the home folder to the thumbnailer service via dbus, the thumbnailer service uses aa_query_label to verify that the app has indeed the rights to read that file and it returns a non 0 value indicating that the app does not have access13:25
ograeven on grub based ones13:25
Kaleojdstrand, any idea what might cause that?13:25
ogra(even if it will take longer til it shows up there)13:25
mvoogra: we talked about it in the meeting just now, can we remove the ubuntu user13:26
ogramvo, well ... that makes debugging rather hard when doing bringup atm ...13:27
ograbut technically we can indeed13:27
ogra(i guess we still need to create empty extrausers files)13:27
ogramvo, though i dont really see alöl this as releasable if we dont find the cause for the vfat stuff ... i doubt grub images will be any more reliable13:28
ograit will just show up later since we write to the fat less13:28
ograbut after all all vfats are created the same13:29
ograwhich makes it very likely they will all expose the same corruption13:29
ograsooner or later13:29
ogramvo, also ... since the IP changes every boot, how do you find the IP for your login when you can only log in via ssh now13:30
ogra(wont really affect kvm where you can use localhost indeed)13:31
notadeveloper_hi ogra13:32
notadeveloper_is there a video support for raspi on snappy core13:33
notadeveloper_rasp pi 313:33
ogranot yet, no13:33
notadeveloper_video playback13:34
cyphermoxmaybe libaa? :)13:34
ograwe dont ship it ... so only in devmode :)13:34
cyphermoxoh, right13:34
ograbut yeah, libaa could work :)13:35
ograyou just have to go very far away from your screen :)13:35
niemeyermvo: We explicitly decided against the refresh13:37
niemeyermvo: Sorry, ECONTEXT probably... responding to that earlier question about refreshes in devmode13:38
mupPR snapd#1834 opened: many: mostly work to support ABA upgrades <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1834>13:38
mvoniemeyer: yeah, thats fine, it was a question from a user who was wondering about it13:39
mvoniemeyer: I remembed this too, but wanted to confirm13:39
niemeyermvo: This was an alternative to another behavior that was discussed in that same meeting in Heidelberg13:39
niemeyermvo: The idea was taking it out of devmode on update13:39
niemeyermvo: Which felt very awkward to me.. so between that and blocking the update, I voted for the latter13:40
mvoniemeyer: indeed, I remember now13:41
notadeveloper_just to make sure13:43
notadeveloper_is there a video support for raspi on snappy core13:43
notadeveloper_video playback13:43
mupPR snapd#1835 opened: Support noneSecurityTag keyed snippets in udev backend <Created by jocave> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1835>13:43
notadeveloper_only webplayback13:43
joc_niemeyer: hi, thanks for getting the PR that you took over in last night, i think that ^ might be needed however13:44
ogranotadeveloper_, cyphermox was joking ... libaa translates your video into ascii to play it in a terminal13:44
niemeyersborovkov: The notes slightly above are context for why the refreshes don't happen in devmode13:45
niemeyerjoc_: Heya, thanks, looking13:45
* ogra cries a little13:48
niemeyerjoc_: reviewed13:55
plarsIs there a way to use conditionals in the snapcraft.yaml? For instance, I have a dependency I need for build-packages on x86 (gcc-multilib) that doesn't exist on arm64. We already avoid building that piece on arm64, but snapcraft still tries to install the build-package and fails13:58
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bulldoghello from bulldog13:59
ogramvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23124139/ ... this is the first boot !!14:00
bulldogguys updates on snapcraft-gui plz check it out here https://github.com/keshavbhatt/snapcraft-gui#screenshot14:00
bulldogogra, hi :)14:01
niemeyerjoc_, _morphis; How's the outlook for all these interfaces? Do we need anything pending other than that branch?14:02
ogramvo, it seems to actually fall over on . and ..14:02
bulldogmhall119, popey , guys check out the implemented features here feedback plz  https://github.com/keshavbhatt/snapcraft-gui#current-task14:02
niemeyerSorry, I know we have things up for review.. are they ready?14:03
ograBad short file name (.).14:03
morphisjoc_: for serial-port and hidraw joc_ put everything up afaik14:03
ograBad short file name (..).14:03
ograthis is just insane !14:03
morphisniemeyer: ^^14:03
joc_niemeyer: i haven't managed to confirm everything works yet, need to confirm the udev rules do what expected14:03
mvoogra: hm, did you try to use the options from u-d-f? this did not make a difference when building pi2 images?14:04
niemeyerbulldog: Wow, nice.. hadn't seen that14:04
bulldogniemeyer, thanks :)14:04
ogramvo, right ... i tried with onlöy -F 32 ... i tried with any combo of -F 32 and -S 512 ... and even with -s 114:04
ograno change14:04
ograand look at the fsck output above14:05
niemeyerogra: Haha, that's great14:05
bulldogniemeyer, its not fully ready yet but everything is coming so fast in few days it will able to snap out packages :)14:05
ograniemeyer, well, it makes *all* images eat the vfat at some point14:05
ograniemeyer, if we dont get that fixed, i'd say forget about any release14:05
mvoogra: so -F 32 -S 512 -s 1 (what u-d-f is doing) did not help14:05
ogramvo, right14:05
ogramvo, but i totally dont get how i can have . and .. in a vfat dir at all14:06
ogra(or why systemd would choke on it)14:06
ogra(well, actually fsck.fat)14:06
mvoogra: yeah, its fsck14:06
ogramvo, i dont think u-d-f actually uses -s 114:07
ogragiven that the size is actualyl 51214:07
ograso that code wont kick in14:07
ogra(but i tested both )14:08
bulldogno one wana contribute in snapcraft gui , damn but am not giving up this early :D14:09
ogramvo, i wonder if it is actually not the filesystem but actually the files ... since we use mtools to copy them14:10
ogra330                 run('mcopy -s -i {} {} ::'.format(part_img, sourcefiles),14:10
ogra331                     env=dict(MTOOLS_SKIP_CHECK='1', PATH=os.environ["PATH"]))14:10
ograMTOOLS_SKIP_CHECK='1' ... i wonder what check that actually skips :P14:11
ograAll the Mtools commands perform a few sanity checks14:12
ogra       before going ahead, to make sure that the disk is indeed an MS-DOS disk (as opposed to, say an ext2 or MINIX disk). These checks may reject  par‐14:12
ogra       tially  corrupted  disks, which might otherwise still be readable. To avoid these checks, set the MTOOLS_SKIP_CHECK environmental variable or the14:12
ogra       corresponding configuration file variable (see section  global variables)14:12
* ogra drops that and builds an image ... lets see if it errors14:13
ograhmm, no errors with it dropped14:15
=== kyle is now known as Guest73706
Guest73706Is there a list of currently supported distros? Roadmap for support? especially Linux Mint14:32
=== matiasb_ is now known as matiasb
ogra_Guest73706, if you use an ubuntu kernel on mint i dont see a reason why it wouldnt work14:38
ogra_zyga, ^^^ your area :)14:39
ogra_(as long as it is 16.04 based at least)14:40
mvoogra_: no errors means no more fsck errors?14:41
ogra_mvo, no, i was hoping about errors from mcopy ... whoever did put MTOOLS_SKIP_CHECK='1' there must have had a reason14:41
ogra_the output of fsck is different every time14:45
ogra_http://paste.ubuntu.com/23124260/ vs http://paste.ubuntu.com/23124139/14:46
sborovkovmvo: Just one more question. Were there some breaking changes after snapcraft's updates? I have snap built from today in store. Previous version is from few weeks ago. If I unpublish only the latest revision I can't install snap from store as well. (I would check with sideloading, but it's not working on classic)14:47
zygaGuest73706: hey, can you please repeat the question14:48
mvosborovkov: snapcraft is something that sergiusens known more about14:48
ogra_zyga, <Guest73706> Is there a list of currently supported distros? Roadmap for support? especially Linux Mint14:48
mvosborovkov: so you unpublished a version and the previous one is not found?14:49
sborovkovyes, I unpublished revision. After that snap install says snap not found. As soon as I publish it again it gets installed14:49
mvosborovkov: the store UI can be slightly confusing sometimes, can you doublle check that its published in a channel? there is a "overview" link.14:49
mvosborovkov: but there is  a previous version that it should find and its in the right channel :/ ? is that what you are saying?14:49
sborovkovmvo: Yes. In the UI it shows the latest revision as not published (with the hand showing that it's ok. previous one is green and shown as published when I click on details)14:52
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: have you tested my SELinux module yet on Fedora 24?14:52
zygaGuest73706: hey, currently various distros are supported, I believe mint works (just not the last stable version but the one under development now)14:52
zygaPharaoh_Atem: no, still stuck with mount namespace sharing14:52
mvosborovkov: nessita may be able to help here, this sounds like the store is not quite correct14:53
Guest73706great to hear! So for status, I would look under mint's development tracking or snappy's?14:54
zygaPharaoh_Atem: I need some time to breathe but that's not likely to happen this week14:54
zygaPharaoh_Atem: I wish I had 48 hours a day14:54
sborovkovnessita: Hello, any ideas about why what I descibed above is happening? Is it a bug or expected behavior?14:54
mupPR snapd#1833 closed: many: spell --force-dangerous as just --dangerous, devmode should imply it <Created by pedronis> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1833>14:57
nessitasborovkov, hi, what package is this?14:57
zygaGuest73706: I think mint inherits snappy from ubuntu, just try the latest version of mint14:58
zygaGuest73706: it it doesn't work I'd love to know14:58
Guest73706awesome, thanks!15:00
sborovkovnessita: well, it's in private store15:02
sborovkovnessita: sorry, had to reboot my pc. My keyboard went crazy. It's for my package in our store. I can give any info I can. Just ask whatever that will be helpful :)15:03
ogra_zyga, will be interesting if it actualyl works with all the hackery mint does :)15:03
ogra_(i.e. i have seen releases where they patched libc but kept the package name identical and such)15:03
zygaogra_: that shouldn't matter15:04
ogra_(... and the version so it pretended to be ours)15:04
ogra_zyga, haha ... ask xnox ... he had his share of fun with mint hacked libs :)15:04
ogra_(as well as i did)15:04
zygaogra_: well, it doesn't matter what glibc you have, that is my point15:05
ogra_zyga, if essential functions are patched to work completely different it does :)15:05
tyhickszyga: I don't know of an easier way to check if a path is a mount point15:06
zygaogra_: like?15:07
zygatyhicks: that's okay,15:07
zygatyhicks: if you want, I have something to pre-review15:07
zygatyhicks: and perhaps a bug in apparmor15:07
ogra_zyga, dunno :)15:07
tyhickszyga: show me what you got15:07
zygatyhicks: OK15:08
tyhickszyga: fyi, Jamie is out today15:08
tyhicks(security Jamie)15:08
mupPR snapd#1822 closed: snapd.refresh.service: require snap.socket and /snap/*/current <Reviewed> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1822>15:10
zygatyhicks: yep, I know15:11
nessitasborovkov, what's the package id? is in the URL in the myapps.developer.ubuntu.com site15:14
sborovkovnessita: bvBwbB7aeomIdJxpQh9lakQByyJtyKXp15:17
nessitasborovkov, thanks, let me check15:19
zygatyhicks: ok, let me push my branch now, sorry, I took a moment to add various notes15:19
tyhicksno problem15:21
zygatyhicks: pushed15:21
zygastill pushing15:21
nessitasborovkov, so your revno 9 is ready to be published, but right now is not published in the store (see the thumbs up next to the #9 to the left, vs the green boxes for the other revnos)15:21
nessitasborovkov, also, if you check https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/5407/configurations/ (private URL only you and me can access) you can see the revision summary for your package15:22
nessitasborovkov, does that match your expectations?15:22
tyhickszyga: pushed where?15:23
zygatyhicks: sorry, back to the main repo, I had to fiddle with keys and tokens15:24
zygait's there now15:24
zygatyhicks: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/tree/ns-sharing15:24
mupPR snapd#1836 opened: overlord/state: fix for reloaded task/change crashing on Set if checkpointed w. no custom data  yet <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1836>15:25
mupPR snapd#1837 opened: [WIP] Add refresh-control header to snap-declaration assertion <Created by ralsina> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1837>15:25
zygatyhicks: configure it ./configure --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib/snapd/ --enable-nvidia-ubuntu --enable-maintainer-mode15:25
zygatyhicks: and give it a try (read it as well :)15:25
zygatyhicks: this is my main priority so I'll be here in case you figure anything out15:25
sborovkovnessita: I unpublished latest revision. Since revision 8 is published should not it get installed?15:25
zygatyhicks: if you want a quick cut-to-the-chase https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/compare/ns-sharing?expand=1#diff-c3983658fdc823eef69accc8537b27f0R24315:26
nessitasborovkov, for arch armhf and channels beta and edge, yes. Is that not working for you?15:26
zygatyhicks: I use a hat to confine the child process15:26
zygatyhicks: pehrpas overkill, perhaps not15:26
sborovkovnessita: nope. says snap not found. As soon as I publish revision 9 - I can install it again without any issues. But not rev 815:27
nessitasborovkov, also are you trying to install with snapd? let me confirm if snapd works with the non default store15:27
nessitasborovkov, are you exporting the proper env vars to use your private store?15:28
sborovkovnessita: Yup. Because it works when revision 9 is published.15:28
nessitasborovkov, ok, and how are you trying to install revno 8? (just asking the basic to troubleshoot without missing anything)15:29
sborovkovWith the same command snap install --devmode --edge screenly-client. Since it's the latest published I expect it to be installed15:29
sborovkovdid not try specifying specific revision15:29
nessitasborovkov, that sound correct, let me debug more15:29
tyhickszyga: to get rid of that denial, you need to make this change: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23124379/15:31
tyhickszyga: if you want background reading: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/apparmor/2010-July/000110.html15:32
zygatyhicks: ! :)15:33
zygathanks! trying15:33
nessitasborovkov, is not showing up for me neither, searching more15:34
zygatyhicks: cool, that changes the denial but I can work with the rest15:35
zyganow I get: Sep 02 17:35:29 xenial-server kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1472830529.357:78): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mount" info="failed mntpnt match" error=-13 profile="/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine//mount-namespace-capture-helper" name="/run/snapd/ns/hello-world.mnt" pid=43833 comm="ubuntu-core-lau" srcname="/" flags="rw, bind"15:36
zygafailed mntpnt (mount point?) match15:36
tyhickszyga: try dropping that trailing '/' on the following rule15:37
tyhicks  mount options=(rw bind)  -> /run/snapd/ns/*.mnt/,15:37
tyhickszyga: I don't think that'll do it but lets just rule it out15:37
zygaha, it did!15:38
tyhicksthat's a bug15:39
tyhicksminor but annoying15:39
zygatyhicks: pushed the fix15:39
zygatyhicks: is it? this is a bind mount for a file, it actually looks consistent15:39
tyhicksI wasn't thinking that it was a file bind mount15:40
tyhicksso that makes sense15:40
nessitasborovkov, so the package is private, have you run snap login in that box?15:40
zygatyhicks: ok, I need to make one simple change in main15:40
zygatyhicks: but this might actually pass spread now15:40
tyhicksok, I'll sit tight15:41
sborovkovnessita: yes, I did15:41
sborovkovnessita: rev 9 is also private, so I would not be able to install it without that15:42
zygatyhicks: actually, to help me out, would you mind reviewing mountinfo.[ch]15:42
zygatyhicks: I can propose that separately as it is isolated15:42
nessitasborovkov, what channel was 9 in?15:42
sborovkovnessita: beta, edge15:43
nessitasborovkov, I need some time to debug this by issuing the requests myself, could you file a bug please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/software-center-agent/+filebug15:43
nessitasborovkov, please make the bug private15:44
sborovkovnessita: sure15:44
tyhickszyga: looking at it now15:44
sborovkovnessita: How do I make it private though? is this option going to appear after I click 'Submit bug report'?15:46
abeatoogra_, , can I create an arm image to run inside kvm with u-d-f?15:47
abeatoonly rpi then, right?15:47
ogra_cyphermox, can you set Bug #1619718 to critical15:51
mupBug #1619718: ubuntu-image created vfat eats itself after a while <Ubuntu Image:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619718>15:51
ogra_(i can not set bug status  on u-image)15:51
ogra_mvo, ^^^15:51
mvoogra_: I can't either15:52
ogra_i added a snappy task now :)15:52
mupBug #1619718 opened: ubuntu-image created vfat eats itself after a while <Snappy:New> <Ubuntu Image:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619718>15:53
zygatyhicks: I'll open a pull request for mountinfo15:54
sborovkovnessita: https://bugs.launchpad.net/software-center-agent/+bug/161971915:54
zygatyhicks: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/12315:55
tyhickszyga: it is looking good so far15:55
mupPR snap-confine#123: Add mountinfo module <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/123>15:55
zygatyhicks: I'll work on tests, I've updated ns-sharing branch to actually do what I intended in main15:55
zygatyhicks: but let's take it slow and focus on mountinfo now15:55
zygaI'll write a few unit tests for all the mountinfo functions15:55
ogra_mvo, bug 1619721 for the randomly changing IP15:57
mupBug #1619721: IP changes with every reboot  <Snappy:New> <nplan (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619721>15:57
mupBug #1619721 opened: IP changes with every reboot  <Snappy:New> <nplan (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619721>15:59
* zyga could use coverage reports here hmmm16:01
qenghoogra_: what address? v6 link local? v4 DHCP-assigned? Something else?16:04
ogra_qengho, ipv4 ...16:05
ogra_but it desont make a difference, i did about 50-100 image installs today ... even with v6 it randomly changes16:05
ogra_(well, even with v6 configured the v4 one randomly changes i should say)16:06
ogra_mvo, do you need a bug for snap_kernel and snap_core not being set or do you already know wnat to do ?16:07
qenghoWhat is DHCP doing now? discover,offer,nak,offer?16:07
pstolowskijdstrand, hey! can you take a look at the apparmor policy of this new interface when you have a moment? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/183216:08
mupPR snapd#1832: Added time-date-control interface for org.freedesktop.timedate1 <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1832>16:08
ogra_qengho, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23124588/16:09
ogra_thats the whole day for this MAC on my DHCP server16:09
ogra_at least for the boots when it was connected :)16:10
mvoogra_: I need to debug it16:10
ogra_do you need a report ?16:11
mupPR snapd#1836 closed: overlord/state: fix for reloaded task/change crashing on Set if checkpointed w. no custom data  yet <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1836>16:12
qenghoogra_: So, the DHCP client doesn't have a previous address to suggest to the DHCP server to assign, perhaps. Not retained across boots?16:15
ogra_qengho, well, it worked before nplan ... this pi2 has since 15.04 days ... it only doesnt work with the new images using nplan and console-conf only16:16
ogra_(if i had not overwritten the SD i could actually show you :) that it gets the same IP again)16:17
ogra_mvo, Bug #1619729 for you then16:22
mupBug #1619729: ubuntu-image (or snapd) does not set snap_kernel and snap_core anymore in created images <Snappy:New for mvo> <Ubuntu Image:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619729>16:22
* ogra_ feels exhausted and breaks16:23
mupBug #1619729 opened: ubuntu-image (or snapd) does not set snap_kernel and snap_core anymore in created images <Snappy:New for mvo> <Ubuntu Image:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619729>16:23
zygatyhicks: I've added a few tests16:29
zygatyhicks: any feedback so far?16:29
tyhickszyga: I was just about to ask for a test that had two or more optional fields and see that you added one :)16:29
zygatyhicks: yep, and fixed a missing space there16:29
zygatyhicks: it's a shame the kernel doesn't produce json16:30
zygatyhicks: one thing I'm not doing is un-escaping parsed strings16:30
zygatyhicks: but for what we are doing this is *not* required as there are no spaces or special characters allowed16:30
tyhickszyga: there are spaces and special characters allowed in the mount src and dst16:31
tyhicksyou end up with something like this:16:31
zygayes but those are escaped and just looke escaped in the strings we read16:31
tyhicks46 26 0:20 /baz /dev/shm/foo\040bar rw,nosuid,nodev shared:4 - tmpfs tmpfs rw16:31
zygabut for those that we care about (actively look at) this is not the case16:31
tyhicks(that's for "/dev/shm/foo bar")16:31
zygatyhicks: it will parse OK16:31
zygatyhicks: we only look for /run/snapd/ns which is a constant16:31
tyhicksI haven't got to how the mountinfo is used yet16:32
tyhicksit took me a while to get through the parsing function16:32
mupPR snapd#1838 opened: overlord: introduce AuthContext.DeviceSessionRequest with support in devicestate <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1838>16:32
tyhicksit is complicated but I don't have a better suggestion at this time16:32
zygatyhicks: yes, the parsing is dense16:32
sborovkovnessita: ping16:40
zygatyhicks: thank you!16:53
zygatyhicks: I can make a small PR on top, for the ns-sharing APIs16:53
zygatyhicks: if you are available for reviewing that16:53
zygatyhicks: I'll take a break now17:02
zygatyhicks: I'll send a chain of PRs17:02
zygatyhicks: if you are available, I would really love to get this reviewed17:02
* zyga -> off for some time17:02
sborovkovnessita: so do you want me to leave everything as is so you could test, or can I upload new revisions? I am going offline soon, so in case you need me to leave everything as is for now pleas write there. I won't be doing anything till Sunday I think17:03
tyhickszyga: thank you!17:13
tyhickszyga: I need to focus on the udisks2 backend code this afternoon but I'll be up for a distraction17:14
popeyusing cmake in snapcraft when building foo which depends on libbar, is there some way I can tell foo to look for libbar in the stage dir? is there an env variable for $SNAPCRAFT_STAGE or something?17:40
popeyfor some reason foo isn't finding libbar... which I'm building from scratch because there's no package17:41
sergiusenspopey hey, forgot about your problem, so where are you at, I can help onw17:47
popeywhich one?17:47
popey 😃17:47
popey^ this one is more fun :)17:47
sergiusenspopey there is a var, called $SNAPCRAFT_STAGE actually (it's an envvar in master) in the current release it is a replacement in snapcraft.yaml17:48
popeyso my foo which has a -DTELL_ME_WHERE_LIBBAR_IS= I could set it =$SNAPCRAFT_STAGE/usr/lib/blah ?17:48
sergiusenspopey yes!17:49
popeyexcellent, will try that17:49
sergiusenspopey like this https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/integration_tests/snaps/stage_env/snapcraft.yaml17:51
popeyperfect, will try that17:51
popeysometimes, lxd chooses perfect names17:53
popey$ snapcraft cleanbuild17:53
popeyCreating snapcraft-loudly-major-grouse17:53
sergiusenspopey it just knows what you are up to at times ;-)17:59
popeysergiusens: ok, got time for the other issue from earlier?17:59
sergiusensjosepht about https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/773, do you think that is a reasonable request17:59
mupPR snapcraft#773: parser - Handle project name and version variables <Created by josepht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/773>17:59
mupPR snapd#1839 opened: interface: network_manager: enable resolvconf <Created by tonyespy> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1839>17:59
sergiusenspopey is the current cmake one solved? and sure, tell me more17:59
popeynot yet, it takes an age to build :)17:59
popeyit may be a known bug if so, which one.. lots of snappy-playpen examples broke in the copy->dump change18:00
popeysergiusens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23125014/18:01
popeyresults in:- [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/alan/Development/Snappy/github_snappy_playpen/snappy-playpen/minetest/parts/minetestgame/install/*'18:01
popeyused to work with copy plugin, all the examples which use copy, broke when we switched to dump18:01
sergiusenspopey it is not a blind one off replacement though18:05
sergiusenspopey line 26 certainly will not work and there is a bug for that :-)18:05
sergiusenspopey inidividual file listing is required, this will get fixed in 2.17 (next week)18:06
popeygot the bug number handy?18:07
sergiusenspopey https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/161645918:07
mupBug #1616459: dump plugin not a full super-set to the now deprecated copy plugin <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1616459>18:07
popeymagic, ta18:07
popeybtw, i love snapcraft cleanbuild18:08
popeyits so handy18:08
elopiosergiusens: josepht: I think the MissingPackageError should come from the pull method of each source class.18:08
sergiusenspopey wait til 2.16, with --debug you get a shell into the env on errors ;-)18:09
popeyinto the lxd container?18:12
popeydouble woot18:12
mvoogra_: I did a new ubuntu-core build that should contian the new "ubuntu" user-less core18:12
mvoogra_: just fyi18:12
ogra_mvo, ok18:16
ogra_i'll play around with ti tommorrow18:16
josephtsergiusens: I think that's perfectly reasonable.  I'll get it updated18:24
josephtelopio: I think that's a good idea.  I'll update the PR.18:24
sergiusenselopio +118:26
=== sabdfl__ is now known as sabdfl
elopioI'm full of good ideas this week! Sadly it's already friday, I can't make any promises for next week ^_^18:27
sabdflhi folks, how do we handle conditional-start situations with snaps18:27
sabdflfor example, i havev a VPN service, and i want to start and run if there are VPNs configured, but if not then its OK to quit18:28
sabdflthe init system isn't going to know if there are VPNs configured18:28
sabdfli assume i have a wrapper script which decides if it should exec the daemon18:30
sergiusenssabdfl we have the same problem with "only start if networking is there"; in any case we do need more language to hook into init18:30
sabdflbut if it doesn't exec the daemon, and it exits, won't the init system restart it?18:30
sergiusenssabdfl wrappers are what people are using, but what if a VPN is configured on a running system after your snap decided not to start?18:30
sabdfli guess one could watch config18:31
sabdflin future well have config hooks18:31
sabdflwe'll, sorry18:31
sergiusenssabdfl in systemd RemainAfterExit= Takes a boolean value that specifies whether the service shall be considered active even when all its processes exited.18:32
sergiusenssabdfl and a  Restart= condition of on-failure should be good18:33
sergiusensmaybe the RemainAfterExit is not needed at all with Restart=on-failure18:34
Hakasehello there :)18:36
Hakaseanyone here ?18:37
elopioHakase: hello, welcome.18:38
mupPR snapd#1838 closed: overlord: introduce AuthContext.DeviceSessionRequest with support in devicestate <Created by pedronis> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1838>18:49
mupPR snapd#1840 opened: many: use symlinks instead of wrappers <Created by mvo5> <Conflict> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1840>19:12
sabdflelopio, Hakase didn't have much to say :)19:22
jonsnowHi. Is there a way to host a private snappy store ?19:22
elopiohe seemed nice though, I hope he comes back... :'(19:23
elopiojonsnow: something like this? https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/06/24/howto-host-your-own-snap-store/19:27
jonsnowelopio: yes perfect, thanks :)19:31
jonsnowany plan to support OS X ? (snaps)19:32
elopiojonsnow: are you offering to make the port? :)19:32
elopiothe first step is to support things without systemd. But from that to conquer the world there are still plenty of steps.19:33
sergiusenselopio what does Not this last one. mean?19:45
elopiosergiusens: it means that on the release notes for 2.16 you added the commit for the release notes for 2.16.19:46
sergiusenselopio I think I see what you are getting at19:47
sergiusenselopio and we've been doing that forever, and will keep doing it until we get the packaging split in place19:47
sergiusenselopio I pasted the link to the package builds19:48
elopioreally? it's the first time I see it. Let me try to understand where is it coming form19:48
elopiosergiusens: I find disturbing the inconsistency in the use of the final period in sentences. Am I being too weird?19:49
elopiosergiusens: let me get lunch and a little rest first, and then I'll run and document the tests. +1 on your changelog pr.19:51
mupPR snapd#1791 closed: asserts: support checking account-key-request assertions <Created by cjwatson> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1791>19:51
=== drizztbsd is now known as timothy
mupPR snapd#1793 closed: asserts: initial support to generate/sign snap-build assertions <Created by caio1982> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1793>20:26
mupPR snapd#1841 opened: store: switch device session to use device-session-request assertion <Created by matiasb> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1841>20:33
sergiusenselopio any updates on QA?21:31
* zyga returns to fix a few typos23:16
zygajust a few typos, I read my pull requests and saw them23:17
zygaI had to get away from my compuer for a while to vent my mind and give my body some exercise23:18

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