
pavlushkaGood Morning every one !04:57
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
pavlushkaMorning Kilos and nawaf :)05:50
nawafmoring vaia :)05:50
Kiloshi pavlushka 05:53
pavlushkaHello Kilos :)06:18
walriderwc 07:31
walriderQA: coffee please07:52
QAwalrider: There isn't a pot on07:52
walriderkoy ki beta 07:53
walriderQA: coffee please07:53
QAwalrider: There isn't a pot on07:53
walriderQA: coffee please07:53
QAwalrider: There isn't a pot on07:53
walriderQA: coffee please pot on coffee please 07:53
QAwalrider: Sorry...07:53
walriderQA: 1 coffee please 07:56
QAwalrider: *blink*07:56
walriderdur 07:56
pavlushkawb nawaf :)08:28
walriderbai amar phone empty call dite partasi na :D09:21
walriderwc 09:51
pavlushkaahoneybun: mhall119 wxl , thanks for watching over us :)10:22
zakihello dipraw17:31
diprawhi zaki 17:31
zakihow are you?17:31
zakiand how's the day? 17:31
zakiwb AudaciousTUX19:13
=== Rezwan is now known as Guest19904
zakiwb Guest1990419:18
zakiAudaciousTUX: how are you doing?19:19
AudaciousTUXkalke math exam... kemon ar thakum :319:19
zakioh. 19:19
diprawoh um good! and it was a good day! zaki 19:32
zakiwelcome back maktrix19:54
zaki:) 19:54
maktrixthank you zaki19:55
zakinow we have around 15 nicks in this channel. :) and 4 bot with us. :D19:55
zakiand ahoneybun from #ubuntu-usa he is also in kiubuntu dev team19:56
zakiAudaciousTUX: from dhaka.19:56
zakinot sure about JediKnight LiquidOxygen they are in silent mode for long time. :D 19:56
zakimaktrix: want some coffee? :D19:58
maktrixsure thing, why not19:58
zakiQA: coffee on19:58
* QA washes some mugs19:58
zakimaktrix: order coffee like this QA coffee please19:59
zaki:D 19:59
zakiQA: coffee please19:59
QAzaki: Now now, we don't want anyone getting caffeine overdoses19:59
zakihe he.19:59
QACoffee's ready for zaki!20:02
zakiQA: ty20:03
QAOnly a pleasure zaki20:03
maktrixa blast form the past: https://www.facebook.com/maktrix/media_set?set=a.10150770676969319.472501.680514318&type=320:06
zakigreat. :) we should start doing things like this again. :) 20:10
zakiwelcome back nawaf20:16
zakihow are you? 20:16
nawafyeah good. you?20:16
zakiwe have maktrix (mak ) vai here. :) 20:16
zakinawaf: as a mozillian you should know him 20:17
zakii'm fine. :) ty20:17
nawafI know him. :) he is the founder of mozilla bangladesh. :)20:18
zaki:) 20:19
maktrixcan anyone tell me 16.10 release date? so that I can plan to start localizing ASAP.20:25
zakimaktrix: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseSchedule20:27
zakiOctober 13th 201620:27
maktrixthank you zaki20:28
zaki:) 20:28
maktrixl10n string freeze is on 6th October.20:29
maktrixSo we have to translated whatever we can before 6th October.20:29
maktrixwe have less then one month20:29
maktrixconsidering Eid ul Azha vacation20:29
zakioh  Language Pack Translation Deadline in 6th october.20:30
zakiyes less than 1 month. 20:30
zakiand maktrix we are trying to rebuild a site for www.ubuntu-bd.org atm this link redirects to ubuntu-bd wiki page. 20:32
maktrixGreat, best wishes for you all. Best of luck.20:32
zakithnx. :)20:32
zakinawaf: ping20:33
maktrixbey for now20:33
=== maktrix is now known as maktrix-away
zakiand obviously with help of AudaciousTUX :) 20:34
* ahoneybun got highlighted20:39
zakiwas introducing you with maktrix20:40
nawafgood night :)20:41
zakigood night nawaf20:41
zakihave a sweet dream :P 20:41
zakigod night guys. have a sweet dream everyone. :) 21:07
=== Rezwan is now known as Guest8845

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