
pittiGood morning05:37
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Laneyoh god!08:03
seb128Laney is leaving IRC during the night now?08:05
LaneySubject: Your BitFolk VPS ("cripps") needs to be rebooted for critical maintenance08:06
LaneyI got that a few days ago08:06
Laneybut forgot :(08:06
Laneyho hum08:09
Laneyhow's it going?08:09
seb128it's friday right? ;-)08:10
seb128I was a bit down yesterday from daily iso testing and xenial bugs08:10
Laneyit would seem so08:10
seb128but a good night sleep and I'm better today ;-)08:11
seb128how is it going for you?08:11
Laneypretty good!08:20
Laneywe started watching stranger things last night08:20
willcookemorning all, having internet problems today08:20
Laneyjoining everyone else in the world08:20
Laneyhi willcooke08:20
Laneyare you on DSL?08:20
seb128hey willcooke08:20
willcookeyeah, dsl08:21
seb128Trevinho, pitti, Laney, unity is blocked in yakkety-proposed due to unity8 autopkgt but those seem to hit a enospace, so infra issue?08:22
seb128bah, same of n-m-a/cinnamon-control-center it seems08:23
Laneyit was https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/161928508:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 1619285 in util-linux (Ubuntu) "cc_growpart fails on yakkety" [Critical,Confirmed]08:23
Laneyi'm not sure if you need new images or if just retrying is enough08:23
seb128so I just need a retry?08:24
seb128hum, k08:24
Laneyit's fix released08:24
Laneyso that should mean was08:24
pittigood morning Laney and seb128!08:24
Laneyahoy pitti!08:24
pittiseb128: ENOSPC is known, bug 158718808:25
ubot5bug 1587971 in cloud-utils (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1587188 recent versions of util-linux do not like how growpart calls partx" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158797108:25
pittithe fix/workaround just landed, now we need new cloud images08:25
seb128hey pitti, how are you?08:25
pittiLaney: btw, I eliminated browse.cgi, just rolling out08:25
pittiLaney: the trick was to put "ScriptAlias /" last in the list08:25
pittiseb128: I'm great, thanks!08:25
Laneypitti: excellent08:27
Trevinhoseb128: nooo... Again?! :-(08:41
seb128Trevinho, hey08:41
TrevinhoLanding these days is getting pretty annoying08:42
TrevinhoHey seb12808:42
seb128Trevinho, well, that's another bug which is fix commited, see backlog08:42
seb128infra/yakkety issue08:42
Trevinhoseb128: ah, I seee... In landing queue too?08:43
seb128Trevinho, it's landed in yakkety if I understood correctly, they just need new images to be built08:44
seb128unsure who/when for those though08:44
TrevinhoMh, I see08:44
TrevinhoSo... We'll wait for landing unity7 too...08:45
TrevinhoI decided to use a different silo for systemd since it would have been too complicated to do everything.... Anyway, code wise things are ready now. I only need to get trunk updated08:46
pittiTrevinho: \o/ great news! thanks08:52
happyaronseb128: thank you, :)08:59
seb128happyaron, hey, yw!08:59
seb128happyaron, it's currently stucked in proposed due to the infra issue discussed a bit earlier but that should clear off at some point (today?)09:00
LaneyI should think pitti is rebuilding the image and then will retry everything09:02
pittiLaney: I can't rebuild cloud images09:03
seb128let's see, that part of the infra is non obvious to me09:03
pittioh well, maybe rebuilding an adt one will do it, it might rerun cloud-init09:04
pittilet's try, it can hardly hurt09:04
seb128is there anyone we can ping otherwise?09:04
seb128or is that just sit there and wait for somebody to do $things09:04
pittiutlemming isn't online09:05
pittiotherwise the cron job will kick in by tomorrow09:05
Odd_Blokepitti: utlemming no longer works for us; you need one of (me|rcj|philroche|josvaz). :)09:06
seb128Laney, I think you worked a bit on that before, is there an easy way to start manually the slideshow part of ubiquity?09:06
seb128hey Odd_Bloke :-)09:07
seb128Odd_Bloke, seems we need you! :p09:07
Odd_BlokeWhat's up?09:07
Laneyseb128: I commented on the bug a few minutes ago with a diff09:07
Laneythe answer is yes09:08
seb128Odd_Bloke, there was a cloud-utils bug which impact autopkgtest infra and just got fixed, seems we need new cloud images to be built now09:08
pittiOdd_Bloke: oh, hey!09:08
Laneyhow very Odd of you to turn up just at the right time09:09
pittiOdd_Bloke: after that cloud-utils fix is in, we need new cloud images that contain it, so that the resizing failure gets fixed09:09
pittiOdd_Bloke: do you have the powers to trigger new ones?09:09
seb128Laney, ah, great, one less things on my list then, thanks ;-)09:09
Laneyseb128: still need to be fixed ...09:09
LaneyI stole a fix from fedora in ppa:laney/ppa but not that confident it will work09:09
seb128I hadn't open the bug yet09:09
Odd_Blokepitti: I do have the powers.09:10
seb128I though your diff was a fix :p09:10
Laneyit just shows you how to start the slideshow09:10
Odd_BlokeLaney: Because everyone still thinks utlemming is responsible for this, I have mentions of him highlighted. :p09:10
Laneywould prefer it if the updater of webkit2gtk would look at it :/09:10
LaneyOdd_Bloke: ah, very conscientious09:10
seb128Laney, yeah, me too09:10
* Laney goes to work on gstreamer srus while that builds09:11
Laneywell, coffee first09:11
seb128jbicha, hey, saw bug #1618956? seems a side effect of the webkit2gtk update09:11
ubot5bug 1618956 in webkit2gtk (Ubuntu) "Slideshow blank during live install" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161895609:11
Odd_Blokepitti: seb128: I saw seb128 say "now" so I've triggered builds, but then I saw pitti say "after that cloud-utils fix is in"; should I cancel this build, or is 0.29-0ubuntu3 the version we want?09:12
pittiOdd_Bloke: 0ubuntu3 is the version, so please keep it running09:13
pittiit landed a few hours ago already09:13
Odd_BlokeCool, that new image will filter out in due course. :)09:14
pittiOdd_Bloke: but it breaks autopkgtests left and right, hence the urgency; thanks, appreciated!09:14
Laneyisn't cloud-init run every bood anyway?09:14
pittiLaney: I'm not sure that it re-runs the growpart bit on every boot09:14
pittiLaney: so it's too late on instantiation (growpart fails, then you dist-upgrade); but building new adt images from the cloud ones could work, not sure09:15
Laneybut you don't know what size of machine it's going to be run on?09:15
pittibut if we get new cloud images anyway, I'll just build autopkgtest images from those and then it should work without much experimentation09:15
pittiLaney: hm, good point09:15
Laneyok, just trying intuition but not sure it's right :)09:15
pittiso rebuilding autopkgtest images should work indeed09:16
Laneyassuming you dist-upgrade in your script09:16
pittioh, and scalingstack lags behind in cloud imports too, so let's just try that09:16
Laneycan't hurt that much to try anyway09:17
pittioh dear, the infra got Qted again09:23
pitti/dev/vda1        20G  1.2G   19G   6% /09:27
pittiLaney, seb128: ça march bien à nouveau !09:28
pittistill need to wait for lgw to finish09:28
* Laney cat /dev/urandom > /dev/vda1 in celebration09:29
seb128pitti, super!09:29
pittistill waiting on lgw to finish building, then I'll do a mass retry09:29
pitti(for ubuntu)09:29
vigohi all!09:44
vigosomeone having pkcon errors in unity8 on lapto?09:44
seb128hey vigo, try #ubuntu-unity about unity809:44
vigoI always get the same error with great thanks seb128 ;)09:44
Trevinhohey hikiko did you see the remaining fix to do in https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/compiz/compiz.fix-expo-gap-bug/+merge/304076 ?09:45
hikikoTrevinho, sorry no, I was doing something else09:47
Trevinhohikiko: I've seen the compiz move outline...09:47
hikikoso you mean I have to add a gap on top?09:47
Trevinhohikiko: yeah, there's something weird there, see the vid... The window has to consider the panel (so workarea.top())09:47
hikikoyeah expo doesn't use workareas though09:48
hikikoit needs a yoffset I guess09:48
Trevinhohikiko: I was wondering if havin a texture to move, instead than just an outline would be acceptable too... Like just using the texture of the window, without being animated or... LIke a a static screenshot.09:48
hikikowell the window is a quad with a texture09:49
Trevinhohikiko: I mean, it does... Well, wether it's a top gap or using the workarea is the same... In normal case (left launcher) it takes account of it.09:49
hikikoTrevinho, the expo plugin didn't take into account any offsets from the beginning09:50
hikikoI mean before we move the launcher to the bottom09:50
Trevinhoit had some top gap, isn't it?09:50
hikikoit had a left gap09:50
hikikoand on the top09:50
hikikoit had a buggy animation09:50
hikikowrong scaling09:50
TrevinhooptionGetYOffset () too09:50
Trevinhowhich is something should be take in account together with bottom gap09:51
hikikoI'll fix it, it's not just the offset09:51
hikikoI have to change the translation and the scaling09:51
hikikoI just say that before it wasn't correct because it was taking some offset or sth into account it just had a scaling effect that was hiding the problem, if I recall correctly during the animation the top gap was changing size09:52
TrevinhoAh, I see09:53
hikikoand the final position09:53
hikikowas the one we have now09:53
hikikobut it doesn't look nice09:53
hikikoso I am going to fix it09:53
hikikoyou are right on that09:53
hikikoTrevinho, do we set a y_offset for expo in unityshell?10:28
hikikoI think we don't10:31
hikikothe yoffset is the default (24)10:31
hikikoif I take it into account it looks more awkward :p10:31
tjaaltonwhat's the best way to restore unity settings in xenial? my wife's account has no sidebar launchers10:35
tjaaltonbut nautilus10:35
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tjaaltonanyone? unity-tweak-tool --reset didn't help11:04
Trevinhotjaalton: is that xenial? It should restore by itself if plugins are missing11:14
Trevinho(when updated)11:14
Trevinhotjaalton: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/unity/unity-active-plugins-safety-check should do the trick11:15
Trevinhotjaalton: if it doesn't start, unity upstart log could help11:16
Trevinhogoing to lunch, in case I'll be back later11:16
tjaaltonTrevinho: ok, thanks11:16
tjaaltonsafety check runs11:22
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
Sweet5harkLaney, seb128: I pushed a version of libreoffice bumped to 5.2.1~rc2, disabling the cups for the autopkgtests, the gtk2->gtk3 default move, google auth fix, and moving packagekit integration up to libreoffice-gnome so that it stays around for gtk3 to the libreoffice ppa: https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+sourcepub/6850844/+listing-archive-extra11:36
Sweet5harkLaney, seb128: but I will be at the LibreOffice conference next week, so I dont know how we will handle bumping this into yakkety.11:37
seb128Sweet5hark, nice, do you need sponsoring or want to get the ppa feedback first?11:37
seb128just upload now?11:37
Sweet5harkseb128: I can prepare a version now, but wont be around much next week if there are issues -- and 5.2.1 isnt named 5.2.1 final yet (but will be at the conf).11:40
seb128Sweet5hark, it's ok, yakkety is not stable yet so we can deal with issues the week after that11:40
Sweet5harkseb128: but yeah, will prep a uploadable package (removing the ~yakkety6 from version essentially).11:40
seb128or we can block it in proposed for a bit if you prefer11:41
Sweet5harkseb128: well, I did a update test from a vanilla daily image to the version in the ppa -- it worked and passed manual smoketesting. so lets go without blocking ...11:42
seb128Sweet5hark, +111:42
ricotzSweet5hark, seb128, +111:56
willcookeqengho, morning!  How goes the uploads for the api? Still on for today?13:09
qenghowillcooke: For stable Ubuntu, yes. Y is still broken. I think it's gcc-6 now.13:09
qenghoThat sounds crazy, I know.13:10
seb128both firefox and chromium?13:10
willcookeqengho, oki.  seb128 can we still upload to X without it in Y?13:10
seb128we can upload, it might take some convincing talking to the SRU team on why they should accept a SRU before it hits unstable but I think it's an easy enough situation that it should be fine13:11
seb128though it's friday13:11
seb128unsure why we drifted so much to upload to xenial...13:12
qenghoseb128: Cr is exempt from SRU. I would have only asked you to upload to Y.13:12
seb128you mean?13:12
seb128we need a new key in xenial to restore service no?13:13
qenghoFirefox will probably (?!) need SRU.13:13
qenghoIt's in main.13:13
seb128and chromium?13:13
seb128sorry I don't understand13:14
seb128chromium and firefox in xenial use the abused key right?13:14
seb128so they need to be switched to use a new one13:14
qenghoYes. And yes.13:14
seb128which means they need a xenial upload13:14
seb128I though you were saying chromium doesn't13:14
seb128so what's blocking those uploads?13:15
seb128toolchain didn't change, it's a "simple" key swap?13:15
seb128like change the  key id, upload?13:15
seb128I'm sure I'm overlooking something and I'm about to learn what ;-)13:15
qenghoNothing is blocking trusty, xenial except that yakkety is crashy and I don't know why and I didn't want to upload out of synch.13:16
seb128what's the issue with the out of sync?13:17
seb128if anything it might be good because it might give us stats on different series13:17
qenghoI guess nothing. :\13:17
seb128k, so can we go ahead with the uploads of the series that are ready then please?13:17
qenghoOkay, I'll ask chris to upload. Should be fast.13:18
ricotzqengho, hi, is this about the google-oauth-api key?13:29
qenghoricotz: er, maybe. We're changing Ubuntu's keys for google services because of abuse.13:31
seb128ricotz, are you the one abusing our keys? ;-)13:31
ricotzI guess I will have to update the last firefox beta too then13:32
ricotzqengho, https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-trunk.head/revision/205613:33
qenghoricotz: Oh, yes. https://code.launchpad.net/~cmiller/firefox/googapi13:33
ricotzqengho, better target and base on https://code.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.yakkety13:35
qenghoricotz: I suspect only the api-key matters, fwiw.13:36
ricotzqengho, while chris already pushed something regarding this better coordinate13:36
ricotzqengho, yeah, so I guess updating debian/ga would suffice13:40
TrevinhoLaney: hey, new systemd MP is building at https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1839, if you could give it a look... It's mostly tedg's one with some fixes on top.13:55
LaneyTrevinho: okay, just going to lunch but will look after13:55
TrevinhoLaney: sure, take your time... packages should be ready by then13:55
seb128Laney, enjoy!13:57
seb128Trevinho, unity migrated in yakkety, see no days or fiddling around to get it through this time ;-)13:57
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, it was a nice surprise :-)13:57
* Trevinho hunting that bitchy mosquito...13:59
jbichaLaney: thank you for fixing the autopkgtest for gjs14:28
Laneyjbicha: sure15:21
Laneymy guess didn't fix webkit btw15:21
seb128would be interesting to see if rebuilding the previous version gives something working or not15:23
Laneygo for it15:24
seb128not today, that's going to take longer to build than an hour I think15:25
seb128but maybe jbicha wants to try it ;-)15:25
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Sweet5harkfcsking vpn. takes 3 minutes after I post something for IRC to realize it needs to reconnect (and the messages in the mean time go to nirvana). Reposting ...16:09
Sweet5harkseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/yakkety/5.2.1/libreoffice-l10n_5.2.1~rc2-0ubuntu1_source.changes http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/yakkety/5.2.1/libreoffice_5.2.1~rc2-0ubuntu1_source.changes16:09
Sweet5harkseb128: note this switches to gtk3 by default and has the patch that makes the toolbars light and readable -- _iff_ the ubuntu-themes patch is merged too. Without that it will still run, but by default be rather ugly. L_aney has a merge request for that. the patched ubuntu-themes is also in the libreoffice ppa.16:10
seb128Sweet5hark, I'm going to sponsor that16:10
seb128then start calling it a week16:10
Sweet5harkseb128: thanks! *hugs*16:10
* seb128 hugs Sweet5hark back16:11
* Sweet5hark has the weekend an one day to prepare two talks and a keynote ...16:11
seb128where is the conf? how much time do you have in trains/planes to work on that? ;-)16:12
seb128Sweet5hark, k, sponsored16:25
seb128on that note calling it a week16:26
seb128have a nice w.e desktopers!16:26
willcookecya seb12816:26
Laneyhappy weekend!16:26
seb128thanks, you too!16:26
Sweet5harkthx! bye all!16:26
willcookesee ya Sweet5hark16:26
willcookeurgh,  having to turn the lights on already16:53
Laneywait until the heating starts coming on16:54
Laneystill 6° to go for that here16:55
* Laney should get some graphs on the go16:55
Laneyximion: any more comments on the langpacks?16:56
LaneyI found out about the meson submodule stuff yesterday16:57
Laneywe should use that for libmo16:57
Laneyif it works properly16:57
Laneyimplies I have to write a meson.build, but that should be fun16:57
Laneyk, night!17:05
willcookenight Laney17:08
willcookeI'm off too, ta ta17:08
Trevinhobye Laney...17:08
TrevinhoI was about to bother you, but... WE time :-)17:08
ximionLaney: I'm at Akademy right now, so not much time to review17:21
ximionand I think the code is ugly, but when the ugly bits get replaced with libmo soon, that should be fine17:21
ximionso, no big concerns for merging :)17:21
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