
Bashing-omEyes are crossing, time to call it :(05:16
OerHeks unity7 low graphics mode, finally someone making improvements http://www.whizzy.org/2016/09/unity-7-low-graphics-mode/10:44
BluesKajHiyas all11:22
=== dax_ is now known as dax
EriC^^got me a a new ext hdd16:19
EriC^^ah the look of a fresh smart data :D16:19
ducassenothing like fresh bits that haven't been used before ;)16:21
EriC^^ducasse: yeah :)16:21
ducasse\o daftykins16:21
daftykinsisn't it crazy that disks don't even store binary though, but an analog wave form?16:22
EriC^^hey daftykins \o16:22
EriC^^*mind blown*16:22
ducassei guy on a mailing list used the term 'recycling' today in the context of cleaning up his disk, and i got this image in my mind of him cutting up bytes with a scissor and dropping the bits into the bit bucket for re-use.16:25
ducasse_a_ guy, that is.16:26
daftykinsthey gotta be reused!16:27
ducasse*clip* *plonk* *clip* *plonk* :)16:27
ducassebtw EriC^^ - what kind of disk did you get?16:28
EriC^^ducasse: a seagate backup slim 2tb16:28
EriC^^it's a normal hdd16:29
EriC^^it vibrates like crazy though, compared to the older one i had, seagate expansion 500gb16:29
daftykinshttp://www.seagate.com/gb/en/consumer/backup/backup-plus/ ooh16:29
daftykinshmm put it on a sponge :D16:29
EriC^^that's the plus one i think, i got the smaller slim one16:29
daftykinsever see that video of a guy in a data centre / server room, where shouting into a drive shows it slowing down?16:30
EriC^^it's very tiny, like 3/4 the size of the older 500gb one O.o and slimmer16:30
ducassei've seen those, small and practical for carrying around. i've had so many bad experiences with seagate, personally, although i hear they have gotten better.16:30
EriC^^oh yeah, the link the is correct16:30
EriC^^personally i love seagate, my old one lasted a good 7 years or so, and i've dropped it maybe 10 times or more16:31
ducassesure, my 'evidence' is all anecdotal. only have one seagate now, one of the dreaded 3tb barracudas, and it has been working for many years now :)16:32
daftykinsa friend is buying one of these old core 2 duo PCs i have, i put my old 150GB WD raptor HDD, one of those 10,000RPM suckers in it - oh my word the scratchiness from boot is insane16:34
daftykinsproper trip down memory lane16:34
daftykinsshall i video it? :>16:34
ducassedaftykins: i had a 10.000rpm seagate cheetah scsi-ii disk maaaaany years ago, sounded like a jet when it spun up.16:39
EriC^^it's hard to imagine there's a disk in my hdd spinning at 5400rpm or so16:40
daftykinsi get really gentle when i deal with a laptop with a mechanical in now XD16:40
daftykinslove having solid state only, then i fling them around like they're nothing ^_^16:41
daftykinskinda feel like i should put in a better drive...16:42
ducasse<3 ssd's, got two 850 evo's in my desktop. kind of regret not getting m2 instead, but... *shrug*16:43
EriC^^i've yet to experience a ssd16:43
daftykinsEriC^^: once you do, you can never go back16:44
ducassei've actually got too many, have three cheap 120gb ssd's that have been replaced. not sure what to do with them, maybe a new root mirror on the server.16:45
daftykinspost one to EriC^^ ;)16:45
EriC^^tonight i'm going to go try to take some nights pics of lebanon16:47
daftykinsmaybe i will put this SSD i have in that white macbook in, then i can put a 40GB spare in there which is much more bearable for Linux - i don't think i'm ever going to sell that macbook because it's too rubbish now16:47
daftykinsyay pics \o/16:48
EriC^^i got the nikon camera i wanted :D yesterday i went to take some pics at night and some security guy pulled over and told me i couldn't take pics from there cause it's a private area16:48
EriC^^lol, i was literally at the side of the road, but there's a gate to a still to-be-built resort/village kind of thing, pretty stupid16:49
daftykinso0 sounds like a guy on a power trip16:49
ducassehere on norway the most common security firm is often called 'the berry police'. :)16:51
ducasse_in_ norway.16:51
EriC^^yeah, i think he was bored or something and thought some teens were parked on the side of the road making out or something :D16:51
daftykinsplaying pokémon go16:51
EriC^^anyone playing noman's sky?16:53
daftykinsi watched some twitch guys stream it, wow huge drama surround that one16:54
EriC^^yeah lots16:54
daftykinssaw one travel to the centre of the galaxy in the game to see the end... wow.16:55
SonikkuAmericaWhen did #ubuntu-discuss become #ubuntu-offtopic-v2 ?16:55
daftykinsi think they have a chance to improve it still, but oof16:55
EriC^^i haven't yet, i'm like mid journey or something16:55
daftykinsSonikkuAmerica: problem?16:55
EriC^^SonikkuAmerica: like 2 years ago or something, couldn't been before too :P16:55
SonikkuAmericadaftykins: Nah, not the biggest problem, just seems weird :P I thought this was on-topic Ubuntu-related discussion, is all16:56
daftykinsit becomes that when someone raises a relevant topic.16:56
ducasseand honestly, there's a fair amount of on-topic discussion here too. just not right now :)16:57
daftykinswe've kinda turned it into a volunteer chat base16:57
SonikkuAmericaI'm kind of interested in discussing how the new Ubuntu core apps would work in an Xorg fallback situation as probably 90% of Ubuntu users will have to deal with (since Intel is not supporting Mir)16:59
daftykinsi don't even know where Mir is at right now, in regard to when it will become the norm17:00
daftykinsnot sure what you mean by core apps either17:01
SonikkuAmericaI wish I had a machine to test Mir on, but all my stuff has Intel integrated graphics17:01
ducassei've decided to give mir a wide berth. could probably test it on my laptop, i just can't find any reason to.17:02
SonikkuAmericaMe too. I prefer Wayland17:02
ducasse+1. more fragmentation when reinventing the linux desktop is Bad.17:03
daftykinsmight work in a VM then?17:03
SonikkuAmericadaftykins: Haven't tried in a while, but I think I ran into a problem with VBox. Might try with VMware or KVM though17:03
daftykinscan't wait until we're no longer having to deal with the kind of rubbish X.org requires, i was dealing with xorg.conf modelines just yesterday - on the other hand, i won't have a clue how to support anyone in the future :D17:04
daftykinsyeah virtualbox is a mess in my experience17:04
ducassei'm sure the mir devs test on at least some vm platform.17:04
ducassei'd guess kvm.17:04
daftykinsyou sure the intel no support thing is XMir and not Mir?17:05
daftykinsas usual with FOSS it's as clear as mud :>17:05
SonikkuAmericaWell, let's turn on the mud vision goggles and have a look17:05
daftykinsmaybe that's why ubuntu was always brown... :D17:06
SonikkuAmericaWell, here's the Ars Technica article where it all started: http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2013/09/intel-rejection-of-ubuntus-mir-patch-forces-canonical-to-go-own-way/17:07
daftykinsthat's the same link.17:07
SonikkuAmericaThe idea is that Intel would not support Mir in xf86-video-intel (which we know as xserver-xorg-video-intel)17:07
daftykinsbut they're saying XMir, not Mir17:07
SonikkuAmericaSo it looks like Canonical will set up a way to get XMir running, but they're going to have to do that work in-house17:09
daftykinswhen i read that, i see XMir as an intermediary half way house that's not necessary17:09
SonikkuAmericakind of like how ArchLinux handles Intel microcode updates (as a separate initial ramdisk)17:09
daftykinsEriC^^: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mlmolbvsh6idbgk/M.2-SSD_vs_150GB-WD-raptor.png?dl=017:09
daftykinshilarious ^17:09
ducasseEriC^^: did you get the hp printer working?17:15
daftykinsmight need more sacrifices :)17:19
ducassewave a chicken over it :)17:22
ducasseheadless, if necessary.17:23
EriC^^ducasse: nope18:00
ducasseEriC^^: it won't show up if you scan for network printers?18:01
EriC^^wow daftykins that's pretty substantial when you put it side to side18:01
EriC^^ducasse: nope, it says no devices could be found18:01
EriC^^if i press print in gedit it can kind of see it, and says gathering information but hangs at that18:02
ducasseinteresting. everything seems to be good on the printer side of things? does it have a display/menu?18:03
EriC^^yup it's working fine18:03
EriC^^it says it needs the usb to be connected temporarily to set it up, then it can use the wireless18:04
ducasseweird. thinking...18:04
ducassei guess it's using the typical printer usb b plug?18:05
EriC^^i think so18:06
ducassethe almost square plug?18:07
EriC^^yup that's it18:07
ducassethey're easy enough to find, but annoying to buy one to use for five minutes.18:09
EriC^^i'll give this a go http://askubuntu.com/questions/635753/hp-envy-4500-wifi-printer-not-found-using-wifi18:11
EriC^^connect it to the wlan and try to ping it18:12
ducassejust entering the url was what i was thinking of too.18:12
ducassei've got an epson wifi printer where you just configure networking in the display, then it should be auto-discoverable. can't see why the pc would need to talk to it over a cable first. if so, the cable should be included.18:15
EriC^^hmm right now the printer is connected to the android phone18:17
EriC^^i'm tethering the internet from it for the pc18:17
ducassewell, if there's anything you want me to check about how mine is configured i'll look, a lot of stuff should be the same although these are different makes.18:19
EriC^^it seems that the printer is
ducassesame subnet as pc?18:21
EriC^^i think so18:22
EriC^^i did hp-setup then wireless/ethernet then advanced and put the printer's ip18:22
EriC^^seems to have found it18:22
EriC^^now for a test page :D18:23
EriC^^awesome, it's working :)18:26
ducassegoodie :) how's the print quality?18:26
EriC^^pretty decent18:27
EriC^^nice to see the gedit font on paper :D18:27
ducassethinking of buying a hp laser, i'm fed up with inkjets. what they charge for the ink for mine is just laughable.18:29
daftykinsi've had the misfortune of setting up wireless printers like that, often there's a crazy button press combo to use WPS connections that's easy, otherwise yeah it can be hassle over a cable to begin to configure18:30
ducassei don't get why they can't just include the cable with the printer...18:31
EriC^^how much do the ink costs?18:32
EriC^^yeah, i was wondering the same thing, it's kind of silly18:32
ducasseover £100 for all six cartridges.18:32
ducassethat's about half of what the printer itself cost.18:33
daftykinsbecause they sell these £30 things that are destined for the landfill now, a cable would probably add a lot if you mass produce the machine18:33
EriC^^my last printer was back in 1998 when i first got a pc, so i'm looking at this one like it's a piece of magic right now18:34
* daftykins avoids them18:34
ducassei was just typing exactly that, daftykins18:34
EriC^^i never really use them as well18:36
EriC^^back in the day i used to like to print guides and stuff and take them to the bathroom to read sometimes18:36
EriC^^now i just carry the laptop with me :D18:37
daftykinsi get a lot of RSS feed news read in there ;)18:37
ducassei want a small tablet to use for reading docs and such. would be nice to have lying on the desk with reference books, etc.18:38
ducassebtw EriC^^, if you have a use for a cheap kingston 120gb ssd i'd be happy to send you one. they've all been in use for about six months, after that they've mainly just been powered on.18:53
EriC^^i'm getting a new laptop next week that comes with a ssd, i appreciate the offer though :)19:07
ducasseokidoke, let me know if you change your mind. they're just collecting dust :)19:08
EriC^^ok :)19:08
ducassei absolutely love solid-state storage. best thing to happen for computing in a long time :)19:09
EriC^^yup, can't wait to try it out!19:10
ducassei mean, with the speed of memory, system bus and cpu's these days, storage was really the bottleneck.19:11
EriC^^i wish they'd made bigger and faster cpu's for laptops soon19:12
daftykinswrong choice imo19:13
ducassei'd guess power is the main issue.19:13
daxi'd rather have same speed more efficiency19:14
daxthan faster and same efficiency19:14
daxhaven't been CPU-bound in ages19:14
EriC^^i read the 2 core and 4 core basically use similar power19:14
EriC^^sounds kind of silly now that i think of it, but i read it somewhere :D19:15
ducassethis laptop is just an old i3, but even that is plenty fast for much of what i do.19:17
EriC^^seems the power consumption is pretty higher on the i7 than i519:18
EriC^^like 30w vs 50w19:19
daftykinsdesktop for performance, laptop for mobility and battery life - is my approach :)19:19
EriC^^they should make something like the mercedes 600 v12, it had a button that could use 6cylinders or 12cylinders19:21
EriC^^that would be pretty nice19:22
daftykinsyou can get so-called 'DTR' laptops, desktop replacement, but they're a bit mad19:22
daftykinsi never understand how anyone that does IT work seriously can cope with owning just a laptop at home :D plenty around though19:22
EriC^^the first laptop i got was an i7 4 core, i didn't even know what i was buying, i thought it was like pentium 1 2 3 4, i3 i5 i719:23
EriC^^so now i think if i get a 2 core it'll be slow or something19:24
ducasseactually had a dual pentium ii-400 just around the time linux gained smp support, good times :)19:26
daftykinsnot all i7s are even quad ;)19:26
daftykins(in the mobile space)19:27
ducassequad + ht, right?19:27
daftykinsno some i7s are dual19:27
ducasseoh, ok.19:27
daftykinsso you can never go by number - got to dig up the spec sheet on ark.intel.com :)19:27
EriC^^i5 and i7 6500u are like 10% difference19:28
daftykinslol a guy in #kodi just wanted to use it on a phone to share videos to a desktop "because i cba to get the cable" uuuuugh19:28
EriC^^some i5 are 4 core too19:28
ducassedaftykins: cba?19:28
daftykinscan't be bothered, lazy19:28
EriC^^nothing beats the guy who wanted linux to turn on his light in the room19:29
EriC^^"i want to turn my pc on and have it turn the light on too, and turn it off when i shutdown"19:29
ducasse"get an rpi"19:30
daftykinsi put two Pis in as network music streamers at a clients the other day, after having that test one at my place19:30
daftykinssynced up FLAC playback in 4 rooms from the basement file server :) all controlled by smartphone app19:31
ducassedaftykins: what software? i want something similar.19:31
daftykinspicoreplayer on the devices and logitech media server on the file server19:32
ducasseok, i'd probably just share the music over nfs, was thinking maybe mpd on the player(s)19:33
daftykinsthese are great because pcp runs from RAM only after booting tinycore Linux, so no card corruption19:34
daftykinsat theirs i had to use analog, but i use HDMI audio into my AV receiver here19:34
daftykinsi'm married to the LMS software though because i own an actual squeezebox device19:35
ducasseah. i've never looked at it, i don't believe in streaming music. i prefer access to the actual files.19:37
daftykinsthat's what i am doing, it's just coming from the file server on the LAN19:37
daftykinsi also do not touch any of this internet based streaming malarkey :)19:37
ducasseno, i want direct access to the metadata etc. it's the only sane way to do things, imo. :)19:38
daftykinsyes that's what this allows19:39
daftykinsthe tags in the files which they're playing...19:39
ducasseexactly. i've heard so many good things about mpd, and it would integrate nicely into the rest of my (pretty weird) setup.19:40
daftykinsthat picoreplayer handles the 24/96 FLAC nicely, too19:42
ducassedaftykins: have you looked at beets?19:42
ducassejust looks like a tool i'd like :)19:43
daftykinsmmm i'm very much in the latter stages of the library angle, mines fine already19:43
daftykinsthough i do check everything new i rip19:44
ducassemine too, actually, but beets can do some small things that's be nice, like dl artwork, lyrics, generate playlists etc. a few small things i haven't done yet.19:45
ducasseat 400gb it's too much to manage by hand.19:46
daftykinsmmm i've got something similar already19:46
ducassei've still got a lot to rip, it's just not something i love spending time on...19:48
daftykinsheh this 500GB WD blue laptop drive from my sandybridge asus laptop purchased ~2010/2011 is twice as quick as the 10,000RPM 3.5" i benchmarked earlier19:48
daftykinsmmm, i just throw it on in the background on my file server, done a lot for my client19:48
ducassehope you fleeced him :)19:50
ducassewell, getting too late for me - good night, all20:12
daftykinscya sir \o20:14
daftykins!find caja21:34
ubot5Found: caja-dropbox, caja, caja-actions, caja-actions-common, caja-actions-dbg, caja-actions-dev, caja-common, caja-dbg, caja-extensions-common, caja-extensions-dbg (and 16 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=caja&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all21:34
daftykins!info caja-dropbox21:34
ubot5caja-dropbox (source: caja-dropbox): Dropbox integration for Caja. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.12.0-3 (xenial), package size 84 kB, installed size 274 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)21:34
Bashing-om!info wine22:09
ubot5wine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu14 (xenial), package size 0 kB, installed size 6 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)22:09

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