
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
ubot5racism called the ops in #ubuntu-touch ()06:43
Mister_Q^ is messing around with / topic06:45
dholbachcan somebody please join #ubuntu-devel?06:57
dholbachand take care of the spammer in there?06:57
ubottuThe Ubuntu IRC Council is the team governance council for the the Ubuntu IRC channels on the freenode network - For serious inquiries please join #ubuntu-irc-council or email irc-council@lists.ubuntu.com - See also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil06:58
dholbachhum... I thought there was a ping alias or something06:58
k1lneeds someone from "/msg chanserv access #ubuntu-devel list" list to do that06:59
Flannelniko: Can you please give pavlushka an ubuntu/member/ cloak?  Thanks. https://launchpad.net/~pavelsayekat08:24
nikopavlushka: congrats !08:32
Flannelthanks niko08:33
=== dax_ is now known as dax

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