
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
tjaaltonbdmurray: oops, sorry for missing the xserver-lts-xenial diff, I'll merge it now and upload again07:08
tjaaltonbut not before the sru is released of course07:16
=== ant_ is now known as Guest84579
=== Guest84579 is now known as antdillon
xnoxcan gnupg2 triggered libmail-gnupg-perl test use (libmail-gnupg-perl,gnupg) from proposed?11:13
xnoxsimilar with apt11:14
xnoxor like hint apt/gnupg2/libmail-gnupg-perl to go in together11:14
dokoginggs_: do you want to look at the shogun ftbfs, or should we just demote it?11:17
ginggs_doko: please demote it, that looks like debian #83541111:20
ubot5Debian bug 835411 in src:eigen3 "eigen3: causes FTBFS in other packages" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/83541111:20
xnoxLaney, is there some way to hint gnupg2 to go in together with libmail-gnupg-perl.12:49
Laneyhi xnox12:50
xnoxapt tests actually passed and it migrated, libmail-gnupg-perl in proposed also passes its tests, and snapd is all good as well.12:50
Laneysure, but that's not much use if the tests are failing12:50
Laneyyou probably want them re-run?12:51
xnoxyes but libmail-gnupg-perl & gnupg2 should be rerun with proposed.12:51
xnoxand the retry button doesn't offer me to do that.12:52
Laney'go in together' means something else to me12:53
xnoxas in testing libmail-gnupg-perl from release with gnugp2 from proposed will always fail.12:53
xnoxlibmail-gnupg-perl from release works with gnupg2 in release; libmail-gnupg-perl from proposed works with gnupg2 in proposed or release;12:54
jbichaxnox: you can manually append &trigger=gnupg2/2.1.15-1ubuntu2 to the url the retry button suggests12:55
xnoxthat bit is right.12:56
xnoxi think i need two triggers.... gnupg2 and libgnupg-interface-perl/$proposed-version12:57
Laneyxnox: I did them for you13:01
xnoxis there a magic how-to? granted i don't cause such things often.....13:02
LaneyMaybe you can pass &trigger= more than once13:02
LaneyI just ran a command on snakefruit13:02
xnoxi wonder if my depends are not explicit enough in the libmail-gnupg-perl case13:06
xnoxLaney, can gnupg2 be hinted with skiptests and hinted to libgnupg-interface-perl to migrate together with gnupg2?16:05
xnoxhorum looking at http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/libm/libmail-gnupg-perl/yakkety/amd64 triggers are still incorrect16:07
* xnox fiddles16:07
xnoxtadah https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=yakkety&arch=amd64&package=libmail-gnupg-perl&trigger=gnupg2%2F2.1.15-1ubuntu2&trigger=libmail-gnupg-perl%2F0.22-1ubuntu216:08
Laneyxnox: did that work?16:34
LaneyI'm not that comfortable forcing gpg-related tests16:34
dokokenvandine: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-007/+sourcepub/6843960/+listing-archive-extra   there is no need to drop the java package and the java build-deps17:42
kenvandinedoko, why?  we don't want to do an MIR for tomcat17:42
dokokenvandine: we did the archive reorg last cycle17:42
dokokenvandine: build-deps from universe are fine17:43
kenvandineoh they are?17:44
kenvandinethat's good :)17:44
tewardunless they add new runtime deps17:44
kenvandinethey don't in this case17:44
tewards/new runtime deps/new runtime binary dependencies on something in universe as a result of building with the Universe package(s)/17:44
* teward was imprecise17:44
dokoand I assume the java module will end up in universe anyway17:45

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